Meet the Vagina Voters. I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President

I think it's really time for a dwarf. Women are far to ubiquitous! You never see a dwarf in public office!

Know why? Because people are racist!! Not electing a dwarf is discrimination!!!

It's time for a dwarf to be president.

I nominate this guy!!

Hillary is trying to convince us that she can handle the job yet claims she can't even handle two devices for sending emails.

It's not time for Hillary or any other liberal president. Some think that Hillary is next in line to the throne, as if she is liberal royalty.
Hillary is trying to convince us that she can handle the job yet claims she can't even handle two devices for sending emails.

It's not time for Hillary or any other liberal president. Some think that Hillary is next in line to the throne, as if she is liberal royalty.

This is not an essay about how you should vote in the next presidential election.

I believe you should vote in a way that reflects your own personal blend of what you value and what you can stomach in a presidential candidate. If that comes down to registering your support for someone who has no real chance, writing in your ideal candidate, or even staying home on election day, I respect that. Your vote is yours, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation, let alone justification, of how you decide to use it.

Me, I intend to vote with my vagina. Unapologetically. Enthusiastically. (Metaphorically, for those concerned about ending up in line behind me.) And I intend to talk about it.


During the 2008 Democratic primaries, I supported Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama for two main reasons:

  1. She was older, which mattered to me a small amount in terms of experience, and a large amount in terms of the difference eight years would make. President Obama is younger than two of my siblings. If he ran today, at 53, he’d still be younger than most of his opponents. Hillary Clinton is now 67—in apparently great health, and willing to go through all this bullshit again, so more power to her! But now, in addition to the usual sexism coming her way, we’re about to endure 18 months of hearing what a shriveled old crone she is—and wouldn’t she be better off staying home and dandling wee Charlotte on her wrinkled knee? I was really hoping to avoid that.

  2. She’s a woman, and President Obama is a man.
I Am Voting With My Vagina Hillary Clinton For President Dame Magazine

Just when you thought you could not possibly hate the left wing morons more. I thought I would share this thing I came across.
This is not an essay about how you should vote in the next presidential election.

I believe you should vote in a way that reflects your own personal blend of what you value and what you can stomach in a presidential candidate. If that comes down to registering your support for someone who has no real chance, writing in your ideal candidate, or even staying home on election day, I respect that. Your vote is yours, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation, let alone justification, of how you decide to use it.

Me, I intend to vote with my vagina. Unapologetically. Enthusiastically. (Metaphorically, for those concerned about ending up in line behind me.) And I intend to talk about it.


During the 2008 Democratic primaries, I supported Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama for two main reasons:

  1. She was older, which mattered to me a small amount in terms of experience, and a large amount in terms of the difference eight years would make. President Obama is younger than two of my siblings. If he ran today, at 53, he’d still be younger than most of his opponents. Hillary Clinton is now 67—in apparently great health, and willing to go through all this bullshit again, so more power to her! But now, in addition to the usual sexism coming her way, we’re about to endure 18 months of hearing what a shriveled old crone she is—and wouldn’t she be better off staying home and dandling wee Charlotte on her wrinkled knee? I was really hoping to avoid that.

  2. She’s a woman, and President Obama is a man.
I Am Voting With My Vagina Hillary Clinton For President Dame Magazine

Just when you thought you could not possibly hate the left wing morons more. I thought I would share this thing I came across.
there is something seriously wrong with the people who votes for the Democrat party

liberalism is for sure a mental disorder. and gross

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