Megyn Kelly Skewering Trump Tonight

The reason so many people have conversations with me is because I'm rather super cute.
And I make people laugh.

Bad mood because your candidate is toast?
What makes you think Trump is toast?
A few skewed polls.
Like I said, everyone I meet is voting for Trump even though they think he's going to lose.

Oh, that's right, the polls are also rigged. lol
My wife and I have been called and provided with some interesting questions targeted to get a Hillary vote.
Same for most of the people I know.
A lot of people, including my wife and I hung up around question 5.

Ya know it's in upper middle class Texas we never get polled. Is it just that it's a forgone conclusion?
I'm in the middle of nowhere in Maine and get at least 10 calls a day...pollsters, the NRA, messages from Newt Gingrich, Christian group surveys, the RNC with issue question polling, and on and on and on and on and on....I don't even answer my phone anymore, not till the election is one ever calls for me, I'm a registered Independent, but my husband is a registered republican and a likely voter, because he always votes, in every election, national, State, local.....he's a voter....guess that's why we are on this ''abuse list'' :D of getting all the calls I suppose....
Yep....can't keep it in his pants.

I still wonder how a rational person can compare a known rapist with a guy who likes kissing women. I guess kissing is rape to some.
Only morons think Bill is running for president. And he was never convicted, or even prosecuted, for rape. So keep telling your stupid friends, who believe anything.
Has anybody complained that the emails are not true?
They have said that they haven't verified the validity, nor are they going to waste their time trying. It would consume every waking moment until the election.

So why give cyber terrorists what they want?

Are you in favor of appeasing terrorists?

It seems like you are.
ROFL! You are a bonafide sucker. How long would it take to show that just one of them is not accurate?
No time at all. That's just an excuse. Only dumbasses like you are swallowing it.

"Cyber terrorists?" How does that prove Hillary is innocent? Oh yeah . . . . it doesn't.

Thanks for playing!
Yep....can't keep it in his pants.

I still wonder how a rational person can compare a known rapist with a guy who likes kissing women. I guess kissing is rape to some.
Only morons think Bill is running for president. And he was never convicted, or even prosecuted, for rape. So keep telling your stupid friends, who believe anything.
"He hasn't been convicted" is the leftwing standard of excellence. I laugh every time you douche bags post that.
"He hasn't been convicted" is the leftwing standard of excellence. I laugh every time you douche bags post that.
The morons are the 7th century sexist, who insist If a wife is running, it is her husband who is really the one on the ticket.

What is more insane and sexist than that?
ROFL! You are a bonafide sucker. How long would it take to show that just one of them is not accurate?
No time at all. That's just an excuse. Only dumbasses like you are swallowing it.

"Cyber terrorists?" How does that prove Hillary is innocent? Oh yeah . . . . it doesn't.

Thanks for playing!
You are aiding and abetting terrorists, especially now that you've admitted you are a stooge willing to accept the veracity of international criminals.
ROFL! You are a bonafide sucker. How long would it take to show that just one of them is not accurate?
No time at all. That's just an excuse. Only dumbasses like you are swallowing it.

"Cyber terrorists?" How does that prove Hillary is innocent? Oh yeah . . . . it doesn't.

Thanks for playing!
You are aiding and abetting terrorists, especially now that you've admitted you are a stooge willing to accept the veracity of international criminals.

You're probably talking about employees of American intelligence agencies. They hate Hillary, and they are the probably source of the emails.

Notice that you aren't even bothering to contest the veracity of the emails.
Who has, Hillary?

No she hasn't.
How would Hillary? They aren't her emails. Here is what Podesta said,

In a statement by John Podesta on Twitter, the political operative said, "I’m not happy about being hacked by the Russians in their quest to throw the election to Donald Trump, don’t have time to figure out which docs are real and which are faked."

WikiLeaks quickly responded calling on John Podesta to "submit to WikiLeaks another copy of all of your emails. We’ll compare the two identical archives for you" before closing the Tweet with the link to the whistleblower’s submission website.

Read more: Hillary’s Campaign Claims WikiLeaks Emails Are ‘Fake,’ ‘Russian Misinformation’

Let me guess, you think Podesta ought to bend to the demands of cyber terrorists!

That is about right, isn't it?

Sorry, I am America first, not Russia first.
Russia first, cyber terrorist first people are traitors.

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