Megyn Kelly Skewering Trump Tonight

But guess what?

Shy of the Kremlin pretty much admitting they did it, or had some mole who reported it, we would never know that for sure.

All those words to say the same thing I did, they can't prove who did it.
No, I told you. They have said crystally clear that it comes from Russia.

They said you could keep your doctor, they'd "lower the rising seas", and Solyndra was a great investment too.
But guess what?

Shy of the Kremlin pretty much admitting they did it, or had some mole who reported it, we would never know that for sure.

All those words to say the same thing I did, they can't prove who did it.
No, I told you. They have said crystally clear that it comes from Russia.

They said you could keep your doctor, they'd "lower the rising seas", and Solyndra was a great investment too.

speaking of Solyndra ..

For decades, women have made up a majority of the electorate. Elections have featured a consistent gender gap where men lean Republican and women Democrat. Republicans can only be successful when their advantage among men is greater than their deficit among women.

Trump’s deficit among women is enormous and getting worse. Per Gallup’s tracking, 70 percent of women view him unfavorably, up from 58 percent last July. Trump’s problem looks even more dire when broken down by the subsets women that are typically in play or can depended on by Republicans.

But guess what?

Shy of the Kremlin pretty much admitting they did it, or had some mole who reported it, we would never know that for sure.

All those words to say the same thing I did, they can't prove who did it.
No, I told you. They have said crystally clear that it comes from Russia.

They said you could keep your doctor, they'd "lower the rising seas", and Solyndra was a great investment too.

speaking of Solyndra ..

For decades, women have made up a majority of the electorate. Elections have featured a consistent gender gap where men lean Republican and women Democrat. Republicans can only be successful when their advantage among men is greater than their deficit among women.

Trump’s deficit among women is enormous and getting worse. Per Gallup’s tracking, 70 percent of women view him unfavorably, up from 58 percent last July. Trump’s problem looks even more dire when broken down by the subsets women that are typically in play or can depended on by Republicans.


Trump has the same kind of lead with MEN....does it bother you that you're considered a woman?
A response like that leaves me thinking you don't know what it's like to have money and pay anything substantial in taxes.

Be here on the 8th, it'll be fun.
I don't get a refund.
My wife and I are honest Middle Class professionals.
We don't fabricate write-offs.

You don't get a refund? You say that is if that decides whether you pay federal income taxes or not.
I pay the max...35%, I believe.
My State taxes are so high I don't even get a refund from my mortgage anymore.

Oh, I doubt it but that's not really the point. Trump would probably call you not smart.
He will send all the Business Visas home and my salary will double.
That way I can pay higher taxes and you're get even MORE Free Stuff.
You are not very bright. Prices will double & your pay will fall. Trump said he would do that to workers.
You do realize that stealing emials is not like stealing filing cabinets, right?
Physically yes, practically, not so much. It's all files, just in a different format, either can be converted to the other.
Except emails can be forged or doctored without you having the slightest clue. A sentence or two added or subtracted and nobody is the wiser.
They said you could keep your doctor, they'd "lower the rising seas", and Solyndra was a great investment too.
Your supporting a guy who is a terrible person to invest in. People who invested in Trump have been crushed.
So it is rich that you have to comb through the myriad of investments to find one that failed. And Trump, singlehandedly lost more than that in one year.
Like I said, he's the new Bill Cosby. Hillary's team really did their homework. No wonder she was smirking during the debate.

No links yet as this is live and breaking.

No, actually he's not. Bill Cosby has been accused of assaulting women, but not convicted of it. Trump openly had at least one love-relationship while he too was married (Ivana and Marla), and he tried aggressively, by his own admission, to "hook up" with at least one woman -- Nancy -- while he was married to Melania (Trump wed Melania on 22-January-2005 and the Emmys were held 18-December-2005), indeed while he was a newlywed. I'm sorry, but only an cad would do that to begin with, and only an inveterate cad would do that to their bride of less than one year!

What Mr. Cosby and Trump have in common is that they've both been accused of assaulting and/or mistreating women and they've both settled civil cases in connection with those accusations.
I'm not aware of any confirmed love-relationships Bill Cosby had while he was married to Camille Cosby. That's not to say there weren't any, only that I don't know about them. I certainly do not recall ever seeing Mr. Cosby parade about the social circuit with a paramour or demimondaine on his arm.
Wrong, asshole. Trump has not settled any civil cases associated with sexual assault. You're a lying douche bag who is desperately trying to conflate locker room talk with actual crimes. Even if all the stuff you accuse Trump of were true, it doesn't come anywhere near what Slick Willy is guilty of. The only way you can make that shit stain look good is by trying to drag Trump down into the sewer with him.
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You do realize that stealing emials is not like stealing filing cabinets, right?
Physically yes, practically, not so much. It's all files, just in a different format, either can be converted to the other.
Except emails can be forged or doctored without you having the slightest clue. A sentence or two added or subtracted and nobody is the wiser.
Has anybody complained that the emails are not true?
They said you could keep your doctor, they'd "lower the rising seas", and Solyndra was a great investment too.
Your supporting a guy who is a terrible person to invest in. People who invested in Trump have been crushed.
So it is rich that you have to comb through the myriad of investments to find one that failed. And Trump, singlehandedly lost more than that in one year.

Say it to the hand, loser. I caught you posing as a Republican a few days you've decided to stop cross-dressing and admit you're a moron leftist.....Scat!
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Like I said, he's the new Bill Cosby. Hillary's team really did their homework. No wonder she was smirking during the debate.

No links yet as this is live and breaking.

No, actually he's not. Bill Cosby has been accused of assaulting women, but not convicted of it. Trump openly had at least one love-relationship while he too was married (Ivana and Marla), and he tried aggressively, by his own admission, to "hook up" with at least one woman -- Nancy -- while he was married to Melania (Trump wed Melania on 22-January-2005 and the Emmys were held 18-December-2005), indeed while he was a newlywed. I'm sorry, but only an cad would do that to begin with, and only an inveterate cad would do that to their bride of less than one year!

What Mr. Cosby and Trump have in common is that they've both been accused of assaulting and/or mistreating women and they've both settled civil cases in connection with those accusations.
I'm not aware of any confirmed love-relationships Bill Cosby had while he was married to Camille Cosby. That's not to say there weren't any, only that I don't know about them. I certainly do not recall ever seeing Mr. Cosby parade about the social circuit with a paramour or demimondaine on his arm.
Wrong, asshole. Trump has not settled any civil cases associated with sexual assault. You're a lying douche bag who is trying desperately trying to conflate locker room talk with actual crimes. Even if all the stuff you accuse Trump of were true, it doesn't come anywhere near what Slick Willy is guilty of. The only way you can make that shit stain look good is by trying to drag Trump down into the sewer with him.

You clearly didn't read the article to which I linked. I'm not going to tell you what you'll find just keep thinking what you think......People who do read it and your remark above will know you don't know what you are talking about.
Like I said, he's the new Bill Cosby. Hillary's team really did their homework. No wonder she was smirking during the debate.

No links yet as this is live and breaking.

Several problems with this:
#1 What Cosby did was a crime.
#2 The accusations at worse are simply about a guy who is attracted to a woman and was rejected, as if that never happens.
#3 None of these women came forward early in the campaign, so it looks like a total setup tailored to help Hillary.
#4 None of these accusations can be proved.
# 5 Megyn Kelly was accused by a co-worker of being a Hillary Supporter. Her tweets show that she holds personal malice against Trump for unknown reasons.
Has anybody complained that the emails are not true?
They have said that they haven't verified the validity, nor are they going to waste their time trying. It would consume every waking moment until the election.

So why give cyber terrorists what they want?

Are you in favor of appeasing terrorists?

It seems like you are.
Say it to the hand, loser. I caught you posing as a Republican a few days you've decided to stop cross-dressing and admit you're a moron leftist.....Scat!
I was a Republican until it became hopelessly the Dixiecrat Party. Then it was time to leave that toxic stew of deplorables. The Jack Kemp and George H. W. Bush type Republicans are now all what we call DEMOCRATS in 2016. Even GHWB is a closet Democrat.
Like I said, he's the new Bill Cosby. Hillary's team really did their homework. No wonder she was smirking during the debate.

No links yet as this is live and breaking.

No, actually he's not. Bill Cosby has been accused of assaulting women, but not convicted of it. Trump openly had at least one love-relationship while he too was married (Ivana and Marla), and he tried aggressively, by his own admission, to "hook up" with at least one woman -- Nancy -- while he was married to Melania (Trump wed Melania on 22-January-2005 and the Emmys were held 18-December-2005), indeed while he was a newlywed. I'm sorry, but only an cad would do that to begin with, and only an inveterate cad would do that to their bride of less than one year!

What Mr. Cosby and Trump have in common is that they've both been accused of assaulting and/or mistreating women and they've both settled civil cases in connection with those accusations.
I'm not aware of any confirmed love-relationships Bill Cosby had while he was married to Camille Cosby. That's not to say there weren't any, only that I don't know about them. I certainly do not recall ever seeing Mr. Cosby parade about the social circuit with a paramour or demimondaine on his arm.
Wrong, asshole. Trump has not settled any civil cases associated with sexual assault. You're a lying douche bag who is trying desperately trying to conflate locker room talk with actual crimes. Even if all the stuff you accuse Trump of were true, it doesn't come anywhere near what Slick Willy is guilty of. The only way you can make that shit stain look good is by trying to drag Trump down into the sewer with him.

You clearly didn't read the article to which I linked. I'm not going to tell you what you'll find just keep thinking what you think......People who do read it and your remark above will know you don't know what you are talking about.
You're a moron. The article you linked to does not list any suits against Trump personally. They are suits against some of his companies. Almost every company in America has been the target of such suits. It's a big nothing. You only proved that you're an idiot and a douche bag.
Say it to the hand, loser. I caught you posing as a Republican a few days you've decided to stop cross-dressing and admit you're a moron leftist.....Scat!
I was a Republican until it became hopelessly the Dixiecrat Party. Then it was time to leave that toxic stew of deplorables. The Jack Kemp and George H. W. Bush type Republicans are now all what we call DEMOCRATS in 2016. Even GHWB is a closet Democrat.
Yeah, sure you were.
Funny thing with the story is this woman claims Trump did something that would have gotten him arrested in front of God and everyone, yet no incident was filed. She says he put his hand up her skirt on a busy aircraft while in first-class. Highly unlikely. Somebody would have seen such inappropriate behavior.

Also, this woman's story sounds fishy because she claims she decided to talk about it to Hillarys newspaper, The New York Times, after hearing Trump deny he ever did such a thing last Sunday during the debate. How did the Times get the story so quickly only hours after wards, unless they were holding it for release after the second debate. So it is more likely than not that this woman is a liar.....primarily because the Times would need time to check out her story. Obviously they didn't if she only came to them a day after the debate and the story released less than 48 hrs later. Something stinks to high Heaven here.


She supposedly worked at a paper company, the name of which was conveniently left out of the story, making it more difficult to trace her background.

Oh and there's this:

"Ms. Leeds in 1978. She said unwanted advances from men were routine throughout her time in business in the 1970s and early 1980s. “We were taught it was our fault,” she said."

via Jessica Leeds

Apparently this happened to her all of the time, she claims, and it appears she has developed a particular dislike for men. *Lesbian*
Funny thing with the story is this woman claims Trump did something that would have gotten him arrested in front of God and everyone, yet no incident was filed. She says he put his hand up her skirt on a busy aircraft while in first-class. Highly unlikely. Somebody would have seen such inappropriate behavior.

Also, this woman's story sounds fishy because she claims she decided to talk about it to Hillarys newspaper, The New York Times, after hearing Trump deny he ever did such a thing last Sunday during the debate. How did the Times get the story so quickly only hours after wards, unless they were holding it for release after the second debate. So it is more likely than not that this woman is a liar.....primarily because the Times would need time to check out her story. Obviously they didn't if she only came to them a day after the debate and the story released less than 48 hrs later. Something stinks to high Heaven here.


She supposedly worked at a paper company, the name of which was conveniently left out of the story, making it more difficult to trace her background.

Oh and there's this:

"Ms. Leeds in 1978. She said unwanted advances from men were routine throughout her time in business in the 1970s and early 1980s. “We were taught it was our fault,” she said."

via Jessica Leeds

Apparently this happened to her all of the time, she claims, and it appears she has developed a particular dislike for men. *Lesbian*
What a crock of bull.
If this was one of Bill Clinton's accusers, even one's that denied abuses when interviewed by the FBI, then you'd be saying it was clearly a real victim.

No doubt you have accused Bill Clinton of being a rapist, haven't you?
Funny thing with the story is this woman claims Trump did something that would have gotten him arrested in front of God and everyone, yet no incident was filed. She says he put his hand up her skirt on a busy aircraft while in first-class. Highly unlikely. Somebody would have seen such inappropriate behavior.

Also, this woman's story sounds fishy because she claims she decided to talk about it to Hillarys newspaper, The New York Times, after hearing Trump deny he ever did such a thing last Sunday during the debate. How did the Times get the story so quickly only hours after wards, unless they were holding it for release after the second debate. So it is more likely than not that this woman is a liar.....primarily because the Times would need time to check out her story. Obviously they didn't if she only came to them a day after the debate and the story released less than 48 hrs later. Something stinks to high Heaven here.


She supposedly worked at a paper company, the name of which was conveniently left out of the story, making it more difficult to trace her background.

Oh and there's this:

"Ms. Leeds in 1978. She said unwanted advances from men were routine throughout her time in business in the 1970s and early 1980s. “We were taught it was our fault,” she said."

via Jessica Leeds

Apparently this happened to her all of the time, she claims, and it appears she has developed a particular dislike for men. *Lesbian*
What a crock of bull.
If this was one of Bill Clinton's accusers, even one's that denied abuses when interviewed by the FBI, then you'd be saying it was clearly a real victim.

No doubt you have accused Bill Clinton of being a rapist, haven't you?
Yep....can't keep it in his pants.

I still wonder how a rational person can compare a known rapist with a guy who likes kissing women. I guess kissing is rape to some.

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