Mel Gibson's house unscathed by fire while those around him burn

Right. Everything from the crusades to the spanish inquisition to megachurches and the prosperity gospel.

Think how much better off we would have been without it.[/QUOTE.
Without the crusades islam may have dominated the world and civilization died as a result.

The crusades were a reaction to islamic aggression.

The inquisitions were horrific of course but propperity and megachurches harm no one.
All 100% bullshit. The christians were the aggressors in the crusades, Islam contributed more to early civilization than than christianity, and megachurches preaching the prosperity gospel regularly fleece the elderly and less intelligent folks.

Try again.

Clearly you are a victim of poor education which has brainwashed you with revisionist fiction history.

Islam had been waging war on Christendom for centuries. They had conquered palestine ( the holy land ), Constantinople, Sicily Spain and parts of eastern europe. They waged endless war on Italy raiding up and down the coast enslaving millions. They brutally and savagely oppressed christians and eurpeans with starvation taxes slavery and mass executions. As they are today they were montrously opposed to education and advancement of civilization.

The crusades happened because europeans and christians finally built enough unity and strength to fight back.

The muslims were the aggressors that is absolute historic fact boy The crusaders saved the worlds from islam.

I urge you to seek an education rather than merely regurgitating the PC myth you have been programmed with
Chirstian propaganda.

Documented objective history.
I'm sorry but that is incorrect.

No Soup For You!
So you're saying it's the devil who rewarded him for hating?

The devil doesn't do anything without God allowing him. Whatever the reason Gibson's house still stands, only the Lord knows. Perhaps He's showing us his awesome power in hopes that some souls won't burn in the pit of everlasting fire.
Wait, goD allows Satan to do bad things? Why?
Maybe we’re being tested.
Lol, cop out.
Hardly, repeated testing serves a purpose.
What purpose is that?
All 100% bullshit. The christians were the aggressors in the crusades, Islam contributed more to early civilization than than christianity, and megachurches preaching the prosperity gospel regularly fleece the elderly and less intelligent folks.

Try again.

Clearly you are a victim of poor education which has brainwashed you with revisionist fiction history.

Islam had been waging war on Christendom for centuries. They had conquered palestine ( the holy land ), Constantinople, Sicily Spain and parts of eastern europe. They waged endless war on Italy raiding up and down the coast enslaving millions. They brutally and savagely oppressed christians and eurpeans with starvation taxes slavery and mass executions. As they are today they were montrously opposed to education and advancement of civilization.

The crusades happened because europeans and christians finally built enough unity and strength to fight back.

The muslims were the aggressors that is absolute historic fact boy The crusaders saved the worlds from islam.

I urge you to seek an education rather than merely regurgitating the PC myth you have been programmed with
Chirstian propaganda.

Documented objective history.
I'm sorry but that is incorrect.

No Soup For You!
No it is correct objective and documented history.

You are simply uneducated about the subject.
No, it's pointing out the hypocrisy.

You have never pointed it out You are too ignorant of the worlds largest religion to point out anything about it. And too corrupt to judge anyone even if you did have some knowledge of it.

And as they say...when the corruption and degradation become so great that all sin is accepted or even encouraged...then only the sin of hypocrisy remains for the self appointed inquisitor.

And thats you. And every self righteous, bigoted, liberal anti-christian like yourself.
No, it's pointing out the hypocrisy.

You have never pointed it out You are too ignorant of the worlds largest religion to point out anything about it. And too corrupt to judge anyone even if you did have some knowledge of it.

And as they say...when the corruption and degradation become so great that all sin is accepted or even encouraged...then only the sin of hypocrisy remains for the self appointed inquisitor.

And thats you. And every self righteous, bigoted, liberal anti-christian like yourself.
Lol, you can write a post like that and call someone else "self righteous"?

You are a piece of work kid.
Please make sense so that I can respond.
LMAO! Just where do you think Israel is kid?

Irrelevant. The influence of Christianity upon Western civilization is colossal.
Right. Everything from the crusades to the spanish inquisition to megachurches and the prosperity gospel.

Think how much better off we would have been without it.[/QUOTE.
Without the crusades islam may have dominated the world and civilization died as a result.

The crusades were a reaction to islamic aggression.

The inquisitions were horrific of course but propperity and megachurches harm no one.
All 100% bullshit. The christians were the aggressors in the crusades, Islam contributed more to early civilization than than christianity, and megachurches preaching the prosperity gospel regularly fleece the elderly and less intelligent folks.

Try again.

Then why did Martin of Tours have to defeat a Muslim Army deep in the heart of Europe?

Who conquered the Iberian Peninsula?

What happened to the heptarchy?

And are a brain washed Marxist anti-christian. And you prove that for the brainwashing to work you must be ignorant of history.

The devil doesn't do anything without God allowing him. Whatever the reason Gibson's house still stands, only the Lord knows. Perhaps He's showing us his awesome power in hopes that some souls won't burn in the pit of everlasting fire.
Wait, goD allows Satan to do bad things? Why?
Maybe we’re being tested.
Lol, cop out.
Hardly, repeated testing serves a purpose.
What purpose is that?
To teach a lesson.
Last edited:
Maybe we’re being tested.
Lol, cop out.
Hardly, repeated testing serves a purpose.
What purpose is that?
To teach a lesson.
Ok genius. What kinda lesson do you learn from burning to death?

Seems real history doesn't quite match your leftist training. So here is another example of your Christian hating and how it mars your thinking. You never studied the Crusades. You never even read a book on the subject. But it fits your model and its what all the best mindless liberals say.
So you went with it.
You sir...suffer from what the experts call "invincible ignorance"
Lol, cop out.
Hardly, repeated testing serves a purpose.
What purpose is that?
To teach a lesson.
Ok genius. What kinda lesson do you learn from burning to death?

Seems real history doesn't quite match your leftist training. So here is another example of your Christian hating and how it mars your thinking. You never studied the Crusades. You never even read a book on the subject. But it fits your model and its what all the best mindless liberals say.
So you went with it.
You sir...suffer from what the experts call "invincible ignorance"
Lol, can't answer the question can you.

You know why?

They aren't tests, they are random chance. It's isn't goD, it happenstance.

Grow up, take some responsibility. Your skydaddy isn't going to rescue you.
Grow up, take some responsibility. Your skydaddy isn't going to rescue you.

I enjoyed exposing your ignorance about Christian aggression in the crusades. You are just another loser leftist corrected and standing with his mouth open.
SPIRITUAL JUSTICE Mel Gibson’s house is unscathed. God must really...

God shines on those who speak the truth about the children of satan.

Except that the picture you linked to isn't Mel Gibson's house in Malibu.

This is Mel Gibson's house. Notice the roof lines and the gables in Gibson's REAL house?? There are no gabled windows in the OP link and the roof line is completely wrong. And where's the turret?

Inside Mel Gibson’s ocean-view Malibu mansion

Hmm...the chimneys seem to align ok though. Vegetation doesn't look right though; some looks burned up.

Lol, cop out.
Hardly, repeated testing serves a purpose.
What purpose is that?
To teach a lesson.
Ok genius. What kinda lesson do you learn from burning to death?
The final one.

Do you always define rules through exceptions?
Ok, how about being born handicapped? Or addicted to crack? Or hit by a bus? Or cancer? Or......?

What lessons do any of those things teach? Your statement is basically just you trying to make excuses for your non-existent deity.
Grow up, take some responsibility. Your skydaddy isn't going to rescue you.

I enjoyed exposing your ignorance about Christian aggression in the crusades. You are just another loser leftist corrected and standing with his mouth open.
Lol, yours is a conceit born of ignorance so it matters not.
No it is not yours is.

You have proven yourself to be massively ignorant about the real history of the crusades. You have nothing but PC talking points.
Grow up, take some responsibility. Your skydaddy isn't going to rescue you.

I enjoyed exposing your ignorance about Christian aggression in the crusades. You are just another loser leftist corrected and standing with his mouth open.
Lol, yours is a conceit born of ignorance so it matters not.
No it is not yours is.

You have proven yourself to be massively ignorant about the real history of the crusades. You have nothing but PC talking points.
That's nice kid, run along now.

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