melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

NEGATIVE america hater….America was founded in 1776 long after the russian asians walked here.
There never was supposed to be a “melting pot” concept…our founders had it right all along…multiculturalism is destroying this nation….evidenced in ALL diverse, disgusting, dangerous blue shitholes.
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Yup, there's your white privilege right after the article of confederation failed.
So you don't know. Got it. But, even if they are, wouldn't you agree that a statue of arguably the most infamous murderer, responsible for the genocide of millions is every bit, NOT what this country stands for as much as what you think of our founding fathers?

Red herring. We are talking about statues on public property.
And you don’t know which statues the left mob tore down are on private property either.

So, I guess we’re even.
Who said anything about banning T-shirts? Banning is what your side does, and destruction, and ripping things down, and bullying people to comply or else.

You only think you won. History has shown that sooner or later the Montagnards always come for the Girondists first, then the Jacobins after they get rid of the Ancien Regime.

Leftism eats itself after running out of outside food.
LOL you thinking celebrating slavery is going to win over time. Man, you're stupid.
Celebrating the lost cause, whatever you want to call it, allowing it was part of the healing process after the Civil War.

You have no right to change that pact made between the people who actually fought the war.
These assholes give no consideration to the agreed reconciliation between the states and the people who fought on both sides. They want to re-negotiate surrender and blot out people who were returned to normal status. They do this because their feelings are hurt now about what happened in the 1860s.

They're mad that the North didn't continue the war and try all of them for treason, without considering what it would have cost once the South had decided to go guerilla and extend the war for another decade minimum (and they were contemplating it very seriously).

Statue removal is nothing more than an attempt to erase or re-write history in a light more favorable to Mao. Critical Theory is the weapon Marxists have used to erode Western society, and it is still at work under the guise of Critical Race Theory.
Celebrating the lost cause, whatever you want to call it, allowing it was part of the healing process after the Civil War.

You have no right to change that pact made between the people who actually fought the war.
We actually do have that right little cuck, it's called Democracy. Welcome to a more diverse America that legally has to also consider the opinions of people who aren't deplorable racists. Boo fucking hoo. Suck it up.

These assholes give no consideration to the agreed reconciliation between the states and the people who fought on both sides. They want to re-negotiate surrender and blot out people who were returned to normal status. They do this because their feelings are hurt now about what happened in the 1860s.
We do it because we can little bitch and we don't care if hurts your little cuck feelings.
They're mad that the North didn't continue the war and try all of them for treason, without considering what it would have cost once the South had decided to go guerilla and extend the war for another decade minimum (and they were contemplating it very seriously).
Yep, we're going to stamp out Confederate and slaver idolatry, Democratically of course. What are you going to do about it?
Statue removal is nothing more than an attempt to erase or re-write history in a light more favorable to Mao. Critical Theory is the weapon Marxists have used to erode Western society, and it is still at work under the guise of Critical Race Theory.
Lol. No wonder you didn't have the balls to try to explain that nonsense.
Celebrating the lost cause, whatever you want to call it, allowing it was part of the healing process after the Civil War.

You have no right to change that pact made between the people who actually fought the war.
The Civl War was over with 150 years ago. In case you havent guessed, all those that fought are dead.

You'll keep trying to come up with lame excuses for the statues. Your latest one is really out there. Let me see if I got this right....We need to keep the statues to keep the peace between the North and the South in 2021? You're an idiot. Face it. You're a deplorable piece of shit.
These assholes give no consideration to the agreed reconciliation between the states and the people who fought on both sides. They want to re-negotiate surrender and blot out people who were returned to normal status. They do this because their feelings are hurt now about what happened in the 1860s.

They're mad that the North didn't continue the war and try all of them for treason, without considering what it would have cost once the South had decided to go guerilla and extend the war for another decade minimum (and they were contemplating it very seriously).

Statue removal is nothing more than an attempt to erase or re-write history in a light more favorable to Mao. Critical Theory is the weapon Marxists have used to erode Western society, and it is still at work under the guise of Critical Race Theory.
What is Critical Race Theory?
These assholes give no consideration to the agreed reconciliation between the states and the people who fought on both sides. They want to re-negotiate surrender and blot out people who were returned to normal status. They do this because their feelings are hurt now about what happened in the 1860s.

They're mad that the North didn't continue the war and try all of them for treason, without considering what it would have cost once the South had decided to go guerilla and extend the war for another decade minimum (and they were contemplating it very seriously).

Statue removal is nothing more than an attempt to erase or re-write history in a light more favorable to Mao. Critical Theory is the weapon Marxists have used to erode Western society, and it is still at work under the guise of Critical Race Theory.
We don’t support losers
They can (and WILL) melt all the statues of General Lee that they want, but millions of people know that when General Lee was a young man he never robbed people or sucker punched people or looted stores or raped or murdered.

They know that General Lee had a character a million times more decent than many of his detractors today.
If that were true, given the subject, it would be extremely appropriate.

Melt it down and make little Sherman, Thomas, and Grant statuettes, with "suck it CSA!"inscribed on them. Mail a few to the Daughters of the Confederacy org.
Sore fucking losers, where their heroes fought for slavery, and would totally be happy with it today, had they won.

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