melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

They can (and WILL) melt all the statues of General Lee that they want, but millions of people know that when General Lee was a young man he never robbed people or sucker punched people or looted stores or raped or murdered.

They know that General Lee had a character a million times more decent than many of his detractors today.

Well, what do you know about Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School? Let's start there.
No tell us what Critical Race Theory is.
What's the better alternative to democracy?

When we find someone you venerate who wasn't a deplorable racist or slaver.

Is that any more proactive than putting statues of slavers up to idolize in the first place? This isn't the beginning of the conflict little cuck, this is the end where you lose.

I'm not a Che fan but I guess you have to try to deflect when you have no real excuse for your love of rapists and slavers.

Constitutional Republic, which we are. True Democracy is mob rule.

Teddy and Abe were deplorable racists?

Triggered much soi boi?

The Statues are there to remind us of history, good or bad. Your revenge fantasies not withstanding.

This is all this boils down to really, revenge.
I am ok with that. Let's seek as much revenge against racist Jim Crow KKK vermin as we can. US rules CSA drools!
Now they are there to remind us of history. LOL. Statues are not erected on public property to remind us of bad things. That's why Germany doesnt have statues of Hitler and Newtown doesnt have statues of the school shooter. History isnt going to be erased because we dont have statues of those defending slavery on public property you dumb piece of shit. Has anyone forgotten WW2 because Germany doesnt have statues of Hitler. Your argument is mind boggling dumb.

What this boils down to is people like you are deplorable. The statues are coming down, and they arent going back up. And there is nothing you can do about it, slob.

Hitler did his bad things when everyone knew the things he did were bad. The other guys were people of their time, and the things they did weren't universally bad when they did them.

Plenty of monuments dedicate the "bad times". The Arizona memorial is a perfect example.
I think you miss the whole point of all of this. Personally, I don't give a shit whether the statues stay or go.

What I care more about, is that we remind ourselves of the bad history yesterday, starting in 1607, all the way to the bad history we are making today. We slaughtered the American Indians, stuck them in shit hole locations, enslaved blacks for centuries, imposed imperialism on Central and South America, causing massive migrations to the US, and you think a few confederate statues is going to remind us of all the rest of our bad history? Confederate statues are just a small reminder of one bad leg of our history. We have many legs that need reminding. And maybe, just maybe, if we keep reminding ourselves of all the bad history we made, and act on that bad history, we can finally make a difference.

It has nothing to do with "revenge."

All part of history, strong ruling the weak, people with guns conquering people with spears. Europeans were just as cruel to each other than other races/ethnicities. Feudalism, war, conquering.

It has everything to do with revenge, and the worst part is you weren't around during the times when actual oppression was occurring.
Constitutional Republic, which we are. True Democracy is mob rule.
We are both a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy, the two aren't mutually exclusive and describe different aspects of our government. I'll ask again, what's the better alternative to democracy?
Teddy and Abe were deplorable racists?
Triggered much soi boi?
Not at all, I'm not the one crying about the prospect of war. If you don't like us taking down the statues that were put up to venerate slavers and intimidate blacks tough tits. Feel anyway you like and respond any way you like. If removing them is going to trigger you cucks to violence, then violence it is.
Real shit. I grew up in Miami next to plenty of Cuban friends who's family had to flee Castro.
Hitler did his bad things when everyone knew the things he did were bad. The other guys were people of their time, and the things they did weren't universally bad when they did them.

Plenty of monuments dedicate the "bad times". The Arizona memorial is a perfect example.
There has never been a universally agreed on morality. Even in this time we have people who think abortion is perfectly fine and those who think it's baby murder. Slavery and rape were always bad but if you think there was a time when slavery and rape were perfectly fine, that just reveals the deplorable nature of your morality.

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