Member Of Special Forces:'I Am Ashamed For The First Time In My Career'

One key question, if this place needs America so badly, where is the rest of the world? Where is the UN?

America is the global cop, fine, but others can contribute too, and they must. It sounds like Trump is letting them know, "you don't want to help, ok, here is the result". America shouldn't bear all the costs.
I agree, I think that is his strategy, but I am saddened this is the result. The EU, the closest to it, has never really stepped in, when it most effects them. They expect the US to do their heavy lifting, but the Kurds are the ones being most hurt by this, and they have been a strong ally. France, I believe, has been the one to have given the most support there, but in the past.
Agreed. We as a nation need to say to the world, we aren't going to shoulder this alone. If you won't help, then we'll just let it be and then they can deal with the aftermath.

Having said that, Trump screwed this up. This are better ways to withdraw without the damage to our reputation. When we abandon people who allied with us in good faith, we become the bad guy. Trump has had over three years to work out some kind of deal on withdrawal.
The message to the world: Don't depend on America. Our word means nothing.
It's been our message for a long time, apparently. Or are we just focusing in the orange man bad one?
He's the President right now. He's responsible for his actions.
My point, obviously, was that this isnt a new message.
Or are you only thinking trump does this?
I think this is the latest in a long series of lousy behaviors, decisions, judgements and impulses.

The only people he is pleasing right now are those who are so blinded by their devotion to him that they'll say anything to defend him and deflect for him.
Turkey had threatened full scale invasion.
What should we do? Allow our soldiers to get bombed? Go to war AGAIN?
What's your solution to that?
Turkey would not have bombed American troops.

So Trump acts impulsively, talks about his "great and unmatched wisdom" (what the fuck, what a fucking embarrassment, again), and stupidly rubs the Kurds' noses in it by saying they didn't help us at Normandy.


There is something wrong with this man, but you feel you have to defend him. There's nothing I can say to you. Enjoy.
It's been our message for a long time, apparently. Or are we just focusing in the orange man bad one?
He's the President right now. He's responsible for his actions.
My point, obviously, was that this isnt a new message.
Or are you only thinking trump does this?
I think this is the latest in a long series of lousy behaviors, decisions, judgements and impulses.

The only people he is pleasing right now are those who are so blinded by their devotion to him that they'll say anything to defend him and deflect for him.
Turkey had threatened full scale invasion.
What should we do? Allow our soldiers to get bombed? Go to war AGAIN?
What's your solution to that?
Turkey would not have bombed American troops.

So Trump acts impulsively, talks about his "great and unmatched wisdom" (what the fuck, what a fucking embarrassment, again), and stupidly rubs the Kurds' noses in it by saying they didn't help us at Normandy.


There is something wrong with this man, but you feel you have to defend him. There's nothing I can say to you. Enjoy.
So we should have just waited to see if they bluffed? That's your solution? To sit in northern syria forever or get bombed? Lol wow and you call him dumb...
That was a stupid thing to say. I agree with that.
I dont defend that fucking retard. I defend many of his policies. He is a GD embarrassment.
Turkey has been fighting with the Kurds for decades, and it wont stop.
Because we helped each other, that means we have to risk american lives and babysit them for eternity.
Some people are complete fucking morons.
During Clinton and Gingrich, we were on a glide path to unimagined peace and prosperity. USSR was defeated, we were on a path to actually paying down debt, then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, some camel fuckers in a cave in Pashtun, with absolutely no help whatsoever from US Intelligence agencies - who are pure as driven snow and have only the best intention for the USA - knocked down the WTC and tied us up in places like Afghanistan? Iraq? and gave us the Orwellian One Nation Under Surveillance Patriot Act.

What a beautiful Plan!

Keep America at war and in debt!
This country becomes more stupid each passing day.

Agreed. We as a nation need to say to the world, we aren't going to shoulder this alone. If you won't help, then we'll just let it be and then they can deal with the aftermath.

'We fucked up the ME and it's your fault.'
Turkey has been fighting with the Kurds for decades, and it wont stop.
Because we helped each other, that means we have to risk american lives and babysit them for eternity.
Some people are complete fucking morons.
As I understand it, the US persuaded the Kurds to remove their border defences to facilitate the concept of a 'safe zone'. Now, with US troops and border defences softened, Turkey is assaulting the softened line.
Agreed. We as a nation need to say to the world, we aren't going to shoulder this alone. If you won't help, then we'll just let it be and then they can deal with the aftermath.

'We fucked up the ME and it's your fault.'
Strange outlook on reality. The middle east was fucked up long before the US even became a country.
An unidentified allegedly "distraught" Soldier whines about being able to come home after a convoluted mission that never made sense? Where do they find these guys? Or does the liberal MSM create them?
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!

You are really a piece of garbage. Those soldiers are seeing what is going on and you attack them. You clearly are not a supporter of our soldiers. It is a shameful day for the United States and a new low for Trump. If he got into the gutter, it would be a step up. Fox News should be loyal to providing the truth whether Trump likes it or not.
An unidentified allegedly "distraught" Soldier whines about being able to come home after a convoluted mission that never made sense? Where do they find these guys? Or does the liberal MSM create them?

Where does Trump find garbage like you. The mission made perfect sense. They provided training to the Kurds and performed special missions against terrorists. You have a problem with fighting terrorists?
Meh I'm glad he pulled them out. Now he just needs to bring them home.
He has thousands more he needs to bring home.

The House and Senate Democrats and Republicans who own big stock in the petrol business are the ones driving these false rumors.

Let them send their own children to fight for the big corporations.

FoxNews is reporting the news, good bad and ugly. What does it have to do with betraying the president? FNC doesn't work for the president.
Meh I'm glad he pulled them out. Now he just needs to bring them home.
He has thousands more he needs to bring home.
He moved them. They are till there.

He moved them so our allies could be slaughtered.
i remember when 4 US citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, by a certain sick bitch who said "At this point what difference does it make". She is still walking free. And you are worried about the Kurds over in Syria.
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??
Why did Peog Wilson get into WW 1? Why did Prog FDR ignore warnings and get us into WW 2? Why did Prog Truman get us into Korea? Why did Prog LBJ turn Viet Nam into a war? We are still waiting for answers.
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??
I guess they never taught you anything about the Cold War there at MLK High School.

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