Member when Bush enforced clintons Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and liberals cried?

Remember when Bush abandoned the war on terror to invade a nation that wasn't a threat to us or its neighbors?

Selective memory much. The rhetoric on Iraq's WMD's and Saddam Hussein willingness to use them was started by Democrats during the Clinton administration.
Yet the Democrats, over eight years, were content to enforce no fly zones and bomb military targets. Saddam was contained and it didn't cost 5000 American lives
You still loose! Even the history books call it an invasion.

Invasion of Normandy - Wikipedia

All you have is your far left religious dogma and it fails you every time!

And Afghanistan did not attack the US!
Afghanistan protected those who did.

And actually Pakistan protected those who did!

See how the far left will justify their religious narratives!

Afghanistan did not attack the US.
Germany did not attack the US.

Germany declared war on us.

Bin Laden declared war on the US in 1996, your point?

A declaration is different than attacking someone.

And Afghanistan did NOT attack the US..
Germany did NOT attack the US...

The US was at war with Iraq since 1991..

If it's that fucking important to you:

Germany did not attack the US!

But your own source wiki points to the fact that the US was not in the war nor di d they use it to declare war..

So once again you have proven that US attacked a country that did not attack us.

Also the US was at war with Iraq since 1991.

In the aftermath of Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, Iraq announced it would no longer respect the no-fly zones and resumed its efforts in shooting down Allied aircraft.

So I guess that based on the far left logic being displayed the US had every right to go into Iraq!

See how the far left fails when they use their debunked religious narratives?

I seem to remember them saying how great it was.

Funny, aren't they?


Don't you member? I member.

Is this another one of those troll Repug threads were all existing facts about the Iraq War are ignored? Like every other Repug thread about the Iraq War?

Snore. I'm going to have leave this board soon. You Repug fuckers are simply boring to talk to.
Remember when Bush abandoned the war on terror to invade a nation that wasn't a threat to us or its neighbors?

Selective memory much. The rhetoric on Iraq's WMD's and Saddam Hussein willingness to use them was started by Democrats during the Clinton administration.
Yet the Democrats, over eight years, were content to enforce no fly zones and bomb military targets. Saddam was contained and it didn't cost 5000 American lives

See how the far left will try and justifty their debunked religious dogma?

Also the US was at war with Iraq since 1991.

In the aftermath of Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, Iraq announced it would no longer respect the no-fly zones and resumed its efforts in shooting down Allied aircraft.

So I guess that based on the far left logic being displayed the US had every right to go into Iraq!

See how the far left fails when they use their debunked religious narratives?

I seem to remember them saying how great it was.

Funny, aren't they?


Don't you member? I member.

Is this another one of those troll Repug threads were all existing facts about the Iraq War are ignored? Like every other Repug thread about the Iraq War?

Snore. I'm going to have leave this board soon. You Repug fuckers are simply boring to talk to.

Another far left drone that believes their debunked religious scriptures over reality and real history!
Yes the far left will defend their GOD FDR.

FDR lied the US into WWII\
FDR locked up American citizens based on nationality!
FDR invaded a country that did not attack the US..

First off .....Germany declared war on us
Secondly, they were sinking our ships from U Boats long before we invaded or attacked them
Third, they had already invaded and occupied France, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Poland, Yugoslavia and USSR

That is what is known as provocation

Yes we know you have to justify your GOD FDR.

Germany did not attack the US, nor did Afghanistan attack the US.

So you see your far left religious narrative is bunk!

lol, so now you want to tell us that we were wrong to go after al qaeda in Afghanistan after 9/11?

It is the far left mantra to use the line that "Bushed lied the US into two unjust and illegal wars"..

But we know that you were against the war before you supported it, right?

Silly far left drone!

Link to me ever supporting the war.

"lol, so now you want to tell us that we were wrong to go after al qaeda in Afghanistan after 9/11?"

And yes you did support the illegal wars of Obama!
Don't you love it when this quote applies?


Which is every time, so.....

Despite everything else you guys have gotten wrong in this thread you people have a lust for misquoting dead people. When do you take personal responsibility?

I don't recall the liberals saying how great it was for the U.S. to attack Iraq, my recollection is just the opposite.
Oh, so you member libs claiming the Clintons misled the country and they were the ones who lied about WMDs?

I member differently.
Remember when Bush abandoned the war on terror to invade a nation that wasn't a threat to us or its neighbors?

Selective memory much. The rhetoric on Iraq's WMD's and Saddam Hussein willingness to use them was started by Democrats during the Clinton administration.
Yet the Democrats, over eight years, were content to enforce no fly zones and bomb military targets. Saddam was contained and it didn't cost 5000 American lives
And how many Democrats voted against the war in Iraq ?
Remember when Bush abandoned the war on terror to invade a nation that wasn't a threat to us or its neighbors?

Selective memory much. The rhetoric on Iraq's WMD's and Saddam Hussein willingness to use them was started by Democrats during the Clinton administration.
Yet the Democrats, over eight years, were content to enforce no fly zones and bomb military targets. Saddam was contained and it didn't cost 5000 American lives
And how many Democrats voted against the war in Iraq ?

Total house and senate? 147 against and 109 for.

Only 7 Republicans voted against.
I don't recall the liberals saying how great it was for the U.S. to attack Iraq, my recollection is just the opposite.
No they just voted for action.

My recollection the liberals voted against it and even the Democratic party as a whole didn't support it based on those votes.

The far left was against the war 1991, then became for it as we winning it.

They were against the war in 2003 as they wanted to keep Saddam in power.

Yet they voted for the Iraq liberation act of 1998.
Remember when Bush abandoned the war on terror to invade a nation that wasn't a threat to us or its neighbors?

Selective memory much. The rhetoric on Iraq's WMD's and Saddam Hussein willingness to use them was started by Democrats during the Clinton administration.
Yet the Democrats, over eight years, were content to enforce no fly zones and bomb military targets. Saddam was contained and it didn't cost 5000 American lives
And how many Democrats voted against the war in Iraq ?


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