Memorial Day weekend: Lower Gas Prices: Where are all the threads praising the Pres?

let me know when you find all those people celebrating your dear leader's current gas prices. Good luck with that.
lower gas prices than during bush


Gas prices reached a record high in June, 2008. That's the fact jack.

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Bush Vs. Obama On Gasoline Prices In One Very Simple Picture « Start Thinking Right

George W. Bush's administration experienced a 179.6% spike in gasoline prices during two weeks of his presidency. A regular gallon of gas peaked at $4.11 on July 7, 2008, which was 14 cents higher than the most expensive week in Obama's first term.
-- History Shows Gas Prices Don't Pick Presidents - TheStreet

he U.S. city average for the price of one gallon of unleaded gasoline, as documented by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics -- from when Barack Obama was elected in November 2008 to today -- is presented below:


November $2.15 Barack Obama defeats John McCain in presidential race

December $1.68 Last full month for President George W. Bush


January $1.78 Barack Obama inaugurated as president (Jan. 20)

February $1.92

March $1.94

April $2.05

May $2.26

June $2.63

July $2.54

August $2.62

September $2.57

October $2.56

November $2.66

December $2.62


January $2.73

February $2.65

March $2.78

April $2.85

May $2.86

June $2.73

July $2.73

August $2.74

September $2.70

October $2.79

November $2.85

December $2.98


January $3.09

February $3.16

March $3.54

April $3.81

May $3.93

June $3.70

July $3.65

August $3.63

September $3.61

October $3.46

November $3.42

December $3.27


January $3.381

February $3.64*

* February 2012 number is from AAA’s National Average Prices.

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 |
You just caused numerous Obamabot crashes. Hold on a bit, they'll get back to you after they reboot with some new programming information.

surley to bed surley to rise,
makes a man not very wise.

So low gas prices were the result of the economic collapse. If that is true, why isn't the economy booming now?

It has been, in China and India until recently. Since it slowed down there, there was oversupply.
Bush Vs. Obama On Gasoline Prices In One Very Simple Picture « Start Thinking Right

George W. Bush's administration experienced a 179.6% spike in gasoline prices during two weeks of his presidency. A regular gallon of gas peaked at $4.11 on July 7, 2008, which was 14 cents higher than the most expensive week in Obama's first term.
-- History Shows Gas Prices Don't Pick Presidents - TheStreet

he U.S. city average for the price of one gallon of unleaded gasoline, as documented by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics -- from when Barack Obama was elected in November 2008 to today -- is presented below:


November $2.15 Barack Obama defeats John McCain in presidential race

December $1.68 Last full month for President George W. Bush


January $1.78 Barack Obama inaugurated as president (Jan. 20)

February $1.92

March $1.94

April $2.05

May $2.26

June $2.63

July $2.54

August $2.62

September $2.57

October $2.56

November $2.66

December $2.62


January $2.73

February $2.65

March $2.78

April $2.85

May $2.86

June $2.73

July $2.73

August $2.74

September $2.70

October $2.79

November $2.85

December $2.98


January $3.09

February $3.16

March $3.54

April $3.81

May $3.93

June $3.70

July $3.65

August $3.63

September $3.61

October $3.46

November $3.42

December $3.27


January $3.381

February $3.64*

* February 2012 number is from AAA’s National Average Prices.

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 |
But sorry the president does not set or control oil or gas prices. another right winged assumption. In fact there is an oil glut from increased production of oil and little infastructure to move it to the distillery.
If you want to blame anyone for gas prices is is the futures market.

Moonglow we know this, tell the democrats circa 2006 this. I posted a video showing what hypocrits they are on this. But I love using their stupid tactics against them, showing what cowards they are. They try and change the subject, but liberals are dishonorable and dont expect people to remember that far back. They have no consistency.

Honor has not a thing to do with it. Since conservatives/libertarians have never heard, yet praticed being honorable by behaving like little children and carrying on like the people they despise.
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But sorry the president does not set or control oil or gas prices. another right winged assumption. In fact there is an oil glut from increased production of oil and little infastructure to move it to the distillery.
If you want to blame anyone for gas prices is is the futures market.

Moonglow we know this, tell the democrats circa 2006 this. I posted a video showing what hypocrits they are on this. But I love using their stupid tactics against them, showing what cowards they are. They try and change the subject, but liberals are dishonorable and dont expect people to remember that far back. They have no consistency.

Honor has not a thing to do with it. Since conservative have never heard, yet praticed being honorable by behaving like little children and carrying on like the people they despise.

Ho hum.

More baseless tripe from a dishonest lib.

It is liberals who lack honor, moongoon.

And all your whining doesn't alter that fact.
So what were Gas Prices when the Dear Leader took office? Obamabots still rebooting? I'll wait a little longer for their answer.
Same place as the stock market.

Waaay down.


I'll wait for you to reboot and give us the answer.

And the answer is..I don't map gas prices, overall, to who is in the white house.

That would be you guys.

Gas prices are down.

Not one thread about it.

No, Gas Prices are up since your Dear Leader took office. But don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself.
I'll wait for you to reboot and give us the answer.

And the answer is..I don't map gas prices, overall, to who is in the white house.

That would be you guys.

Gas prices are down.

Not one thread about it.

No, Gas Prices are up since your Dear Leader took office. But don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself. they were stable during 8 years of Bush?

Didn't know that.

Learn something new here every day.

And the answer is..I don't map gas prices, overall, to who is in the white house.

That would be you guys.

Gas prices are down.

Not one thread about it.

No, Gas Prices are up since your Dear Leader took office. But don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself. they were stable during 8 years of Bush?

Didn't know that.

Learn something new here every day.


They've been very stable during the Obama administration, consistently on the rise. They should be around 7.50 at the end of his second term if he wins again.

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