Men-Pretending-To-Be-Women DOJ Lawsuits & School Decrees Just Got Hamstrung: Judge Warns Lynch

Reasonable accommodations would be no problem for most of us. We have already been accommodating TG's in the ladies' room for a looooong time. Your own link proves the only requirement is the individual's verbalization that he feels like a female. Can we fix this please?
There is no need to fix what isn't true.

Your own link says otherwise. Please point to any other requirement than verbalization: doctor's care, hormones, appearance, anything other than the word of the individual. I've looked and can't find it. Your link says if a student verbalizes his feeling like a girl, the school must allow him into the girls' facilities. Surely there has been a doctor visit before this point, no?
Common sense says the school is not going to make this happen because on Tuesday they claim to be female all of a sudden. Won't happen.

Then you shouldn't object to getting that in writing. The writing that exists now says it MUST happen. It specifically states that there are NO other requirements and the schools MUST comply on verbalization ONLY, under threats of federal sanctions. The schools cannot just "not make this happen."
I know you people have no common sense but most do. This is not about boys or girls playing dress-up for a day.

The law states the school MUST allow access to opposite facilities. There is no common sense involved or allowed. That is the whole of my problem. Your position is that schools will violate the law and lose federal monies because it is just common sense. There is no point continuing because your position (just break the law) and mine (fix the law to add requirement of some form of proof) are incompatible. Fixing the law is just common sense, but you object. It makes me suspect your motives.
There is no need to fix what isn't true.

Your own link says otherwise. Please point to any other requirement than verbalization: doctor's care, hormones, appearance, anything other than the word of the individual. I've looked and can't find it. Your link says if a student verbalizes his feeling like a girl, the school must allow him into the girls' facilities. Surely there has been a doctor visit before this point, no?
Common sense says the school is not going to make this happen because on Tuesday they claim to be female all of a sudden. Won't happen.

Then you shouldn't object to getting that in writing. The writing that exists now says it MUST happen. It specifically states that there are NO other requirements and the schools MUST comply on verbalization ONLY, under threats of federal sanctions. The schools cannot just "not make this happen."
I know you people have no common sense but most do. This is not about boys or girls playing dress-up for a day.

The law states the school MUST allow access to opposite facilities. There is no common sense involved or allowed. That is the whole of my problem. Your position is that schools will violate the law and lose federal monies because it is just common sense. There is no point continuing because your position (just break the law) and mine (fix the law to add requirement of some form of proof) are incompatible. Fixing the law is just common sense, but you object. It makes me suspect your motives.
The schools are going to comply, using common sense.
Hermaphrodites, also know as a birth defect. Maybe you regressive sodomite enablers should look up the definition of "trans". It has nothing to do with artificially forcing anything to happen, ie hormones or surgical procedures. Oh right, you regressives have the sole authority to redefine any word to mean anything you want, right?
Hey Tex, thank that judge in your state for me. Go shake his hand. The first judge to date who has had the balls to backhand the grotesque overreach, deception and outright lying of the Church of LGBT's legal team (the DOJ, same thing)...

You also need to thank the 5th Circuit for upholding his ruling. Thank God this criminal regime is almost gone.
The schools are going to comply, using common sense.

Which will compel them to not allow any boys into girls' showers...because girls represent a MUCH larger lawsuit pool for them to fear WHEN the lawsuits from girls' parents start filing in...
Your own link says otherwise. Please point to any other requirement than verbalization: doctor's care, hormones, appearance, anything other than the word of the individual. I've looked and can't find it. Your link says if a student verbalizes his feeling like a girl, the school must allow him into the girls' facilities. Surely there has been a doctor visit before this point, no?
Common sense says the school is not going to make this happen because on Tuesday they claim to be female all of a sudden. Won't happen.

Then you shouldn't object to getting that in writing. The writing that exists now says it MUST happen. It specifically states that there are NO other requirements and the schools MUST comply on verbalization ONLY, under threats of federal sanctions. The schools cannot just "not make this happen."
I know you people have no common sense but most do. This is not about boys or girls playing dress-up for a day.

The law states the school MUST allow access to opposite facilities. There is no common sense involved or allowed. That is the whole of my problem. Your position is that schools will violate the law and lose federal monies because it is just common sense. There is no point continuing because your position (just break the law) and mine (fix the law to add requirement of some form of proof) are incompatible. Fixing the law is just common sense, but you object. It makes me suspect your motives.
The schools are going to comply, using common sense.
Common sense says the school is not going to make this happen because on Tuesday they claim to be female all of a sudden. Won't happen.

Then you shouldn't object to getting that in writing. The writing that exists now says it MUST happen. It specifically states that there are NO other requirements and the schools MUST comply on verbalization ONLY, under threats of federal sanctions. The schools cannot just "not make this happen."
I know you people have no common sense but most do. This is not about boys or girls playing dress-up for a day.

The law states the school MUST allow access to opposite facilities. There is no common sense involved or allowed. That is the whole of my problem. Your position is that schools will violate the law and lose federal monies because it is just common sense. There is no point continuing because your position (just break the law) and mine (fix the law to add requirement of some form of proof) are incompatible. Fixing the law is just common sense, but you object. It makes me suspect your motives.
The schools are going to comply, using common sense.
It's their call. Obey the law or punish the kids?

It's not a hard decision.
Transgender people go both ways. And transgender people already use your bathrooms without it causing issues so, stop panicking.
You don't consider women rape survivor's PTSD an issue then? We'll just tell them they're silly for panicking.
Yes, they are. A transgender male, who wants to be them, is not going to rape them. The dicks they need to worry about are using the urinals in the other bathroom.
While a transgender "them" may not be a threat, the other, non--"transgender" males who use such an open opportunity may be a threat. why should any REAL woman be threatened for some delusional man's fantasy?
Transgender people go both ways. And transgender people already use your bathrooms without it causing issues so, stop panicking.
You don't consider women rape survivor's PTSD an issue then? We'll just tell them they're silly for panicking.
Yes, they are. A transgender male, who wants to be them, is not going to rape them. The dicks they need to worry about are using the urinals in the other bathroom.
While a transgender "them" may not be a threat, the other, non--"transgender" males who use such an open opportunity may be a threat. why should any REAL woman be threatened for some delusional man's fantasy?
The threat is in your mind. Men have always pulled crap to spy. This changes nothing at all.
Then you shouldn't object to getting that in writing. The writing that exists now says it MUST happen. It specifically states that there are NO other requirements and the schools MUST comply on verbalization ONLY, under threats of federal sanctions. The schools cannot just "not make this happen."
I know you people have no common sense but most do. This is not about boys or girls playing dress-up for a day.

The law states the school MUST allow access to opposite facilities. There is no common sense involved or allowed. That is the whole of my problem. Your position is that schools will violate the law and lose federal monies because it is just common sense. There is no point continuing because your position (just break the law) and mine (fix the law to add requirement of some form of proof) are incompatible. Fixing the law is just common sense, but you object. It makes me suspect your motives.
The schools are going to comply, using common sense.
It's their call. Obey the law or punish the kids?

It's not a hard decision.
Easy fix, stop paying Federal Taxes....let them come for a few MILLION of us!
I know you people have no common sense but most do. This is not about boys or girls playing dress-up for a day.

The law states the school MUST allow access to opposite facilities. There is no common sense involved or allowed. That is the whole of my problem. Your position is that schools will violate the law and lose federal monies because it is just common sense. There is no point continuing because your position (just break the law) and mine (fix the law to add requirement of some form of proof) are incompatible. Fixing the law is just common sense, but you object. It makes me suspect your motives.
The schools are going to comply, using common sense.
It's their call. Obey the law or punish the kids?

It's not a hard decision.
Easy fix, stop paying Federal Taxes....let them come for a few MILLION of us!
Happy to lock your kind up, where you belong.
The threat is in your mind. Men have always pulled crap to spy. This changes nothing at all.

Your "legal logic" of "people have always been stealing, therefore stealing is legal" ain't gonna fly in court pal. The law doesn't exist for 100% certainty in apprehension; it exists for a means of recourse against the perps who seek to break it when they get caught. Your suggestion is that we now become a nation with no enforceable laws "because everyone just breaks them anyway"...

So....I want your car, because men have always pulled crap to steal cars. Hand it over.

Oh...what? Now you're all about laws that give some kind of recourse when perps get caught? How convenient for you to pick and choose.
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The law states the school MUST allow access to opposite facilities. There is no common sense involved or allowed. That is the whole of my problem. Your position is that schools will violate the law and lose federal monies because it is just common sense. There is no point continuing because your position (just break the law) and mine (fix the law to add requirement of some form of proof) are incompatible. Fixing the law is just common sense, but you object. It makes me suspect your motives.
The schools are going to comply, using common sense.
It's their call. Obey the law or punish the kids?

It's not a hard decision.
Easy fix, stop paying Federal Taxes....let them come for a few MILLION of us!
Happy to lock your kind up, where you belong.

Where are you going to put MILLIONS of us who rebel against your mental disorder ruining our culture?
I don't care about trannies using the other bathroom. I do care about the government abusing the laws they created to mean something they don't. The courts have been doing this for 100 years.
Updating the law to reflect reality is abuse?

If the law had actually been updated you'd have a point, but since it wasn't, you don't, but I have a feeling you already knew that.
Laws get updated many ways, like when we figured out that banning gay marriage was unconstitutional.

That was handled by the courts. The DOJ is not a legislative or arbitrary body, but you already knew that too.
Title Nine covers gender. Deal with it.
It covers gender, not delusions.
Title Nine covers gender. Deal with it.

Yes, the female or male gender. It doesn't cover imagining you're not what you are though. Not one word about that in there. Not even an insinuation. So, in this regard Lynch is lying to the courts and she has been warned about that. See the OP.
Gender is no longer just male and female. It never has been, in reality.

Reality? I'm guessing you truly have no concept...
Updating the law to reflect reality is abuse?

If the law had actually been updated you'd have a point, but since it wasn't, you don't, but I have a feeling you already knew that.
Laws get updated many ways, like when we figured out that banning gay marriage was unconstitutional.

That was handled by the courts. The DOJ is not a legislative or arbitrary body, but you already knew that too.
Title Nine covers gender. Deal with it.
It covers gender, not delusions.
Many sexes, even more genders.
Title Nine covers gender. Deal with it.

Yes, the female or male gender. It doesn't cover imagining you're not what you are though. Not one word about that in there. Not even an insinuation. So, in this regard Lynch is lying to the courts and she has been warned about that. See the OP.
Gender is no longer just male and female. It never has been, in reality.

Reality? I'm guessing you truly have no concept...
Reality isn't black and white, and neither are people.
The threat is in your mind. Men have always pulled crap to spy. This changes nothing at all.

Your "legal logic" of "people have always been stealing, therefore stealing is legal" ain't gonna fly in court pal. The law doesn't exist for 100% certainty in apprehension; it exists for a means of recourse against the perps who seek to break it when they get caught. Your suggestion is that we now become a nation with no enforceable laws "because everyone just breaks them anyway"...

So....I want your car, because men have always pulled crap to steal cars. Hand it over.

Oh...what? Now you're all about laws that give some kind of recourse when perps get caught? How convenient for you to pick and choose.
That's not my logic. People have always been more than male or female. gay or straight? That is my logic, the logic of S C I E N C E.
17 million women rape survivors are going to be taken into account in this legal battle. Mark my words. They can recognize a male in the shower with them, even while you sit around parsing out definitions that only exist in your mind..
17 million women rape survivors are going to be taken into account in this legal battle. Mark my words.
Your words are not worth a damn.

You treat grown women who've been raped as children? That's what you are, not them.

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