Merged Kavanaugh/Ford OpinionComment threads for Oct 1

The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general, and especially much more information about the therapy sessions in which, by her own account, “she came to understand the incident as a trauma with lasting impact on her life.”

If you are in the process of derailing a Supreme Court nominee based on otherwise unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct thirty-six years ago, and in that process giving the nominee a reputation as a rapist, it seems to me you have the moral obligation to either turn over all relevant evidence, or withdraw your allegation. In the absence of that evidence and any corroboration beyond her say-so, if I were a Senator I would ignore the allegations.

Rachel Mitchell Memo Lists Weaknesses in Ford Claim: READ |
What about all the times Bart O'Kavanaugh lied under oath?
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general,
Your subjective opinion carries no legal weight and violates a multitude of citizen rights.

Not really, once you reference them in sworn statements, you voluntarily give up that right to privacy.
Who was your Evidence professor?

If thats all true the CIA got a lot more careless. In the old days the scam would have been ironclad. Why name 4 witnesses that contradict her story? Comrade Brennan must be losing his touch.
You kidding?....Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page, Wray, Muller, et. al. have all been operating out in the wide open...With a fifth columnist media at the ready burying their turds, why would the CIA be any different?
Oh, you Trumplicans for heaven's sake stop being whiny little bitches. Merrick Garland was screwed by Mcconnell's shenanigans and obstruction. Yeah, boo hoo hoo on Kavanaugh's puny delay Don't worry the sad and pathetic drunk will be confirmed.


You just earned yourself a spot on the Kavanaugh-sues-for-slander list!
Civility is dead.

New rule: "Do unto others before they do unto you"

Let the civil war begin!
Out last civil cost us around 620,000 American lives and that was with a fairly clear physical dividing line and fought mostly with rifles. I have to believe one fought today would create so much bloodshed that the only winners would be the arms manufacturers.
The civil war is happening at the ballot box Not on the battle field. If it ever becomes shooting war, we will break into three or four Nations how they would be formed is just to hard to state.

Ok . So y’all don’t believe Kav was a drunken handsy frat boy . But you DO believe Ford is some conspiracy plant???

You be crazy!

What most of us believe (if everybody excuses me for speaking on their behalf) is that what he did as a frat boy is meaningless to this position on the Supreme Court. I don't care if he got drunk and had a good time. As long as he wasn't breaking any laws, good for him.

Well I care if he’s lying about it . Did you watch his testimony. He totally brushed off the drinking thing . He spun it like he was some occasional beer drinker . Shady!

Do you blame him? What do you think your people would do if he admitted to getting plastered from time to time? Since the left doesn't believe in innocent until proven guilty, they would use his very own words to claim his guilt.

To tell you the truth, I never went to college, but my niece and nephew did. They had very rare occasions where they could get out and let loose. For them, it was mostly going to school and studying like hell when not in class. If you go to college and do nothing but party, you're not going to be a Yale graduate ever.
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?

Hey timtard…

What’s laughable is scum bag libtards like yourself that protect the likes

of bill clinton and ted kennedy that were guilty as hell….

ford is a lying libtard bitch that can’t say where and when it happened.

The witnesses she named all say she is full of shit….

She said she was afraid of flying and we find out the lying slut

has been flying all over the FLUCKING world…

She said she didn’t know the committee would come to her,

I guess she doesn’t have a TV or a radio….

Easy to tell she is a lying libtard bitch….

Anyone with a brain can see you scum suckers for what you are…

This is all a vile vulgar delay tactic against a good decent man………

On top of this you commie libtards are the biggest racist on the planet.

You demonize White people and law and order for your political gain…

You are all low life pieces of shit…..

BK will be confirmed

and then we are going to stomp the living shit

out of your sewer sucking asses in November….

Only liar here is you .

No one has said she is lying , they say they don’t remember .

Lots of people fly even though it scares them. Ever hear of zanax ?

She has agreed to fbi investigation, she agreed to testify , she took a lie detector test. And she actually answered the questions .

And scum like you are the reason why victims don’t bother to come forward .
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?

Hey timtard…

What’s laughable is scum bag libtards like yourself that protect the likes

of bill clinton and ted kennedy that were guilty as hell….

ford is a lying libtard bitch that can’t say where and when it happened.

The witnesses she named all say she is full of shit….

She said she was afraid of flying and we find out the lying slut

has been flying all over the FLUCKING world…

She said she didn’t know the committee would come to her,

I guess she doesn’t have a TV or a radio….

Easy to tell she is a lying libtard bitch….

Anyone with a brain can see you scum suckers for what you are…

This is all a vile vulgar delay tactic against a good decent man………

On top of this you commie libtards are the biggest racist on the planet.

You demonize White people and law and order for your political gain…

You are all low life pieces of shit…..

BK will be confirmed

and then we are going to stomp the living shit

out of your sewer sucking asses in November….

Only liar here is you .

No one has said she is lying , they say they don’t remember .

Lots of people fly even though it scares them. Ever hear of zanax ?

She has agreed to fbi investigation, she agreed to testify , she took a lie detector test. And she actually answered the questions .

And scum like you are the reason why victims don’t bother to come forward .

Hey Shit for brains….

None of her witnesses remember anything remotely like the

Lying Ugly bucket of snot claims….

In the world of the SANE non ZEALOT that means the Butt Ugly Bitch is lying.

The Butt Ugly Lying Bitch could have taken some “zanax” or she could have

had the committee come to her…

The lying Ass Ugly Skank even lied about the lie detector.

Scum sucking shit bags like you are trying to destroy this Country…

Can’t wait til November, you thought 2016 was bad….

We are going to stomp all over your evil Nazi asses.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general,
Your subjective opinion carries no legal weight and violates a multitude of citizen rights.

Not really, once you reference them in sworn statements, you voluntarily give up that right to privacy.
Who was your Evidence professor?

George S. Patton. Yours?
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general, and especially much more information about the therapy sessions in which, by her own account, “she came to understand the incident as a trauma with lasting impact on her life.”

If you are in the process of derailing a Supreme Court nominee based on otherwise unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct thirty-six years ago, and in that process giving the nominee a reputation as a rapist, it seems to me you have the moral obligation to either turn over all relevant evidence, or withdraw your allegation. In the absence of that evidence and any corroboration beyond her say-so, if I were a Senator I would ignore the allegations.

Rachel Mitchell Memo Lists Weaknesses in Ford Claim: READ |
You're suggesting she's mentally ill now? Good one.

She may be.
That's how she has managed to attain a Ph.D., be steadily employed as a researcher and professor and has concurrently raised a family. It doesn't seem that a "mental illness" serious enough to impact her credibility would allow her to function that way.
Anyone who has been to college can attest to the fact that there are professors and "doctors" that are morally and intellectually challenged.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general, and especially much more information about the therapy sessions in which, by her own account, “she came to understand the incident as a trauma with lasting impact on her life.”

If you are in the process of derailing a Supreme Court nominee based on otherwise unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct thirty-six years ago, and in that process giving the nominee a reputation as a rapist, it seems to me you have the moral obligation to either turn over all relevant evidence, or withdraw your allegation. In the absence of that evidence and any corroboration beyond her say-so, if I were a Senator I would ignore the allegations.

Rachel Mitchell Memo Lists Weaknesses in Ford Claim: READ |
You're suggesting she's mentally ill now? Good one.

She may be.
That's how she has managed to attain a Ph.D., be steadily employed as a researcher and professor and has concurrently raised a family. It doesn't seem that a "mental illness" serious enough to impact her credibility would allow her to function that way.

Maybe, but then there's the issue of her memory. Obtaining a Ph.D isn't that challenging...especially in psychology.
The memory (or lack thereof ) has been explained by cognition experts over and over again. Have you read none of them that have been linked here in the numerous threads?
Ask anyone who has a traumatic experience and they will tell you all of the details because the have relived it again and again over time.
I don't care that he drank or that he may have lied about drinking 30+ years ago. He could have done cocaine 30 years ago for all I care.
The past is the past.
What I do care about is this guy comes across like a spoiled brat/childish jerk with an INCREDIBLY thin skin who acts like a teenaged asshole under pressure.
That is NOT the kind of person I want for a SCOTUS Justice.
Whether he is guilty of what Ford said or not...please find someone else for the SCOTUS.
I don't care that he drank or that he may have lied about drinking 30+ years ago. He could have done cocaine 30 years ago for all I care.
The past is the past.
What I do care about is this guy comes across like a spoiled brat/childish jerk with an INCREDIBLY thin skin who acts like a teenaged asshole under pressure.
That is NOT the kind of person I want for a SCOTUS Justice.
Whether he is guilty of what Ford said or not...please find someone else for the SCOTUS.
Just what did you expect from a husband and dad when his family is being maliciously threatened? I think he comes off as a very caring person.
All of these accusations from Ford and others are difficult to believe when Kavanaugh went to such rigorous schools and maintained impeccable academic grades.
For all of these reasons, I think he's a keeper.
"Everything happens for a reason"

Perhaps this raw experience Kavanaugh has been put through will make him an even better justice. When judging others it is best to understand a maligned perspective when you have felt such an emotional upheaval yourself.
I don't care that he drank or that he may have lied about drinking 30+ years ago. He could have done cocaine 30 years ago for all I care.
The past is the past.
What I do care about is this guy comes across like a spoiled brat/childish jerk with an INCREDIBLY thin skin who acts like a teenaged asshole under pressure.
That is NOT the kind of person I want for a SCOTUS Justice.
Whether he is guilty of what Ford said or not...please find someone else for the SCOTUS.

What I do care about is this guy comes across like a spoiled brat/childish jerk with an INCREDIBLY thin skin

Yeah, anyone who gets upset when falsely accused of sexual assault has thin skin. DERP!
Former Kavanaugh classmate 'PJ' Smyth has 'truthfully answered' all FBI questions, lawyer says
Washington Examiner ^

Patrick "PJ" Smyth, Brett Kavanaugh's former Georgetown Prep classmate, has fully cooperated with the FBI as it investigates sexual misconduct accusations made against the Supreme Court nominee, according to his lawyer.

Smyth was named by Christine Blasey Ford as one of the other teenagers at a 1980s high school party in Maryland where she claims Kavanaugh drunkenly groped her and tried to remove her clothes.

"He truthfully answered every question the FBI asked him and, consistent with the information he previously provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he indicated that he has no knowledge of the small party or gathering described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford nor does he have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh," Eric Bruce, Smyth's lawyer, wrote Monday in a statement shared with the Washington Examiner.

Another witness who never saw any of what Ford said happened.

Still smells like week old dead fish.
The PARTY OF CRIME is doing it's best to turn us into Venezuelan peasants!....Only the rich DemonRATS will control everything!

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