Merged Kavanaugh/Ford OpinionComment threads for Oct 1

She also said she only saw guys lined up outside a door (which happens at parties) and only assumes the rest of her ststement about what they were doing with typical word play insinuations.
She never tells the interviewer that it was not a bathroom door or that she saw them doing anything but hanging outside a door.
She also never tells anyone that she is a former client of Katz's owned law firm (the Ford lawyer) who's case was looking for money from a boss for sexual harassment charges.
Lastly they found a photo of the third accuser
Swetnick, that attended a wedding where in a photo opp smiling 10 years later with Kavanaugh and others in the picture and not only did she have no problem being there she also never warned anyone to watch out for him, which would be a natural thing for anyone to do given her outrageous allegations.
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Julie Swetnick, the third woman to publicly accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, appeared to contradict a claim she made against the Supreme Court nominee in a sworn declaration last week during a Monday night TV interview.

Swetnick, in her sworn statement, alleges she “became aware of efforts” in the 1980s by Kavanaugh and his Georgetown Preparatory School classmate Mark Judge, among others, to “spike the punch at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say ‘no.'”

But when asked by NBC News Monday whether she saw Kavanaugh slip substances into drinks at those gatherings, Swetnick said she only witnessed him “by” the punch.

“I saw him giving red solo cups to quite a few girls during that time frame and there was grain punch at those parties,” she said. “I would not take one of those glasses from Mark Kavanaugh — Brett Kavanaugh, excuse me.”

Julie Swetnick contradicts sworn statement? Now she isn't sure if Brett Kavanaugh spiked punch at house parties

These women need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

So you're actually saying getting two first names mixed up should be "prosecuted"?

Do you "like beer"? Like, a lot?
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?

Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.
Naw, I think that would be you and Clarence Thomas. ^^^^

Secondly, "telling Black people to shut their mouths" ,, seems to be a Democrat talking point all the time , but I'm not seeing it. Most of US .. want this to be an America where everyone has their say..... as long as they are at least showing the same amount of respect they would at least like to receive themselves.
That disqualifies shouting people down in public places, spitting in peoples faces etc.
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?

Hey timtard…

What’s laughable is scum bag libtards like yourself that protect the likes

of bill clinton and ted kennedy that were guilty as hell….

ford is a lying libtard bitch that can’t say where and when it happened.

The witnesses she named all say she is full of shit….

She said she was afraid of flying and we find out the lying slut

has been flying all over the FLUCKING world…

She said she didn’t know the committee would come to her,

I guess she doesn’t have a TV or a radio….

Easy to tell she is a lying libtard bitch….

Anyone with a brain can see you scum suckers for what you are…

This is all a vile vulgar delay tactic against a good decent man………

On top of this you commie libtards are the biggest racist on the planet.

You demonize White people and law and order for your political gain…

You are all low life pieces of shit…..

BK will be confirmed

and then we are going to stomp the living shit

out of your sewer sucking asses in November….
Mmmm....So we're not in court and don't have to clear the hurdles of evidence to assassinate his character, but then we need to adhere to courtroom rules and decorum as he gets smeared and defamed by slimy shitball partisan hacks.

I get it now.
No. First of all the fact that when Kavanaugh drinks he turns into a pathetic and belligerent drunk is not in itself disqualifying for the Supreme Court. If he lied at the hearing it would be.

My point about Kavanaugh's comportment has to do with him being a federal judge. He should know how to conduct himself. He acted less like a federal judge and more like a spoiled rotten rich kid.

Well he's acted like a federal judge for many years. Where is it written how a federal judge should act?

Ginsburg was heavily critical of Trump becoming President. Is that how a federal judge should act? Or is it more like this.

View attachment 219757

I understand that Kavanaugh was angry, but a judge should be even tempered. There is nothing worse than a temperamental judge, believe me. I would find Kavanaugh's attitude at the hearing more disqualifying than finding out he passed out from drinking once a week while at Yale.

What makes a good SC judge is education, experience, and record. Kavanaugh has all three.

If I were ever charged with assault and battery, I'm not worried if the judge is even tempered. I'd be more concerned of his knowledge of the law, experience in cases like mine, constitutional rights, and non-partisan judgement.
I agree with you that a good judge should have knowledge of the law and experience.

You mention non-partisan judgement and you are 1000 percent. But that judgment goes hand in hand with the judge's temperament. If the judge is thin skinned, arrogant, close minded, vindictive and you are not in his good graces, you will find justice hard to come by. You could be the smartest judge but if you don't have the temperament and quickly fly off the handle you have no business being a judge.

Of course what I am saying applies more to trial judges than appellate court judges, but I think temperament is still important if for other reason but to put on the veneer of impartiality.

Appellate judges are appointed because of their judicial philosophies or political affiliation. Who is kidding who. It should be knowledge of the law, but often times it is not.

So are you saying you believe our SC justices are all impartial?

Judges don't rule on cases at the spur of the moment. They listen to the case, ask questions, go to the bar for a couple of hours and write down their thoughts, then present their judgements.

Thick skin is only needed if a person gets insulting with one of the justices which I've never seen before. Kavanaugh was not ruling on Ford in the hearing, he was the accused. If judges are not to be emotional in their personal life, then maybe we should have personality tests before anybody can be a judge????
I am not sure whether Kavanaugh is a poster child for White privilege as much as a poster child for patrician elitism. Kavanaugh's attitude at the hearing showed that he is nothing more than an entitled little twerp. His entitlement to the Supreme Court being endangered by those he considered his social inferiors sent him into a pathetic rage.
How about his entitlement to presumption of innocence and to be free of malicious character assassination?

It’s not character assassination if it’s true .

Kav has been shady through the whole process . Painting himself as some beer sipping book nerd choir boy .

The ford slut is lying.....

All of her named witnesses’ say she is full of shit

just like all libtards….

None of them say that .

Sure they did.....

She is a lying libtard slut...
No. First of all the fact that when Kavanaugh drinks he turns into a pathetic and belligerent drunk is not in itself disqualifying for the Supreme Court. If he lied at the hearing it would be.

My point about Kavanaugh's comportment has to do with him being a federal judge. He should know how to conduct himself. He acted less like a federal judge and more like a spoiled rotten rich kid.

Well he's acted like a federal judge for many years. Where is it written how a federal judge should act?

Ginsburg was heavily critical of Trump becoming President. Is that how a federal judge should act? Or is it more like this.

View attachment 219757

I understand that Kavanaugh was angry, but a judge should be even tempered. There is nothing worse than a temperamental judge, believe me. I would find Kavanaugh's attitude at the hearing more disqualifying than finding out he passed out from drinking once a week while at Yale.

What makes a good SC judge is education, experience, and record. Kavanaugh has all three.

If I were ever charged with assault and battery, I'm not worried if the judge is even tempered. I'd be more concerned of his knowledge of the law, experience in cases like mine, constitutional rights, and non-partisan judgement.
I agree with you that a good judge should have knowledge of the law and experience.

You mention non-partisan judgement and you are 1000 percent. But that judgment goes hand in hand with the judge's temperament. If the judge is thin skinned, arrogant, close minded, vindictive and you are not in his good graces, you will find justice hard to come by. You could be the smartest judge but if you don't have the temperament and quickly fly off the handle you have no business being a judge.

Of course what I am saying applies more to trial judges than appellate court judges, but I think temperament is still important if for other reason but to put on the veneer of impartiality.

Appellate judges are appointed because of their judicial philosophies or political affiliation. Who is kidding who. It should be knowledge of the law, but often times it is not.

So are you saying you believe our SC justices are all impartial?

Judges don't rule on cases at the spur of the moment. They listen to the case, ask questions, go to the bar for a couple of hours and write down their thoughts, then present their judgements.

Thick skin is only needed if a person gets insulting with one of the justices which I've never seen before. Kavanaugh was not ruling on Ford in the hearing, he was the accused. If judges are not to be emotional in their personal life, then maybe we should have personality tests before anybody can be a judge????
Kav is now a total right winger.

Look out Leftards!
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?

Hey timtard…

What’s laughable is scum bag libtards like yourself that protect the likes

of bill clinton and ted kennedy that were guilty as hell….

ford is a lying libtard bitch that can’t say where and when it happened.

The witnesses she named all say she is full of shit….

She said she was afraid of flying and we find out the lying slut

has been flying all over the FLUCKING world…

She said she didn’t know the committee would come to her,

I guess she doesn’t have a TV or a radio….

Easy to tell she is a lying libtard bitch….

Anyone with a brain can see you scum suckers for what you are…

This is all a vile vulgar delay tactic against a good decent man………

On top of this you commie libtards are the biggest racist on the planet.

You demonize White people and law and order for your political gain…

You are all low life pieces of shit…..

BK will be confirmed

and then we are going to stomp the living shit

out of your sewer sucking asses in November….

Only liar here is you .

No one has said she is lying , they say they don’t remember .

Lots of people fly even though it scares them. Ever hear of zanax ?

She has agreed to fbi investigation, she agreed to testify , she took a lie detector test. And she actually answered the questions .

And scum like you are the reason why victims don’t bother to come forward .
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?

Hey timtard…

What’s laughable is scum bag libtards like yourself that protect the likes

of bill clinton and ted kennedy that were guilty as hell….

ford is a lying libtard bitch that can’t say where and when it happened.

The witnesses she named all say she is full of shit….

She said she was afraid of flying and we find out the lying slut

has been flying all over the FLUCKING world…

She said she didn’t know the committee would come to her,

I guess she doesn’t have a TV or a radio….

Easy to tell she is a lying libtard bitch….

Anyone with a brain can see you scum suckers for what you are…

This is all a vile vulgar delay tactic against a good decent man………

On top of this you commie libtards are the biggest racist on the planet.

You demonize White people and law and order for your political gain…

You are all low life pieces of shit…..

BK will be confirmed

and then we are going to stomp the living shit

out of your sewer sucking asses in November….

Only liar here is you .

No one has said she is lying , they say they don’t remember .

Lots of people fly even though it scares them. Ever hear of zanax ?

She has agreed to fbi investigation, she agreed to testify , she took a lie detector test. And she actually answered the questions .

And scum like you are the reason why victims don’t bother to come forward .

No, it's scum like her why victims don't come forward.

Her polygraph test was as transparent as saran wrap. If somebody says they never attended a party described, and the accuser says they did, how is that not lying? If her goal was not to help the Democrat party stall this nomination, why did her lawyer state they couldn't appear on an earlier date because her fear was so bad, she had to drive across the entire country to get there? When asked how she got there, she admitted she took a plane which is something she could have done days earlier.
Julie Swetnick, the third woman to publicly accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, appeared to contradict a claim she made against the Supreme Court nominee in a sworn declaration last week during a Monday night TV interview.

Swetnick, in her sworn statement, alleges she “became aware of efforts” in the 1980s by Kavanaugh and his Georgetown Preparatory School classmate Mark Judge, among others, to “spike the punch at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say ‘no.'”

But when asked by NBC News Monday whether she saw Kavanaugh slip substances into drinks at those gatherings, Swetnick said she only witnessed him “by” the punch.

“I saw him giving red solo cups to quite a few girls during that time frame and there was grain punch at those parties,” she said. “I would not take one of those glasses from Mark Kavanaugh — Brett Kavanaugh, excuse me.”

Julie Swetnick contradicts sworn statement? Now she isn't sure if Brett Kavanaugh spiked punch at house parties

These women need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

So you're actually saying getting two first names mixed up should be "prosecuted"?

Do you "like beer"? Like, a lot?
Actually that does become important, because the last name Judge and Brett being a Judge can make memory of a long past event confuse the 2 people. It's how we try and remember things using references to pull our memory and the same can occur in natural confusion of long ago events.
But it should never come to this since if you dig deep enough it will come up as Ford's lawyer Katz weaponizing the third accuser to validate and delay for her first client.
WHO REGULATES THESE LAWYERS AND THEIR TACTICS? File against her license=bar her, use a false charges charge against Swetnick to have her turn on Katz.
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Ok . So y’all don’t believe Kav was a drunken handsy frat boy . But you DO believe Ford is some conspiracy plant???

You be crazy!

What most of us believe (if everybody excuses me for speaking on their behalf) is that what he did as a frat boy is meaningless to this position on the Supreme Court. I don't care if he got drunk and had a good time. As long as he wasn't breaking any laws, good for him.

Ok . So y’all don’t believe Kav was a drunken handsy frat boy . But you DO believe Ford is some conspiracy plant???

You be crazy!

What most of us believe (if everybody excuses me for speaking on their behalf) is that what he did as a frat boy is meaningless to this position on the Supreme Court. I don't care if he got drunk and had a good time. As long as he wasn't breaking any laws, good for him.

Well I care if he’s lying about it . Did you watch his testimony. He totally brushed off the drinking thing . He spun it like he was some occasional beer drinker . Shady!

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