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Merged Obama's Background

I know he is a lightweight. Like most of the libs who have declared, he will fold up like a cheap suit when the pressure comes

Of course, the libs will play the race card as soon as he is asked one hard question

Like Hillary, the libs will attack anyone who dares to call them on their past, what they believe, or what they will do to America if elected

Look how the left is defending John "I served in Viet Nam" Kerry for his anti America comment yesterday
Wow. The political fighting has started already. Who leaked what information (right or wrong information, relevant or irrelevant information)? Did he leak his own right or wrong information to make it look like Hillary did it? Oh good grief. Here comes the suspicious minds, fights, pulled punches, tricks, denials, and mud slinging. Yet, I guess that this is to be expected.

It will be interesting to see if we can see through the mud and irrelevant stuff to find out their positions on serious issues. Where do they stand on certain topics and how are their opinions different from each other? Good luck in finding clear, specific, honest and consistent answers.
Wow. The political fighting has started already. Who leaked what information (right or wrong information, relevant or irrelevant information)? Did he leak his own right or wrong information to make it look like Hillary did it? Oh good grief. Here comes the suspicious minds, fights, pulled punches, tricks, denials, and mud slinging. Yet, I guess that this is to be expected.

It will be interesting to see if we can see through the mud and irrelevant stuff to find out their positions on serious issues. Where do they stand on certain topics and how are their opinions different from each other? Good luck in finding clear, specific, honest and consistent answers.

What difference does it make? Both Hillary and Obama want higher taxes, more government regulation, and to cut and run from Iraq.

Three strikes from where I sit
Wow. The political fighting has started already. Who leaked what information (right or wrong information, relevant or irrelevant information)? Did he leak his own right or wrong information to make it look like Hillary did it? Oh good grief. Here comes the suspicious minds, fights, pulled punches, tricks, denials, and mud slinging. Yet, I guess that this is to be expected.

It will be interesting to see if we can see through the mud and irrelevant stuff to find out their positions on serious issues. Where do they stand on certain topics and how are their opinions different from each other? Good luck in finding clear, specific, honest and consistent answers.

Indeed, we must see through the mudslinging and rhetoric to come , not to mention that which has already started. Unless Clinton and Obama, or any other candidate whether Democrat or Republican, can articulate a clear, coherent, pragmatic and practical vision for America, and its place in the world, they will wind up as little more than foot-notes in history. As will America if the current administration continues on its present course.
What does Obama consider his #1 qualification to be President? He majored in International Relations!

You can't make this stuff up.

Obama on GMA: 'I Majored in International Relations'
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on January 24, 2007 - 08:41.
Q. How do you know a presidential candidate has thin national-security credentials?

A. When he has to cite his undergraduate major as evidence of his experience.

Barack Obama made the morning show rounds today. The amiable Robin Roberts interviewed him on ABC's Good Morning America. Inevitably, talk turned to his presidential prospects.

Roberts: "You're calling for a slight withdrawal of troops and I need to ask you this -- are you concerned that your lack of experience, when it comes to foreign policy, may hurt your chances in the run for the White House?" [Note Robin's apologetic "I need to ask you."]

Obama: "Well, actually, my experience in foreign policy is probably more diverse than most others in the field. I'm somebody who has actually lived overseas, somebody who has studied overseas. I majored in international relations. But ultimately, foreign policy is really about judgment and having a since first and fore most of the strengths of America and the American people and being able to talk with them about what our values and ideals are and also having an understanding of what that world beyond our borders is like. That's something that I feel very confident about."

According to his Wikipedia entry, "Obama studied for two years at Occidental College in California and then transferred to Columbia University where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations." What kind of world-view do you think was inculcated in international-relations major Obama at hyper-liberal Columbia?

I'm disappointed Robin didn't ask the obvious follow-ups: "OK, you majored in international relations. But were you a member of the chess club? Ever been to Epcot Center?"

Aside: Obama boasted that in contrast with his competitors, "I'm somebody who has actually lived overseas." Perhaps Barack forgot that John McCain "lived overseas" too -- if you want to call 5/12 years as a POW in the Hanoi Hilton "living."

I think it is somewhat hypocritical for republicans to question Barak Obama's foreign policy experience as if it is some HUGE prerequisite ...this from the party that nominated George W. Bush..... not to mention Ronnie "B-grade movie actor" Reagan.
I think it is somewhat hypocritical for republicans to question Barak Obama's foreign policy experience as if it is some HUGE prerequisite ...this from the party that nominated George W. Bush..... not to mention Ronnie "B-grade movie actor" Reagan.

so because the other guy sucks you get to suck?

let me guess when you were little you asked to stay up late because the kid across the street got to?
so because the other guy sucks you get to suck?

let me guess when you were little you asked to stay up late because the kid across the street got to?

I, for one, think that Obama's life has prepared him quite well for the presidency. I don't think for a minute that he is a leightweight in any area... and has a lot more experience than the last president - a republican - from Illinois.

My point was that for the republicans to attempt to portray Obama's lack of experience as some sort of obviously fatal flaw is profoundly hypocritical. Do you disagree with that?
I, for one, think that Obama's life has prepared him quite well for the presidency. I don't think for a minute that he is a leightweight in any area... and has a lot more experience than the last president - a republican - from Illinois.

My point was that for the republicans to attempt to portray Obama's lack of experience as some sort of obviously fatal flaw is profoundly hypocritical. Do you disagree with that?

for obama to state that he majored in foriegn relations at univeristy as credentials for the presidency is odd to say the least.

that said, a president needs leadership skills, the ability to engender trust, the ability to assemble a team of experts, assess information, negotiate and make a decissions.....after that expertise in any particular area is not necessary.
for obama to state that he majored in foriegn relations at univeristy as credentials for the presidency is odd to say the least.

that said, a president needs leadership skills, the ability to engender trust, the ability to assemble a team of experts, assess information, negotiate and make a decissions.....after that expertise in any particular area is not necessary.

he has book learning on the subject AND practical experience...

you guys are still making a big deal out of this...and given Dubya and Ronnie...that really IS hypocritical. No real way out from under that.
a president needs leadership skills, the ability to engender trust, the ability to assemble a team of experts, assess information, negotiate and make a decissions.....after that expertise in any particular area is not necessary.

do you have any evidence that Obama is not a good leader? or that he does not possess all of those other qualities and skills?
he has book learning on the subject AND practical experience...

you guys are still making a big deal out of this...and given Dubya and Ronnie...that really IS hypocritical. No real way out from under that.

i am not one of you guys first off....

second two years on a comitte and book learning does not an expert in foriegn relations make
do you have any evidence that Obama is not a good leader? or that he does not possess all of those other qualities and skills?

not up to me to prove or disprove...it is up to him.... he is the one that wants us to follow him.....
i not one of you guys first off....

second two years on a comitte and book learning does not an expert in foriegn relations make

I would say that living in another country and experiencing the cultural paradigm shift is quite helpful "hands on" experience in foreign policy. That being said I think Obama lacks the experience with the US political system to be a good President.
I would say that living in another country and experiencing the cultural paradigm shift is quite helpful "hands on" experience in foreign policy. That being said I think Obama lacks the experience with the US political system to be a good President.

well if all it takes is living in another country i guess i am your man....mexico, canada, danmark england germany russia spain...blah blah blah

i have worked in us politics, assembled teams of experts, coached at high levels am told i can negotiate and build trust and people like to follow me....

problem is i inhaled in holland.....
well if all it takes is living in another country i guess i am your man....mexico, canada, danmark england germany russia spain...blah blah blah

i have worked in us politics, assembled teams of experts, coached at high levels am told i can negotiate and build trust and people like to follow me....

problem is i inhaled in holland.....

you're still in luck! It's LEGAL there!
well if all it takes is living in another country i guess i am your man....mexico, canada, danmark england germany russia spain...blah blah blah

i have worked in us politics, assembled teams of experts, coached at high levels am told i can negotiate and build trust and people like to follow me....

problem is i inhaled in holland.....

Inhaling's not a problem. From my memory Obama inhaled, Bush was revealed to have inhaled on a tape. If you have "leadership skills, the ability to engender trust, the ability to assemble a team of experts, assess information, negotiate and make a decissions" and if you worked yourself enough into the political system to put yourself in position I might vote for you.
I think it is somewhat hypocritical for republicans to question Barak Obama's foreign policy experience as if it is some HUGE prerequisite ...this from the party that nominated George W. Bush..... not to mention Ronnie "B-grade movie actor" Reagan.

Being Gov of border states, both had dealings with leaders of other governments

For Osma, he thinks you need to special classes in foreign relations to be Pres

In other words, you have to kiss their ass and make nice and in turn you will be a good Pres
Inhaling's not a problem. From my memory Obama inhaled, Bush was revealed to have inhaled on a tape. If you have "leadership skills, the ability to engender trust, the ability to assemble a team of experts, assess information, negotiate and make a decissions" and if you worked yourself enough into the political system to put yourself in position I might vote for you.

my problem is that i say exactly what i think and really don't care about what people think of me....i also watched my brother, my dad and all his buddies in US politics in elected and appointed posisitions....skill and tallent have nothing to do with US politics....it is a smoke and mirrors profession
my problem is that i say exactly what i think and really don't care about what people think of me....i also watched my brother, my dad and all his buddies in US politics in elected and appointed posisitions....skill and tallent have nothing to do with US politics....it is a smoke and mirrors profession

ABC Eagerly Defends Obama Over Murky Allegations; Investigated Bush Coke Charges
Posted by Scott Whitlock on January 25, 2007 - 15:49.
On Thursday’s "Good Morning America," ABC’s Jake Tapper continued the media’s campaign to defend Senator Barack Obama against charges that, as a young child living in Indonesia, he attended a madrassah, an Islamic school that teaches virulent anti-Americanism. Co-host Robin Roberts and Mr. Tapper alternatively referred to the charges as "smears," "dirty tricks" and "lies." According to a 1999 MRC Reality Check, ABC gave no such courtesy to then-Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush. On August 24 of that year, "Nightline" host Ted Koppel devoted an entire half hour episode to the unsubstantiated rumors that Bush used cocaine as a younger person. Obama, who has admitted trying cocaine as a teenager, was not asked about it in a January 24 GMA appearance. Here is Koppel’s explanation for the media’s interest in Bush’s youth:

Ted Koppel: "So here we are in this curious twilight in which [Bush] plainly acknowledges excessive use of alcohol until he turned 40, makes no claim of privacy in the area of marital infidelity, unlike some people we know he did not cheat on his wife, but leaves the question of youthful cocaine use ambiguously addressed with this assertion: I did make mistakes years ago."

-Nightline August 24, 1999

And here is the combined defense of Robert's introduction and Tapper's report on the January 25 "Good Morning America."

Robin Roberts: "Now, to the field of contenders, the presidential hopefuls who want President Bush's job. And the dirty tricks seem to have already begun. The target? Senator Barack Obama."


Jake Tapper: "And Mark Twain once said that a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes, Robin. And with the presidential campaign starting so early, it looks like those lies are off and traveling."

Now, it’s true that Barack Obama vociferously denied the charges that he attended a Madrassah, while Bush refused to discuss allegations of cocaine use. But ABC seemed much more interested in murky claims against a Republican, than those put to a liberal Democrat such as Obama.

After being introduced, Tapper began the piece, which aired at 7:10, by recounting the coverage the story received from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh:

Jake Tapper: "Good morning, Robin. Well, with Senator Hillary Clinton headed to Iowa this weekend and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani headed to New Hampshire, the presidential race is off and running. And for Barack Obama, it's gotten very ugly. This is the government elementary school in Indonesia that Senator Barack Obama attended from ages six to eight. ABC News wanted to find out more about this school, which a young Obama attended during his brief time in that country in the 1960s after his mother remarried an Indonesian man. And we wanted to know how this innocent elementary school became this false report."

Steve Doocy: "Well, it looks as if that man right there was raised-- spent the first decade of his life raised by his Muslim father, as a Muslim, and was educated in a madrassah."

Tapper: "A madrassah is an Islamic school, in many of which, students are taught a very conservative version of Islam and a radical, anti-U.S. political agenda. Obama, a devout Christian, said he was not raised a Muslim, and that the school he attended was not a madrassah. Obama calls the story a smear."

Obama: "The notion that somehow at the age of six or seven I was being trained for something other than math, science and, and uh, reading is, is ludicrous."

Tapper: "And at the school, where we found basketball and both Muslim and Christian religious classes. 'Here we learn math, sciences, and social studies,' says this sixth grade boy. 'These rumors about our school being an Islamic extremist school are completely incorrect,' says the assistant head master. 'We are a regular public school.'

FNC host John Gibson: "Picture the commercial: 'Hi, I'm Barack Obama, I went to a madrassah.'"

Tapper: "Fox News Channel says they were merely repeating information from the conservative 'Insight' magazine which reported that the campaign of Senator Hillary Clinton was investigating the madrassah story, which the Clinton campaign fervently denies. So the smear went from ‘Insight,’ to Fox, to talk radio--"

Rush Limbaugh: "Well, according to 'Insight' magazine, the Hillary's team is interested in his Muslim background."

Tapper: "--To everywhere. Political consultants say these types of smears are difficult to fix."

Nowhere In Tapper’s piece did he mention Obama’s constant promotion of his international experience and the presidential candidate’s touting of the fact that he lived overseas. While this certainly doesn’t make false reporting acceptable, it should mean that scrutiny of his time abroad is acceptable.

Tapper closed the segment with a distinctly sympathetic take on Obama’s plight:

David Bossie (Citizens United): "It's hard to get the toothpaste back in the tube. Really, it can really do some damage and that is a problem in today's media culture, the 24-hour news cycle."

Tapper: "And Mark Twain once said that a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes, Robin. And with the presidential campaign starting so early, it looks like those lies are off and traveling."

Roberts: "It does appear that way. Has Obama’s campaign responded to this, Jake?"

Tapper: "Yes. They put out a very detailed memo yesterday saying that none of these charges were true. They are very aggressively trying to dampen down the story and they say its untrue. They say they learned a lesson from the campaign of Senator John Kerry, who they say, faced false charges in the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth attacks and did not adequately respond to them."

Roberts: Yeah, when I talked to Barack Obama yesterday, he said with his name, he's always been the underdog when it comes to something like this."

As she mentioned, co-host Robin Roberts had the opportunity to ask Obama about these allegations on January 24. The ABC anchor chose instead to spend part of the segment grilling the Senator about the Chicago Bears:

Roberts: "Well, you and Senator Clinton have certainly electrified the field. But there is something that you and Mrs. Clinton do have in common. I understand you both will be cheering for the Chicago bears in the upcoming Super Bowl?"

Obama: "Well, I was at the game. I love New Orleans and it was a wonderful story to see how the Saints gave that city pride exactly at a time when they needed it. But, you know, I'm a Chicago guy and I think we're going all the way this time."

Spreading rumors and false information about any presidential candidates is unacceptable and should be condemned. However, it would be nice if members of the media would leap to the defense of Republicans as eagerly as they do for liberal Democrats.

Being Gov of border states, both had dealings with leaders of other governments

For Osma, he thinks you need to special classes in foreign relations to be Pres

In other words, you have to kiss their ass and make nice and in turn you will be a good Pres

oh...governors of border states.... yeah...that is a real resume builder.

John Baldacci, governor of Maine.... ergo: foreign policy stud!


Have you bothered to read Osama's book, Dreams of My Father, by the way?

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