Merkel after G7: We can no longer "completely depend" on America as a partner

Wanting them to pay for their own defense, and wanting fair trade for America is certainly not "childish" and only a dishonest troll would pretend it was.
Does that mean you are happy for them to nuke up?
You Trump Chumps are the biggest collection of idiot saps I have ever seen.

I find that hard to believe,
That's because you are a hypocritical retard.

NO, it's because you are a lying piece of shit.
Oh, man. I proved what I said. I linked to Trump saying the rest of the world hates us over TWO Administrations. I even showed where he said GERMANY hates us.

It takes a special kind of retard to call me a liar for PROVING I am right and that you are a hypocrite. :lol:
Wanting them to pay for their own defense, and wanting fair trade for America is certainly not "childish" and only a dishonest troll would pretend it was.
Does that mean you are happy for them to nuke up?

Don't really care. Germany is not an aggressive warmongering state anymore. IF they really think they need nukes to deter Putin,

we certainly could do nothing to stop them.
You Trump Chumps are the biggest collection of idiot saps I have ever seen.

I find that hard to believe,
That's because you are a hypocritical retard.

NO, it's because you are a lying piece of shit.
Oh, man. I proved what I said. I linked to Trump saying the rest of the world hates us over TWO Administrations. I even showed where he said GERMANY hates us.

It takes a special kind of retard to call me a liar for PROVING I am right and that you are a hypocrite. :lol:

I admitted during the campaign that nations that benefited from fucking US on trade might be resentful, when we took steps to stop that.

They fear the gravy train might be stopping and they might have to take responsibility for their own protection and their own economic development like grownups.

And they are bitching like ungrateful children.

So, no hypocrisy on my part.

Also, you have been a liar in many other times and ways. And an asshole.
Don't really care. Germany is not an aggressive warmongering state anymore. IF they really think they need nukes to deter Putin,

we certainly could do nothing to stop them.
You include Ukraine and Serbia in that?
Following Trump’s trip, Merkel says Europe can’t rely on ‘others.’ She means the U.S.

By Michael Birnbaum and Rick Noack May 28 at 5:38 PM - the Washington Post

LONDON — German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday declared a new chapter in U.S.-European relations after contentious meetings with President Trump last week, saying that Europe “really must take our fate into our own hands.”

It was the toughest review yet of Trump’s trip to Europe, which inflamed tensions rather than healed them after the U.S. president sparred with the leaders of Washington’s closest and oldest allies on trade, defense and climate change.

Merkel, Europe’s de facto leader, told a packed beer hall rally in Munich that the days when her continent could rely on others was “over to a certain extent. This is what I have experienced in the last few days.”

The comments came as Europe watches Britain preparing to leave the European Union and faces antagonism from Washington.

Merkel said that Europe’s move toward self-reliance should be carried out “of course in friendship with the United States of America, in friendship with Great Britain and as good neighbors wherever that works.”...


120 days into his Reign and the dumb sunufabitch has ruined a Strategic Alliance almost as old as he is.

Somebody get this Loser a muzzle, and don't let him out-and-about without chaperones equipped with plenty of duct tape for his big mouth.

Did you look at the list of which countries are not paying their 2% of GDP for their military? One of the biggest offenders is......wait for it..................Germany at only 1.2%!
Was it worth weakening the NATO alliance?

Calling them out on failure to meet their obligations is weakening the alliance? I think it is quite the opposite.

You do realize that Merkel was an East German so she grew up under a Soviet-influenced government.
I'm curious. Anyone know any European states that fuck the US on trade?
Merkel after G7 says Germany cannot ‘completely depend’ on US

Wooo Hooo!!! America will not be complicit in the 2nd murder and enslavement of Europe by Islam.

If they can't deal with an America that won't pay for their defense while letting them rape us on trade and secure our own borders,

then they are fucking assholes.

They can fuck off and die.

Yes. Our allies are all disgusted with our president and his childish behavior. I guess the right thinks that is a good thing. people are on autopilot with your stupid knee-jerk reactions.
What this means is we won't come running to defend Europe like we always do.......
Now they have to defend themselves.

After all......this is what Obama told them 8 years ago....remember??

so now we won't honor our commitment to our allies and NATO? what an idiot.
You mean the commitment they aren't honoring? That the one you're worried about?
Calling them out on failure to meet their obligations is weakening the alliance? I think it is quite the opposite.
The obligations to account creatively? Trump would know all about that...

According to figures published by NATO on 22 June 2015, the UK is projected to spend 2.08% of its estimated GDP on defence during 2015/16. However, when reporting this figure to NATO, the UK included several items of expenditure which had not been included in previous years, including provisions for war pensions, assessed contributions to UN peacekeeping missions, pensions for retired civilian MoD personnel, and much of MoD’s £1.4bn income. NATO has accepted that the items conform with its definition of defence expenditure, but according to RUSI estimates, if the UK had not chosen to include these new items, its projected defence spending in 2015/16 would have been just 1.97% of estimated GDP, even before accounting for the £500m cut announced on 4 June.
Defence Expenditure - NATO 2% Target - Commons Library briefing - UK Parliament

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