Merrick Garland Hides Joe Biden’s Scandalous Recordings in Top-Secret Facility

How do you know?
Duh.....admitted in court filings.

Are you saying any president who asserts EP must be hiding something that is "quite revealing"?
If there's nothing that would show Biden's deteriorating mental issues, why are they hiding the original under the top classification level in government?

Not sure this qualifies under EP.
Duh.....admitted in court filings.

What court filings?

Can you link them?

If there's nothing that would show Biden's deteriorating mental issues, why are they hiding the original under the top classification level in government?

I don't know. You don't either.

If I had to guess it's because Comer and his ilk will use out of context statements for political attacks but who knows?

Not sure this qualifies under EP.
Maybe not. I guess we can take it to SCOTUS and find out in 2 or 3 years.
Duh.....admitted in court filings.

If there's nothing that would show Biden's deteriorating mental issues, why are they hiding the original under the top classification level in government?

Not sure this qualifies under EP.
It’s preventing reality from being disclosed
Abandonment and disdain of reality is Lib 101
The transcript alone does not justify Hurr giving Biden a pass for willfully stealing and sharing classified documents.

Agreed. It was the investigation.

It's decided. It's over.

That's why the recording is needed.

If the recording doesn't show Biden to be incompetent, Hurr is in trouble.
Hurr never said Biden is incompetent so not sure what your point is.
Agreed. It was the investigation.

It's decided. It's over.

Hurr never said Biden is incompetent so not sure what your point is.
^^^ gives Biden a pass for willfully stealing and sharing classified documents.

Biden is above the law.
^^^ gives Biden a pass for willfully stealing and sharing classified documents.

Biden is above the law.
No he isn't.

Hurr didn't say he was above the law, he said he likely wouldn't get an indictment.

How can you not know this?

Try playing keep up instead of catch-up.
And why can't Hurr get an indictment?
The below starts in page 1 of the report. The following 14 or so pages get into more detail in why they didn't choice indictment for each crime.

We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter. 1 We would
reach the same conclusion even if Department of Justice policy did not foreclose
criminal charges against a sitting president. 2
Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained
and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private
citizen. These materials included (1) marked classified documents about military and
foreign policy in Afghanistan, and (2) notebooks containing Mr. Biden's handwritten
entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive
intelligence sources and methods. FBI agents recovered these materials from the
garage, offices, and basement den in Mr. Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home.
However, for the reasons summarized below, we conclude that the evidence
does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecution of Mr.
Biden is also unwarranted based on our consideration of the aggravating and
mitigating factors set forth in the Department of Justice's Principles of Federal
Prosecution. For these reasons, we decline prosecution of Mr. Biden.
Agreed. It was the investigation.

It's decided. It's over.

Hurr never said Biden is incompetent so not sure what your point is.
Sorry, Cats but that's pretty much exactly what Hurr said. He found Biden to be a forgetful old such an extent that a jury would pity him.
Sorry, Cats but that's pretty much exactly what Hurr said. He found Biden to be a forgetful old such an extent that a jury would pity him.
Along those lines but he didn't say Biden was incompetent and he didn't say he was forgetful.

What matters is he said he didn't think a grand jury would not indict.

Why are we still talking about?

It's like Trump supporters are pretending that Hurr's decision to not indict somehow makes Biden worse then Trump who is a sexual assaulter, fraudster and convicted felon.
Along those lines but he didn't say Biden was incompetent and he didn't say he was forgetful.

What matters is he said he didn't think a grand jury would not indict.

Why are we still talking about?

It's like Trump supporters are pretending that Hurr's decision to not indict somehow makes Biden worse then Trump who is a sexual assaulter, fraudster and convicted felon.
Why are we talking about this? For starters because Joe Biden's DOJ is going after Trump for possessing classified materials...WHEN JOE BIDEN HAS ILLEGALLY POSSESSED CLASSIFIED MATERIALS DATING BACK TO WHEN HE WAS A SENATOR! Do you not grasp the hypocrisy in that?
Along those lines but he didn't say Biden was incompetent and he didn't say he was forgetful.

What matters is he said he didn't think a grand jury would not indict.

Why are we still talking about?

It's like Trump supporters are pretending that Hurr's decision to not indict somehow makes Biden worse then Trump who is a sexual assaulter, fraudster and convicted felon.
And the REASON Hurr didn't think a jury would convict Biden of a crime is because he's an old man who forgets things! That forgetful old man has the nuclear launch codes. We take away Grandpa's car keys when he gets like Joe Biden. Why? Because he's a danger to himself and others.
Why are we talking about this? For starters because Joe Biden's DOJ is going after Trump for possessing classified materials...

No they aren't. None of the charges are for possessing classified materials.

They are mostly for obstruction and conspiracy to obstruct.

No. Because Biden didn't obstruct and they couldn't prove intent.

Makes sense to me.

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