Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good one

Happy Holidays one and all.
Still can't bear to say Merry Christmas.

Anyone die on your street tonight, yet
Happy Winter Solstice bunghole.
Take your meds Beavis

Your god is unhappy with you watching Beavis and Butthead. go repent sinner.
Merry Christmas

So how is everyone's first Christmas with no freedom of religion in the USA

Remember that a filthy stable changed the World forever


Is your post dumb or stupid...
Not much of a comment from someone too ignorant to know
Your god like all others is a myth.
Then you are pond scum like Darwin believed.

The myth is life creating itself from nothingness

Mythology holds nothing for me. I guess it's life changing for you. Star Wars is real.
Then get your sorry ass out of a thread that has no meaning for you except to troll it.
Merry Christmas Grace, remember to have mercy on those who are forever lost in the desert wandering aimlessly not even knowing why they exist.

Not all have the wisdom of a king

So how is everyone's first Christmas with no freedom of religion in the USA

Remember that a filthy stable changed the World forever


Merry Christmas to all American Patriots and for the corrupt politicians and low IQ Biden supporters rot in hell

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