Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA

Most of these MMA guys don't move fast enough or continuously enough.

It should be easy to avoid a kick by staying on the move.

And when someone does kick then move in and jump on the other foot. That will break it.

Kicking is foolishness. You need to keep your two feet planted and moving just like Cassius M.A. Clay -- dance like a butterfly then sting like a bee.

Then the bout is only going to be a boxing match until the take downs begin and it decays into wrestling.

What does an old lady like Streep know about MMA ???
Most of these MMA guys don't move fast enough or continuously enough.

It should be easy to avoid a kick by staying on the move.

And when someone does kick then move in and jump on the other foot. That will break it.

Kicking is foolishness. You need to keep your two feet planted and moving just like Cassius M.A. Clay -- dance like a butterfly then sting like a bee.

Then the bout is only going to be a boxing match until the take downs begin and it decays into wrestling.

What does an old lady like Streep know about MMA ???
"Kicking is foolishness"? Say whaaaaat?!!!! Ali would get murked by a high level kick boxer. They would kick the fuck out of his legs and he would move like a slug within the first two minutes of the fight. He would have no idea how to deal with a kick boxer. Boxers have a stance designed to fight against guys who only use their fists. That leg would be ripe for the picking.
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I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.
Showing empathy for the disabled, is a bad thing, eh? Gotcha, fake fuckin christian!!

1. You obviously didn't read what I wrote because nobody is talking about her disabled comment

2. I'm an atheist. Better luck next time.
yeah, cause pop culture is now the arts, and movies are a source of cultural enrichment without which we'd all be relegated to watching tractor pulls.


this was just a thinly concealed means of calling people rubes. Again.
Hey, what do you mean relegated? I love tractor pulls!

My favorite line from her was “Disrespect invites disrespect." She said, with a straight face all the while basically calling everyone in middle America racist idiots who need some culture lessons from her and those like her.
I like tractor pulls, too, and sheepdog trials. But don't be too hard on her--I really don't think she was meaning to diss sports or middle America. It would kinda suck to only have sports, not both, don't you agree?

Wait, whoa WHOA.

"Sheepdog trials"??? :eek:
They're AWESOME. Seriously? You've never seen any?

No. Fatter o' mact I don't think I've ever seen any kind of dog in court.
It's so brave of Meryl Streep to publicly express the only acceptable political opinion in her profession. Truly the hero we all deserve.
Sort of interesting how the new emperor’s flock is hyping the gladiator sports….

You want to know the ethnic breakdown of your average MMA fanbase?

Let me give you a hint, it's not all Trump supporters. But usually they are not your college educated SJW idiots, so of course the Dem's disdain for them.

What, pray tell, in my comments ever lead you to the conclusion that I wanted to know an ethnic breakdown of the consumers of human cockfighting?

You used the term "Emperor's new flock", thus it seems your assumption of MMA being the sport of redneck white guys.

In reality, is has a solid minority following as well.

I’m not responsible for your conclusions.
Heres the current UFC champions in the different weight divisions (though Cruz just lost). Starting from the left... Black American, Hispanic American, Brazilian, black American, Polish, Irish, Brazilian, white American, black American and Englishman.


His conclusion was correct. MMA is very diverse.

Never said that human cockfighting wasn’t diverse…

You guys are obsessed with race.
yeah, cause pop culture is now the arts, and movies are a source of cultural enrichment without which we'd all be relegated to watching tractor pulls.


this was just a thinly concealed means of calling people rubes. Again.
Hey, what do you mean relegated? I love tractor pulls!

My favorite line from her was “Disrespect invites disrespect." She said, with a straight face all the while basically calling everyone in middle America racist idiots who need some culture lessons from her and those like her.
I like tractor pulls, too, and sheepdog trials. But don't be too hard on her--I really don't think she was meaning to diss sports or middle America. It would kinda suck to only have sports, not both, don't you agree?

The fact that she may have not even been "trying" to diss sports or middle America basically proves the point that people on the right are making. That progressives are out of touch with most of the country.
Exactly. Hey she didn't mean to talk down to you little people like that it's just she thinks of you that way and it slipped out.

You as well as others here did not listen to her entire comments, and yet you want to weigh in on them. This is exactly how TrumpleThinSkin got elected. Just skim the surface and then decide. Then dig in and stop listening.

Her first comments were about the diversity and origins of many of the people in the audience last night. Some of them coming from beginnings that most of you stupid morons on here can't imagine. It's really sad that you all are so bigoted and prejudiced against anything that's not directly within your immediate, myopic grasp.

Trumple thinskin…nice
I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.
I was pissed when i saw her mention MMA. Why do i have to feel bad for enjoying MMA? Why is she up there whining about bullys, while shes bullying people herself?

Fucking hypocrites.

Do you feel bad for watching two people fight?
I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.
I was pissed when i saw her mention MMA. Why do i have to feel bad for enjoying MMA? Why is she up there whining about bullys, while shes bullying people herself?

Fucking hypocrites.

Do you feel bad for watching two people fight?
Only if someone gets really hurt, which is extremely rare. Boxing has several deaths every year. So does football and even soccer. There has never been a death in a professionally sanctioned MMA event, with a couple exceptions, but they were shit shows that didnt have medical personnel on site, and stuff like that. In total, there have been 4 deaths EVER in MMA.
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I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.
I was pissed when i saw her mention MMA. Why do i have to feel bad for enjoying MMA? Why is she up there whining about bullys, while shes bullying people herself?

Fucking hypocrites.

Do you feel bad for watching two people fight?
Only if someone gets really hurt, which is extremely rare. Boxing has several deaths every year. So does football. There has never been a death in a professionally sanctioned MMA event, with a couple exceptions, but they were shit shows that didnt have medical personnel on site, and stuff like that. In total, there have been 4 deaths EVER in MMA.

Mohammed Ali wasn’t seriously hurt in any match either as I recall. He turned out okay; except for the last 30 years of his life where he ate dinner through a straw. I’m sure these guys in human cockfighting have no lingering health issues while satisfying the crowd’s bloodlust.
I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.
I was pissed when i saw her mention MMA. Why do i have to feel bad for enjoying MMA? Why is she up there whining about bullys, while shes bullying people herself?

Fucking hypocrites.

Do you feel bad for watching two people fight?
Hey I'm going to drop a few million dollars in a ring and if you want it you can train for months and years and see if you can beat the other guy up and take it. Why would I feel bad about that?
I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.
I was pissed when i saw her mention MMA. Why do i have to feel bad for enjoying MMA? Why is she up there whining about bullys, while shes bullying people herself?

Fucking hypocrites.

Do you feel bad for watching two people fight?
Only if someone gets really hurt, which is extremely rare. Boxing has several deaths every year. So does football. There has never been a death in a professionally sanctioned MMA event, with a couple exceptions, but they were shit shows that didnt have medical personnel on site, and stuff like that. In total, there have been 4 deaths EVER in MMA.

Mohammed Ali wasn’t seriously hurt in any match either as I recall. He turned out okay; except for the last 30 years of his life where he ate dinner through a straw. I’m sure these guys in human cockfighting have no lingering health issues while satisfying the crowd’s bloodlust.
Boxing is more dangerous than MMA. Thats why they have multiple people die every year. The problem with boxing is you can get KOed, but if you recover within 10 seconds, theyll let you continue fighting, so boxers get a mini concussion, get back up, then another, then another, and theyre allowed to continue fighting. Getting cumulative concussions is extremely dangerous. In MMA, if you get rocked one time, the ref stops the fight immediately, therefore people arent suffering life altering damage to their brains, or at least not yet.
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I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.
I was pissed when i saw her mention MMA. Why do i have to feel bad for enjoying MMA? Why is she up there whining about bullys, while shes bullying people herself?

Fucking hypocrites.

Do you feel bad for watching two people fight?
Hey I'm going to drop a few million dollars in a ring and if you want it you can train for months and years and see if you can beat the other guy up and take it. Why would I feel bad about that?

Sometimes questions just answer themselves….

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