Message to conservatives.

. There is a reason the press enjoys the freedoms it has,namely to question and then inform the public about the truth. Something that Trump is undermining as we speak.
How so? He talks to most of them, didn't take a question from a CNN hack, out of turn. That's his call.

But I personally like it, no matter what they throw at him the answer is always the same "kiss my ass".
Lol so you both question and then confirm what I say. He undermines the ability off the press to do its job by saying kiss my ass.
The press has been lying about Trump since day one. Screw the press.
Trump should tweet less and you should step off your pedestal.
Grampa I think you are one of the people I wrote this OP for. I readily admit it comes over pretty high handed but I truly feel, you conservatives still underestimate the danger he poses. Let's look at twitter as a policy platform, as an example. He demonises the press and prefers to communicate via a platform that by design is limited in the information it can provide. A platform that allows him to give his message without the benefit of scrutiny. What is preventing him from blackballing all critical press? A process he used to great effect during the elections and something he's starting to do now. There is a reason the press enjoys the freedoms it has,namely to question and then inform the public about the truth. Something that Trump is undermining as we speak.
A wise person waits to see what will transpire before freaking out like Rosie O'Donnell
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. Grampa, if you see a fault in my reasoning feel free to point it out.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.
Maybe Trump will get some of that uranium back that Hillary sent over there...
Bring me some coffee then you can go play with Hillary.
I'm sorry I wasn't aware that this was an OP about Hilary. Last time I checked she wasn't running anymore. If you are not able to reply the OP then don't.

Then quit your incessant crying kid.
Why don't you actually grow a brain. Deflecting and name calling tells me exactly who the kid is. Guess what it's the person that you see in the mirror every day. I don't mind people disagreeing. People who have nothing to offer but tantrums I will not waste any further time on. Grow up and come back to me.
It's truly amazing how so many people think they know what will happen before the actual event so many were so sure Hillary was going to be the next President hell I thought she would probably win but that turned out not to be the case now everyone is so sure they know what kind of President Trump will be well here is a news flash you don't know none of us do. A little free advice lay off the hand wringing and over the top hysterics untill the man is actually sworn in and starts doing the job.
I haven't said that I know anything about what kind of a president Trump is going to be, just what I fear he will be. If you read my OP carefully you will notice. I have just stated the facts. He used twitter to weigh in on nuclear policy. He got on Alec Baldwin for SNL and on Schwarzenegger for not gotten the ratings he had on the apprentice. He refuses to put his holdings in a blind trust. And the intelligence community and both Republicans and Democrats agree that Russia meddled with the elections, something Trump doesn't even bother denying anymore. And we all heard about the golden shower report. Even if the latter isn't true, which is something that I wouldn't ever imagined to be questioning when talking about somebody about to be president. The fact of the matter is, is that Trump and his transition team have proven to be more beneficial to Russia's interest then anybody I've ever seen holding office in the US. All this points to a very destabilising presidency. As of yet I haven't seen anyone coming back with a substantive reply. Just deflection and rhetoric.
Trump as of now is still simply the the President elect not the President and as such he has just as much right to use twitter and express has opinions as anyone else. What is known is that Russia hacked the DNC and John Podesta Trumps critics try and use that to try and claim that is why Hillary lost even though there is no proof those hacked e-mails changed enough votes to swing the election to Trump or that they in fact changed any votes. The so called gloden shower report is unverified even buzzfeed admitted that when they published it and it has pretty much been discredited. All you have done is tried to take the fact Trump likes to use twitter the Russians hacked and discredited report and tie them togother to make a case for something does not exist.
. There is a reason the press enjoys the freedoms it has,namely to question and then inform the public about the truth. Something that Trump is undermining as we speak.
How so? He talks to most of them, didn't take a question from a CNN hack, out of turn. That's his call.

But I personally like it, no matter what they throw at him the answer is always the same "kiss my ass".
Lol so you both question and then confirm what I say. He undermines the ability off the press to do its job by saying kiss my ass.
You can't read. I said "no matter what they throw at him". That isn't asking questions but making accusations. And free speech doesn't demand getting the answers you want. That is not the job of the press. And I said the out of turn CNN guy is the only one I know of.

So what we are confirming is is your clueless state of being.

Tell me where CNN actually did any claim of the truthfulness of the report?
Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him -
Trump didn't call on the asshole. Thanks for proving my point.
Bring me some coffee then you can go play with Hillary.
I'm sorry I wasn't aware that this was an OP about Hilary. Last time I checked she wasn't running anymore. If you are not able to reply the OP then don't.

Then quit your incessant crying kid.
Why don't you actually grow a brain. Deflecting and name calling tells me exactly who the kid is. Guess what it's the person that you see in the mirror every day. I don't mind people disagreeing. People who have nothing to offer but tantrums I will not waste any further time on. Grow up and come back to me.

Tell us kid, what do you think your whining is going to accomplish? You see, we just get sick of the complaining and finger pointing. He is your President and you'll just have to live with it. That is...unless you are planning on some "drastic" action?
Bring me some coffee then you can go play with Hillary.
I'm sorry I wasn't aware that this was an OP about Hilary. Last time I checked she wasn't running anymore. If you are not able to reply the OP then don't.

Then quit your incessant crying kid.
Why don't you actually grow a brain. Deflecting and name calling tells me exactly who the kid is. Guess what it's the person that you see in the mirror every day. I don't mind people disagreeing. People who have nothing to offer but tantrums I will not waste any further time on. Grow up and come back to me.
Your thread title and subsequent words give you away as a kid....
Trump should tweet less and you should step off your pedestal.
Grampa I think you are one of the people I wrote this OP for. I readily admit it comes over pretty high handed but I truly feel, you conservatives still underestimate the danger he poses. Let's look at twitter as a policy platform, as an example. He demonises the press and prefers to communicate via a platform that by design is limited in the information it can provide. A platform that allows him to give his message without the benefit of scrutiny. What is preventing him from blackballing all critical press? A process he used to great effect during the elections and something he's starting to do now. There is a reason the press enjoys the freedoms it has,namely to question and then inform the public about the truth. Something that Trump is undermining as we speak.
A wise person waits to see what will transpire before freaking out like Rosie O'Donnell
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. Grampa, if you see a fault in my reasoning feel free to point it out.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
It's truly amazing how so many people think they know what will happen before the actual event so many were so sure Hillary was going to be the next President hell I thought she would probably win but that turned out not to be the case now everyone is so sure they know what kind of President Trump will be well here is a news flash you don't know none of us do. A little free advice lay off the hand wringing and over the top hysterics untill the man is actually sworn in and starts doing the job.
I haven't said that I know anything about what kind of a president Trump is going to be, just what I fear he will be. If you read my OP carefully you will notice. I have just stated the facts. He used twitter to weigh in on nuclear policy. He got on Alec Baldwin for SNL and on Schwarzenegger for not gotten the ratings he had on the apprentice. He refuses to put his holdings in a blind trust. And the intelligence community and both Republicans and Democrats agree that Russia meddled with the elections, something Trump doesn't even bother denying anymore. And we all heard about the golden shower report. Even if the latter isn't true, which is something that I wouldn't ever imagined to be questioning when talking about somebody about to be president. The fact of the matter is, is that Trump and his transition team have proven to be more beneficial to Russia's interest then anybody I've ever seen holding office in the US. All this points to a very destabilising presidency. As of yet I haven't seen anyone coming back with a substantive reply. Just deflection and rhetoric.
Trump as of now is still simply the the President elect not the President and as such he has just as much right to use twitter and express has opinions as anyone else. What is known is that Russia hacked the DNC and John Podesta Trumps critics try and use that to try and claim that is why Hillary lost even though there is no proof those hacked e-mails changed enough votes to swing the election to Trump or that they in fact changed any votes. The so called gloden shower report is unverified even buzzfeed admitted that when they published it and it has pretty much been discredited. All you have done is tried to take the fact Trump likes to use twitter the Russians hacked and discredited report and tie them together to make a case for something does not exist.
Lets put aside that Trump just came out and said that he will keep on using his personal twitter account when he becomes president. I never claimed the Russian hacks changed the elections. It's impossible to prove. I claimed they did it,I also find it reasonable to assume that they did it with a reason. Whatever the reason, it is a reason for the Russians probably not in the best interest of the US. You say it is discredited this is what I found.The Alleged Trump-Putin “Golden Shower” Fiasco, Explained .His use of twitter I never tried to tie to this. I simply stated that using twitter as a platform for policy communication is not exactly something you should do. And I notice you didn't address my third argument. His unwillingness to untie himself from his business. Something that btw is in itself pretty telling since it leaves him wide open for all kinds of corruption scandals. Tell me, do you think that a good thing?
Grampa I think you are one of the people I wrote this OP for. I readily admit it comes over pretty high handed but I truly feel, you conservatives still underestimate the danger he poses. Let's look at twitter as a policy platform, as an example. He demonises the press and prefers to communicate via a platform that by design is limited in the information it can provide. A platform that allows him to give his message without the benefit of scrutiny. What is preventing him from blackballing all critical press? A process he used to great effect during the elections and something he's starting to do now. There is a reason the press enjoys the freedoms it has,namely to question and then inform the public about the truth. Something that Trump is undermining as we speak.
A wise person waits to see what will transpire before freaking out like Rosie O'Donnell
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. Grampa, if you see a fault in my reasoning feel free to point it out.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
A wise person waits to see what will transpire before freaking out like Rosie O'Donnell
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. Grampa, if you see a fault in my reasoning feel free to point it out.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
No I mean telling the press, who are trained to both be critical, and are paid to research and clearly communicate what they find and although that is more and more a pipedream be impartial. So if you can't do impartial then the only thing to do is have both sides represented. Over telling the people and the world in 140 characters, in some cases extremely complex policy.
A wise person waits to see what will transpire before freaking out like Rosie O'Donnell
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. Grampa, if you see a fault in my reasoning feel free to point it out.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
spot on, the press wants to filter him so the message comes out the way they want it...tweeting denies them that...the fact that the left is up in arms over this shows just how effective it is
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. Grampa, if you see a fault in my reasoning feel free to point it out.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
No I mean telling the press, who are trained to both be critical, and are paid to research and clearly communicate what they find and although that is more and more a pipedream be impartial. So if you can't do impartial then the only thing to do is have both sides represented. Over telling the people and the world in 140 characters, in some cases extremely complex policy.

I dislike Trump using Twitter, to me it is not Presidential. Now, for you to claim we need the press to tell us the meaning of what Trump says over his own words is ridiculous. Trump isn't impartial and he shouldn't be, Obama was never impartial.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. Grampa, if you see a fault in my reasoning feel free to point it out.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
spot on, the press wants to filter him so the message comes out the way they want it...tweeting denies them that...the fact that the left is up in arms over this shows just how effective it is
Trump 'arms race' comment sows more doubt on nuclear policy
Not the left, the world. Wars can just as easily start from misunderstandings as it can start from deliberate action.
you mean like you stupid f*cks that kept crying all along about your gun rights and the hate for christmas and all that stupid f*cking bull shit you kept posting.
Keep up the stupidity.

It's truly amazing how so many people think they know what will happen before the actual event so many were so sure Hillary was going to be the next President hell I thought she would probably win but that turned out not to be the case now everyone is so sure they know what kind of President Trump will be well here is a news flash you don't know none of us do. A little free advice lay off the hand wringing and over the top hysterics untill the man is actually sworn in and starts doing the job.
Grampa I think you are one of the people I wrote this OP for. I readily admit it comes over pretty high handed but I truly feel, you conservatives still underestimate the danger he poses. Let's look at twitter as a policy platform, as an example. He demonises the press and prefers to communicate via a platform that by design is limited in the information it can provide. A platform that allows him to give his message without the benefit of scrutiny. What is preventing him from blackballing all critical press? A process he used to great effect during the elections and something he's starting to do now. There is a reason the press enjoys the freedoms it has,namely to question and then inform the public about the truth. Something that Trump is undermining as we speak.
A wise person waits to see what will transpire before freaking out like Rosie O'Donnell
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. Grampa, if you see a fault in my reasoning feel free to point it out.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.

You know, I find it rather interesting that even after the rumors of Russians influencing our elections, that Trump would say that he is open to lifting the sanctions against Russia.

Trump says he might lift Russia sanctions, is not committed to 'One China' policy

No wonder Putin helped Trump with the election.
I've been taking a break during this transition. I felt it is only fair that president-elect Trump had the opportunity to prove that he isn't the self serving narcissistic sex deviant that the election cycle made out he is. I think the time has come to take stock. As someone who is about to take the most powerful office in the world he has been unable to take his communication to the level required for someone who's every word, has potential far reaching consequences globally. He still uses his twitter account to settle personal scores and even talk nuclear policy without the benefit of counsel, something that is both petty and potentially extremely dangerous. He has shown that he is unwilling to separate the office he is about to get from his business interests, making his presidency highly suspect right off the bat. And as reports both confirmed and unconfirmed proof he is beholding if not outright compromised by a foreign power which has as its leader someone who has annexed and invaded 3 sovereign nations and is by all intents and purposes a dictator. Those on the extreme right don't mind having this, so I won't waste my breath, but those off you who still feel they want to preserve democratic principles I implore you to wake up.

I read you're the typical emotionally led, pompous and butt-hurt liberal.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
spot on, the press wants to filter him so the message comes out the way they want it...tweeting denies them that...the fact that the left is up in arms over this shows just how effective it is
Trump 'arms race' comment sows more doubt on nuclear policy
Not the left, the world. Wars can just as easily start from misunderstandings as it can start from deliberate action.

Sure it can, as it could from any past or current President. The press isn't the great buffer. I find the press to be the great instigator.

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