Message to conservatives.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. Grampa, if you see a fault in my reasoning feel free to point it out.
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
No I mean telling the press, who are trained to both be critical, and are paid to research and clearly communicate what they find and although that is more and more a pipedream be impartial. So if you can't do impartial then the only thing to do is have both sides represented. Over telling the people and the world in 140 characters, in some cases extremely complex policy.
I'm fine with Trumps tweets, I am smarter than you....
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
No I mean telling the press, who are trained to both be critical, and are paid to research and clearly communicate what they find and although that is more and more a pipedream be impartial. So if you can't do impartial then the only thing to do is have both sides represented. Over telling the people and the world in 140 characters, in some cases extremely complex policy.

I dislike Trump using Twitter, to me it is not Presidential. Now, for you to claim we need the press to tell us the meaning of what Trump says over his own words is ridiculous. Trump isn't impartial and he shouldn't be, Obama was never impartial.
Never claimed a president is or should be impartial. I claimed you need a press core to call bullshit when it is said. Let's for a moment look at the Nixon example. Without Woodwards and Bernsteins digging Nixon would not have been found out. If CNN says he and Obama were briefed on him being potentially compromised they should not be blackballed. It is embarrassing but they are reporting something they deem newsworthy. If you allow a sitting president to pick and choose what information he acknowledges you are setting yourself up to become a police state. That's what I fear. Allowing a president to completely control his message and blackball anyone he feels are critical is the beginning of the end.
I've been taking a break during this transition. I felt it is only fair that president-elect Trump had the opportunity to prove that he isn't the self serving narcissistic sex deviant that the election cycle made out he is. I think the time has come to take stock. As someone who is about to take the most powerful office in the world he has been unable to take his communication to the level required for someone who's every word, has potential far reaching consequences globally. He still uses his twitter account to settle personal scores and even talk nuclear policy without the benefit of counsel, something that is both petty and potentially extremely dangerous. He has shown that he is unwilling to separate the office he is about to get from his business interests, making his presidency highly suspect right off the bat. And as reports both confirmed and unconfirmed proof he is beholding if not outright compromised by a foreign power which has as its leader someone who has annexed and invaded 3 sovereign nations and is by all intents and purposes a dictator. Those on the extreme right don't mind having this, so I won't waste my breath, but those off you who still feel they want to preserve democratic principles I implore you to wake up.
Glad you are onboard.
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
spot on, the press wants to filter him so the message comes out the way they want it...tweeting denies them that...the fact that the left is up in arms over this shows just how effective it is
Trump 'arms race' comment sows more doubt on nuclear policy
Not the left, the world. Wars can just as easily start from misunderstandings as it can start from deliberate action.

Sure it can, as it could from any past or current President. The press isn't the great buffer. I find the press to be the great instigator.
Sure, that's why you prefer a thoughtful, deliberate, controlled person to have that office. Someone who thinks before he speaks and is capable of rising above petty insults. How is Trump doing you think?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
No I mean telling the press, who are trained to both be critical, and are paid to research and clearly communicate what they find and although that is more and more a pipedream be impartial. So if you can't do impartial then the only thing to do is have both sides represented. Over telling the people and the world in 140 characters, in some cases extremely complex policy.

I dislike Trump using Twitter, to me it is not Presidential. Now, for you to claim we need the press to tell us the meaning of what Trump says over his own words is ridiculous. Trump isn't impartial and he shouldn't be, Obama was never impartial.
Never claimed a president is or should be impartial. I claimed you need a press core to call bullshit when it is said. Let's for a moment look at the Nixon example. Without Woodwards and Bernsteins digging Nixon would not have been found out. If CNN says he and Obama were briefed on him being potentially compromised they should not be blackballed. It is embarrassing but they are reporting something they deem newsworthy. If you allow a sitting president to pick and choose what information he acknowledges you are setting yourself up to become a police state. That's what I fear. Allowing a president to completely control his message and blackball anyone he feels are critical is the beginning of the end.
No one is stopping the press from doing anything.....

Must really suck to be a liberal now....
Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
spot on, the press wants to filter him so the message comes out the way they want it...tweeting denies them that...the fact that the left is up in arms over this shows just how effective it is
Trump 'arms race' comment sows more doubt on nuclear policy
Not the left, the world. Wars can just as easily start from misunderstandings as it can start from deliberate action.

Sure it can, as it could from any past or current President. The press isn't the great buffer. I find the press to be the great instigator.
Sure, that's why you prefer a thoughtful, deliberate, controlled person to have that office. Someone who thinks before he speaks and is capable of rising above petty insults. How is Trump doing you think?
As a representative of we the people? Trump is doing great!!! Just read his tweets....
Did I miss a post?
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
No I mean telling the press, who are trained to both be critical, and are paid to research and clearly communicate what they find and although that is more and more a pipedream be impartial. So if you can't do impartial then the only thing to do is have both sides represented. Over telling the people and the world in 140 characters, in some cases extremely complex policy.

I dislike Trump using Twitter, to me it is not Presidential. Now, for you to claim we need the press to tell us the meaning of what Trump says over his own words is ridiculous. Trump isn't impartial and he shouldn't be, Obama was never impartial.

I am so in favor of Trump using Twitter! It is the ULTIMATE method of transparency!
The MSM has since the beginning of our country been a biased method of supposedly sharing government actions.
But when I've shown over and over again the FACTS like the below ideologically driven people on the left don't want to believe it.
Even more sad, these people were considered BY Obama to be in the words of his Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber who said
In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –
you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass

VIDEO: "Stupid voters" would have killed Obamacare
Think about you non-ideological driven readers! Obama hired people who counted on the stupidity of the people who voted for
Obamacare... in this case 34 House democrats voted against it as well as ALL the GOP. So I guess everyone who voted for it
were according to Gruber "STUPID"!

The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
No I mean telling the press, who are trained to both be critical, and are paid to research and clearly communicate what they find and although that is more and more a pipedream be impartial. So if you can't do impartial then the only thing to do is have both sides represented. Over telling the people and the world in 140 characters, in some cases extremely complex policy.

I dislike Trump using Twitter, to me it is not Presidential. Now, for you to claim we need the press to tell us the meaning of what Trump says over his own words is ridiculous. Trump isn't impartial and he shouldn't be, Obama was never impartial.
Never claimed a president is or should be impartial. I claimed you need a press core to call bullshit when it is said. Let's for a moment look at the Nixon example. Without Woodwards and Bernsteins digging Nixon would not have been found out. If CNN says he and Obama were briefed on him being potentially compromised they should not be blackballed. It is embarrassing but they are reporting something they deem newsworthy. If you allow a sitting president to pick and choose what information he acknowledges you are setting yourself up to become a police state. That's what I fear. Allowing a president to completely control his message and blackball anyone he feels are critical is the beginning of the end.

I don't think it's being critical but being untruthful that gets Trump.
You know, I find it rather interesting that even after the rumors of Russians influencing our elections, that Trump would say that he is open to lifting the sanctions against Russia.

Trump says he might lift Russia sanctions, is not committed to 'One China' policy

No wonder Putin helped Trump with the election.

Why would you find it interesting? This is politics as usual.

When Bill Clinton left office, he reduced arsenic levels in drinking water to unobtainable levels. Of course when Bush got in, he rescinded it and the MSM went nuts saying Bush wanted dirty water even though he only put the levels back to where they were during Clinton's two terms.

It's all a dog and pony show. DumBama is setting the stage for Trump to reverse everything he's doing now so the MSM has fodder for their stories to try and make Trump look bad.
The reasoning that using twitter to talk about nuclear arms is dangerous. The reasoning that refusing to put his holdings in a blind trust, make it very easy for him to use he office for personal gain. The reasoning that when Russia helps you win the election, they'll expect something back. Take your pick.

Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
No I mean telling the press, who are trained to both be critical, and are paid to research and clearly communicate what they find and although that is more and more a pipedream be impartial. So if you can't do impartial then the only thing to do is have both sides represented. Over telling the people and the world in 140 characters, in some cases extremely complex policy.

I dislike Trump using Twitter, to me it is not Presidential. Now, for you to claim we need the press to tell us the meaning of what Trump says over his own words is ridiculous. Trump isn't impartial and he shouldn't be, Obama was never impartial.
Never claimed a president is or should be impartial. I claimed you need a press core to call bullshit when it is said. Let's for a moment look at the Nixon example. Without Woodwards and Bernsteins digging Nixon would not have been found out. If CNN says he and Obama were briefed on him being potentially compromised they should not be blackballed. It is embarrassing but they are reporting something they deem newsworthy. If you allow a sitting president to pick and choose what information he acknowledges you are setting yourself up to become a police state. That's what I fear. Allowing a president to completely control his message and blackball anyone he feels are critical is the beginning of the end.

And if he puts it out on Twitter the press can call BS. Just like when a President makes a statement through his press secretary. The press won't allow him to pick and choose and they never have before. Silly that people believe that. Trump has to answer or face the wrath of the people and/or face impeachment. The Constitution is set up to protect America, it has for every President so far and Trump isn't any better or brighter than they are.
Twitter over telling the press? Not seeing much difference of course the press can spin it. Plenty of Presidents have had outside interests and if we find out he is putting his interests firs we can impeach and move on quickly. Did Russia help him win?According to many experts the releasing of the emails didn't help Trump all that much and Clinton saw little or no dip in the polls. Now, does Russia expect payback? Sure just like all those foreign countries that donated to Clinton's foundation expected payback. As a person that didn't like either candidate and thought both had severe problems, I am going to wait and see what happens. If Trump starts getting out of line we need to use the Constitution to oust.
You mean telling we the people over telling the press to tell we the people....
spot on, the press wants to filter him so the message comes out the way they want it...tweeting denies them that...the fact that the left is up in arms over this shows just how effective it is
Trump 'arms race' comment sows more doubt on nuclear policy
Not the left, the world. Wars can just as easily start from misunderstandings as it can start from deliberate action.

Sure it can, as it could from any past or current President. The press isn't the great buffer. I find the press to be the great instigator.
Sure, that's why you prefer a thoughtful, deliberate, controlled person to have that office. Someone who thinks before he speaks and is capable of rising above petty insults. How is Trump doing you think?

He is doing fair, not great, not bad. He is not President yet, however I do worry that an issue will come up and without all the evidence in, blame someone for the wrong, such as a police officer and then trying to smooth it over with a "Beer Summit."

I think many Presidents going into office make lots of mistakes and promises they can't possibly keep. Like closing Gitmo, being to all 57 states or saying if you like your insurance you can keep it. It's a pretty big learning curve.

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