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Message To NY City Cops

Eric Garner wasn't shot, he was choked to death. Perhaps big and burly is part of the problem.
No Garner was NOT choked to death.
The ME's conclusion as to the cause of death was incorrect.
Further examination of the body indicated Garner was not only morbidly obese, but had long term and extensive heart damage. He also suffered from high blood pressure.
This guy could have dropped dead from having to climb two flights of stairs. Or having to jog across the street to avoid being run over by a bus
Eric Garner wasn't shot, he was choked to death. Perhaps big and burly is part of the problem.
No he wasn't. Are you really unaware of his cause of death, or are you just being dishonest?

The coroner ruled that the chokehold and pressure on Garner's chest killed him, and that his existing asthma and hypertension issues made him extremely vulnerable to a tactic that has been forbidden by NYPD policy since 1993.

No Indictment In NYPD Eric Garner Chokehold Case - The Atlantic
What the hell would you know about it?
Well, unlike Stephanie, I can read an article written at the high school level. Can you? It doesn't appear that you did, or you'd realize that height/weight requirements weren't discussed.
Nice dodge. The point is today's NYPD recruiting and hiring standards would make such a story extremely rare....
I can see what you're getting at here and quite frankly you should just stand down

So, your claim is that a female officer would not have intervened? Interesting. You've got nothing behind your claims, so it's particularly interesting that you're suggesting that I should stand down.

Do women with opinions make you uncomfortable?
Most likely, she would have intervened and gotten rag dolled.
Nothing?.....Oh contrare. I have the laws of physics on my side....
Look, I am well aware of where you are going with this. You are ready to attack on the gender thing....Got news for you. If a 125 lb female is up against a 200-250 lb man who is hell bent on not getting cuffed, the female officer will LOSE 100% of the time. That is unless she is an expert at one of the martial arts...
Here's an example of why women unless highly trained in the martial arts to overcome their inferior physical capabilities( to males), should NY be assigned to certain duties as police officers.
What some people really don't get is that while they are situations that are as clear as day that yes force is needed, there are others that aren't clear.

In Alabama, two protestors were sitting in front of their cars and six officers again had to take him down and taze him even though he wasn't being violent at all towards them. That's not okay.

Yet, the justice system gives cops a complete pass on everything they do and cops know it. That's the problem.

Alabama Cops Taser Man Arrest Witness Recording Tasering
Protesters? Please elaborate.
Link sent to Dante by the FAMILY of a NYPD Officer: Message To NY City Cops

I used to live on E. 3rd St. in Manhattan, across from the Men’s Shelter. It could get pretty stinky but I was fond of a lot of these guys.

Tommy the Jacket Head, who wore a jacket over his head and walked in circles mumbling to himself and then blurting out things that could have come from Stephen Hawking or Søren Kierkegaard. There was an enormously fat guy who would blurt out "Armageddon! Armageddon! Hoom!” every 10 minutes or so, but otherwise...​


One night at about 3 a.m., I heard something going on outside and stood up on my window ledge to see what was happening. There was a cop, by himself, in a precarious situation.

A guy with a metal pipe over his head was standing in front of the cop. Two other guys were behind the cop and seemed ready to attack. An old bum was lying on the pavement and appeared to have been knocked unconscious by the other three.

The cop was white and everyone else was black. I am not sure that that matters but there you are.

Now if I had been the cop and had a gun, I cannot imagine that I would not have shot the guy with the pipe.

But he didn’t.

The cop managed to disarm the guy with the pipe by rushing him and pulling his arm over his shoulder, then handcuffing him almost all in one motion. Then he took out his gun and told the other two to get lost.

It was so insanely brave, that when I got down off of the window sill, I was on the verge of tears.

One cannot expect anyone to act as heroically as this man had — alone, in the middle of the night, with no one to see, no cameras, on a block most officers didn’t dare to go on — risking his life to not take another’s.

If you joined the force to carry a gun and hang with your buddies, crack nasty jokes and bully kids who hang out at the convenience store until they feel like they have no other recourse than to fight back because these things inexplicably make you feel more manly or powerful, if you band together to turn your back on someone speaking at a funeral, then you are an embarrassment.

Simple as that — you are an embarrassment.

But if you, in any small way, aspire to be this cop on 3rd St., 35 years ago — then, I’ve got your back. In any way in my power, I’ve got your back.

If you show this kind of integrity and courage, I dare say the whole city will have your back.

Lurie is an American musician, painter, actor, director and producer.
John Lurie A New Yorker s message to the cops - NY Daily News
Unbelievable...Your point?
BTW, back then to be qualified as a NYC PO, there...

blah, blah, blah... :blahblah:
Most likely, she would have intervened and gotten rag dolled.
Nothing?.....Oh contrare. I have the laws of physics on my side....
Look, I am well aware of where you are going with this. You are ready to attack on the gender thing....Got news for you. If a 125 lb female is up against a 200-250 lb man who is hell bent on not getting cuffed, the female officer will LOSE 100% of the time. That is unless she is an expert at one of the martial arts...
Here's an example of why women unless highly trained in the martial arts to overcome their inferior physical capabilities( to males), should NY be assigned to certain duties as police officers.
When I seek out expert information on the subject, it won't be from anonymous limbites on the internet.

Why should I take your aggressive attempts to twist the discussion seriously?
Eric Garner wasn't shot, he was choked to death. Perhaps big and burly is part of the problem.
Eric Garner brought his own tragedy on by being a douche
On that we can agree. Look, no one deserves to not make it out alive as a result of interaction with LEO's. This Garner case has many facets.
why didn't you start your own thread on requirements to be a law enforcement officer?

Eric Garner wasn't shot, he was choked to death. Perhaps big and burly is part of the problem.
No he wasn't. Are you really unaware of his cause of death, or are you just being dishonest?

The coroner ruled that the chokehold and pressure on Garner's chest killed him, and that his existing asthma and hypertension issues made him extremely vulnerable to a tactic that has been forbidden by NYPD policy since 1993.

No Indictment In NYPD Eric Garner Chokehold Case - The Atlantic
Nope, he died of cardiac arrest in the ambulance.

Man in chokehold death had no throat damage autopsy New York Post
Eric Garner wasn't shot, he was choked to death. Perhaps big and burly is part of the problem.
Eric Garner brought his own tragedy on by being a douche

So someone deserves to die for being frustrated and IN your mind, a douche?
That is NOT what he stated or implied......And YOU know it.
The police are not simply just going to "walk away" just because someone resists a lawful inquiry, detainment or arrest.
I have heard the cries.. "He was just selling 'looseys"....Or, it was a misdemeanor. Why couldn't they just leave the guy alone"...
Here's the rub...We are a nation of laws. Those laws are witnessed and enforced by police officers. Enforcement is their JOB....Filure to do so by decree of political correctness or " well it was just this once/little thing" is a path to anarchy. We cannot as a civilized society, have this.
That day Eric Garner decided HE was not going to be arrested. He decided to challenge lawful authority. He decided to engage in a physical confrontation with police officers in the process of their lawful and sworn duties.
The left wing media got it wrong. The race baiting Sharptons got it wrong.
Eric Garner wasn't shot, he was choked to death. Perhaps big and burly is part of the problem.
Eric Garner brought his own tragedy on by being a douche

So someone deserves to die for being frustrated and IN your mind, a douche?
That is NOT what he stated or implied......And YOU know it.
The police are not simply just going to "walk away" just because someone resists a lawful inquiry, detainment or arrest.
I have heard the cries.. "He was just selling 'looseys"....Or, it was a misdemeanor. Why couldn't they just leave the guy alone"...
Here's the rub...We are a nation of laws. Those laws are witnessed and enforced by police officers. Enforcement is their JOB....Filure to do so by decree of political correctness or " well it was just this once/little thing" is a path to anarchy. We cannot as a civilized society, have this.
That day Eric Garner decided HE was not going to be arrested. He decided to challenge lawful authority. He decided to engage in a physical confrontation with police officers in the process of their lawful and sworn duties.
The left wing media got it wrong. The race baiting Sharptons got it wrong.

Bullshit. They could have written him a ticket, just like they do for minor traffic offenses.

New York Post < Medical Examiner
Caution...One must remember that the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in the City of New York is a POLITICAL position.....

you still posting on subjects you know little abut?

I know more in life from living 60 years little one. Now troll along
wow! so bitter at so young an age?

my sympathies

woe..You two sniping at each other is quite amusing in that you both more than likely agree on some of the points on this incident.
35 years ago the police had standards of height and weight. A cop would be big and burly enough to do that.
Thirty five years ago street cops would retire after twenty or thirty years of patrol service and brag about never having to pull their guns in the line of duty; obviously, you can't prohibit half of humanity from police work if you expect to find enough qualified recruits; however, elimination size and gender requirements forced a rethinking of how street cops enforce command presence. Maybe another generation or two will solve the problem?
Unless there is a radical evolution in the human species, female humans are not going to get any larger or acquire more physical prowess.
Figure it out.
Now. that is not to say that women cannot be trained in martial arts to overcome any physical inferiororities.
Yes, a woman with the proper training can be capable of bringing down a much larger person with relative ease.
I have trained with both men and women in a martial art which I will for purposes of integrity I will not name. In my classes, the women are not treated any differently than the men. The results of the training are quite remarkable
Well it looks the gangs, the thugs and the criminals have gotten MORE violent over 35 years. You don't like them don't ever call for their service. simple
Violence levels in New York have been declining since the 1970s. NY cops appear to be just about as viscous as they ever were. Why aren't you outraged?
That is patently false.
While the number of reported crimes has fallen ( per 100,000 population) the incidents themselves AND the ferocity of incidents has gotten more violent.
The bottom line is while overall there are fewer reported violent crimes, the severity of the violent nature of crime has in fact increased.
Add in the fact that many cities are now refusing to report their crime data to the FBI.
Look, there is a well documented increase in the lack of civility across the US. It is a shift in cultural mores
What a bunch of bullshit. That story likely never even happened. Some liberal made it up for a point. Afterall...no video.back then right?
Well it looks the gangs, the thugs and the criminals have gotten MORE violent over 35 years. You don't like them don't ever call for their service. simple
Violence levels in New York have been declining since the 1970s. NY cops appear to be just about as viscous as they ever were. Why aren't you outraged?
That is patently false.
While the number of reported crimes has fallen ( per 100,000 population) the incidents themselves AND the ferocity of incidents has gotten more violent.
The bottom line is while overall there are fewer reported violent crimes, the severity of the violent nature of crime has in fact increased.
Add in the fact that many cities are now refusing to report their crime data to the FBI.
Look, there is a well documented increase in the lack of civility across the US. It is a shift in cultural mores

So dead people are now deader?

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