META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

CostCo has a food area behind the cash registers but there's no where to stand or sit of you're not eating.
Also, the clientele for CostCo is a much higher class in NYC/Nassau County than Walmart or Target.

Walmart and Target literally have a large empty area for people entering the store.
CostCo has also set itself up as a club, so the law permits it to be far more restrictive.
They do not.
I suppose this is possible, but it would be very unusual, including in wild & crazy Florida.
They have spaces which they allow the public to access
while, at the same time, having complete control over who's able to use them.

Not how it works when it comes to such dedicated public spaces which are privately owned.
For instance, if someone was standing in front of Target
Where exactly?
with a sign that says "FUCK JESUS CHRIST",
Sounds like a problem.
the management of that Target would be well within their rights to bar the individual from the property...
Most likely, yes.
Just go again and look and you'll see.

Prove me wrong.


That's like asking me to prove that water isn't wet.

These "public spaces" don't exist. You're the one claiming they do, so the onus is on you to show that what you say is true. Asking someone else to disprove your idiotic claim is the coward's approach to a debate...
I can sit at the picnic tables at my local Costco even if I'm not eating something I bought from the Costco food counter.

So, no, you're wrong...
It's a club set up I believe, so very different.
Well, people tend to spend a lot more money when they go to Costco, so that's not really any big surprise.

I'm waiting for the day when I'm able to get out of Costco for less than $400...
Now we know who hoarded all the TP! :eek:
I believe you're referring to the "entry way"...
That's the general area; adjacent to same.
In all my years using their service, I've never seen a single picture of finger painting posted to Facebook.

You continue to be a complete
The first person I friended on FB posted a picture of their kid's finger painting within a few days of my friending them.

But your results may vary! :)
Go and see.

Again, I was there yesterday. No such space exists.

Furthermore, you've failed, numerous times, to support your stupid claim that such spaces exist...

Not sure why that's interesting. When I lived in San Diego the Costco there had the same set-up...

Perhaps; they're structured as a dues-paying club of some kind, correct?

Yes, that's correct.

But a person only needs to pay a membership fee in order to shop in the Costco store. A person doesn't have to be a member to buy a Costco dog and sit down and eat...

Target public spaces are actually far more open, and subject to far less control.

The spaces you're referring to can only be the areas in front of the entryways.

Target can absolutely control what does and doesn't happen in those areas...

A serious headache for the managers.

No, not really...
I suppose this is possible, but it would be very unusual, including in wild & crazy Florida.



Not how it works when it comes to such dedicated public spaces which are privately owned.

Where exactly?

Sounds like a problem.

Most likely, yes.

You're mentally retarded. That much is clear.

You made a claim which, despite numerous requests for examples, you have proven that you're nothing but a failure at supporting.
You've made the claim that private companies maintain "public spaces" that they can exert little control over, yet you can't explain what those spaces are, and saying "Go to Target and see for yourself", or something similarly stupid, doesn't prove your argument.

You've failed numerous times in this thread. Anything further from you will just be fodder for mockery...
St. Johns, Florida.
I'd be stunned if their set up is different than other Target stores in terms of their dedicated public areas.
Politics has nothing to do with it,
Oh but it might, and that's where things get interesting. :)
though. If someone complains to the management about a "FUCK JESUS CHRIST" t-shirt that someone is wearing on Target property,
I'm loving this "Eff JC!" thing you keep bringing up...
I promise you that management is going to take action...
They might, and they might then be successfully sued, but every situation is different, so variables and details matter.
I'd be stunned if their set up is different than other Target stores in terms of their dedicated public areas.

Oh but it might, and that's where things get interesting. :)

I'm loving this "Eff JC!" thing you keep bringing up...

They might, and they might then be successfully sued, but every situation is different, so variables and details matter.

It's laughable that the word "details" comes out of you when you've been an unqualified disaster at providing details about these alleged "public spaces" which are maintained by private companies.

You've made the claim that they exist. Why are you afraid to actually support your argument?
It has to do with BUSINESS. If you think not, you're a retard.

If I'm the manager of a Target store, and I get a line of people complaining about a single person on the property of my store, where my store is located will not be a consideration at all in determining how I react to those complaints.
Sounds like an ex-manager to me. :)
It's truly fascinating that you would believe otherwise...
Fascinating that you refuse to understand the issues here. :)
Communist Globlalist Left in America.
No - the left agrees with the right on many issues, including their opposition to totalitarian globalism.

You're referring to liberals, who support fascism.
No - the left agrees with the right on many issues, including their opposition to totalitarian globalism.

You're referring to liberals, who support fascism.

I am refering to the radical Left here in America.

OK? enough.

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