META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

It's more complicated.

A Target may be in a shopping center with a separate public area AND have it's own public area as well, leased or owned.

Both spaces are governed by laws which provide certain rights to the public, and which limit what Target and the lessors can do.

And many more Target stores are stand-alone entities where they own the property they occupy, parking included...
Then why are they targeting the right? If there is too much content, as you claim, then why are they policing just the right?
They're not policing just the right.

They're targeting the left as much or more, seeking to squeeze the spectrum of *acceptable* content as narrow as possible.
That was my point.

So you say. I only see MAGTARDS whining about it. If you don't like it don't go on FB. It didn't even exist a few years ago.

Vote for Zinc and you'll never have to vote again!
Actually, the left is being censored as much or more by FB, et al.
That's like asking me to prove that water isn't wet.
These "public spaces" don't exist.
You're the one claiming they do, so the onus is on you to show that what you say is true.
They're there. Look next time you go to Target. :)
Asking someone else to disprove your idiotic claim is the coward's approach to a debate...
Oy - I was goofing on your inflexible idiocy.
Again, I was there yesterday. No such space exists.
Furthermore, you've failed, numerous times, to support your stupid claim that such spaces exist...
And yet they do - weird, no? :eek:
Not sure why that's interesting. When I lived in San Diego the Costco there had the same set-up...
Yes, that's correct.

But a person only needs to pay a membership fee in order to shop in the Costco store. A person doesn't have to be a member to buy a Costco dog and sit down and eat...
Interesting; sounds like a privately owned/leased public space.
The spaces you're referring to can only be the areas in front of the entryways.
How can something be in front of an entryway?

How would people enter?
Target can absolutely control what does and doesn't happen in those areas...
Only to some extent.
No, not really...
Very much so.
You're mentally retarded. That much is clear.
I accept your concession that you've failed here. :)
You made a claim which, despite numerous requests for examples, you have proven that you're nothing but a failure at supporting.
Go to a Target, bra. :)
You've made the claim that private companies maintain "public spaces" that they can exert little control over,
Limited control, yes.
yet you can't explain what those spaces are,
See the thread.
and saying "Go to Target and see for yourself", or something similarly stupid, doesn't prove your argument.
And yet...
You've failed numerous times in this thread. Anything further from you will just be fodder for mockery...
See ya in the sock aisle! :)
It's laughable that the word "details" comes out of you when you've been an unqualified disaster at providing details about these alleged "public spaces" which are maintained by private companies.

You've made the claim that they exist. Why are you afraid to actually support your argument?
Endlessly addressed.
That's because you're completely ignorant of the subject matter here...

No, what's fascinating is that you've proven yourself to be nothing but a little chickenshit when it comes to backing up your claims.

You don't even try to do it because you know you can't. You're just too afraid, for whatever reason, to simply say that you were wrong. I could respect that. But you're doubling down on your ridiculous claims and making yourself look monumentally ignorant in the process...
Addressed ad nauseam.

Not unlikely at all.
The space does not exist. Target maintains no such space for the enjoyment of the public.

If they do, you've been a total failure at explaining what those spaces are...

And yet they do - weird, no?

No, dipshit, they don't...


Interesting; sounds like a privately owned/leased public space.

Costco wouldn't lease a public space. They would lease property owned by a third party.

So, no, it's not a leased public space at all...

How can something be in front of an entryway?

Are you saying empty space can't be in front of an entry way?
How would people enter?

Can you not traverse through empty space?

Only to some extent.

No, to whatever extent they deem appropriate...

Very much so.

No, not really...
The whole point we have been discussing is, some of us want it CHANGED, like Ma Bell was, to become a public utility, so as to get past this whole freedom of speech problem.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy – social media are nothing like AT&T/Bell Telephone.

AT&T had control of tangible infrastructure – telephone lines, equipment, and phone exchanges.

Social media have no ‘tangible infrastructure’; it’s intangible and virtual existing on an infinite international network running on countless computers and servers around the world.

And this has nothing to do with ‘freedom of speech,’ there is no freedom of speech ‘problem’ – private companies aren’t subject to the First Amendment; only government has the potential to violate free speech, not private social media.

The only problem is that the authoritarian right wants to use the power of the state to compel social media to accommodate rightwing hate speech and lies – and subject social media to punitive measures for failing to do so.
Endlessly addressed.

The only way you've addressed it is by repeatedly (and ignorantly) saying that they exist. Constantly repeating it doesn't make it so.

Target, Wal-Mart, Costco, etal do not maintain "public spaces". They maintain spaces which they make accessible to the public, but which are controlled, 100%, by the management. If management deems someone to be a detriment to business, they have not only the ability, but the responsibility to remove that person regardless of the fact that they make the space accessible to the public...
I accept your concession that you've failed here. :)

Go to a Target, bra. :)

Limited control, yes.

See the thread.

And yet...

See ya in the sock aisle! :)

Again, you've been a stellar example of an abject failure.

But I'll tell you what: I'm going to Target again tomorrow. What "public spaces" should I be looking for? What do they look like?
Conservatives don’t want to police social media – they want to destroy it and subject what’s left over to excessive, burdensome government regulation, including shutting down platforms that refuse to accommodate rightwing hate speech and lies.
Actually, it's liberals/Democrats working with the permastate to destroy free speech on the internet and elsewhere.

They seek to silence the left AND right, narrowing acceptable speech to a fascist-friendly center consisting of utter obeisance to mindlessness.

Liberals/Democrats = Dangerously deranged Nazis
Hardly. You've repeatedly proven that you're not up to the task of backing up anything you say.

You're a clown...

I think not.
When I managed a store, I kicked people out on a few occasions. They were being disruptive and, as such, it was up to me to show them the door. At no time was I concerned about getting fired or sued, simply because there would've been no basis for either...

You ARE an ex-manager - I KNEW it!

But yeah - throwing so-called "bums" out of a Target...

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