META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

Most do not...

Translation: You're unable to argue my point...

No, they won't.

What space would they "dedicate" for "public use"?

Don't be a douche and say "Addressed ad nauseum". Provide (if you can) an intelligent answer...

Says the zero-experience retard who can't support the idiotic claims she's made.

People are laughing at you. They're laughing at you because you've raised being stupid to a brand new level...
I've already addressed all of this, and endlessly.

I hope you're doing okay. :)

They're usually next to the entrances, but look at the entire front of the store.

And, again, you fail to tell me what I should look for.

You fail.


This is the front of a Target store in Jacksonville, Florida. Please point out the "dedicated public space" that Target "maintains":


Here's the front of the Target store ( a stand alone store) in St. Augustine, Florida. Please point out the "dedicated public space" that Target "maintains":


Here's the exterior of a Walmart. Where's the "dedicated public space" that Walmart maintains?


What do these mysterious "dedicated public spaces" consist of?
And, again, you fail to tell me what I should look for.

You fail.


This is the front of a Target store in Jacksonville, Florida. Please point out the "dedicated public space" that Target "maintains":


Here's the front of the Target store ( a stand alone store) in St. Augustine, Florida. Please point out the "dedicated public space" that Target "maintains":

View attachment 685637

Here's the exterior of a Walmart. Where's the "dedicated public space" that Walmart maintains?


What do these mysterious "dedicated public spaces" consist of?
I'd need to see the entire front of that first store, and the second was likewise photographed at a bad angle.

Why did you select these two images, and not ones which clearly show the area/s in question?
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I have to surmise that you're having a conversation with one of the other voices in your head, because you haven't been having that conversation here...
You know, I stumbled on a comment you made in another thread, and prior to this, I'd thought I was just interacting with another internet blockhead.

But I now understand that you're actually a very seriously disturbed individual.

I genuinely hope you get the help you need.

To the topic, I also hope you can grasp what the issues are here, and also that you can spot the area in question at your local Target of choice.

Take care. :)
And you are the one who wants no regulation.

We can do this extreme shit all day.
you seriously call not controlling people's property 'extreme?'

And where have I said there should be no regulation. There clearly is and should be some regulation. For instance, they cannot host child pornography and must take reasonable steps to ensure that they are not spreading it.

'We' are not doing this extreme shit all day. I am pointing out the blatantly obvious and you are trying to justify your extreme position of using governmental power to progress your preferred political goals.

That is authoritarian and it is not just bad, it is also a road to some pretty crappy outcomes.
I’ve tried Parler and SM sites like it, and they’re just not as user friendly as Facebook or Twitter. Maybe the reason they don’t get off the ground is because they need better developers?
The reason they do not get off the ground is they do not curate their content very well.

What the right, and people at large, want is curated content. They just want to make sure they control the message without having to do all the work of actually creating the platform.
Show me the data, otherwise it is just more rightwing whining.
Should we start with the fact that they banned a legitimate news organization for reporting on a FACTUAL story that was known at the time to be factual? That they continued to do so up until the election was over. That they repeated a lie about the source of that story.

All because of a fear that it would have a similar effect that Comey had on Hillary.

Like I said, blatantly obvious. There are many on FB that regularly say and repeat shit a lot worse than what republicans get banned for. Go find some Islamic apologist content.
I'd need to see the entire front of that first store, and the second was likewise photographed at a bad angle.

Well, that's the best photo of it I could find.

Ignore the first one, then, if it doesn't measure up to your fantastical criteria. Look at the second image. It clearly shows the entire front of the store, and it shows that the store is a stand-alone store. It's connected to nothing.

Where's the "dedicated public space" that you insist is maintained by Target?

Why did you select these two images, and not ones which clearly show the area/s in question?

Okay, you're dismissed.

That second photo; the one of the store in St. Augustine, clearly shows the entirety of the front of the store. Now, that's all I have to go on since you've not been very forthcoming with where the "dedicated public space" would be. The fact of the matter is that you can see the entire store in that second photo, and no such area exists.

You've been owned, twat. I've shown how no such area exists, and you've proven to be only a pathetic failure at showing that it does.

How's that fail taste?
Then why was Microsoft forced to make concessions and different product versions?

How come they couldn't do as they wanted?
They violated anti-trust laws. That is worthy of a thread all on its own. The problem here is that you may have a solid case that FB, Twitter, Youtube and Google have also violated antitrust laws but the problem here is the solution is not even remotely what you are calling for. Violating anti-trust laws does not give you the right to dictate their content. It bars them from working with other companies to remove competition.

None of that points to controlling what content they can and cannot curate. It would, instead, mean they need to stop coordinating actions removing competition like they tried to do with Parlor.

IF that was what you were calling for you would get my agreement. Since that is not what you have called for in this thread but rather called for what amounts to nationalizing the sector I will rightfully call that out for what it is.
You know, I stumbled on a comment you made in another thread, and prior to this, I'd thought I was just interacting with another internet blockhead.

But I now understand that you're actually a very seriously disturbed individual.

I genuinely hope you get the help you need.

To the topic, I also hope you can grasp what the issues are here, and also that you can spot the area in question at your local Target of choice.

Take care. :)

You're a diseased little gash, aren't you?

What comment did you stumble upon? What did I say?

Never mind. You're too big a chickenshit to say it.

The "area in question" does not exist at my local Target store. I've shown you a photo of the entire front of the store, and you can't show me where it does.

You are cloaked in failure.

You're an ignorant, stupid fuck who has proven she is incapable of supporting any of the idiotic claims you make. You want to be believed for no other reason than you say something. You think the fact that you say it should be enough. Well, kitten, it's not. It's not, and you're an idiot for believing it does.

You've been owned, you hysterical little wench...
When are we going to just simply start banning Facebook by unsubscribing??? I mean it's simply just that f****** easy if human beings will just unite against social media enabling human corruption.
Yes. That is the solution. Most of us that find Facebook to be a rather disgusting example of business destroying a culture of free speech and open communication already have.

The problem is when the people here decide that they just cannot live without the something that someone else crated, maintains, runs and owns so they go to government and demand it take it from them and gives it to you.

I am all for simply ceasing to use FB and go onto the next big thing that will replace it as it replaced its predecessor.
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If you do not like the free service they provide, do not use them.

It seems so simple yet you all just cannot figure it out.

Why is that?

If they are going to edit content they should lose their Sec. 302 exemption, so people can sue their ass off. If they lose a few multimillion dollar law suits they'll stop that shit.

You know, I stumbled on a comment you made in another thread, and prior to this, I'd thought I was just interacting with another internet blockhead.

But I now understand that you're actually a very seriously disturbed individual.

I genuinely hope you get the help you need.

To the topic, I also hope you can grasp what the issues are here, and also that you can spot the area in question at your local Target of choice.

Take care. :)
Hey pussy, I can spot the fact that your entire stance is a Cosplay fantasy in which you're begging daddy government and te Supreme Court to force people to he friends with you. How sad. 😄 Also, never going to happen bitch boy. Hope you enjoy your fantasies. Maybe if you squint hard enough you can make yourself believe TruthSocial is Facebook. 😄
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ITs called the freedom to associate with those with like opinions. You all don't like our opinions. We have the right to be there as well, so your answer is not to debate them but to silence them... Why is that? Are your positions so weak that you cannot defend them?

Well there's Truth Social and Gab, right? Use those maybe?
If they are going to edit content they should lose their Sec. 302 exemption, so people can sue their ass off. If they lose a few multimillion dollar law suits they'll stop that shit..

So if some obnoxious boozer gets bounced from a bar they should just sue the bar because bar was just enforcing its own rules? I thought conservatives were pro-business.
If they are going to edit content they should lose their Sec. 302 exemption, so people can sue their ass off. If they lose a few multimillion dollar law suits they'll stop that shit.


So this site should also lose the same exemption as I have had my post edited/removed.

How long do you think this site will continue to operate under such conditions?
Should we start with the fact that they banned a legitimate news organization for reporting on a FACTUAL story that was known at the time to be factual? That they continued to do so up until the election was over. That they repeated a lie about the source of that story.

All because of a fear that it would have a similar effect that Comey had on Hillary.

Sure, and that is a fair complaint after what happened to Hillary. Is that an example of ideological bias or a bad decision given that at the time the story was full of unfounded speculation and unconfirmed? Either way it was a bad decision on their part.

Like I said, blatantly obvious. There are many on FB that regularly say and repeat shit a lot worse than what republicans get banned for. Go find some Islamic apologist content.

“They say”….

The problem is there doesn’t seem to be any actual data to support the claim. What does Islamic apologist have to do with it?
You know, I stumbled on a comment you made in another thread, and prior to this, I'd thought I was just interacting with another internet blockhead.

But I now understand that you're actually a very seriously disturbed individual.

I genuinely hope you get the help you need.

To the topic, I also hope you can grasp what the issues are here, and also that you can spot the area in question at your local Target of choice.

Take care. :)

Another 50 post from you in this thread, and you as of yet backed up/supported a single claim you have made.

That is rather telling

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