META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

They’re not.

As already correctly noted: conservatives continue to violate the TOS and other rules by posting racist, bigoted hate speech, dangerous misinformation, and reckless, irresponsible lies.

Conservative content is not being removed because rightists are advocating for deregulation of the oil industry, tax cuts for corporations, or getting rid of Social Security.
This is an outright lie. FULL STOP....
This fails as a false comparison fallacy – social media are nothing like AT&T/Bell Telephone.

AT&T had control of tangible infrastructure – telephone lines, equipment, and phone exchanges.

Social media have no ‘tangible infrastructure’; it’s intangible and virtual existing on an infinite international network running on countless computers and servers around the world.

And this has nothing to do with ‘freedom of speech,’ there is no freedom of speech ‘problem’ – private companies aren’t subject to the First Amendment; only government has the potential to violate free speech, not private social media.

The only problem is that the authoritarian right wants to use the power of the state to compel social media to accommodate rightwing hate speech and lies – and subject social media to punitive measures for failing to do so.
The projection is massive. What you are doing is exactly what you claim others are doing. Not going to work.
Fuck you, you infected gash.
Oopsie - hit a nerve did I?
You're an idiot. Seriously, I don't know that I've ever encountered a more ignorant, willfully stupid individual, and it saddens me to think that you might, one day, breed your stunning lack of intelligence into another generation.
You've made it clear you have no clue what it means to run a business.
More projection?
If you think a person has a "right" to be inside a private business, you're a complete fucking idiot.
Inside, or in a dedicated public area?

Rights pertain in both instances, but they may differ.
When I was a manager, and now as a business owner, I retain the right to refuse service to anyone.
To some extent, yes.
I rarely do these days, but it happens. And, when it does, the last thing I'm worried about is being sued...
Drooling; dem lawyas is drooling... :)
And many more Target stores are stand-alone entities where they own the property they occupy, parking included...
I've never seen a Target like this, but they may exist.

However, the uses of various areas thereon are still governed/limited/stipulated by law.
I was there yesterday, dummy.

The spaces you insist exist do not, and you've been a complete failure at proving otherwise...

Horseshit. You're just afraid of having to actually support the idiocy you post...
Addressed, & endlessly. :)
When are we going to just simply start banning Facebook by unsubscribing??? I mean it's simply just that f****** easy if human beings will just unite against social media enabling human corruption.
You ARE an ex-manager - I KNEW it!

But yeah - throwing so-called "bums" out of a Target...

I guess I'm not surprised that you missed that.

I managed a large-ish guitar store in San Diego back in the early 2000's. I kicked more than one person out of our store, including bums who would try to bathe in the men's room sink.

But I'm sure such conduct would be perfectly fine with you...
Not unlikely at all.
The space does not exist. Target maintains no such space for the enjoyment of the public.

If they do, you've been a total failure at explaining what those spaces are...

No, dipshit, they don't...
It's possible that yours doesn't, dipshit, but that's highly unlikley. :)
Costco wouldn't lease a public space.
They would lease property owned by a third party.
You are now officially in the weeds - congratulations.

CostCo would lease or own such a space & dedicate it for public use - get it?
So, no, it's not a leased public space at all...
Spectacular - seriously.
Are you saying empty space can't be in front of an entry way?
Just wow.
Can you not traverse through empty space?
It's almost sad...
No, to whatever extent they deem appropriate...

There's this thing called the law.

But I'm now genuinely starting to pity you, as you're far more inept than I realized. :(
No, not really...
The law.
When are we going to just simply start banning Facebook by unsubscribing??? I mean it's simply just that f****** easy if human beings will just unite against social media enabling human corruption.
The problem is this entity is colluding with other big tech ogalarchs to keep others from challenging them. Parlor is a good example. They were taking millions of dollars and users from facebook. They responded by shutting down the pathways to the servers and then ultimately the servers to destroy them. They acted as one monopoly in order to kill the competition. How do you create your own space when they control the flow of data? That is why I called them the new Town Square. They have made themselves the only game in town and thusly they should be held to that self-inflicted position. They made themselves the Town Square, but they then controlled the content in that square. This is what is unacceptable. They either need to become neutral or they need to be broken up so that they do not have control over public discourse.
The problem is this entity is colluding with other big tech ogalarchs to keep others from challenging them. Parlor is a good example. They were taking millions of dollars and users from facebook. They responded by shutting down the pathways to the servers and then ultimately the servers to destroy them. They acted as one monopoly in order to kill the competition. How do you create your own space when they control the flow of data? That is why I called them the new Town Square. They have made themselves the only game in town and thusly they should be held to that self-inflicted position. They made themselves the Town Square, but they then controlled the content in that square. This is what is unacceptable. They either need to become neutral or they need to be broken up so that they do not have control over public discourse.
With the exception of this place I really don't subscribe to any social media at all. At least here we can all pretty much speak our minds even though we may get some flack for it.

I think several hundred thousand people unsubscribing from their Facebook accounts would provoke a pretty strong reaction... Perhaps initially as total dumbfoundedness. Way to rock the boat.
The only way you've addressed it is by repeatedly (and ignorantly) saying that they exist. Constantly repeating it doesn't make it so.

Target, Wal-Mart, Costco, etal do not maintain "public spaces". They maintain spaces which they make accessible to the public, but which are controlled, 100%, by the management. If management deems someone to be a detriment to business, they have not only the ability, but the responsibility to remove that person regardless of the fact that they make the space accessible to the public...
False, as endlessly addressed. :)
Inside, or in a dedicated public area?

Private companies do not have "dedicated public areas".

An area made accessible to the public is not the same thing as a "dedicated public area"...

Rights pertain in both instances, but they may differ.

A customer has no right to remain inside a private business. Not even a little bit...

To some extent, yes.

No, to the extent deemed appropriate by management...

Drooling; dem lawyas is drooling... :)

How odd.

I've been a manager and have kicked people out of the business I managed. I now own two businesses and have had people removed from my property.

I've yet to be sued...
It's possible that yours doesn't, dipshit, but that's highly unlikley.

Most do not...

You are now officially in the weeds - congratulations.

Translation: You're unable to argue my point...

CostCo would lease or own such a space & dedicate it for public use - get it?

No, they won't.

What space would they "dedicate" for "public use"?

Don't be a douche and say "Addressed ad nauseum". Provide (if you can) an intelligent answer...

But I'm now genuinely starting to pity you, as you're far more inept than I realized.

Says the zero-experience retard who can't support the idiotic claims she's made.

People are laughing at you. They're laughing at you because you've raised being stupid to a brand new level...
The problem is this entity is colluding with other big tech ogalarchs to keep others from challenging them. Parlor is a good example. They were taking millions of dollars and users from facebook. They responded by shutting down the pathways to the servers and then ultimately the servers to destroy them. They acted as one monopoly in order to kill the competition. How do you create your own space when they control the flow of data? That is why I called them the new Town Square. They have made themselves the only game in town and thusly they should be held to that self-inflicted position. They made themselves the Town Square, but they then controlled the content in that square. This is what is unacceptable. They either need to become neutral or they need to be broken up so that they do not have control over public discourse.
Pretty much the thread win.

I'd just add the government's outrageous demands for censorship in for good measure as well.
Private companies do not have "dedicated public areas".

An area made accessible to the public is not the same thing as a "dedicated public area"...

A customer has no right to remain inside a private business. Not even a little bit...

No, to the extent deemed appropriate by management...

How odd.

I've been a manager and have kicked people out of the business I managed. I now own two businesses and have had people removed from my property.

I've yet to be sued...
All addressed, and endlessly.
The problem is this entity is colluding with other big tech ogalarchs to keep others from challenging them. Parlor is a good example. They were taking millions of dollars and users from facebook. They responded by shutting down the pathways to the servers and then ultimately the servers to destroy them. They acted as one monopoly in order to kill the competition. How do you create your own space when they control the flow of data? That is why I called them the new Town Square. They have made themselves the only game in town and thusly they should be held to that self-inflicted position. They made themselves the Town Square, but they then controlled the content in that square. This is what is unacceptable. They either need to become neutral or they need to be broken up so that they do not have control over public discourse.
And people stop coming to the Town square to buy all the s*** the town square has a problem. Especially when the town square has been completely built on it and takes it for granted. Can you imagine the effect of of a mass social media unsubscription result? Theyd go blithering f****** insane! I have got along just fine without a Facebook account for a long long time. What the f*** is wrong with you and you and you and you that you can't do it too????

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