META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

What in the holy fuck are you ranting about?

Um, I've said exactly nothing about kicking a bum out of anywhere. But, since you brought it up, if a bum is in my store just to be in my store, as the manager it is my RIGHT to have him removed.

Whether you agree with that or not is completely meaningless...
You really should start an ex-managers group on Facebook. :)
Sounds like an ex-manager to me.

That's because you're completely ignorant of the subject matter here...

Fascinating that you refuse to understand the issues here.

No, what's fascinating is that you've proven yourself to be nothing but a little chickenshit when it comes to backing up your claims.

You don't even try to do it because you know you can't. You're just too afraid, for whatever reason, to simply say that you were wrong. I could respect that. But you're doubling down on your ridiculous claims and making yourself look monumentally ignorant in the process...
That's good. You should give up, seeing as you're proving to be ill-equipped to handle this conversation.
A bum has exactly zero rights to be inside a private business. Period.
Every lawyer in the country has such a hard on for you right now... :)
No one is going to fire a manager for removing someone who's being offensive to actual paying customers...
Fire, sue - you name it.
The Supreme Court already has – again, see BSA v. Dale (2000), where a gay individual sued the Boy Scouts concerning their policy prohibiting homosexuals from becoming scout leaders.

The Court ruled in favor of the Boy Scouts, citing the private organization’s First Amendment right to freedom of association.
Mostly a speech issue with Facebook, but related to association, yes.

It'll be fascinating when the case happens! :)
What’s nonsense is the notion that Facebook is a ‘town square.’
In addition to Facebook being a private entity, there are ample other online platforms that can accommodate all opinions and points of view
Constantly being strangled and overlooked and manipulated into obscurity by the Big Tech monopolies - another basis for legal action. :)
– no one is being ‘silenced,’
Many on the left and right are, actually. :(
Factbook is not a ‘monopoly,’ it is not a ‘town square,’ as the internet is indeed infinite and unlimited.
See above.
It’s impossible to perfectly police social media. It’s too much content.
Conservatives don’t want to police social media – they want to destroy it and subject what’s left over to excessive, burdensome government regulation, including shutting down platforms that refuse to accommodate rightwing hate speech and lies.
Then why are they targeting the right?
They’re not.

As already correctly noted: conservatives continue to violate the TOS and other rules by posting racist, bigoted hate speech, dangerous misinformation, and reckless, irresponsible lies.

Conservative content is not being removed because rightists are advocating for deregulation of the oil industry, tax cuts for corporations, or getting rid of Social Security.

Hardly. You've repeatedly proven that you're not up to the task of backing up anything you say.

You're a clown...

Every lawyer in the country has such a hard on for you right now...

I think not.
When I managed a store, I kicked people out on a few occasions. They were being disruptive and, as such, it was up to me to show them the door. At no time was I concerned about getting fired or sued, simply because there would've been no basis for either...

Fire, sue - you name it.

It means Target doesn't own any "public space."
It's more complicated.

A Target may be in a shopping center with a separate public area AND have it's own public area as well, leased or owned.

Both spaces are governed by laws which provide certain rights to the public, and which limit what Target and the lessors can do.
He really is an accident/lawsuit waiting to happen.

Lawyers drool over arrogant twats like him.

With all due respect to arrogant twats. :)

Fuck you, you infected gash.

You're an idiot. Seriously, I don't know that I've ever encountered a more ignorant, willfully stupid individual, and it saddens me to think that you might, one day, breed your stunning lack of intelligence into another generation.

You've made it clear you have no clue what it means to run a business. If you think a person has a "right" to be inside a private business, you're a complete fucking idiot.

When I was a manager, and now as a business owner, I retain the right to refuse service to anyone. I rarely do these days, but it happens. And, when it does, the last thing I'm worried about is being sued...

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