META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

They are gaining revenue from my being on the platform. They are being paid for me to be there. This gives me rights that they do not acknowledge.
No. It does not. Try fighting it in a court of law. You'll lose bigly.
The TOS is so vague that any reason can be used to toss you, even your opinion.
Then don't use it. The TOS is by design.
The problem is that they have become the "town square" So just like any other business that gets this big, they have power, that they are not entitled to, over public discourse.
Horseshit. It's capitalism. They created the platform, and you do not have any constitutional right to it. You lose every time thinking you do.
So, what are your suggestions to remedy that?
Remedy what? Capitalism?
This is why the US has Anti-trust laws. Do we break them up into little companies now?
Go crazy.
As a Mod, I assume you have siggies turned on and can see I'm not a Trump supporter, but your false claim is irrelevant regardless.

See above.

See above.

Facebook has certain obligations as a provider of public space, but let's see what SCOTUS says, shall we? :)
No, they don't. Also there's no federal issue.

That’s how it’s supposed to work – private citizens in the context of private society expressing their views and opinions absent interference from government or the courts.

What’s wrong is advocating that government get involved – that social media be subject to government regulation or oversight in violation of the First Amendment.

And don’t bother with the lie that conservatives can’t express their opinions because Facebook prohibits rightwing hate speech, misinformation, and lies – there are countless other online venues where conservatives can spread their lies and hate, such as this very forum.
It is the platforms that want it both ways. They simultaneously want the privilege to censor content AND be protected from lawsuits based on the content they allow, so it is legitimate to call for government action. One or the other should be true, not both at the same time.
Yes; but the manager doesn't remove the less fortunate who hang out there.
The manager would probably be fired and go to prison.
Actually it's likely not. Target, like most big box retailers, do leasebacks. Those strip centers are owned by another property owner.
No matter how many times you repeat this lie, FB will never be the town square. The town square is owned by the pubic, FB is a private company. To keep with your analogy, FB is the concert arena that has every right to choose who plays there.
And if a concert venue books an act known for causing violence at their concerts and does not take steps to control such violence, it can be sued out of existence by the families of kids hurt at the concert.

This is my point. If they want to choose the content they allow, they need to be vulnerable to legal action by those damaged. Families of teens driven to suicide by cyber-bullying come to mind, or politicians whose families get death threats because their home addresses and phone numbers are published online.
The fact is that you keep insisting that the manager will kick out bums.
The managers like their salaries and benefits and don't want to be sued.

I give up!
Please show pics of a Target with homeless people camped out in it.

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