Mexico Opens a Satellite Office IN the USA to provide ILLEGAL Immigrants with ID'S


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2009
When does this kind of nonsense stop! Where is our HOMELAND SECURITY? When will someone in this government get the balls to tell Mexico to KISS OFF?
Who the hell runs this country anymore.....THEM or US!

"It amazes me every time that the Mexican government has the gall to tell us what to do," said an ICE official, who asked not to be named. "More surprisingly is how many times we stand by and let them. This is just an example of one of hundreds of requests we've had to deal with."

Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals | Washington Examiner

Someone wake up the Barrack Hussein Obama administration and tell them to get off their collective ASSES or RESIGN! Either lead this country or QUIT........PLEASE!
Apparently the open border loons, which I guess includes the U.S. government, is okay with it.....after all, americans don't count as we are ONLY those who pay the taxes.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican whose district includes Catalina Island, said handing out matricular cards will exacerbate an already dangerous situation.

"Handing out matricular cards to Mexicans who are not in this country legally is wrong no matter where it's done," he said. "But on Catalina it will do more damage. It's a small island but there's evidence it's being used as a portal for illegals to access mainland California."

Rohrabacher added, "If there were a large number of Americans illegally in Mexico and the U.S. consulate was making it easier for them to stay, Mexico would never permit it."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals | Washington Examiner

Okay.....and after having said that Mr. Rohrabacher, what the heck are you going to do about it??? Talk is cheap and I'm tired of all the yada, yada, yada when it comes to the forsaken country of MEXICO!!
obe wan don't give a shit, he kisses calderon's ass. he's calderon's puppet boy.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican whose district includes Catalina Island, said handing out matricular cards will exacerbate an already dangerous situation.

"Handing out matricular cards to Mexicans who are not in this country legally is wrong no matter where it's done," he said. "But on Catalina it will do more damage. It's a small island but there's evidence it's being used as a portal for illegals to access mainland California."

Rohrabacher added, "If there were a large number of Americans illegally in Mexico and the U.S. consulate was making it easier for them to stay, Mexico would never permit it."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals | Washington Examiner

Okay.....and after having said that Mr. Rohrabacher, what the heck are you going to do about it??? Talk is cheap and I'm tired of all the yada, yada, yada when it comes to the forsaken country of MEXICO!!

Mexican consulate moves illegal immigant ID card handout | Washington Examiner

The Mexican govt move the office into a Catholic church. I wonder if the wingnuts will now boycott christianity:lol:
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican whose district includes Catalina Island, said handing out matricular cards will exacerbate an already dangerous situation.

"Handing out matricular cards to Mexicans who are not in this country legally is wrong no matter where it's done," he said. "But on Catalina it will do more damage. It's a small island but there's evidence it's being used as a portal for illegals to access mainland California."

Rohrabacher added, "If there were a large number of Americans illegally in Mexico and the U.S. consulate was making it easier for them to stay, Mexico would never permit it."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals | Washington Examiner

Okay.....and after having said that Mr. Rohrabacher, what the heck are you going to do about it??? Talk is cheap and I'm tired of all the yada, yada, yada when it comes to the forsaken country of MEXICO!!

Mexican consulate moves illegal immigant ID card handout | Washington Examiner

The Mexican govt move the office into a Catholic church. I wonder if the wingnuts will now boycott christianity:lol:

no but we're boycotting the californicators and obie wan ass kisser.
no but we're boycotting the californicators

What does Mike Duvall have to do with this?

SoCal GOP Lawmaker Quits Over Taped Sex Comments -

SoCal GOP Lawmaker Quits Over Taped Sex Comments

A Republican state lawmaker from Southern California resigned Wednesday amid growing outrage over a videotape that caught him bragging in graphic detail about having sex with a female lobbyist and another woman.

Duvall is married and has two adult children.

In a recording of a legislative hearing, Duvall can be heard talking about a recent sexual escapade with a woman he says is 18 years younger.

"I'm getting into spanking her," Duvall is heard to say on the videotape.

Duvall received a 100 percent rating from Capitol Resource Institute, a conservative advocacy group, for his votes on legislation considered pro-family during the 2007-08 legislative session.

According to the Assembly's Web site, Duvall also was awarded Chapman University's Ethics in America Award in 2000 for his "demonstration of the highest standards of ethical integrity" as a member of the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce.

The Catholic Church has long had a stance on illegal immigration that is not consistent with conservative ideals or the stance of the 'right'/Republican general stance
The Catholic Church has long had a stance on illegal immigration that is not consistent with conservative ideals or the stance of the 'right'/Republican general stance

And the cowardly conservatives don't have the courage to stand up to the church. They lack the courage of their convictions. They also lack convictions (unless they're criminal convictions)
The Catholic Church has long had a stance on illegal immigration that is not consistent with conservative ideals or the stance of the 'right'/Republican general stance

And the cowardly conservatives don't have the courage to stand up to the church. They lack the courage of their convictions. They also lack convictions (unless they're criminal convictions)

Since when?? I support their right to their religion, churches, etc.... but that does not take away with the fact that I do not agree with their stances on illegal immigration... and others like me have continually shown opposition to that stance of the church

But nice try, troll
What do the illegals stand to gain by this? I don't get it. Ok you have a card identifying you as an Invader. Big deal.
The Catholic Church has long had a stance on illegal immigration that is not consistent with conservative ideals or the stance of the 'right'/Republican general stance

I think the catholic church is trying to compensate for the 40 million Americans the lefties have murdered..
When does this kind of nonsense stop! Where is our HOMELAND SECURITY? When will someone in this government get the balls to tell Mexico to KISS OFF?
Who the hell runs this country anymore.....THEM or US!

"It amazes me every time that the Mexican government has the gall to tell us what to do," said an ICE official, who asked not to be named. "More surprisingly is how many times we stand by and let them. This is just an example of one of hundreds of requests we've had to deal with."

Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals | Washington Examiner

Someone wake up the Barrack Hussein Obama administration and tell them to get off their collective ASSES or RESIGN! Either lead this country or QUIT........PLEASE!

Arizona leadership has gotten off their butts, thankfully. The Obama circus is too busy telling NBA players which team to play on and also trying to bribe candidates.
The Catholic Church has long had a stance on illegal immigration that is not consistent with conservative ideals or the stance of the 'right'/Republican general stance

And the cowardly conservatives don't have the courage to stand up to the church. They lack the courage of their convictions. They also lack convictions (unless they're criminal convictions)

Since when?? I support their right to their religion, churches, etc.... but that does not take away with the fact that I do not agree with their stances on illegal immigration... and others like me have continually shown opposition to that stance of the church

But nice try, troll

Since when?

Since they staged protests against undocumented residents, and politicians who disagree with them. For some reason, when it's not the Church, the cowardly right is willing to protest even though undocumented workers have the same right to "freedom of belief" that the Church has.

When a politician, who has a much freedom of belief as the Church, supports amnesty, the cowardly conservatives will protest. When it's the Church, which has no more freedom than the politician, supports amnesty, the cowardly conservatives do nothing,
if obie wan had any balls, he'd be escorting the mexican gov. back across the border but he don't hem and the demonRats have no balls. damned anti American behavior.
And the cowardly conservatives don't have the courage to stand up to the church. They lack the courage of their convictions. They also lack convictions (unless they're criminal convictions)

Since when?? I support their right to their religion, churches, etc.... but that does not take away with the fact that I do not agree with their stances on illegal immigration... and others like me have continually shown opposition to that stance of the church

But nice try, troll

Since when?

Since they staged protests against undocumented residents, and politicians who disagree with them. For some reason, when it's not the Church, the cowardly right is willing to protest even though undocumented workers have the same right to "freedom of belief" that the Church has.

When a politician, who has a much freedom of belief as the Church, supports amnesty, the cowardly conservatives will protest. When it's the Church, which has no more freedom than the politician, supports amnesty, the cowardly conservatives do nothing,

Bullshit, asshole

Many MANY conservatives have openly shown disagreement with the stance of the Catholic Church, even if they are not being against the Catholic Church as a whole... Kind of like sticking up for my brother, even though I do not agree with everything he does...

And yes.. protests against the presence of criminal illegal aliens being allowed by government is a right thing to do... The protest is about the illegal criminal aliens... The politicians set national policy... hence they are protested by name openly BECAUSE IT IS A POLITICAL ISSUE... for me PERSONALLY, I will not go to a church that does not line up with my views.. and you can take that as a protest... I will give to another charity before a Catholic Church charity because of some of my opposition to their stances... but I am not going to damn the Catholic Church for their belief on this... and the Catholic Church is part of the group of policy makers

But that does not make much sense to a hyper-partisan winger such as yourself

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