Mexico's Southern Border Shows Their Hypocricy

here you go , report on mexico - guatamala exclusion fence . Sounds like there is a fence OldSchool !! --- Mexico Building Fence… on Its Southern Border ---

Nope it was never built and it would have only covered a tiny section of the border anyways.

Try again.
link rather than your lefty assertion OldSchool !!
Link? About something that never happened? A Snopes article has already been linked to on this thread disproving the righty nonsense that there is a wall.

How about YOU post a link to the wall being built? Or a photo of the wall? Instead of a 2010 story about something that was proposed but never happened?
Somebody else already did.
No, to keep Guatemalans out, you fucking dumbass!

So what's the hypocrisy? Did they make the Guatemalans pay for the fence?

I think you're done here.:itsok:

I'm done if you an offer nothing to support your claim that the Mexican government is hypocritical.

Maybe you should look up the word 'hypocritical'.
No need.

It's not my fault you're too stupid to figure it out for yourself.

Okay.....for the retards out there who can't figure it out.......Mexico wants our borders open, but they closed their keep Guatemalans out. You see, Guatemalans are poorer than many Mexicans are. Mexico can't control who comes in unless they build a fence.....and they want control of their Southern border. We aren't trying to invade Mexico in great numbers because we have jobs and a decent place to live.

Concerning the costs of the fence, the issue over who pays for the damned thing is irrelevant.
I think you're done here.:itsok:

I'm done if you an offer nothing to support your claim that the Mexican government is hypocritical.

Maybe you should look up the word 'hypocritical'.
No need.

It's not my fault you're too stupid to figure it out for yourself.

Okay.....for the retards out there who can't figure it out.......Mexico wants our borders open, but they closed their keep Guatemalans out. You see, Guatemalans are poorer than many Mexicans are. Mexico can't control who comes in unless they build a fence.....and they want control of their Southern border. We aren't trying to invade Mexico in great numbers because we have jobs and a decent place to live.

Concerning the costs of the fence, the issue over who pays for the damned thing is irrelevant.


Have you ever been to Canada? I went into Canada via New Hampshire one Sunday night and the border stations were closed. Lights out. It was like driving from NY to PA.
Who's the hypocrite?
When Canadians start sending waves of poor and indigent Canadians into the US to escape starvation and abject poverty you'll have a valid point.......but until're just dumb......pathetic.....pitiful.......woefully inadequate.......birdbrained....half-witted.....feeble-minded....dim-witted.....and basically retarded.

Why don't you show us an actual picture of the wall instead of the bogus ones you posted?
No need..somebody beat me to it.
@ 8:20 am EDT
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence | NumbersUSA,
which often criticizes the American government for putting up barriers which restrict the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border is building a fence of its own along its southern border with Guatemala.

It has been reported that the head of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, confirmed that the Mexican government is building a wall along the Mexican - Guatemalan border. Diaz stated the official reason for building the border wall is to stop illegal drugs from coming into Mexico, but Diaz did admit that it could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.

The hypocrisy of Mexico's actions has not been lost on American politicians. Last week, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) said on the house floor:

Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in spite of objections to the contrary, a fence is still being built along the southern border. Illegals objected to this but the President is resilient. He is standing firm on his commitment to build the fence to keep illegals out.

You see, over 500,000 illegals cross the border every year into Mexico, and the fence is being built at the southern end of Mexico to keep people like Guatemalans out. It's the Mexican southern border that they're protecting.

You know, Calderon demands that the United States not build a fence. He arrogantly demands the Arizona law not be enforced, but when Mexico has problems with illegals coming to "take jobs that Mexicans won't do," Calderon says he's building a fence on his southern border, whether illegals like it or not.

Every country has the right to defend its border. We should stop listening to anything President Calderon says and do what's right for our country.

Anti-illegal immigration, pro-American worker leaders also had something to say regarding the Mexico-Guatemala Fence: "While the hypocrisy of the Mexican government is offensive," said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, "Americans can cheer the Mexican fence which should greatly reduce the number of non-Mexicans illegally crossing the U.S. southern border."


Wait, those fences are in the desert.

Southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize are jungle.
Jeesus. You're only the millionth person to say that.
@ 8:20 am EDT
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence | NumbersUSA,
which often criticizes the American government for putting up barriers which restrict the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border is building a fence of its own along its southern border with Guatemala.

It has been reported that the head of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, confirmed that the Mexican government is building a wall along the Mexican - Guatemalan border. Diaz stated the official reason for building the border wall is to stop illegal drugs from coming into Mexico, but Diaz did admit that it could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.

The hypocrisy of Mexico's actions has not been lost on American politicians. Last week, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) said on the house floor:

Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in spite of objections to the contrary, a fence is still being built along the southern border. Illegals objected to this but the President is resilient. He is standing firm on his commitment to build the fence to keep illegals out.

You see, over 500,000 illegals cross the border every year into Mexico, and the fence is being built at the southern end of Mexico to keep people like Guatemalans out. It's the Mexican southern border that they're protecting.

You know, Calderon demands that the United States not build a fence. He arrogantly demands the Arizona law not be enforced, but when Mexico has problems with illegals coming to "take jobs that Mexicans won't do," Calderon says he's building a fence on his southern border, whether illegals like it or not.

Every country has the right to defend its border. We should stop listening to anything President Calderon says and do what's right for our country.

Anti-illegal immigration, pro-American worker leaders also had something to say regarding the Mexico-Guatemala Fence: "While the hypocrisy of the Mexican government is offensive," said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, "Americans can cheer the Mexican fence which should greatly reduce the number of non-Mexicans illegally crossing the U.S. southern border."

You post an article from over 5 years ago
Why don't you post an article showing how big and beautiful their wall is today?
@ 8:20 am EDT
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence | NumbersUSA,
which often criticizes the American government for putting up barriers which restrict the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border is building a fence of its own along its southern border with Guatemala.

It has been reported that the head of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, confirmed that the Mexican government is building a wall along the Mexican - Guatemalan border. Diaz stated the official reason for building the border wall is to stop illegal drugs from coming into Mexico, but Diaz did admit that it could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.

The hypocrisy of Mexico's actions has not been lost on American politicians. Last week, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) said on the house floor:

Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in spite of objections to the contrary, a fence is still being built along the southern border. Illegals objected to this but the President is resilient. He is standing firm on his commitment to build the fence to keep illegals out.

You see, over 500,000 illegals cross the border every year into Mexico, and the fence is being built at the southern end of Mexico to keep people like Guatemalans out. It's the Mexican southern border that they're protecting.

You know, Calderon demands that the United States not build a fence. He arrogantly demands the Arizona law not be enforced, but when Mexico has problems with illegals coming to "take jobs that Mexicans won't do," Calderon says he's building a fence on his southern border, whether illegals like it or not.

Every country has the right to defend its border. We should stop listening to anything President Calderon says and do what's right for our country.

Anti-illegal immigration, pro-American worker leaders also had something to say regarding the Mexico-Guatemala Fence: "While the hypocrisy of the Mexican government is offensive," said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, "Americans can cheer the Mexican fence which should greatly reduce the number of non-Mexicans illegally crossing the U.S. southern border."
Same 2010 report. Yet somehow there are no images of the wall or any stories about the wall after that 2010 report. Because it was never built.
@ 8:20 am EDT
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence | NumbersUSA,
which often criticizes the American government for putting up barriers which restrict the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border is building a fence of its own along its southern border with Guatemala.

It has been reported that the head of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, confirmed that the Mexican government is building a wall along the Mexican - Guatemalan border. Diaz stated the official reason for building the border wall is to stop illegal drugs from coming into Mexico, but Diaz did admit that it could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.

The hypocrisy of Mexico's actions has not been lost on American politicians. Last week, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) said on the house floor:

Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in spite of objections to the contrary, a fence is still being built along the southern border. Illegals objected to this but the President is resilient. He is standing firm on his commitment to build the fence to keep illegals out.

You see, over 500,000 illegals cross the border every year into Mexico, and the fence is being built at the southern end of Mexico to keep people like Guatemalans out. It's the Mexican southern border that they're protecting.

You know, Calderon demands that the United States not build a fence. He arrogantly demands the Arizona law not be enforced, but when Mexico has problems with illegals coming to "take jobs that Mexicans won't do," Calderon says he's building a fence on his southern border, whether illegals like it or not.

Every country has the right to defend its border. We should stop listening to anything President Calderon says and do what's right for our country.

Anti-illegal immigration, pro-American worker leaders also had something to say regarding the Mexico-Guatemala Fence: "While the hypocrisy of the Mexican government is offensive," said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, "Americans can cheer the Mexican fence which should greatly reduce the number of non-Mexicans illegally crossing the U.S. southern border."

You post an article from over 5 years ago
Why don't you post an article showing how big and beautiful their wall is today?
Guess who wanted to help pay for Mexico's fence?

Katie Pavlich - Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Aug. 22, 2013
Hey taxpayers, how do you feel about sending money to Mexico in order to secure the border? The southern border of Mexico that is, not the southern border of the United States with Mexico. More from the Free Beacon:

Obama administration and Mexican government officials recently discussed creating a three-tier security system designed to protect Mexico’s southern border from drug and human traffickers, according to U.S. officials.

The border control plan calls for U.S. funding and technical support of three security lines extending more than 100 miles north of Mexico’s border with Guatemala and Belize. The border security system would use sensors and intelligence-gathering to counter human trafficking and drug running from the region, a major source of illegal immigration into the United States.

According to the officials who discussed the U.S.-Mexican talks on condition of anonymity, the Mexican government proposed setting up three security cordons using electronic sensors and other security measures along the southern Mexican border, along a line some 20 miles from the southern border, and along a third security line about 140 miles from the southern Mexican territorial line.

The plan would be funded in part through the Merida Initiative, a U.S.-led anti-drug trafficking program that has involved nearly $2 billion in U.S. funds.

While the United States' southern border remains wide open, Mexico's southern border is already heavily secured with a full fence, armed guards, barbed wire and lookout towers. Not to mention, Mexico treats illegal immigrants far worse than we do.

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

It's time for the United States to focus on it's own southern border, not the southern border of Mexico 2100 miles away.
@ 8:20 am EDT
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence | NumbersUSA,
which often criticizes the American government for putting up barriers which restrict the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border is building a fence of its own along its southern border with Guatemala.

It has been reported that the head of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, confirmed that the Mexican government is building a wall along the Mexican - Guatemalan border. Diaz stated the official reason for building the border wall is to stop illegal drugs from coming into Mexico, but Diaz did admit that it could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.

The hypocrisy of Mexico's actions has not been lost on American politicians. Last week, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) said on the house floor:

Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in spite of objections to the contrary, a fence is still being built along the southern border. Illegals objected to this but the President is resilient. He is standing firm on his commitment to build the fence to keep illegals out.

You see, over 500,000 illegals cross the border every year into Mexico, and the fence is being built at the southern end of Mexico to keep people like Guatemalans out. It's the Mexican southern border that they're protecting.

You know, Calderon demands that the United States not build a fence. He arrogantly demands the Arizona law not be enforced, but when Mexico has problems with illegals coming to "take jobs that Mexicans won't do," Calderon says he's building a fence on his southern border, whether illegals like it or not.

Every country has the right to defend its border. We should stop listening to anything President Calderon says and do what's right for our country.

Anti-illegal immigration, pro-American worker leaders also had something to say regarding the Mexico-Guatemala Fence: "While the hypocrisy of the Mexican government is offensive," said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, "Americans can cheer the Mexican fence which should greatly reduce the number of non-Mexicans illegally crossing the U.S. southern border."

You post an article from over 5 years ago
Why don't you post an article showing how big and beautiful their wall is today?
Guess who wanted to help pay for Mexico's fence?

Katie Pavlich - Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Aug. 22, 2013
Hey taxpayers, how do you feel about sending money to Mexico in order to secure the border? The southern border of Mexico that is, not the southern border of the United States with Mexico. More from the Free Beacon:

Obama administration and Mexican government officials recently discussed creating a three-tier security system designed to protect Mexico’s southern border from drug and human traffickers, according to U.S. officials.

The border control plan calls for U.S. funding and technical support of three security lines extending more than 100 miles north of Mexico’s border with Guatemala and Belize. The border security system would use sensors and intelligence-gathering to counter human trafficking and drug running from the region, a major source of illegal immigration into the United States.

According to the officials who discussed the U.S.-Mexican talks on condition of anonymity, the Mexican government proposed setting up three security cordons using electronic sensors and other security measures along the southern Mexican border, along a line some 20 miles from the southern border, and along a third security line about 140 miles from the southern Mexican territorial line.

The plan would be funded in part through the Merida Initiative, a U.S.-led anti-drug trafficking program that has involved nearly $2 billion in U.S. funds.

While the United States' southern border remains wide open, Mexico's southern border is already heavily secured with a full fence, armed guards, barbed wire and lookout towers. Not to mention, Mexico treats illegal immigrants far worse than we do.

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

It's time for the United States to focus on it's own southern border, not the southern border of Mexico 2100 miles away.
That opinion blog post says there is a full fence with guards and watch towers along the entire southern Mexican border. So, what does it look like? Could you post a photo?
Mexico built their southern fence and made Trump pay for it

true story
@ 8:20 am EDT
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence | NumbersUSA,
which often criticizes the American government for putting up barriers which restrict the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border is building a fence of its own along its southern border with Guatemala.

It has been reported that the head of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, confirmed that the Mexican government is building a wall along the Mexican - Guatemalan border. Diaz stated the official reason for building the border wall is to stop illegal drugs from coming into Mexico, but Diaz did admit that it could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.

The hypocrisy of Mexico's actions has not been lost on American politicians. Last week, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) said on the house floor:

Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in spite of objections to the contrary, a fence is still being built along the southern border. Illegals objected to this but the President is resilient. He is standing firm on his commitment to build the fence to keep illegals out.

You see, over 500,000 illegals cross the border every year into Mexico, and the fence is being built at the southern end of Mexico to keep people like Guatemalans out. It's the Mexican southern border that they're protecting.

You know, Calderon demands that the United States not build a fence. He arrogantly demands the Arizona law not be enforced, but when Mexico has problems with illegals coming to "take jobs that Mexicans won't do," Calderon says he's building a fence on his southern border, whether illegals like it or not.

Every country has the right to defend its border. We should stop listening to anything President Calderon says and do what's right for our country.

Anti-illegal immigration, pro-American worker leaders also had something to say regarding the Mexico-Guatemala Fence: "While the hypocrisy of the Mexican government is offensive," said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, "Americans can cheer the Mexican fence which should greatly reduce the number of non-Mexicans illegally crossing the U.S. southern border."

You post an article from over 5 years ago
Why don't you post an article showing how big and beautiful their wall is today?
Guess who wanted to help pay for Mexico's fence?

Katie Pavlich - Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Aug. 22, 2013
Hey taxpayers, how do you feel about sending money to Mexico in order to secure the border? The southern border of Mexico that is, not the southern border of the United States with Mexico. More from the Free Beacon:

Obama administration and Mexican government officials recently discussed creating a three-tier security system designed to protect Mexico’s southern border from drug and human traffickers, according to U.S. officials.

The border control plan calls for U.S. funding and technical support of three security lines extending more than 100 miles north of Mexico’s border with Guatemala and Belize. The border security system would use sensors and intelligence-gathering to counter human trafficking and drug running from the region, a major source of illegal immigration into the United States.

According to the officials who discussed the U.S.-Mexican talks on condition of anonymity, the Mexican government proposed setting up three security cordons using electronic sensors and other security measures along the southern Mexican border, along a line some 20 miles from the southern border, and along a third security line about 140 miles from the southern Mexican territorial line.

The plan would be funded in part through the Merida Initiative, a U.S.-led anti-drug trafficking program that has involved nearly $2 billion in U.S. funds.

While the United States' southern border remains wide open, Mexico's southern border is already heavily secured with a full fence, armed guards, barbed wire and lookout towers. Not to mention, Mexico treats illegal immigrants far worse than we do.

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

It's time for the United States to focus on it's own southern border, not the southern border of Mexico 2100 miles away.
That opinion blog post says there is a full fence with guards and watch towers along the entire southern Mexican border. So, what does it look like? Could you post a photo?
I know this sounds strange, but for some reason pictures of that fence are either scrubbed from the net or don't show up because nobody has put them on the net. This could at be at the request of the Mexican government or because Obama won't allow it. I'm scratching my head over this. I see in the piece that it's a combination of a virtual fence, which can't be seen from the air, and physical fencing. However, it appears that Mexico patrols their borders better than we do. Anybody that gets through is on a train that is often the focus of human traffickers and drug trafficking.
@ 8:20 am EDT
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence | NumbersUSA,
which often criticizes the American government for putting up barriers which restrict the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border is building a fence of its own along its southern border with Guatemala.

It has been reported that the head of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, confirmed that the Mexican government is building a wall along the Mexican - Guatemalan border. Diaz stated the official reason for building the border wall is to stop illegal drugs from coming into Mexico, but Diaz did admit that it could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.

The hypocrisy of Mexico's actions has not been lost on American politicians. Last week, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) said on the house floor:

Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in spite of objections to the contrary, a fence is still being built along the southern border. Illegals objected to this but the President is resilient. He is standing firm on his commitment to build the fence to keep illegals out.

You see, over 500,000 illegals cross the border every year into Mexico, and the fence is being built at the southern end of Mexico to keep people like Guatemalans out. It's the Mexican southern border that they're protecting.

You know, Calderon demands that the United States not build a fence. He arrogantly demands the Arizona law not be enforced, but when Mexico has problems with illegals coming to "take jobs that Mexicans won't do," Calderon says he's building a fence on his southern border, whether illegals like it or not.

Every country has the right to defend its border. We should stop listening to anything President Calderon says and do what's right for our country.

Anti-illegal immigration, pro-American worker leaders also had something to say regarding the Mexico-Guatemala Fence: "While the hypocrisy of the Mexican government is offensive," said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, "Americans can cheer the Mexican fence which should greatly reduce the number of non-Mexicans illegally crossing the U.S. southern border."

You post an article from over 5 years ago
Why don't you post an article showing how big and beautiful their wall is today?
Guess who wanted to help pay for Mexico's fence?

Katie Pavlich - Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Aug. 22, 2013
Hey taxpayers, how do you feel about sending money to Mexico in order to secure the border? The southern border of Mexico that is, not the southern border of the United States with Mexico. More from the Free Beacon:

Obama administration and Mexican government officials recently discussed creating a three-tier security system designed to protect Mexico’s southern border from drug and human traffickers, according to U.S. officials.

The border control plan calls for U.S. funding and technical support of three security lines extending more than 100 miles north of Mexico’s border with Guatemala and Belize. The border security system would use sensors and intelligence-gathering to counter human trafficking and drug running from the region, a major source of illegal immigration into the United States.

According to the officials who discussed the U.S.-Mexican talks on condition of anonymity, the Mexican government proposed setting up three security cordons using electronic sensors and other security measures along the southern Mexican border, along a line some 20 miles from the southern border, and along a third security line about 140 miles from the southern Mexican territorial line.

The plan would be funded in part through the Merida Initiative, a U.S.-led anti-drug trafficking program that has involved nearly $2 billion in U.S. funds.

While the United States' southern border remains wide open, Mexico's southern border is already heavily secured with a full fence, armed guards, barbed wire and lookout towers. Not to mention, Mexico treats illegal immigrants far worse than we do.

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

It's time for the United States to focus on it's own southern border, not the southern border of Mexico 2100 miles away.
That opinion blog post says there is a full fence with guards and watch towers along the entire southern Mexican border. So, what does it look like? Could you post a photo?
I know this sounds strange, but for some reason pictures of that fence are either scrubbed from the net or don't show up because nobody has put them on the net. This could at be at the request of the Mexican government or because Obama won't allow it. I'm scratching my head over this. I see in the piece that it's a combination of a virtual fence, which can't be seen from the air, and physical fencing. However, it appears that Mexico patrols their borders better than we do. Anybody that gets through is on a train that is often the focus of human traffickers and drug trafficking.
Oh so they have border security and no fence. Like we do. Except we have a few miles of fence instead of no fence.
@ 8:20 am EDT
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence | NumbersUSA,
which often criticizes the American government for putting up barriers which restrict the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border is building a fence of its own along its southern border with Guatemala.

It has been reported that the head of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, confirmed that the Mexican government is building a wall along the Mexican - Guatemalan border. Diaz stated the official reason for building the border wall is to stop illegal drugs from coming into Mexico, but Diaz did admit that it could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.

The hypocrisy of Mexico's actions has not been lost on American politicians. Last week, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) said on the house floor:

Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in spite of objections to the contrary, a fence is still being built along the southern border. Illegals objected to this but the President is resilient. He is standing firm on his commitment to build the fence to keep illegals out.

You see, over 500,000 illegals cross the border every year into Mexico, and the fence is being built at the southern end of Mexico to keep people like Guatemalans out. It's the Mexican southern border that they're protecting.

You know, Calderon demands that the United States not build a fence. He arrogantly demands the Arizona law not be enforced, but when Mexico has problems with illegals coming to "take jobs that Mexicans won't do," Calderon says he's building a fence on his southern border, whether illegals like it or not.

Every country has the right to defend its border. We should stop listening to anything President Calderon says and do what's right for our country.

Anti-illegal immigration, pro-American worker leaders also had something to say regarding the Mexico-Guatemala Fence: "While the hypocrisy of the Mexican government is offensive," said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, "Americans can cheer the Mexican fence which should greatly reduce the number of non-Mexicans illegally crossing the U.S. southern border."

You post an article from over 5 years ago
Why don't you post an article showing how big and beautiful their wall is today?
Guess who wanted to help pay for Mexico's fence?

Katie Pavlich - Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Aug. 22, 2013
Hey taxpayers, how do you feel about sending money to Mexico in order to secure the border? The southern border of Mexico that is, not the southern border of the United States with Mexico. More from the Free Beacon:

Obama administration and Mexican government officials recently discussed creating a three-tier security system designed to protect Mexico’s southern border from drug and human traffickers, according to U.S. officials.

The border control plan calls for U.S. funding and technical support of three security lines extending more than 100 miles north of Mexico’s border with Guatemala and Belize. The border security system would use sensors and intelligence-gathering to counter human trafficking and drug running from the region, a major source of illegal immigration into the United States.

According to the officials who discussed the U.S.-Mexican talks on condition of anonymity, the Mexican government proposed setting up three security cordons using electronic sensors and other security measures along the southern Mexican border, along a line some 20 miles from the southern border, and along a third security line about 140 miles from the southern Mexican territorial line.

The plan would be funded in part through the Merida Initiative, a U.S.-led anti-drug trafficking program that has involved nearly $2 billion in U.S. funds.

While the United States' southern border remains wide open, Mexico's southern border is already heavily secured with a full fence, armed guards, barbed wire and lookout towers. Not to mention, Mexico treats illegal immigrants far worse than we do.

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

It's time for the United States to focus on it's own southern border, not the southern border of Mexico 2100 miles away.
That opinion blog post says there is a full fence with guards and watch towers along the entire southern Mexican border. So, what does it look like? Could you post a photo?
I know this sounds strange, but for some reason pictures of that fence are either scrubbed from the net or don't show up because nobody has put them on the net. This could at be at the request of the Mexican government or because Obama won't allow it. I'm scratching my head over this. I see in the piece that it's a combination of a virtual fence, which can't be seen from the air, and physical fencing. However, it appears that Mexico patrols their borders better than we do. Anybody that gets through is on a train that is often the focus of human traffickers and drug trafficking.
Oh so they have border security and no fence. Like we do. Except we have a few miles of fence instead of no fence.
You're reading the same links I am. I've read more than one place they have a fence. Unless they're lying. But it's clear that the Mexican President felt the need for a fence and Obama offered to help pay for it publicly. What he eventually did under the table could be quite different. They could have made an agreement to transport any folks from Central America to the US.....which explains the sudden increase in so-called refugees from Central America, and just told everyone the fence was built.
You post an article from over 5 years ago
Why don't you post an article showing how big and beautiful their wall is today?
Guess who wanted to help pay for Mexico's fence?

Katie Pavlich - Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Aug. 22, 2013
Hey taxpayers, how do you feel about sending money to Mexico in order to secure the border? The southern border of Mexico that is, not the southern border of the United States with Mexico. More from the Free Beacon:

Obama administration and Mexican government officials recently discussed creating a three-tier security system designed to protect Mexico’s southern border from drug and human traffickers, according to U.S. officials.

The border control plan calls for U.S. funding and technical support of three security lines extending more than 100 miles north of Mexico’s border with Guatemala and Belize. The border security system would use sensors and intelligence-gathering to counter human trafficking and drug running from the region, a major source of illegal immigration into the United States.

According to the officials who discussed the U.S.-Mexican talks on condition of anonymity, the Mexican government proposed setting up three security cordons using electronic sensors and other security measures along the southern Mexican border, along a line some 20 miles from the southern border, and along a third security line about 140 miles from the southern Mexican territorial line.

The plan would be funded in part through the Merida Initiative, a U.S.-led anti-drug trafficking program that has involved nearly $2 billion in U.S. funds.

While the United States' southern border remains wide open, Mexico's southern border is already heavily secured with a full fence, armed guards, barbed wire and lookout towers. Not to mention, Mexico treats illegal immigrants far worse than we do.

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

It's time for the United States to focus on it's own southern border, not the southern border of Mexico 2100 miles away.
That opinion blog post says there is a full fence with guards and watch towers along the entire southern Mexican border. So, what does it look like? Could you post a photo?
I know this sounds strange, but for some reason pictures of that fence are either scrubbed from the net or don't show up because nobody has put them on the net. This could at be at the request of the Mexican government or because Obama won't allow it. I'm scratching my head over this. I see in the piece that it's a combination of a virtual fence, which can't be seen from the air, and physical fencing. However, it appears that Mexico patrols their borders better than we do. Anybody that gets through is on a train that is often the focus of human traffickers and drug trafficking.
Oh so they have border security and no fence. Like we do. Except we have a few miles of fence instead of no fence.
You're reading the same links I am. I've read more than one place they have a fence. Unless they're lying. But it's clear that the Mexican President felt the need for a fence and Obama offered to help pay for it publicly. What he eventually did under the table could be quite different. They could have made an agreement to transport any folks from Central America to the US.....which explains the sudden increase in so-called refugees from Central America, and just told everyone the fence was built.
Well let's see how do I break your post down hmm. The don't have a fence so let's toss that out right off the bat. Next, Obama never offered to pay for a Mexican fence publicly. The under the table arrangements your talking about are wild speculation that don't deserve to be dignified with a response. And if there was a fence, logically would it not follow that there would be LESS immigrants from central America?
Guess who wanted to help pay for Mexico's fence?

Katie Pavlich - Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Obama: Hey, Let's Help Secure Mexico's Southern Border
Aug. 22, 2013
Hey taxpayers, how do you feel about sending money to Mexico in order to secure the border? The southern border of Mexico that is, not the southern border of the United States with Mexico. More from the Free Beacon:

Obama administration and Mexican government officials recently discussed creating a three-tier security system designed to protect Mexico’s southern border from drug and human traffickers, according to U.S. officials.

The border control plan calls for U.S. funding and technical support of three security lines extending more than 100 miles north of Mexico’s border with Guatemala and Belize. The border security system would use sensors and intelligence-gathering to counter human trafficking and drug running from the region, a major source of illegal immigration into the United States.

According to the officials who discussed the U.S.-Mexican talks on condition of anonymity, the Mexican government proposed setting up three security cordons using electronic sensors and other security measures along the southern Mexican border, along a line some 20 miles from the southern border, and along a third security line about 140 miles from the southern Mexican territorial line.

The plan would be funded in part through the Merida Initiative, a U.S.-led anti-drug trafficking program that has involved nearly $2 billion in U.S. funds.

While the United States' southern border remains wide open, Mexico's southern border is already heavily secured with a full fence, armed guards, barbed wire and lookout towers. Not to mention, Mexico treats illegal immigrants far worse than we do.

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

It's time for the United States to focus on it's own southern border, not the southern border of Mexico 2100 miles away.
That opinion blog post says there is a full fence with guards and watch towers along the entire southern Mexican border. So, what does it look like? Could you post a photo?
I know this sounds strange, but for some reason pictures of that fence are either scrubbed from the net or don't show up because nobody has put them on the net. This could at be at the request of the Mexican government or because Obama won't allow it. I'm scratching my head over this. I see in the piece that it's a combination of a virtual fence, which can't be seen from the air, and physical fencing. However, it appears that Mexico patrols their borders better than we do. Anybody that gets through is on a train that is often the focus of human traffickers and drug trafficking.
Oh so they have border security and no fence. Like we do. Except we have a few miles of fence instead of no fence.
You're reading the same links I am. I've read more than one place they have a fence. Unless they're lying. But it's clear that the Mexican President felt the need for a fence and Obama offered to help pay for it publicly. What he eventually did under the table could be quite different. They could have made an agreement to transport any folks from Central America to the US.....which explains the sudden increase in so-called refugees from Central America, and just told everyone the fence was built.
Well let's see how do I break your post down hmm. The don't have a fence so let's toss that out right off the bat. Next, Obama never offered to pay for a Mexican fence publicly. The under the table arrangements your talking about are wild speculation that don't deserve to be dignified with a response. And if there was a fence, logically would it not follow that there would be LESS immigrants from central America?
So let me see, if you can't see a picture of it, it never existed. I can show you article after article from reputable sources that Obama offered to pay for this fence through specified drug enforcement funds, it doesn't matter because as long as it looks bad, it didn't happen. Obama would never lie, or do anything so unethical. Right?

Just when you started to sound like a rational human-being you revert back to being your average lump of shit again.

I guess the issue doesn't exist unless it is validated by media matters or Your usual purveyors of Soros propaganda.
That opinion blog post says there is a full fence with guards and watch towers along the entire southern Mexican border. So, what does it look like? Could you post a photo?
I know this sounds strange, but for some reason pictures of that fence are either scrubbed from the net or don't show up because nobody has put them on the net. This could at be at the request of the Mexican government or because Obama won't allow it. I'm scratching my head over this. I see in the piece that it's a combination of a virtual fence, which can't be seen from the air, and physical fencing. However, it appears that Mexico patrols their borders better than we do. Anybody that gets through is on a train that is often the focus of human traffickers and drug trafficking.
Oh so they have border security and no fence. Like we do. Except we have a few miles of fence instead of no fence.
You're reading the same links I am. I've read more than one place they have a fence. Unless they're lying. But it's clear that the Mexican President felt the need for a fence and Obama offered to help pay for it publicly. What he eventually did under the table could be quite different. They could have made an agreement to transport any folks from Central America to the US.....which explains the sudden increase in so-called refugees from Central America, and just told everyone the fence was built.
Well let's see how do I break your post down hmm. The don't have a fence so let's toss that out right off the bat. Next, Obama never offered to pay for a Mexican fence publicly. The under the table arrangements your talking about are wild speculation that don't deserve to be dignified with a response. And if there was a fence, logically would it not follow that there would be LESS immigrants from central America?
So let me see, if you can't see a picture of it, it never existed. I can show you article after article from reputable sources that Obama offered to pay for this fence through specified drug enforcement funds, it doesn't matter because as long as it looks bad, it didn't happen. Obama would never lie, or do anything so unethical. Right?

Just when you started to sound like a rational human-being you revert back to being your average lump of shit again.

I guess the issue doesn't exist unless it is validated by media matters or Your usual purveyors of Soros propaganda.
You can show me article after article from reputable sources? Why didn't you start there? Why did you post lying memes and a blog post instead?
So how did all those Central American children make it through Mexico last year and into the US? Did they swim around Mexico?

Children were able to foil a border fence.

Thanks for showing us how effective a "border fence with barbed wire and armed guards posted at towers" is.

The US convinced Mexico to let them through on the train. Remember that?

NEW YORK – The infamous Mexican “Death Train” – also called “La Bestia” [“The Beast’] – on which tens of thousands of illegal alien children from Central America are traveling through Mexico to the United States – is being targeted by criminal complaints from Mexican authorities for allegedly violating the civil rights of passengers.

The Beast is owned and run by a Mexican wholly owned subsidiary of Kansas City Southern, a U.S. train company that acquired the Mexican equipment and routes in 2005 to create a “NAFTA Railroad” that was intended to fit into a multi-modal transportation technology so Chinese companies could deliver products into the heartland of the United States as an alternative to utilizing the West Coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

Mexican prosecutors have filed criminal complaints charging railroad with complicity in violations of the civil rights of the thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America illegally hitching rides on the train in their efforts to cross into the U.S. over the border with Mexico.

Read more at Mexicans blame Americans for ‘Death Train’

Mexicans blame Americans for ‘Death Train’
I know this sounds strange, but for some reason pictures of that fence are either scrubbed from the net or don't show up because nobody has put them on the net. This could at be at the request of the Mexican government or because Obama won't allow it. I'm scratching my head over this. I see in the piece that it's a combination of a virtual fence, which can't be seen from the air, and physical fencing. However, it appears that Mexico patrols their borders better than we do. Anybody that gets through is on a train that is often the focus of human traffickers and drug trafficking.
Oh so they have border security and no fence. Like we do. Except we have a few miles of fence instead of no fence.
You're reading the same links I am. I've read more than one place they have a fence. Unless they're lying. But it's clear that the Mexican President felt the need for a fence and Obama offered to help pay for it publicly. What he eventually did under the table could be quite different. They could have made an agreement to transport any folks from Central America to the US.....which explains the sudden increase in so-called refugees from Central America, and just told everyone the fence was built.
Well let's see how do I break your post down hmm. The don't have a fence so let's toss that out right off the bat. Next, Obama never offered to pay for a Mexican fence publicly. The under the table arrangements your talking about are wild speculation that don't deserve to be dignified with a response. And if there was a fence, logically would it not follow that there would be LESS immigrants from central America?
So let me see, if you can't see a picture of it, it never existed. I can show you article after article from reputable sources that Obama offered to pay for this fence through specified drug enforcement funds, it doesn't matter because as long as it looks bad, it didn't happen. Obama would never lie, or do anything so unethical. Right?

Just when you started to sound like a rational human-being you revert back to being your average lump of shit again.

I guess the issue doesn't exist unless it is validated by media matters or Your usual purveyors of Soros propaganda.
You can show me article after article from reputable sources? Why didn't you start there? Why did you post lying memes and a blog post instead?
So you claim I posted pictures I knew to be false?

Sorry, I'll leave the dishonesty up to you Hillary and Obama supporters. I only post what i believe to be true.

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