MI makes female genital mutilation a 15 yr felony. Circumcision still legal

It's good to see Michigan dealing strongly with this. There are a large number of Muslims living in Michigan. The practice of slicing up the genitals of little girls will continue to go on. Toss the butchers in prison.

Why not just send the muzzlers back to the mideast.?? This is another example of how diversity just causes problems.
Then why allow them to mutilate the genitals of little boys...?

male circumcision isn't mutilation. I'm circumcised and my wang works just fine.
Actually... It is mutilation. And women's vaginas, also work after the circumcision. Not sure what your point was.

If it's mutilation then it's a healthy form of mutilation. Fair enough?
No. Not really. "Fair" would be leaving their genitals intact, until they, themselves were old enough to make an informed decision, and decide for themselves.

So "no". Not fair enough...

Again, done to me, no complaints, non-issue.
I could be wrong but... I think the law in question had more people in mind than just you...
It's good to see Michigan dealing strongly with this. There are a large number of Muslims living in Michigan. The practice of slicing up the genitals of little girls will continue to go on. Toss the butchers in prison.

Its not a Muslim thing. More like a sect who more or less practice Hinduism and from India.
male circumcision isn't mutilation. I'm circumcised and my wang works just fine.
Actually... It is mutilation. And women's vaginas, also work after the circumcision. Not sure what your point was.

If it's mutilation then it's a healthy form of mutilation. Fair enough?
No. Not really. "Fair" would be leaving their genitals intact, until they, themselves were old enough to make an informed decision, and decide for themselves.

So "no". Not fair enough...

Again, done to me, no complaints, non-issue.
I could be wrong but... I think the law in question had more people in mind than just you...

I have nothing against the law in question that makes FGM a felony crime in Michigan. What I have an issue with is comparing FGM with male circumcision. The two are not the same.
Then why allow them to mutilate the genitals of little boys...?

male circumcision isn't mutilation. I'm circumcised and my wang works just fine.
Actually... It is mutilation. And women's vaginas, also work after the circumcision. Not sure what your point was.

If it's mutilation then it's a healthy form of mutilation. Fair enough?
No. Not really. "Fair" would be leaving their genitals intact, until they, themselves were old enough to make an informed decision, and decide for themselves.

So "no". Not fair enough...

Your opinion is not consistent with popular medical point of view.
Never has "fairness" been an issue in the medical field.
It's good to see Michigan dealing strongly with this. There are a large number of Muslims living in Michigan. The practice of slicing up the genitals of little girls will continue to go on. Toss the butchers in prison.

It is good to see, but it's got nothing to do with religion. This is an ancient (way ancient, way before the "major" religions) cultural practice. In Mecca in fact it's considered barbaric.
I didn't say it had anything to do with religion. The fact remains that there have been many cases of female genital mutilation in Michigan and it has involved Muslims.

In the same way it has involved Sagittarians or righthanded people.

Again -- it has no basis in religion, has no religious function, and long predates Islam, Christianism and Judaism. It's specific to geography, not religion.

Just as, for example Western women wear earrings or paint their fingernails. Again --- nothing to do with religion but if you surveyed women with painted fingernails you'd find a lot of Christians. From that you could conclude ------ nothing.
Then why allow them to mutilate the genitals of little boys...?

male circumcision isn't mutilation. I'm circumcised and my wang works just fine.
Actually... It is mutilation. And women's vaginas, also work after the circumcision. Not sure what your point was.

They don't actually orgasm due to the more severe forms of the procedures.

I orgasm just fine.
Do you have pre-circumcision orgasm references from which to draw your conclusions...?

No, but the ones I do have are pretty fucking awesome, so I don't see the issue.

Plus there are converts to judaism that have been circumcised later in life, and I don't see much documentation on their complaints.

Gee I wonder if the rabbi sucks the adults penis as well? Do you know?
Actually... It is mutilation. And women's vaginas, also work after the circumcision. Not sure what your point was.

If it's mutilation then it's a healthy form of mutilation. Fair enough?
No. Not really. "Fair" would be leaving their genitals intact, until they, themselves were old enough to make an informed decision, and decide for themselves.

So "no". Not fair enough...

Again, done to me, no complaints, non-issue.
I could be wrong but... I think the law in question had more people in mind than just you...

I have nothing against the law in question that makes FGM a felony crime in Michigan. What I have an issue with is comparing FGM with male circumcision. The two are not the same.

They're only not the same in that they're done to two different genders, ergo involve two different body parts. You can't very well cut the labia off a child that doesn't have them to cut.
Then why allow them to mutilate the genitals of little boys...?

male circumcision isn't mutilation. I'm circumcised and my wang works just fine.
Actually... It is mutilation. And women's vaginas, also work after the circumcision. Not sure what your point was.

If it's mutilation then it's a healthy form of mutilation. Fair enough?
No. Not really. "Fair" would be leaving their genitals intact, until they, themselves were old enough to make an informed decision, and decide for themselves.

So "no". Not fair enough...

Your opinion is not consistent with popular medical point of view.
Medical professionals also agree that amputation of the hands eliminates the risk of Carpal Tunnel... Did you have a point?
male circumcision isn't mutilation. I'm circumcised and my wang works just fine.
Actually... It is mutilation. And women's vaginas, also work after the circumcision. Not sure what your point was.

If it's mutilation then it's a healthy form of mutilation. Fair enough?
No. Not really. "Fair" would be leaving their genitals intact, until they, themselves were old enough to make an informed decision, and decide for themselves.

So "no". Not fair enough...

Your opinion is not consistent with popular medical point of view.
Never has "fairness" been an issue in the medical field.

Huh? Yes, but uncircumcised vs circumcised is. And it is widely accepted that uncircumcised is healthier.
It's good to see Michigan dealing strongly with this. There are a large number of Muslims living in Michigan. The practice of slicing up the genitals of little girls will continue to go on. Toss the butchers in prison.

Why not just send the muzzlers back to the mideast.?? This is another example of how diversity just causes problems.
I don't see Michigan doing that. There have been Muslims in the state for a long time. Hopefully, the people of the Muslim communities born here will assimilate. Many already have.
It's good to see Michigan dealing strongly with this. There are a large number of Muslims living in Michigan. The practice of slicing up the genitals of little girls will continue to go on. Toss the butchers in prison.

It is good to see, but it's got nothing to do with religion. This is an ancient (way ancient, way before the "major" religions) cultural practice. In Mecca in fact it's considered barbaric.
I didn't say it had anything to do with religion. The fact remains that there have been many cases of female genital mutilation in Michigan and it has involved Muslims.

In the same way it has involved Sagittarians or righthanded people.

Again -- it has no basis in religion, has no religious function, and long predates Islam, Christianism and Judaism. It's specific to geography, not religion.

Just as, for example Western women wear earrings or paint their fingernails. Again --- nothing to do with religion but if you surveyed women with painted fingernails you'd find a lot of Christians. From that you could conclude ------ nothing.

Tell us why muslims are doing them in droves, genius.
This is ok? Its one thing to have it done in the hospital but quite another when done like this. Over 75% of males in the US are circumcised.

Then why allow them to mutilate the genitals of little boys...?

male circumcision isn't mutilation. I'm circumcised and my wang works just fine.

How do you know?

Aye, there's the rub.

If it's surgically fucking with nature, then yes it's mutilation. Regardless who it's done on.

because I can have normal sex and I can orgasm?

The whole purpose of FGM is to eliminate sexual pleasure. Male circumcision does nothing to prevent male sexual pleasure.

Plus i appreciate the Hygenic aspect of it.

I was circumcised as an infant, and in no way do I feel cheated out of anything.

So was I. We'll never know to compare, now will we?

What you "feel cheated out of" or not has no bearing on the fact that it IS a mutilation. And whether a mutilation is societally sanctioned or not has no bearing on that either.
Actually circumcision helps prevent infections. I doubt female genital mutilation does.

TUESDAY, Dec. 2, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. health officials are poised to endorse circumcision as a means of preventing HIVand other sexually transmitted diseases.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday released its first-ever draft guidelines on circumcision that recommend that doctors counsel parents and uncircumcised males on the health benefits of the procedure.

The guidelines do not outright call for circumcision of all male newborns, since that is a personal decision that may involve religious or cultural preferences, Dr. Jonathan Mermin, director of the CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention, told the Associated Press.

But "the scientific evidence is clear that the benefits outweigh the risks," Mermin said...
...Circumcision does reduce the risk of urinary tract infections in infants, according to the CDC guidelines.
CDC Endorses Circumcision for Health Reasons

Then why allow them to mutilate the genitals of little boys...?

male circumcision isn't mutilation. I'm circumcised and my wang works just fine.
Actually... It is mutilation. And women's vaginas, also work after the circumcision. Not sure what your point was.

They don't actually orgasm due to the more severe forms of the procedures.

I orgasm just fine.
Do you have pre-circumcision orgasm references from which to draw your conclusions...?
It's good to see Michigan dealing strongly with this. There are a large number of Muslims living in Michigan. The practice of slicing up the genitals of little girls will continue to go on. Toss the butchers in prison.

It is good to see, but it's got nothing to do with religion. This is an ancient (way ancient, way before the "major" religions) cultural practice. In Mecca in fact it's considered barbaric.
I didn't say it had anything to do with religion. The fact remains that there have been many cases of female genital mutilation in Michigan and it has involved Muslims.

In the same way it has involved Sagittarians or righthanded people.

Again -- it has no basis in religion, has no religious function, and long predates Islam, Christianism and Judaism. It's specific to geography, not religion.

Just as, for example Western women wear earrings or paint their fingernails. Again --- nothing to do with religion but if you surveyed women with painted fingernails you'd find a lot of Christians. From that you could conclude ------ nothing.

Tell us why muslims are doing them in droves, genius.

Hey, tell us why these indigenous Native Americans of Colombia and Panama do it....


--- or why is it done in Zimbabwe? Or among Coptic Christians?

Find me anywhere it's brought up in the Bible. OR the Quran.
It's good to see Michigan dealing strongly with this. There are a large number of Muslims living in Michigan. The practice of slicing up the genitals of little girls will continue to go on. Toss the butchers in prison.

Its not a Muslim thing. More like a sect who more or less practice Hinduism and from India.
Or maybe it's a Muslims from India thing.
Genital cutting victims get backlash from Indian Muslim sect for condemning taboo ritual

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