Miami Herald: Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

Most of the national media goes to great pains not to talk about Trump's bribery scandal. The "liberal media" would rather talk about how the squeaky clean Clinton Foundation is the worst thing ever, solely because it contains the name "Clinton".

Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Florida's attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates

The new disclosure from Attorney General Pam Bondi's spokesman to The Associated Press on Monday provides additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump's $25,000 donation to Bondi.

The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 — four days after Bondi's office publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University's activities, according to a 2013 report in the Orlando Sentinel.

So, first, charities contributing to PACs is a no-no. The IRS fined the Trump Foundation for that.

The bigger issue? It's felony bribery to solicit contributions in return for favors, and felony bribery to pay such contributions. According to the AP story, that's what happened. And Bondi has not been truthful.

The AP reviewed thousands of pages of records related to consumer complaints about Trump University and its affiliates filed with Bondi's office. The documents — previously obtained by the Orlando Sentinel, which first reported Trump's donation to Bondi — reveal a new reservoir of unhappy Trump University customers, despite recent claims from the presumptive GOP presidential nominee that the students of his real estate seminar company were overwhelmingly satisfied.
The documents complicate prior claims by Bondi's office that she received only one consumer complaint about Trump University at the time that she decided not to join the New York investigation.

There's even more evidence that makes you go "hmm". The Trump campaign tried to hide the $25,000 "gift". Honest people generally don't try to hide things.

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general
In that year's tax filings, The Post reported, the Trump Foundation did not notify the IRS of this political donation. Instead, Trump's foundation listed a donation — also for $25,000 — to a Kansas charity with a name similar to that of Bondi's political group. In fact, Trump's foundation had not given the Kansas group any money.

The Trump Foundation claims it was all an honest mistake, and just a total coincidence that the Florida AG decided not to investigate right after getting the money.

Does anyone believe that?

If the name here was "Clinton" instead of "Trump", would you believe it?

Of course not. That's why there needs to be criminal investigations by the Florida state prosecutors, and by the FBI, to determine whether to file bribery charges.

Anyone who isn't a flagrantly corrupt party hack would agree. Sadly, that leaves out the Trump fans, who all seem proud to be such corrupt party hacks. The two sides here are not even remotely alike. Clinton voters condemn corruption, while Trump voters think of corruption as a prerequisite for office. That's one of the biggest reason why the Trump movement needs to be squashed, because it's a festering mass of corruption from top to bottom.

And if any Trump fans disagrees, they need to publicly state they would not want Clinton investigated under similar circumstances. Otherwise, their open hypocrisy will be shoved in their face, over and over.
Miami Herald: Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

This may not be getting much attention in the national media, but Florida has been on it - the Herald and the Tampa Bay Times especially.
The article begins by describing the conference call between Trump, Brewer, Scott Brown, our AG Pam Bondi, and other Trump surrogates wherein Trump goes off on Judge Curiel and tells his supporters on the phone that "they should demonize the judge and call any reporter who questioned the strategy a racist." Mr. Grimm points out that Bondi, our "state's chief legal officer," participated in a conversation that "conservative legal scholars criticized as contemptuous of American jurisprudence and Republican political leaders decried as outright racist;" that she listened and never uttered a word of protest.

The conference call occurred on Monday. That same day, an investigative AP report revealed that back in 2013, even as the attorney general’s office was receiving angry complaints from Floridians claiming they had been defrauded by Trump’s faux university and not long after her office intimated Florida might join New York’s $40 million lawsuit against Trump University, Bondi had “personally solicited” a campaign contribution from Trump.

It gets even worse. After a Bondi campaign committee received a $25,000 check from the Trump Foundation, the attorney general’s office dropped its inquiry into Trump U. (In a call to the Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times bureau Tuesday, Bondi protested that her office had never opened a formal investigation.)

And worse still. The donation — from Trump’s Section 501©(3) charitable foundation — was illegal. And never reported to the IRS. Tax-exempt charitable foundations are prohibited from engaging in political activity. That’s for Trump and the IRS to work out. But how the hell could a prohibited transgression like that go unremarked for nearly three years by its recipient, Florida’s chief legal officer? How was it that the very attorney general failed to check the provenance of her $25,000 donation?

Which only adds another sleazy chapter to Bondi’s history of bent ethics. In 2014, The New York Times reported that a Washington lobbying firm specializing in influencing state attorneys general had lavished considerable attention on Bondi, showering her with gifts, exotic junkets and campaign contributions. Meanwhile the Florida Attorney General’s Office lost interest in pursuing fraud allegations dogging the firm’s various clients.

Oh, and she'll be joining Trump once again when he holds a rally here in Tampa this Saturday. That $27,500 (including the IRS fine) sure was well spent.

Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

My god what a crook trump is. What a piece of fucking shit! How the fucking can you dare attack Clinton with this scum?

If you don't also have a problem with this then shut up

Hillary Clinton Holds $100,000-a-Head Fundraisers

So quid pro quo is no longer an issue?
Evidently so. The 'all-in' media, the current Attorney General, the current President, and every liberal Hillary supporter doesn't seem to care Hillary has been caught red handed by her own documents and emails.

If this were Hillary Clinton paying off an attorney general you'd have started 20 threads on it by now.
If this was Hillary Clinton the 'All-In' media wouldn't be reporting it.
If this was Hillary Clinton the 'All-In' media wouldn't be reporting it.

So we just imagined the months of investigations of absolutely nothing? The media piles on any Clinton if they so much as sneeze.

Nobody can be as delusional and stupid as you now look. Nobody could actually believe those things you claim which are so obviously contradicted by reality. You're not that stupid. You are, however, that corrupt. You know your candidate is a crook, and you don't care.

Would it kill Trump fans to say "Yes, Trump should be investigated."? Apparently, it would. It's not like anyone is calling for his immediate conviction and execution. We're just calling for the bare minimum that any honest justice system should initiate in such a situation. And that's literally too much for even one Trump fan to agree with. None of them will even think about refusing to back DearLeaderTrump with anything less than 100% blind fanatical enthusiasm, no matter how low they have to go. It's a cult of personality, Trump-worship is.
When Bondi realized what she did, she tried to return the money but Trump wouldn't take it back.

Pam Bondi attempts to return $25,000 to Trump charity

Republicans don't realize that if you rob a jewelry store and get caught, you can't just return the jewelry, say Oops, I'm sorry, it was a mistake. No, you committed a crime. You are guilty and have to pay.

For some reason, the press have been giving Trump a pass like crazy.
Miami Herald: Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

This may not be getting much attention in the national media, but Florida has been on it - the Herald and the Tampa Bay Times especially.
The article begins by describing the conference call between Trump, Brewer, Scott Brown, our AG Pam Bondi, and other Trump surrogates wherein Trump goes off on Judge Curiel and tells his supporters on the phone that "they should demonize the judge and call any reporter who questioned the strategy a racist." Mr. Grimm points out that Bondi, our "state's chief legal officer," participated in a conversation that "conservative legal scholars criticized as contemptuous of American jurisprudence and Republican political leaders decried as outright racist;" that she listened and never uttered a word of protest.

The conference call occurred on Monday. That same day, an investigative AP report revealed that back in 2013, even as the attorney general’s office was receiving angry complaints from Floridians claiming they had been defrauded by Trump’s faux university and not long after her office intimated Florida might join New York’s $40 million lawsuit against Trump University, Bondi had “personally solicited” a campaign contribution from Trump.

It gets even worse. After a Bondi campaign committee received a $25,000 check from the Trump Foundation, the attorney general’s office dropped its inquiry into Trump U. (In a call to the Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times bureau Tuesday, Bondi protested that her office had never opened a formal investigation.)

And worse still. The donation — from Trump’s Section 501©(3) charitable foundation — was illegal. And never reported to the IRS. Tax-exempt charitable foundations are prohibited from engaging in political activity. That’s for Trump and the IRS to work out. But how the hell could a prohibited transgression like that go unremarked for nearly three years by its recipient, Florida’s chief legal officer? How was it that the very attorney general failed to check the provenance of her $25,000 donation?

Which only adds another sleazy chapter to Bondi’s history of bent ethics. In 2014, The New York Times reported that a Washington lobbying firm specializing in influencing state attorneys general had lavished considerable attention on Bondi, showering her with gifts, exotic junkets and campaign contributions. Meanwhile the Florida Attorney General’s Office lost interest in pursuing fraud allegations dogging the firm’s various clients.

Oh, and she'll be joining Trump once again when he holds a rally here in Tampa this Saturday. That $27,500 (including the IRS fine) sure was well spent.

Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

My god what a crook trump is. What a piece of fucking shit! How the fucking can you dare attack Clinton with this scum?
Just like us, we don't really care how flawed our candidates are, theirs are worse.

Have you noticed Republicans are hiding who they are in their commercials? Doesn't sa uh Republican an I'm seeing a lot of blue in their adds. Not red. Embarrassed?
Miami Herald: Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

This may not be getting much attention in the national media, but Florida has been on it - the Herald and the Tampa Bay Times especially.
The article begins by describing the conference call between Trump, Brewer, Scott Brown, our AG Pam Bondi, and other Trump surrogates wherein Trump goes off on Judge Curiel and tells his supporters on the phone that "they should demonize the judge and call any reporter who questioned the strategy a racist." Mr. Grimm points out that Bondi, our "state's chief legal officer," participated in a conversation that "conservative legal scholars criticized as contemptuous of American jurisprudence and Republican political leaders decried as outright racist;" that she listened and never uttered a word of protest.

The conference call occurred on Monday. That same day, an investigative AP report revealed that back in 2013, even as the attorney general’s office was receiving angry complaints from Floridians claiming they had been defrauded by Trump’s faux university and not long after her office intimated Florida might join New York’s $40 million lawsuit against Trump University, Bondi had “personally solicited” a campaign contribution from Trump.

It gets even worse. After a Bondi campaign committee received a $25,000 check from the Trump Foundation, the attorney general’s office dropped its inquiry into Trump U. (In a call to the Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times bureau Tuesday, Bondi protested that her office had never opened a formal investigation.)

And worse still. The donation — from Trump’s Section 501©(3) charitable foundation — was illegal. And never reported to the IRS. Tax-exempt charitable foundations are prohibited from engaging in political activity. That’s for Trump and the IRS to work out. But how the hell could a prohibited transgression like that go unremarked for nearly three years by its recipient, Florida’s chief legal officer? How was it that the very attorney general failed to check the provenance of her $25,000 donation?

Which only adds another sleazy chapter to Bondi’s history of bent ethics. In 2014, The New York Times reported that a Washington lobbying firm specializing in influencing state attorneys general had lavished considerable attention on Bondi, showering her with gifts, exotic junkets and campaign contributions. Meanwhile the Florida Attorney General’s Office lost interest in pursuing fraud allegations dogging the firm’s various clients.

Oh, and she'll be joining Trump once again when he holds a rally here in Tampa this Saturday. That $27,500 (including the IRS fine) sure was well spent.

Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

My god what a crook trump is. What a piece of fucking shit! How the fucking can you dare attack Clinton with this scum?
Just like us, we don't really care how flawed our candidates are, theirs are worse.

Have you noticed Republicans are hiding who they are in their commercials? Doesn't sa uh Republican an I'm seeing a lot of blue in their adds. Not red. Embarrassed?
They want you to believe Hillary is terribly flawed. I'm nearly Mrs. Clinton's age. I've been here her entire career. All these GOP conspiracies. They have never been convicted of anything. The BJ was embarrassing. Of course Bill denied it. Most married men do. I suspect he thought Monica would to.
What's ironic are the number of Republicans who went after him and then ended up with their own sex scandals. Remember the main prosecutor/investigator who discovered the Monica BJ, Ken Starr?

Ken Starr Resigns as Baylor Chancellor in Wake of Sex-Assault Case Controversy

You can go down the list starting with Newt Gingrich.
Miami Herald: Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

This may not be getting much attention in the national media, but Florida has been on it - the Herald and the Tampa Bay Times especially.
The article begins by describing the conference call between Trump, Brewer, Scott Brown, our AG Pam Bondi, and other Trump surrogates wherein Trump goes off on Judge Curiel and tells his supporters on the phone that "they should demonize the judge and call any reporter who questioned the strategy a racist." Mr. Grimm points out that Bondi, our "state's chief legal officer," participated in a conversation that "conservative legal scholars criticized as contemptuous of American jurisprudence and Republican political leaders decried as outright racist;" that she listened and never uttered a word of protest.

The conference call occurred on Monday. That same day, an investigative AP report revealed that back in 2013, even as the attorney general’s office was receiving angry complaints from Floridians claiming they had been defrauded by Trump’s faux university and not long after her office intimated Florida might join New York’s $40 million lawsuit against Trump University, Bondi had “personally solicited” a campaign contribution from Trump.

It gets even worse. After a Bondi campaign committee received a $25,000 check from the Trump Foundation, the attorney general’s office dropped its inquiry into Trump U. (In a call to the Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times bureau Tuesday, Bondi protested that her office had never opened a formal investigation.)

And worse still. The donation — from Trump’s Section 501©(3) charitable foundation — was illegal. And never reported to the IRS. Tax-exempt charitable foundations are prohibited from engaging in political activity. That’s for Trump and the IRS to work out. But how the hell could a prohibited transgression like that go unremarked for nearly three years by its recipient, Florida’s chief legal officer? How was it that the very attorney general failed to check the provenance of her $25,000 donation?

Which only adds another sleazy chapter to Bondi’s history of bent ethics. In 2014, The New York Times reported that a Washington lobbying firm specializing in influencing state attorneys general had lavished considerable attention on Bondi, showering her with gifts, exotic junkets and campaign contributions. Meanwhile the Florida Attorney General’s Office lost interest in pursuing fraud allegations dogging the firm’s various clients.

Oh, and she'll be joining Trump once again when he holds a rally here in Tampa this Saturday. That $27,500 (including the IRS fine) sure was well spent.

Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

My god what a crook trump is. What a piece of fucking shit! How the fucking can you dare attack Clinton with this scum?
Just like us, we don't really care how flawed our candidates are, theirs are worse.

Have you noticed Republicans are hiding who they are in their commercials? Doesn't sa uh Republican an I'm seeing a lot of blue in their adds. Not red. Embarrassed?
They want you to believe Hillary is terribly flawed. I'm nearly Mrs. Clinton's age. I've been here her entire career. All these GOP conspiracies. They have never been convicted of anything. The BJ was embarrassing. Of course Bill denied it. Most married men do. I suspect he thought Monica would to.
What's ironic are the number of Republicans who went after him and then ended up with their own sex scandals. Remember the main prosecutor/investigator who discovered the Monica BJ, Ken Starr?

Ken Starr Resigns as Baylor Chancellor in Wake of Sex-Assault Case Controversy

You can go down the list starting with Newt Gingrich.

It's true do you see how they've sucked me into their premise. Hillary isn't perfect but who is? Certainly not trump who's the biggest joke if it weren't true.

I wonder if kids have nightmares about trump being president
"Several weeks before": Bondi "unaware of dozens of consumer complaints received by her office about Trump's real-estate seminars" requests a donation from Donald Trump
September 13, 2013: Bondi's office publicly announces she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University's activities
September 17, 2013: Trump family foundation contributed $25,000 to Pam Bondi's reelection
Shortly After September 17: Bondi's office announces it is dropping the Trump University case
January 2014: Trump's foundation declines to disclose said donation in its yearly filings for 2013
March 14, 2016: Bondi endorses Trump for President prior to the Florida primary
March 2016: Trump camp apologizes for "wrong" 2013 donation and blames its failure to dislose said donation on a series of "clerical errors"
September 2016: Trump's foundation is fined $2,500 for the illegal donation
Been reporting on it every 30 minutes this morning on CNN.
I'll have to turn it on CNN this morning. The DOJ can't ignore this forever. Bribery. Payola from a tax exempt charity, the Trump Foundation. Dropping lawsuits. Lying about complaints.

Trump thought he was showing off when he boasted on the campaign trail about what he gets when he gives money to politicians.

"When I want something, I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass. It's true," Trump said.

And it happened. Just like he said.
Last edited by a moderator:
Man, I can't believe it's finally happened. I've been writing about this on the USMB and other blogs for months. I've written to stations and newspapers. And finally, finally, finally, they are looking into it. I'm sure USMB Republicans were getting really sick of me constantly bringing it up if the name calling was any give a way.

Josh Marshall wrote about the best article about it I've seen in Talking Points Memo:

About As Clear Cut as They Get

Yesterday I pressed the point of the wildly dissimilar campaign coverage of Trump and Clinton, particularly the continuing saturation coverage of Clinton 'scandals' in whichshe's actually being exonerated and virtually no coverage of a pretty cut and dry pay-for-play story with Trump, his foundation and his efforts to protect himself legally from the fallout of the exposure of his real estate seminar scam business, 'Trump University'. But the case with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is more serious than that. We usually use the phrase 'pay-to-play' when talking about money for access, money for government contracts or friendly interventions in the legislative process. The Trump-Bondi case looks like money in exchange for killing an investigation and possible lawsuit against Trump. It would be like Hillary Clinton making a cash payment to Loretta Lynch or James Comey during the email probe.


He does a great job of outlining the entire scam. With dates, fines from the IRS, statements and a dated check.

There is no getting around this one "sTrump pets". Everything is right there. Will the press run with a story that's as smooth as a fresh jar of Skippy? They don't even need that much research it's so out in the open in in your face.

Trump, dismissed the allegations of impropriety, says the donation Fla. AG received is not tied to - naijaknow

It's popped up on the news at least three times today.


The same thing happened in Texas.

AP: Greg Abbott Given $35K Campaign Donation by Trump after Trump University Probe Dropped
The story here is that the lamestream media isn't covering this story.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Man, I can't believe it's finally happened. I've been writing about this on the USMB and other blogs for months. I've written to stations and newspapers. And finally, finally, finally, they are looking into it. I'm sure USMB Republicans were getting really sick of me constantly bringing it up if the name calling was any give a way.

Josh Marshall wrote about the best article about it I've seen in Talking Points Memo:

About As Clear Cut as They Get

Yesterday I pressed the point of the wildly dissimilar campaign coverage of Trump and Clinton, particularly the continuing saturation coverage of Clinton 'scandals' in whichshe's actually being exonerated and virtually no coverage of a pretty cut and dry pay-for-play story with Trump, his foundation and his efforts to protect himself legally from the fallout of the exposure of his real estate seminar scam business, 'Trump University'. But the case with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is more serious than that. We usually use the phrase 'pay-to-play' when talking about money for access, money for government contracts or friendly interventions in the legislative process. The Trump-Bondi case looks like money in exchange for killing an investigation and possible lawsuit against Trump. It would be like Hillary Clinton making a cash payment to Loretta Lynch or James Comey during the email probe.


He does a great job of outlining the entire scam. With dates, fines from the IRS, statements and a dated check.

There is no getting around this one "sTrump pets". Everything is right there. Will the press run with a story that's as smooth as a fresh jar of Skippy? They don't even need that much research it's so out in the open in in your face.

Trump, dismissed the allegations of impropriety, says the donation Fla. AG received is not tied to - naijaknow

It's popped up on the news at least three times today.


The same thing happened in Texas.

AP: Greg Abbott Given $35K Campaign Donation by Trump after Trump University Probe Dropped
The story here is that the lamestream media isn't covering this story.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Not yet. Maybe hillary should/will bring it up. We know trump would.

Wait till the debates
Miami Herald: Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

This may not be getting much attention in the national media, but Florida has been on it - the Herald and the Tampa Bay Times especially.
Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general for $25,000

My god what a crook trump is. What a piece of fucking shit! How the fucking can you dare attack Clinton with this scum?

If you don't also have a problem with this then shut up

Hillary Clinton Holds $100,000-a-Head Fundraisers

So quid pro quo is no longer an issue?
Evidently so. The 'all-in' media, the current Attorney General, the current President, and every liberal Hillary supporter doesn't seem to care Hillary has been caught red handed by her own documents and emails.

If this were Hillary Clinton paying off an attorney general you'd have started 20 threads on it by now.
If this was Hillary Clinton the 'All-In' media wouldn't be reporting it.

The rightwing propaganda machine isn't attacking Hillary Clinton? WTF?

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