Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid ‘Hush Money’ For Relationships With Trump

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.
Oh but Bill Clinton is the true pervert. Why? Because he’s a democrat and you assholes are petty as hell.

Not that I commented that, but whatever. The situation is the hypocrisy, Leftists excuse Bill Clinton or even ignore that Bill Clinton was doing all those women, that he had Monica sucking him off when he was on the phone to other World Leaders, that he put a cigar up her WhatEVAH in The Oval Office, that he went on the television and stated he did NOT have sexual relations with that woman Miss Lewinsky etc and excusing and/or ignoring all that the same crowd on a DAILY BASIS obsess about who The Donald was having sex with BEFORE he became American President, all these happenings with women happened BEFORE he was even running for President, some that are being obsessed about happened in 2006 and BEFORE 2006.

Now who cares? Nobody gives a shit that JFK was fucking many women when he was IN The White House, that he brought his whores INTO The White House often when Jackie was away, LBJ was no different he was fucking women when he was IN The White House and so was FDR fucking women when he was IN The White House and then there was Warren Harding the only Republican I can see who was fucking some woman when he was IN The White House.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome Crowd though just want to obsess about The Donald and his women, it's pathetic in general, like as if The Donald is the ONLY married man to ever have had sex with other women and then paid them. Leftists also insist that what happens in the bedroom is NOBODYS business, obviously they cannot adhere to that where The Donald is concerned as that defeats the purpose of the fixation on The Donald's penis and what he does with it and what he's done with it.

Essentially a majority don't give a crap. You give a crap because you are in The Trump Derangement Crowd yourself.
See what you’re too fucking dense to understand is fhat no one on the left cares about Bill anymore. No one is saying he wasn’t a cheating douche. No one is defending him. He’s just irrelevant now. Unfortunately the right often brings him up as a desperate “whataboutism” to avoid talking about how much of a sack of fucking misogynist garbage Trump is. Of course, not even Bill was THAT bad. Rather than accepting Trump’s shitty behavior with women, you just pretend Bill was an evil rapist or something in comparison to avoid the subject on Trump.

They also show just how down right hypocritical they are.

They still are having fits about Clinton. When it was happening they took the victorian prude role and pretended to be so offended by it. They said it was a matter of character.

Now, we have a president who is a billion times worse and they don't care.

They're total hypocrites and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.

That is not true Lucy

Adultery is illegal in certain States, running from a misdemeanor crime (like crossing the border illegally), to a Felony where three years in prison is the penalty....

Adultery is against the law, in New York State.

Although adultery is a misdemeanor in most of the states with laws against it, some — including Michigan and Wisconsin — categorize the offense as a felony. Punishments vary widely by state. In Maryland, the penalty is a paltry $10 fine. But in Massachusetts, an adulterer could face up to three years in jail.Apr 17, 2014

So yes, you and others can laugh it off.... but the President is a criminal if it is true....

man oh man, Trump ain't gonna have a dime left when and if Melania divorces him for adultery
do you think she cares or do you think Donald doesn't have a prenup?

seriously, she just wanted to be the last mrs trump, for the win.

The minute he cheated on her she won. She doesn't have to be the last wife for that to happen.

That prenup is voided when he cheated on her.

If she goes to California or NY state trump will be in big financial trouble. She can take most of his money ( which by the way is one of the 2 things he only cares about, the other being power) and keep taking money from him even after he dies.

That prenup became worthless the minute he cheated on melania. He voided that contract when he violated it.

I so hope she goes to California. I would love to see her clean his bank accounts of most of his money. I would cheer her on. LOL. California isn't a no fault divorce state. They, like my state, also have alimony for a spouse for life if the spouse doesn't get remarried.
There isn't a US administration that hasn't had to deal with global leaders. The Kenyan is the only one to bow down in their presence, or pat them on the knee to reassure them that he is on their side, but can't show it until it's too late for us to do anything about it...
Leeway to sell our land to Russia:

Me, too, but executing a nondisclosure agreement is NOT illegal. So why does anyone care?
What could be illegal, is that in the recent Cohen/Trump tape released, Cohen is telling Trump that he was working with the Trump Corp accountant for the payoff.... (this accountant was just subpoenaed...for questioning)

It is a felony to use corporate/business funds, even if it is your own, for personal business...

The other possible illegality is that Cohen/AMI was working with McDougal's and Stormy's lawyer, same one for both girls....which is odd, against Stormy and McDougal's backs, in the interest of Trump, not them.... that's illegal.

And AMI may not have been truthful to her, because she believed her story was going to be told, instead the played catch and kill with it...

Plus there are campaign finance law issues that are in play....

so basically, it's truly not anything to do with the sex, and only has to do with the payments, because the payments could have been done illegally.....

What is illegal is that Cohen has violated the Attorney/Client Privilege, there is a very good case for him to be Disbarred.
Trump gave permission to release the tape... is my understanding...thru Giuliani.... otherwise it would be illegal.

Trump didn't even know this snake Cohen was recording everything. WTF?! If MY lawyer was recording things without me knowing I would arrange to have him dealt with. Cohen IMHO was secretly recording everything so at some point he could use the tapes as Blackmail or whatever.
Believe it or not, in New York you can.
for regular ole 2 parties, one can tape and release it....

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege.... Guiliani a couple of days ago said something like, ''the press had gotten it and was going to release it regardless so Trump gave permission'' or something like that...? Maybe I was dreaming, but I could swear that is what I heard.
Can you IMAGINE how many are actually out there? There are women who had their fling and got nothing and wouldn't admit it if they had guns to their heads. There are women who got MONEY to keep their mouths shut. And how many might have gotten abortions?

This, unlike COSBY 'victims', were likely willing so they won't put themselves through the public vilification, ridicule and scorn! Stay tuned. The white trash president will just have to ride out his self-inflicted STORM.

PS Cohen attorneys are trying to put a gag order on Avenatti.

Michael Avenatti to represent three other women Trump’s team paid off after affairs: report


27 JUL 2018 AT 00:05 ET

Michael Avenatti (CNN)

Michael Avenatti will represent three other women who were paid hush-money after affairs with Donald Trump, KABC reports.

Avenatti represents porn star Stormy Daniels who had a brief affair with the future president and later agreed to keep quiet about it.

On Thursday night, Avenatti told a crowd in Los Angeles that he would now represent three other women Donald Trump, AMI and Michael Cohen paid to keep quiet.

Why are Progressive democrat Socialist obsessed with where Donald Trump stuck his cock?
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.
Me, too, but executing a nondisclosure agreement is NOT illegal. So why does anyone care?

Exactly not illegal unlike Cohen violating the Attorney/Client Privilege. Anyhow I am too hot to argue, I am very irritable today because of my condition and too hot, Kid E arrives in approx 6 weeks mid September.

SO EVERYONE stop arguing and just ALL agree that I AM correct :smoke:

Soak your feet in some cold water, honey. It helps.
What could be illegal, is that in the recent Cohen/Trump tape released, Cohen is telling Trump that he was working with the Trump Corp accountant for the payoff.... (this accountant was just subpoenaed...for questioning)

It is a felony to use corporate/business funds, even if it is your own, for personal business...

The other possible illegality is that Cohen/AMI was working with McDougal's and Stormy's lawyer, same one for both girls....which is odd, against Stormy and McDougal's backs, in the interest of Trump, not them.... that's illegal.

And AMI may not have been truthful to her, because she believed her story was going to be told, instead the played catch and kill with it...

Plus there are campaign finance law issues that are in play....

so basically, it's truly not anything to do with the sex, and only has to do with the payments, because the payments could have been done illegally.....

What is illegal is that Cohen has violated the Attorney/Client Privilege, there is a very good case for him to be Disbarred.
Trump gave permission to release the tape... is my understanding...thru Giuliani.... otherwise it would be illegal.

Trump didn't even know this snake Cohen was recording everything. WTF?! If MY lawyer was recording things without me knowing I would arrange to have him dealt with. Cohen IMHO was secretly recording everything so at some point he could use the tapes as Blackmail or whatever.
Believe it or not, in New York you can.
for regular ole 2 parties, one can tape and release it....

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege.... Guiliani a couple of days ago said something like, ''the press had gotten it and was going to release it regardless so Trump gave permission'' or something like that...? Maybe I was dreaming, but I could swear that is what I heard.
I haven't really been following the specifics on all this Stormy drama. I thought the prosecutor cleared it; that's how much I know about it.
What is illegal is that Cohen has violated the Attorney/Client Privilege, there is a very good case for him to be Disbarred.
Trump gave permission to release the tape... is my understanding...thru Giuliani.... otherwise it would be illegal.

Trump didn't even know this snake Cohen was recording everything. WTF?! If MY lawyer was recording things without me knowing I would arrange to have him dealt with. Cohen IMHO was secretly recording everything so at some point he could use the tapes as Blackmail or whatever.
Believe it or not, in New York you can.
for regular ole 2 parties, one can tape and release it....

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege.... Guiliani a couple of days ago said something like, ''the press had gotten it and was going to release it regardless so Trump gave permission'' or something like that...? Maybe I was dreaming, but I could swear that is what I heard.
I haven't really been following the specifics on all this Stormy drama. I thought the prosecutor cleared it; that's how much I know about it.
well, I'm a news nut.... :D
Trump cultists aren't going to care how many women the pathetic orange clown had to pay off after paying them to have sex with him.

What could finally cause their blind worship to waiver will be finding out how many abortions he paid for...

That won't do it either.

I don't believe there's anything that will do it.

Look at the bush boy. They still defend and lie for him to this day. That's after all the crimes, war crimes, lies and collapsing out economy. His VP even outed a CIA spy and they didn't care.

I'm sure trump has paid for a lot of abortions. I'm also sure his followers wouldn't have any problem with it. They'll just lie or try to deflect or the old stand by personal attacks.
What is illegal is that Cohen has violated the Attorney/Client Privilege, there is a very good case for him to be Disbarred.
Trump gave permission to release the tape... is my understanding...thru Giuliani.... otherwise it would be illegal.

Trump didn't even know this snake Cohen was recording everything. WTF?! If MY lawyer was recording things without me knowing I would arrange to have him dealt with. Cohen IMHO was secretly recording everything so at some point he could use the tapes as Blackmail or whatever.
Believe it or not, in New York you can.
for regular ole 2 parties, one can tape and release it....

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege.... Guiliani a couple of days ago said something like, ''the press had gotten it and was going to release it regardless so Trump gave permission'' or something like that...? Maybe I was dreaming, but I could swear that is what I heard.
I haven't really been following the specifics on all this Stormy drama. I thought the prosecutor cleared it; that's how much I know about it.
And Mueller just got the tapes that were initially denied to him, because of the release...
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.

That is not true Lucy

Adultery is illegal in certain States, running from a misdemeanor crime (like crossing the border illegally), to a Felony where three years in prison is the penalty....

Adultery is against the law, in New York State.

Although adultery is a misdemeanor in most of the states with laws against it, some — including Michigan and Wisconsin — categorize the offense as a felony. Punishments vary widely by state. In Maryland, the penalty is a paltry $10 fine. But in Massachusetts, an adulterer could face up to three years in jail.Apr 17, 2014

So yes, you and others can laugh it off.... but the President is a criminal if it is true....

man oh man, Trump ain't gonna have a dime left when and if Melania divorces him for adultery
do you think she cares or do you think Donald doesn't have a prenup?

seriously, she just wanted to be the last mrs trump, for the win.

The minute he cheated on her she won. She doesn't have to be the last wife for that to happen.

That prenup is voided when he cheated on her.

If she goes to California or NY state trump will be in big financial trouble. She can take most of his money ( which by the way is one of the 2 things he only cares about, the other being power) and keep taking money from him even after he dies.

That prenup became worthless the minute he cheated on melania. He voided that contract when he violated it.

I so hope she goes to California. I would love to see her clean his bank accounts of most of his money. I would cheer her on. LOL. California isn't a no fault divorce state. They, like my state, also have alimony for a spouse for life if the spouse doesn't get remarried.
He cheated on his former two wives, too, and they didn't "clean him out." I'm sure he had pre nups with them, too. Don't get your hopes set on punishment ala Melania. I think she wants to see Barron get all the goodies he can; she won't leave Trump until she's sure of that.
Trump gave permission to release the tape... is my understanding...thru Giuliani.... otherwise it would be illegal.

Trump didn't even know this snake Cohen was recording everything. WTF?! If MY lawyer was recording things without me knowing I would arrange to have him dealt with. Cohen IMHO was secretly recording everything so at some point he could use the tapes as Blackmail or whatever.
Believe it or not, in New York you can.
for regular ole 2 parties, one can tape and release it....

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege.... Guiliani a couple of days ago said something like, ''the press had gotten it and was going to release it regardless so Trump gave permission'' or something like that...? Maybe I was dreaming, but I could swear that is what I heard.
I haven't really been following the specifics on all this Stormy drama. I thought the prosecutor cleared it; that's how much I know about it.
well, I'm a news nut.... :D
Me, too, just not the celeb part, so much. That lawyer stuff confuses me, to be honest.
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.

I never paid for sex before or after, have you?

The payments to the women are evidence of violating campaign finance laws.
...Of course, not even Bill was THAT bad. Rather than accepting Trump’s shitty behavior with women, you just pretend Bill was an evil rapist or something in comparison to avoid the subject on Trump.

I think the orange pussy grabber in chief should get an intern and start smoking cigars, then we could make an honest comparison...

the difference is that:
Trump has to PAY for sex...

Even on McDougal on their first night, he offered her money for the night of sex, like she was a prostitute..... so Karen says....

Maybe he just likes PAYING? It makes him feel BIGLEY cuz he could "pay more" than the other hundred before him that paid for sex?

No I don't believe it's that.

I believe no good and classy woman with any self respect would ever let him touch her.

Notice they're mostly women in the porn industry. He even married a woman who worked in the porn industry.

I don't mean to say that women in that industry are bad. Just that women who have more self respect and class won't let him put one finger on them.
In the recording, you can hear Trump is making every decision based on how it will affect the outcome of the election.

He only cared about stopping the court records of his divorce from Ivana for as long at it took until the election. Then he didn't care.

This conversation was taking place at the same time as the pussy grabbing tape was in the news. Trump was on the ropes, and if all this shit about McDougal and Daniels and the other women came out, he was done for, and he knew it.

He knew once he got through the election, the rubes were too proud to ever admit to themselves they were hustled by a lying huckster, and would defend him to their graves.
I wonder if that RNC finance mgr, the heavy set guy, Mr broidy, that got the playmate pregnant, paid her off... $1.6 million, using Cohen to silence her, and using the same name on Stormy's silence papers, David Dennison is really another Trump affair....? I thought so, at the time....

That could be who Avanatti is talking about being pregnant by Donald?
It was smart of Cohen to record Trump. Trump lies, after all. A lot. Trump has been caught lying about conversations many times. Anyone who has known Trump for as long as Cohen has knows Trump lies about who said what.

So good on Cohen for recording the lying bastard.
/-----/ You lie 1,000 times a day but don't ask for proof. If it's stated often enough then it's true. Stop lying.
This all gives a lot more credibility to the women who accused Trump of groping them.
I wonder if that RNC finance mgr, the heavy set guy, Mr broidy, that got the playmate pregnant, paid her off... $1.6 million, using Cohen to silence her, and using the same name on Stormy's silence papers, David Dennison is really another Trump affair....? I thought so, at the time....

That could be who Avanatti is talking about being pregnant by Donald?
This post makes no fucking sense.

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