Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid ‘Hush Money’ For Relationships With Trump

BFD all that means is three more women who think they are going to get some kind of big payday are just going to end up getting a big legal bill from Avenatti.
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

How does an existing NDA work with a new attorney?
I would think these woman can tell Avenatti their story. But he can't spew a word
unless the client gives their approval. Like he won't hahaha! Which then the person
under the NDA is liable to be sued for dollars. If stormy wins, it means all victims of the
Great Pussy Grabber can spew their servicing love stories. I guess? Is the shame worth it?
See Spicer at his book signing LOL! They would do better.

Will they write a threeway maybe a Fourway on a douche tell-all book? Will Faux news put them on?
We know Russain offered 5 girls was it, for the night in Russia. And when will the Great Douche forced
abortions cum to light? I'm sure the older Douche kids demand them. The Great Douche was pro-choice
for a long time before mid-2016.

I wonder how the Former hooker FLOTUS feels about all this? Really, If the
Great Douche was doing the Pornstar and Playboy bunny when married to
the current former illegal entry Hooker FLOTUS. Then, It has been tagging others
over the last 5-8 years. Yep. The Great Douche can only get paid Hookers, Pornstars to service it.
And preying on beauty pageant girls trying to get ahead. By giving head at least.
FFS...Were NDA involved here?

Marla Maples seems to be the clearest thang till 1999.
And btw.
Tiffany Trump gets shit as she is Marla kid from marriage at the time, was it? Maples is best known for her marriage to the Great Douche, while Trump was married to first wife, Ivana

Yep! the Great Douche keeps its commitments.
Turned in the old hag #1 (Maybe this is where it learned the word 'Witch'?) for Marla, Now gets serviced by a former illegal entry hooker.


Gee? We can see what Ivanka the skank will look like in a few more years.

The Great Douche gots some of the best GOP/DOPer Family Values I've ever seen.
Last edited:
Trump didn't even know this snake Cohen was recording everything. WTF?! If MY lawyer was recording things without me knowing I would arrange to have him dealt with. Cohen IMHO was secretly recording everything so at some point he could use the tapes as Blackmail or whatever.
Believe it or not, in New York you can.
for regular ole 2 parties, one can tape and release it....

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege.... Guiliani a couple of days ago said something like, ''the press had gotten it and was going to release it regardless so Trump gave permission'' or something like that...? Maybe I was dreaming, but I could swear that is what I heard.
I haven't really been following the specifics on all this Stormy drama. I thought the prosecutor cleared it; that's how much I know about it.
well, I'm a news nut.... :D
Me, too, just not the celeb part, so much. That lawyer stuff confuses me, to be honest.
In New York, if you and I were there and you recorded a conversation we were having, even secretly recording it, you could release it.... with their only 1 party rule for a waiver....

BUT, if the recording is between the Client and his attorney, that law above, does not apply...the Client has to give a waiver to release it, and Trump did.... again is my understanding.....

New York Consolidated Laws, Civil Practice Law and Rules - CVP § 4503. Attorney

Search New York Codes (a) 1. Confidential communication privileged.  Unless the client waives the privilege, an attorney or his or her employee, or any person who obtains without the knowledge of the client evidence of a confidential communication made between the attorney or his or her employee and the client in the course of professional employment, shall not disclose, or be allowed to disclose such communication, nor shall the client be compelled to disclose such communication, in any action, disciplinary trial or hearing, or administrative action, proceeding or hearing conducted by or on behalf of any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.  Evidence of any such communication obtained by any such person, and evidence resulting therefrom, shall not be disclosed by any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.
I wonder if that RNC finance mgr, the heavy set guy, Mr broidy, that got the playmate pregnant, paid her off... $1.6 million, using Cohen to silence her, and using the same name on Stormy's silence papers, David Dennison is really another Trump affair....? I thought so, at the time....

That could be who Avanatti is talking about being pregnant by Donald?
This post makes no fucking sense.
this might help....


was boinking this woman?


This is all speculation, or gossip per say, but there are some interesting things going on in this case that truly links Trump to being the person that had the affair with playmate Shera Bechard, and Michael Cohen paid off.....for Trump...and not for Elliott Broidy... Not that it matters at this point, since he has been accepted as a chronic cheater and adulterer....even with the total knock out wife he has...

The Wall Street Journal published a story on April 13 revealing the existence of another nondisclosure agreement involving an affair between an adult entertainer and a client of Cohen’s. The NDA employed the pseudonyms David Dennison and Peggy Peterson — the same names used in the Stormy Daniels NDA — and was otherwise very similar to the Trump-Daniels agreement. Whatever source revealed the existence of this NDA to the Journal also disclosed that, according to another document in Cohen’s office, the Dennison in this agreement was not Donald Trump but rather Elliott Broidy, a top Republican fundraiser, while Peterson was Shera Bechard, Playboy’s Miss November 2010. Apparently, Bechard had been Broidy’s mistress until he got her pregnant, at which point she hired Davidson, who contacted Cohen to demand the payment of hush money.

By a stroke of good fortune, Cohen already had a sex-scandal-with-an-adult-entertainer-hush-money-NDA template in his hard drive, since he had recently drafted at least one for Donald Trump. Indeed, Cohen didn’t even bother to change the pseudonyms. (That economical use of attorney resources explained away what otherwise could have been a very awkward detail in the narrative.) This is the story that was leaked to the Journal — and to the New York Times, and CNN, which the Journal beat to the punch by publishing it first. It has since been repeated as fact by just about every major media outlet in the country. But there are good reasons to consider whether it might not be yet another audacious lie from Trumpworld.

There are some other things going on that kind of tie in with this....

Broidy was a big finance guy working for the Trump campaign....Trump promoted him when his campaign was over, to be the head finance guy for the RNC along with Michael Cohen.

and Broidy, according to other news on the 24/7 of which I will try to find links for later to post....stated that Broidy has been making a lot of the picks to fill this administration's jobs, from ambassadors to what evers... and in Republican circles it is known that if you want a job in the administration, you need to go to Broidy, to get the job....

so this means that Broidy gets to make the picks, as some kind of reward for helping Trump....could be for such a fine job working for Trump during the campaign...?

but it could be a "payback" for something else Broidy did for Trump?

Also, how did the same lawyer used by Stormy Daniels and playmate McDougall come to be Shera Bechard's lawyer as well, in the NDA handling?

And why did this lawyer contact Cohen in Shera Bechard's case and allegedly Cohen then told Broidy? That makes NO SENSE AT ALL.....

Why would Sherad Bechard's lawyer contact Cohen for him to contact some man that he worked with about an affair that Broidy allegedly had with her?

Me thinks Trump is who had the affair with her...at least, that is the way it clearly appears... google it, there are lots of articles on it....

Theory: Playboy Model Who Got $1.6 Million Had Affair With Trump, Not Broidy
Believe it or not, in New York you can.
for regular ole 2 parties, one can tape and release it....

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege.... Guiliani a couple of days ago said something like, ''the press had gotten it and was going to release it regardless so Trump gave permission'' or something like that...? Maybe I was dreaming, but I could swear that is what I heard.
I haven't really been following the specifics on all this Stormy drama. I thought the prosecutor cleared it; that's how much I know about it.
well, I'm a news nut.... :D
Me, too, just not the celeb part, so much. That lawyer stuff confuses me, to be honest.
In New York, if you and I were there and you recorded a conversation we were having, even secretly recording it, you could release it.... with their only 1 party rule for a waiver....

BUT, if the recording is between the Client and his attorney, that law above, does not apply...the Client has to give a waiver to release it, and Trump did.... again is my understanding.....

New York Consolidated Laws, Civil Practice Law and Rules - CVP § 4503. Attorney

Search New York Codes (a) 1. Confidential communication privileged.  Unless the client waives the privilege, an attorney or his or her employee, or any person who obtains without the knowledge of the client evidence of a confidential communication made between the attorney or his or her employee and the client in the course of professional employment, shall not disclose, or be allowed to disclose such communication, nor shall the client be compelled to disclose such communication, in any action, disciplinary trial or hearing, or administrative action, proceeding or hearing conducted by or on behalf of any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.  Evidence of any such communication obtained by any such person, and evidence resulting therefrom, shall not be disclosed by any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.
What was confusing me was the twelve recordings between Cohen and Trump that Mueller has. They were released to the Mueller team by an independent somebody-or-other who reviewed ALL the recordings seized by the subpoena (over a thousand, wasn't it?) and determined the ones that could be released to the Mueller investigation--either because they didn't involve attorney/client advisement OR because they involved criminal activity.
I have no idea if this particular tape was one of that twelve. If it was, it's pretty clear to me that it does involve attorney/client stuff, so someone considers something in that tape criminal goings on.
But was this some other recording unrelated to the Mueller twelve?
for regular ole 2 parties, one can tape and release it....

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege.... Guiliani a couple of days ago said something like, ''the press had gotten it and was going to release it regardless so Trump gave permission'' or something like that...? Maybe I was dreaming, but I could swear that is what I heard.
I haven't really been following the specifics on all this Stormy drama. I thought the prosecutor cleared it; that's how much I know about it.
well, I'm a news nut.... :D
Me, too, just not the celeb part, so much. That lawyer stuff confuses me, to be honest.
In New York, if you and I were there and you recorded a conversation we were having, even secretly recording it, you could release it.... with their only 1 party rule for a waiver....

BUT, if the recording is between the Client and his attorney, that law above, does not apply...the Client has to give a waiver to release it, and Trump did.... again is my understanding.....

New York Consolidated Laws, Civil Practice Law and Rules - CVP § 4503. Attorney

Search New York Codes (a) 1. Confidential communication privileged.  Unless the client waives the privilege, an attorney or his or her employee, or any person who obtains without the knowledge of the client evidence of a confidential communication made between the attorney or his or her employee and the client in the course of professional employment, shall not disclose, or be allowed to disclose such communication, nor shall the client be compelled to disclose such communication, in any action, disciplinary trial or hearing, or administrative action, proceeding or hearing conducted by or on behalf of any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.  Evidence of any such communication obtained by any such person, and evidence resulting therefrom, shall not be disclosed by any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.
What was confusing me was the twelve recordings between Cohen and Trump that Mueller has. They were released to the Mueller team by an independent somebody-or-other who reviewed ALL the recordings seized by the subpoena (over a thousand, wasn't it?) and determined the ones that could be released to the Mueller investigation--either because they didn't involve attorney/client advisement OR because they involved criminal activity.
I have no idea if this particular tape was one of that twelve. If it was, it's pretty clear to me that it does involve attorney/client stuff, so someone considers something in that tape criminal goings on.
But was this some other recording unrelated to the Mueller twelve?
Mueller just got the 12 tapes, including the one we heard, the day before yesterday, because Trump WAIVED attorney client privilege.... is my understanding...
I haven't really been following the specifics on all this Stormy drama. I thought the prosecutor cleared it; that's how much I know about it.
well, I'm a news nut.... :D
Me, too, just not the celeb part, so much. That lawyer stuff confuses me, to be honest.
In New York, if you and I were there and you recorded a conversation we were having, even secretly recording it, you could release it.... with their only 1 party rule for a waiver....

BUT, if the recording is between the Client and his attorney, that law above, does not apply...the Client has to give a waiver to release it, and Trump did.... again is my understanding.....

New York Consolidated Laws, Civil Practice Law and Rules - CVP § 4503. Attorney

Search New York Codes (a) 1. Confidential communication privileged.  Unless the client waives the privilege, an attorney or his or her employee, or any person who obtains without the knowledge of the client evidence of a confidential communication made between the attorney or his or her employee and the client in the course of professional employment, shall not disclose, or be allowed to disclose such communication, nor shall the client be compelled to disclose such communication, in any action, disciplinary trial or hearing, or administrative action, proceeding or hearing conducted by or on behalf of any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.  Evidence of any such communication obtained by any such person, and evidence resulting therefrom, shall not be disclosed by any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.
What was confusing me was the twelve recordings between Cohen and Trump that Mueller has. They were released to the Mueller team by an independent somebody-or-other who reviewed ALL the recordings seized by the subpoena (over a thousand, wasn't it?) and determined the ones that could be released to the Mueller investigation--either because they didn't involve attorney/client advisement OR because they involved criminal activity.
I have no idea if this particular tape was one of that twelve. If it was, it's pretty clear to me that it does involve attorney/client stuff, so someone considers something in that tape criminal goings on.
But was this some other recording unrelated to the Mueller twelve?
Mueller just got the 12 tapes, including the one we heard, the day before yesterday, because Trump WAIVED attorney client privilege.... is my understanding...
In Trump's mind, the tape proves he did nothing wrong. So it's not that surprising he gave permission.
I wonder if that RNC finance mgr, the heavy set guy, Mr broidy, that got the playmate pregnant, paid her off... $1.6 million, using Cohen to silence her, and using the same name on Stormy's silence papers, David Dennison is really another Trump affair....? I thought so, at the time....

That could be who Avanatti is talking about being pregnant by Donald?
This post makes no fucking sense.
this might help....


was boinking this woman?


This is all speculation, or gossip per say, but there are some interesting things going on in this case that truly links Trump to being the person that had the affair with playmate Shera Bechard, and Michael Cohen paid off.....for Trump...and not for Elliott Broidy... Not that it matters at this point, since he has been accepted as a chronic cheater and adulterer....even with the total knock out wife he has...

The Wall Street Journal published a story on April 13 revealing the existence of another nondisclosure agreement involving an affair between an adult entertainer and a client of Cohen’s. The NDA employed the pseudonyms David Dennison and Peggy Peterson — the same names used in the Stormy Daniels NDA — and was otherwise very similar to the Trump-Daniels agreement. Whatever source revealed the existence of this NDA to the Journal also disclosed that, according to another document in Cohen’s office, the Dennison in this agreement was not Donald Trump but rather Elliott Broidy, a top Republican fundraiser, while Peterson was Shera Bechard, Playboy’s Miss November 2010. Apparently, Bechard had been Broidy’s mistress until he got her pregnant, at which point she hired Davidson, who contacted Cohen to demand the payment of hush money.

By a stroke of good fortune, Cohen already had a sex-scandal-with-an-adult-entertainer-hush-money-NDA template in his hard drive, since he had recently drafted at least one for Donald Trump. Indeed, Cohen didn’t even bother to change the pseudonyms. (That economical use of attorney resources explained away what otherwise could have been a very awkward detail in the narrative.) This is the story that was leaked to the Journal — and to the New York Times, and CNN, which the Journal beat to the punch by publishing it first. It has since been repeated as fact by just about every major media outlet in the country. But there are good reasons to consider whether it might not be yet another audacious lie from Trumpworld.

There are some other things going on that kind of tie in with this....

Broidy was a big finance guy working for the Trump campaign....Trump promoted him when his campaign was over, to be the head finance guy for the RNC along with Michael Cohen.

and Broidy, according to other news on the 24/7 of which I will try to find links for later to post....stated that Broidy has been making a lot of the picks to fill this administration's jobs, from ambassadors to what evers... and in Republican circles it is known that if you want a job in the administration, you need to go to Broidy, to get the job....

so this means that Broidy gets to make the picks, as some kind of reward for helping Trump....could be for such a fine job working for Trump during the campaign...?

but it could be a "payback" for something else Broidy did for Trump?

Also, how did the same lawyer used by Stormy Daniels and playmate McDougall come to be Shera Bechard's lawyer as well, in the NDA handling?

And why did this lawyer contact Cohen in Shera Bechard's case and allegedly Cohen then told Broidy? That makes NO SENSE AT ALL.....

Why would Sherad Bechard's lawyer contact Cohen for him to contact some man that he worked with about an affair that Broidy allegedly had with her?

Me thinks Trump is who had the affair with her...at least, that is the way it clearly appears... google it, there are lots of articles on it....

Theory: Playboy Model Who Got $1.6 Million Had Affair With Trump, Not Broidy
The whores Trump chases are much better looking than the whores both Bill and Hillary chase.

Now explain what this has to do with the job Trump is doing????
I look forward to these other 3 women coming forward publicly.
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

What I find funny is you clowns think that all you have to do is pile on more and more "evidence" that trump is a womanizing rich asshole. We already KNOW that you 'tard. We don't care.
for regular ole 2 parties, one can tape and release it....

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege.... Guiliani a couple of days ago said something like, ''the press had gotten it and was going to release it regardless so Trump gave permission'' or something like that...? Maybe I was dreaming, but I could swear that is what I heard.
I haven't really been following the specifics on all this Stormy drama. I thought the prosecutor cleared it; that's how much I know about it.
well, I'm a news nut.... :D
Me, too, just not the celeb part, so much. That lawyer stuff confuses me, to be honest.
In New York, if you and I were there and you recorded a conversation we were having, even secretly recording it, you could release it.... with their only 1 party rule for a waiver....

BUT, if the recording is between the Client and his attorney, that law above, does not apply...the Client has to give a waiver to release it, and Trump did.... again is my understanding.....

New York Consolidated Laws, Civil Practice Law and Rules - CVP § 4503. Attorney

Search New York Codes (a) 1. Confidential communication privileged.  Unless the client waives the privilege, an attorney or his or her employee, or any person who obtains without the knowledge of the client evidence of a confidential communication made between the attorney or his or her employee and the client in the course of professional employment, shall not disclose, or be allowed to disclose such communication, nor shall the client be compelled to disclose such communication, in any action, disciplinary trial or hearing, or administrative action, proceeding or hearing conducted by or on behalf of any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.  Evidence of any such communication obtained by any such person, and evidence resulting therefrom, shall not be disclosed by any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.
What was confusing me was the twelve recordings between Cohen and Trump that Mueller has. They were released to the Mueller team by an independent somebody-or-other who reviewed ALL the recordings seized by the subpoena (over a thousand, wasn't it?) and determined the ones that could be released to the Mueller investigation--either because they didn't involve attorney/client advisement OR because they involved criminal activity.
I have no idea if this particular tape was one of that twelve. If it was, it's pretty clear to me that it does involve attorney/client stuff, so someone considers something in that tape criminal goings on.
But was this some other recording unrelated to the Mueller twelve?

I think that's backward. Those recordings were deemed 'privileged' because they did not contain evidence of criminal activity. Recordings in which criminal matters were planned, discussed, originated or admitted would not be covered by atty/client privilege.

If, and I don't know the answer, there were additional recordings which did reveal criminal activity, they will, in due course, be given to prosecutors by the Special Master.
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

What I find funny is you clowns think that all you have to do is pile on more and more "evidence" that trump is a womanizing rich asshole. We already KNOW that you 'tard. We don't care.

We see that he lies to you every day, and you don't care.
I look forward to these other 3 women coming forward publicly.
Most of us have better things to do than pay attention to the constant character assassination you fuckers seem to think will win elections for you.
this was not the gop opinion when dealing with john edwards...remember him....paid a women to cover up something.....

where is the outcry....o there it is...deflection....the other thing trump supporters have left

The Enquirer (sp?) paid for the story it published about Edwards. It paid to kill the story about Trump.

They got your fake news right there!
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

What I find funny is you clowns think that all you have to do is pile on more and more "evidence" that trump is a womanizing rich asshole. We already KNOW that you 'tard. We don't care.

We see that he lies to you every day, and you don't care.

Yes, just like obummer lied to you every day and you didn't care either. Funny that. Of course, trumps lies hurt him, and no one else. obummers lies hurt lots of people. And once again you didn't care about that either.

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