Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid ‘Hush Money’ For Relationships With Trump

Republicans have insisted to me they don't regret the years they spent pretending character matters.
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.
Who cares... Good grief.
I look forward to these other 3 women coming forward publicly.
Most of us have better things to do than pay attention to the constant character assassination you fuckers seem to think will win elections for you.

You're too busy listening to the character assassinations of Mueller, Rosenstein, et al.

They are hoist on their own petards dude. mueller was so bad as a criminal investigator, and so unethical, that we the people have had to pay millions of dollars to pay back the victims of his criminal behavior.
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

What I find funny is you clowns think that all you have to do is pile on more and more "evidence" that trump is a womanizing rich asshole. We already KNOW that you 'tard. We don't care.

Duh, many people DO care. What I find funny is that you clowns didn't/don't mind piling on Obama and Hillary over things that were proven untrue. It's Trump's turn in the barrel.
I look forward to these other 3 women coming forward publicly.
Most of us have better things to do than pay attention to the constant character assassination you fuckers seem to think will win elections for you.

You're too busy listening to the character assassinations of Mueller, Rosenstein, et al.

They are hoist on their own petards dude. mueller was so bad as a criminal investigator, and so unethical, that we the people have had to pay millions of dollars to pay back the victims of his criminal behavior.

Credible proof? Link?
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.

That is not true Lucy

Adultery is illegal in certain States, running from a misdemeanor crime (like crossing the border illegally), to a Felony where three years in prison is the penalty....

Adultery is against the law, in New York State.

Although adultery is a misdemeanor in most of the states with laws against it, some — including Michigan and Wisconsin — categorize the offense as a felony. Punishments vary widely by state. In Maryland, the penalty is a paltry $10 fine. But in Massachusetts, an adulterer could face up to three years in jail.Apr 17, 2014

So yes, you and others can laugh it off.... but the President is a criminal if it is true....

man oh man, Trump ain't gonna have a dime left when and if Melania divorces him for adultery
do you think she cares or do you think Donald doesn't have a prenup?

seriously, she just wanted to be the last mrs trump, for the win.

The minute he cheated on her she won. She doesn't have to be the last wife for that to happen.

That prenup is voided when he cheated on her.

If she goes to California or NY state trump will be in big financial trouble. She can take most of his money ( which by the way is one of the 2 things he only cares about, the other being power) and keep taking money from him even after he dies.

That prenup became worthless the minute he cheated on melania. He voided that contract when he violated it.

I so hope she goes to California. I would love to see her clean his bank accounts of most of his money. I would cheer her on. LOL. California isn't a no fault divorce state. They, like my state, also have alimony for a spouse for life if the spouse doesn't get remarried.
He cheated on his former two wives, too, and they didn't "clean him out." I'm sure he had pre nups with them, too. Don't get your hopes set on punishment ala Melania. I think she wants to see Barron get all the goodies he can; she won't leave Trump until she's sure of that.

You make a good point on that.

I think trump got divorced in NY state the first two times.

I just know that adultery is illegal in NY state. I don't know the divorce laws there.

I'm not an expert on California divorce law but do know that they are not a no fault state and has alimony for a spouse for life or until that spouse got remarried.

I do know if she goes to California to divorce him, she will be able to clean out a lot of money from his bank accounts. She will be able to get alimony from trump for the rest of her life if she doesn't remarry. She will be able to get all of his death benefits, or part if some of those benefits have been already appointed to someone else through a divorce settlement or court order.

I don't know what that prenup says but I don't know any woman who would sign a prenup that allows her husband to cheat on her and do it with porn workers. But then melania worked in the porn industry too so she may not have a problem with him being with other women in the porn industry.

She could have signed a prenup that allows for him to cheat on her, we don't know. I do know all standard prenups don't include any clause like that. If she did then they will have to settle according to the prenup.

If the prenup doesn't have a clause that allows him to cheat on her, he broke the contract with her. Which then you break a contract, the whole thing is void. Then everything is on the table and nothing in the prenup can apply.
I look forward to these other 3 women coming forward publicly.
Most of us have better things to do than pay attention to the constant character assassination you fuckers seem to think will win elections for you.

You're too busy listening to the character assassinations of Mueller, Rosenstein, et al.

They are hoist on their own petards dude. mueller was so bad as a criminal investigator, and so unethical, that we the people have had to pay millions of dollars to pay back the victims of his criminal behavior.

Credible proof? Link?

Scientist Is Paid Millions by U.S. in Anthrax Suit
Scientist Is Paid Millions by U.S. in Anthrax Suit


"He was a gruff guy, and a lot of times, there wasn't much warmth or ability to really build a bond or connect with a victim-witness," one of Mueller’s fellow investigators told the Times. "There's times when you've got to bond with the suspect to get what you need. His personality wasn't necessarily the best for that."

Mueller was also criticized for his time as head of the FBI. He led the investigation into the deadly anthrax attacks in the years after 9/11 for nearly seven years, ultimately leading in the prosecution of the wrong suspect, who later successfully sued the government for $5.8 million.

After agents successfully traced back the anthrax to an Army microbiologist who committed suicide once he was informed of the impending charges, Mueller “was reluctant to publicly address the missteps” in the case.

"I think he was personally embarrassed," a former aide told the Times. "I would assess him as someone that can't accept the fact that he screwed up."

Robert Mueller is a hothead who can't own up to his mistakes, former aides say
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti tested legal boundaries as his firm maneuvered into bankruptcy
BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege....
Listen to the recording. There are other people present. Trump even asks one of them to fetch him a Coke.

Attorney-client privilege does not apply when third parties are present.

It was more of a campaign meeting than a lawyer-client meeting.
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.
Who cares... Good grief.
I feel really bad for Barron. Who wants to hear all this stuff about his DAD?
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.
Who cares... Good grief.
I feel really bad for Barron. Who wants to hear all this stuff about his DAD?
It has to be painful for him every time his father enters the room.
BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege....
Listen to the recording. There are other people present. Trump even asks one of them to fetch him a Coke.

Attorney-client privilege does not apply when third parties are present.

It was more of a campaign meeting than a lawyer-client meeting.
If they work for the client, or the lawyer,

then what I just read, says it is still covered.... at least that is how I was interpreting with this below, what do you think?

New York Consolidated Laws, Civil Practice Law and Rules - CVP § 4503. Attorney

Search New York Codes (a) 1. Confidential communication privileged.  Unless the client waives the privilege, an attorney or his or her employee, or any person who obtains without the knowledge of the client evidence of a confidential communication made between the attorney or his or her employee and the client in the course of professional employment, shall not disclose, or be allowed to disclose such communication, nor shall the client be compelled to disclose such communication, in any action, disciplinary trial or hearing, or administrative action, proceeding or hearing conducted by or on behalf of any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.  Evidence of any such communication obtained by any such person, and evidence resulting therefrom, shall not be disclosed by any state, municipal or local governmental agency or by the legislature or any committee or body thereof.

BUT for attorney / client privlege you can tape without the client knowing, let's say as your method of taking notes,

but you can not release it without permission from the client.... thus the Client/attorney privilege....
Listen to the recording. There are other people present. Trump even asks one of them to fetch him a Coke.

Attorney-client privilege does not apply when third parties are present.

It was more of a campaign meeting than a lawyer-client meeting.

I don't disagree as to the presence of a 3rd party, but the Special Master ruled it was a privileged conversation.

"Bring me a Coke" doesn't necessarily mean a 3rd party was in the room at that moment, and he could have been speaking to a secretary/ass't in an adjoining room, or through an open door.
this was not the gop opinion when dealing with john edwards...remember him....paid a women to cover up something.....

where is the outcry....o there it is...deflection....the other thing trump supporters have left
It's a real shit show watching the pseudocons toss every single last principle overboard in their defense of a fucking slimeball huckster pig.

Their true lack of character, honor or integrity is revealed.
Yeah, he’s doing more damage to the Republican Party than Democrats could ever do.
I look forward to these other 3 women coming forward publicly.
Most of us have better things to do than pay attention to the constant character assassination you fuckers seem to think will win elections for you.

You're too busy listening to the character assassinations of Mueller, Rosenstein, et al.
I don't pay attention because most of it is recycled from last year.
It just goes in one ear and out the other.
this was not the gop opinion when dealing with john edwards...remember him....paid a women to cover up something.....

where is the outcry....o there it is...deflection....the other thing trump supporters have left
It's a real shit show watching the pseudocons toss every single last principle overboard in their defense of a fucking slimeball huckster pig.

Their true lack of character, honor or integrity is revealed.
Yeah, he’s doing more damage to the Republican Party than Democrats could ever do.
Republicans are doing the damage.
They're showing that they're in bed with the Democrats.
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

And yet, it's not very interesting, but it is SAD that you loons think paying a woman to not gossip about consensual sex is worse than raping a woman or sexually exploiting a subordinate employee in the Oval Office and then publicly humiliating her.

Go figure.
Republicans have insisted to me they don't regret the years they spent pretending character matters.
Democrats who claim character matters are nothing but hypocrites.

Hillary, Bill, John Kerry, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Al Gore, and Bathhouse Barry.
You Dummycraps have absolutely zero room to talk.

The list of criminals in the Democrat party is too long to list.
this was not the gop opinion when dealing with john edwards...remember him....paid a women to cover up something.....

where is the outcry....o there it is...deflection....the other thing trump supporters have left
It's a real shit show watching the pseudocons toss every single last principle overboard in their defense of a fucking slimeball huckster pig.

Their true lack of character, honor or integrity is revealed.
Yeah, he’s doing more damage to the Republican Party than Democrats could ever do.

This is a losing issue for the media and the Democrats. The Bill Clinton years ended these kinds of things from ever being relevant again. No one cares at all. Why keep up the sham that this matters to anyone?
I look forward to these other 3 women coming forward publicly.
Most of us have better things to do than pay attention to the constant character assassination you fuckers seem to think will win elections for you.

You're too busy listening to the character assassinations of Mueller, Rosenstein, et al.
I don't pay attention because most of it is recycled from last year.
It just goes in one ear and out the other.

That won't fly. Mueller was still a good guy Republican a year ago.

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