Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

Is there any member of USMB who lives close to Ferguson, Missouri?

I think it would be interesting for said member to travel to said street, bring a measuring device like the one seen in the video and measure the distance for him/or/herself, video'ing the entire process. I think that would be very, very enlightening.
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

That is BS.

It doesn't matter. Stats thinks he discovered something that the cops, the defense, and the prosecutors missed. He's a loon.
What cracks me up about this is that the left claims to love science, but they aren't loving forensic science these days. Stupid liars.
Maybe he deserved to be arrested and should have gotten a fair trial and a judgement. That's what the law says.

Do you not believe in the rule of law.

I believe in Law and Order. Criminals do not deserve to be treated with any level of decency or respect. The American legal system is a farce In my mind. It has no value at all.

You are absolutely entitled to your beliefs. But that is NOT what the law says. And police officers are supposed to be there to uphold the law.
The "law" did not indict Wilson. That's what the law said.

We want more math from you! It's fun!
What cracks me up about this is that the left claims to love science, but they aren't loving forensic science these days. Stupid liars.

Actually, measuring a simple distance IS a forensic science. You appear to be angry. I am not. It's simple math.
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

That is BS.

It doesn't matter. Stats thinks he discovered something that the cops, the defense, and the prosecutors missed. He's a loon.

No. I am quite sure that the cops didn't miss this. They simply lied out their teeth about it. Which was pretty stupid of them. Even with google maps you can measure the distance between two adresses, and between the two houses that pretty much stand parallel to points A and B, the distance is well over 120 feet.
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

That is BS. The shot was not fired from the passenger side door. The officer did follow Brown after he got out of the drivers side door. It would take a damned good shooter to hit a moving target 6 time with a pistol from 50 yards.

If you show me the picture with the cop car and where Wilson was standing when he fired the shots and the spot where Brown was on the street, I will believe you.
He was a criminal. Not that I believe your distances at all but he could have been 148 MILES away and he would still have deserved to die.

Maybe he deserved to be arrested and should have gotten a fair trial and a judgement. That's what the law says.

Do you not believe in the rule of law.

Policemen are not arrested for performing their duty.

The question is: did he do his duty or did he overstep the bounds of legality, which makes the kill unjustified. This is a strictly legal issue.

I agree, and that is what a Grand Jury determines.
Statis, you do realize that the effective range of Officer Wilson's sidearm (Sig Sauer P239 in .40 cal) is far less than the 50 yards you believe Mike Brown to have been shot at, right? It would have been quite a feat to have hit him more than once or twice at that distance; especially if either one of them was moving. Therefore I see zero believability in your supposition.
Panorama photo: cop car is on the left, Mike Brown's body is on the right.


The two sides of the apartment complex line up perfectly. There is no way in the world that that is even close to 35 feet. It is indeed well over 100 feet. 145-148 is more likely. The only way to get points A and B into the picture is with a panoramic photo. That alone tells you something about the distance.
He was a criminal. Not that I believe your distances at all but he could have been 148 MILES away and he would still have deserved to die.

Maybe he deserved to be arrested and should have gotten a fair trial and a judgement. That's what the law says.

Do you not believe in the rule of law.

Policemen are not arrested for performing their duty.

The question is: did he do his duty or did he overstep the bounds of legality, which makes the kill unjustified. This is a strictly legal issue.

I agree, and that is what a Grand Jury determines.

This does not mean that their decision was correct or fair. Miscarriages of justice happen all the time.
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles away. Why are you doing this? Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

I disregard the grand jury proceeding because it was tainted by race, by McCollough's biases, and by police incompetence and misconduct.
No, it is fishy.

As is the fact that Wilson's captain said Wilson didn't know about the robbery and then Wilson testified that he did.

Yes, more and more details are going to come out that will not line up with the facts, because the FPD lied at the onset. Really, physical distance from point A to point B is not hard to measure. It's one of the first things that criminal labs do in the case of shootings, to determine trajectory and a number of other factors. The only plausible reason the FPD would have had to lie and say only 17 feet (which would be only twice the distance from that police car to the fire-hydrant marked in the photo) would be to claim immediate danger to the life of officer Wilson. Also, at 148 feet, there is no way that an officer can claim that a perpetrator (and Michael Brown WAS a perpetrator, make no mistake about it, he was no angel) turned around to rush an officer.

The trial is over moron. You won't find anything that the PROFESSIONALS didn't.

There was no trial.
LOL............well..........dang..............Id say Wilson was a pretty damn good shot with a handgun!!! Fuck that's impressive as shit!!!:2up:

By the way.............message to the OP........the grand jury decision happened last week!!! Nobody cares about drivel like this at this point!!
Statis, you do realize that the effective range of Officer Wilson's sidearm (Sig Sauer P239 in .40 cal) is far less than the 50 yards you believe Mike Brown to have been shot at, right? It would have been quite a feat to have hit him more than once or twice at that distance; especially if either one of them was moving. Therefore I see zero believability in your supposition.
They think that Hollywood gun fights are real world reality. You know unlimited bullets and being able to hit a bullseye from a hundred yards away. With a pistol, while running.
Statis, you do realize that the effective range of Officer Wilson's sidearm (Sig Sauer P239 in .40 cal) is far less than the 50 yards you believe Mike Brown to have been shot at, right? It would have been quite a feat to have hit him more than once or twice at that distance; especially if either one of them was moving. Therefore I see zero believability in your supposition.


I see nothing that says that a 239 cannot shoot 50 yards. In fact, most pistols can. Easily.

In fact, it would be a shitty pistol, or in this case, semi-automatic handgun, if you cannot fire a decent shot for at least 100 meters:

wikiHow to Become a Marksman Snipe With a Pistol

Or, it can also mean that Williams lied about his position when he fired the shots.
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles away. Why are you doing this? Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

I disregard the grand jury proceeding because it was tainted by race, by McCollough's biases, and by police incompetence and misconduct.


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