Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

What makes you think this teen wanted to kill this cop? The tiny little raspberry on his rosy red cheek? Please tell me you haven't killed everyone that gave you a little love tap raspberry.

So your defense of assault on a police officer is now a "love tap?"

LMFAO... You just keep getting more and more stupid!
Defense? WTF are you talking about defense. It was a love tap. Look at the guy's injury. You want a tissue for that red mark? You want mommy to give it a kiss and make it feel better?

No, I am fine with the outcome and so was the grand jury. Mr. Brown won't be administering any more "love taps" on cops in the future, and that's a good thing. It's just extremely unfortunate you want to cling to some "cause" of finding someone else to blame for Brown's death. The instant Brown assaulted Wilson, he became responsible for his own death. The community (society) both black and white, liberal or conservative, should be able to come together and have a conversation about the things which cause behavior like that of Mr. Brown in young black men. Sadly, we have not evolved enough to do that.
that's right... when the cop decided to kill that kid, the kid didn't have a chance. Every time the kid tried to give up the cop took aim to kill and the kid had to try to duck his shots.

You think Brown just "popped" Wilson for "no reason whatsoever?"

Were you born stupid?

Brown had just robbed the mini mart, HE probably thought the Cop was backing up to arrest him. Slamming the door on Wilson pretty much stays in line with what I saw in the video of Brown grabbing the little guy by the collar and shoving him. havnt you ever seen a bully before? if youve been around, you can spot the body language very easy. Brown thought he was a baddass.

Then the cop reached for his gun.

Your trolling is getting boring.
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?

Of course he reached for his gun, after Brown hit him twice, are you suggesting Wilson didn't have a right to reach for the gun the PD issued him? Should he have gave Brown a bouquet of flowers instead?

You've grown tiresome on this topic Mike, at first it was funny, now you're just coming across as an idiot.
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop pulled his arm in and reached for the gun and the kid tried to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.
Brown had just robbed the mini mart, HE probably thought the Cop was backing up to arrest him. Slamming the door on Wilson pretty much stays in line with what I saw in the video of Brown grabbing the little guy by the collar and shoving him. havnt you ever seen a bully before? if youve been around, you can spot the body language very easy. Brown thought he was a baddass.

Then the cop reached for his gun.

Your trolling is getting boring.
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?

Of course he reached for his gun, after Brown hit him twice, are you suggesting Wilson didn't have a right to reach for the gun the PD issued him? Should he have gave Brown a bouquet of flowers instead?

You've grown tiresome on this topic Mike, at first it was funny, now you're just coming across as an idiot.
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop reached for the gun and the kid reached in to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
"Johnson said Wilson slammed the car door into Brown and then grabbed him."

"The prosecutors don’t ask Wilson about the discrepancy."

“Wilson is never pressed on that . . . he downplays his own aggressiveness,” Kuby said.

Then the cop reached for his gun.

Your trolling is getting boring.
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?

Of course he reached for his gun, after Brown hit him twice, are you suggesting Wilson didn't have a right to reach for the gun the PD issued him? Should he have gave Brown a bouquet of flowers instead?

You've grown tiresome on this topic Mike, at first it was funny, now you're just coming across as an idiot.
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop reached for the gun and the kid reached in to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
So if a cop runs over my shoes and parks his suv right next to me in the street and tries to slam his car door into me I have to just let him do it... I can't put my hands out in protest. I have to let the door hit me in the nuts.
The cop was guilty of endangering a pedestrian, certainly a bigger crime than lifting a couple cigars, and Brown was simply going to make a citizen's arrest.
I suggest that the next time you see a police officer that you pop him in the face and try to take his gun away from him. Let me know how that works out for you. (if you are able)

You think Brown just "popped" Wilson for "no reason whatsoever?"

Were you born stupid?

Brown had just robbed the mini mart, HE probably thought the Cop was backing up to arrest him. Slamming the door on Wilson pretty much stays in line with what I saw in the video of Brown grabbing the little guy by the collar and shoving him. havnt you ever seen a bully before? if youve been around, you can spot the body language very easy. Brown thought he was a baddass.

Then the cop reached for his gun.

Your trolling is getting boring.
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?
According to Wilson's testimony Brown tried to take his gun.

You think Brown just "popped" Wilson for "no reason whatsoever?"

Were you born stupid?

Brown had just robbed the mini mart, HE probably thought the Cop was backing up to arrest him. Slamming the door on Wilson pretty much stays in line with what I saw in the video of Brown grabbing the little guy by the collar and shoving him. havnt you ever seen a bully before? if youve been around, you can spot the body language very easy. Brown thought he was a baddass.

Then the cop reached for his gun.

Your trolling is getting boring.
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?
According to Wilson's testimony Brown tried to take his gun.
Yeah because Wilson was gonna kill him.

Then the cop reached for his gun.

Your trolling is getting boring.
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?

Of course he reached for his gun, after Brown hit him twice, are you suggesting Wilson didn't have a right to reach for the gun the PD issued him? Should he have gave Brown a bouquet of flowers instead?

You've grown tiresome on this topic Mike, at first it was funny, now you're just coming across as an idiot.
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop reached for the gun and the kid reached in to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.
Brown had just robbed the mini mart, HE probably thought the Cop was backing up to arrest him. Slamming the door on Wilson pretty much stays in line with what I saw in the video of Brown grabbing the little guy by the collar and shoving him. havnt you ever seen a bully before? if youve been around, you can spot the body language very easy. Brown thought he was a baddass.

Then the cop reached for his gun.

Your trolling is getting boring.
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?
According to Wilson's testimony Brown tried to take his gun.
Yeah because Wilson was gonna kill him.
And he did.
Your trolling is getting boring.
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?

Of course he reached for his gun, after Brown hit him twice, are you suggesting Wilson didn't have a right to reach for the gun the PD issued him? Should he have gave Brown a bouquet of flowers instead?

You've grown tiresome on this topic Mike, at first it was funny, now you're just coming across as an idiot.
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop reached for the gun and the kid reached in to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?

Of course he reached for his gun, after Brown hit him twice, are you suggesting Wilson didn't have a right to reach for the gun the PD issued him? Should he have gave Brown a bouquet of flowers instead?

You've grown tiresome on this topic Mike, at first it was funny, now you're just coming across as an idiot.
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop reached for the gun and the kid reached in to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .

How do you "know" my version of the events that "initiated" the scuffle is "incorrect?" Do you have corroborating evidence for this portion of Wilson's story?
Why is the OP content with promoting lies and disinformation which feed violent protest? Michael Brown was shot 148 feet from the police vehicle, not 148 feet from Darren Wilson. On its face, the allegation sounds absurd, but I guess if you fanatically believe in the myth the cops gun down unarmed blacks for sport than you will believe anything.
If he didn't reach for his gun why did the teen try to stop the cop from shooting him?

Of course he reached for his gun, after Brown hit him twice, are you suggesting Wilson didn't have a right to reach for the gun the PD issued him? Should he have gave Brown a bouquet of flowers instead?

You've grown tiresome on this topic Mike, at first it was funny, now you're just coming across as an idiot.
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop reached for the gun and the kid reached in to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.
Of course he reached for his gun, after Brown hit him twice, are you suggesting Wilson didn't have a right to reach for the gun the PD issued him? Should he have gave Brown a bouquet of flowers instead?

You've grown tiresome on this topic Mike, at first it was funny, now you're just coming across as an idiot.
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop reached for the gun and the kid reached in to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.

Johnson's history of telling the truth was virtually non-existent.

The case shouldn't have even been taken to the GJ, and it's a travesty this man's career was ended.
Of course he reached for his gun, after Brown hit him twice, are you suggesting Wilson didn't have a right to reach for the gun the PD issued him? Should he have gave Brown a bouquet of flowers instead?

You've grown tiresome on this topic Mike, at first it was funny, now you're just coming across as an idiot.
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop reached for the gun and the kid reached in to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.

just shut up ravi

I mean seriously, just shut up
See I call bull shit on that one. The cop tried to run the kid over, then went to get out and arrest and the kid pushed his door shut twice... then the cop reached for the gun and the kid reached in to stop him... show me a video tape or evidence I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.

Johnson's history of telling the truth was virtually non-existent.

The case shouldn't have even been taken to the GJ, and it's a travesty this man's career was ended.
he quit
Except we know that's not true, see George Zimmerman , among others.

And I think Zimmerman deserved to go jail MUCH more than WIlson did.

PS , the Grand Jury had that "much more information" that frankly you aren't entitled to.
ok... true...

Odd then that self defense now means scared and/or too proud to let someone run off? No?

wrong again Mike

It had nothing to do with pride, that kid was doing his job. Our police are supposed to arrest bad guys, yes? Okay, yes. So his JOB was to get out there and aid in the arrest of Brown.

Did you even read his testimony? He clearly stated that his intent was simply to follow Brown so that he could direct backup to make an arrest. The kid pretty clearly knew he was no match for Brown.

Brown changed things when he turned around and charged Wilson.

Even after the fight in the car, Brown's probably still alive today if he had not turned around and charged Wilson.

I'm 100% serious, did you read the transcripts? I don't think you did, if you don't even know that detail. Oh you may have glanced at the evidence, but did you read it?

Wilson testified that he was going to follow Brown, that he thought backup would be on seen within 30 seconds or so (he didn't realize his shots fired call didn't go through)
What makes you think I didn't read em?

So barney gets out of his car to give chase with NO BACKUP after he's already shot up his car. Then barney get's so insulted by the teen coming back at him that he decides he better kill him cause he can't possibly turn around and put a car between him and the suspect before his friends arrive. Dude a dog knows to run when the big dog comes at him. We're talking about a fat kid that had to hold his pants up with one hand. All he needed to do was deflate the situation .. get the kid to calm down. Keep distance between him and the kid while help arrives.

Instead Barney decides to "stand his ground" and kill brown.

You know what I say to that?

Tough shit

If that kid is too stupid to know not to charge a man who has a gun, tough shit.

Exactly. No one is that stupid to charge a cop with a gun trained on them unless they are suicidal, and there is no reason to believe he was. That is why the 18 witnesses who did not say he was charging are correct.
The evidence says otherwise, the shell casings the fact that Wilson had to retreat and that he stopped firing and then resumed all tell us Brown charged him.,
It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.

Johnson's history of telling the truth was virtually non-existent.

The case shouldn't have even been taken to the GJ, and it's a travesty this man's career was ended.
he quit

I don't blame him.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.

Johnson's history of telling the truth was virtually non-existent.

The case shouldn't have even been taken to the GJ, and it's a travesty this man's career was ended.
he quit

I don't blame him.
Face it... Wilson's a quitter. He quit on Brown. He quit on his job.

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