Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

What's more....I think that even if the corrupt Left WAS able to pin something on Trump, there's the American people to deal with.
Somehow, I don't think 100 million Americans are in agreement with having their duly elected President removed by "witch hunters".

Bring it.

Let the games begin ;-)
they will only be allowed to get Trump and cohen communications that involve the crime the search warrant covers, all else stays confidential....this is why there is what they call a ''clean team'' that weeds out what is confidential and what involves a crime....
Fair enough, but you can see why Trump is pissed, right?
Of course he's pissed. Nixon was pissed too.

Trump is pissed because he's a spoiled man-child who is trying to use government for personal gain.

they will only be allowed to get Trump and cohen communications that involve the crime the search warrant covers, all else stays confidential....this is why there is what they call a ''clean team'' that weeds out what is confidential and what involves a crime....
Fair enough, but you can see why Trump is pissed, right?
Of course he's pissed. Nixon was pissed too.

No...butt cheese.

If Trump is not the target, and they grab his communications anyway, the OPTICS of the situation is that Trump IS the target....not to mention that his confidential communications are now being perused by government dickheads.

It's a political move to make Trump look bad. It's bullshit. A witch hunt.

Same thing the GOP did to Clinton.

So the porn stars were paid by the Russians to alter votes?
I'm confused. So Mueller is just switching gears and onto something else?
So the porn stars were paid by the Russians to alter votes?
I'm confused. So Mueller is just switching gears and onto something else?

Aparently! LOL

Mueller is out of gas.....he is desperate....

what a charade this Mueller stupidity is.....

You ARE wrong, fuckwit. But that's not the point.

Go play on the freeway....


I think I'll stay right here and keep triggering you.

I love watching anti-Americans squirm.

My bank stocks have more than tripled and my 401k is going sky high.
We havent seen this level of American exceptionalism in decades.

And as you can see my life sucks....
Retired at 46 seven years ago and still have shitloads of disposable income.

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Nothing you morons can do to make me suffer in anyway.
Although I can get pissed at your attacks on my Country.

Dels laughing to keep from crying....

no, i'm laughing because you're clearly a fuckwit.

post some more photos

they're especially hilarious :thup:

This idiot hack got so mentally abused by today's news, that the fool started posting personal pics displaying his "wealth". For what purpose? I dunno.

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We've often heard 3d hand about Trump incoherently bitter ranting. But tonight everyone saw it in real-time as a President in public melts down while he makes a major military decision. Not good.
Mueller now looking for fly sh*t in a cattle pasture
This is becoming grotesque
Tough time for you trump whores.
Yeah fire everyone. That doesn’t make him look too guilty. Lmao

You're gonna look as ignorant as always when this goes nowhere except to shut down Mueller and Rosenstein.

Buckle up lol
This is a pretty big gamble.

If it turns up nothing on Trump, the do-nothing GOP will have a good case to make to the voters that this is all bullshit. wasting time and money.

This better deliver.

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