Michael Moore Calls for Trump to be Impeached

I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

Uh duh? Of course Hillary and those people say give him a chance... THEY ARE JUST ALIKE! Why do you think Trump has done a 180 and all of a sudden the "Cooked" Hillary is "Good people?" And he doesn't want to hurt them? Good grief you fucking Trump supporters got conned when he promised you he would put her in jail and drain the swamp. You want to complain about people who don't support Trump whining, well how about the fat you Trump supporters are denial? The best defense you have for Trump is to call the people that oppose Trump names like Snowflake... all the while Trump continues to flip his position.

At this point I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think it is funny that so many of you Trump supporters are in denial and can't see what is right in front of your faces, but at the same time I want to cry thinking that we are going to have 4 years of utter crap.

He hasn't flipped on anything moron. You all got your asses handed to you. The American people have rejected the progressive Agenda big time. I realize that leftist kooks like you need to keep your beliefs validated, so you must then reject the legitimacy of Trump's Presidency, as well as try and convince us that we were all "tricked" into voting for him. Pretty rich considering you were all conned by the MSM Democrat propaganda that lied to you every night for the last year about polls and things Trump allegedly said and did. They certainly programmed you well.

Again, another Trumper response. I'm not a leftist. Just because I don't like Trump doesn't make me the evil leftist enemy. I hate to tell you... but what to makes me is someone with common sense and reasoning that can see right through Trumps lies. Funny little fact, I supported Trump when he first came out. But the more he spoke, and the more promises he made, and the more hateful he sounded... the less I liked him. I wasn't a blind homer. The more over confident and arrogant you Trumpers get, the more I can't wait to see Trump screw up and make you all look like complete fools.
She would tear you a new one if she knew who you were, little funny-wielding bigots.

She's one of the biggest morons on the idiot box.

Yeah, well she fucked Ted Danson and you haven't.

Now there's something to be happy about. Or embarrassed if you happen to be Ted.

You know you want Sam's man meat. You're just jealous that Whoopi got her Sister Act on him and you didn't. Hater.

Considering Teds past beauties I question his taste in women.
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I will however give the last one a seven on the beer scale.

Look who Heidi Klum was married to. Would you hit that?
She's one of the biggest morons on the idiot box.

Yeah, well she fucked Ted Danson and you haven't.

Now there's something to be happy about. Or embarrassed if you happen to be Ted.

You know you want Sam's man meat. You're just jealous that Whoopi got her Sister Act on him and you didn't. Hater.

Considering Teds past beauties I question his taste in women.
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I will however give the last one a seven on the beer scale.

Look who Heidi Klum was married to. Would you hit that?

I dont know,was she married to a lesbian?
I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

Uh duh? Of course Hillary and those people say give him a chance... THEY ARE JUST ALIKE! Why do you think Trump has done a 180 and all of a sudden the "Cooked" Hillary is "Good people?" And he doesn't want to hurt them? Good grief you fucking Trump supporters got conned when he promised you he would put her in jail and drain the swamp. You want to complain about people who don't support Trump whining, well how about the fat you Trump supporters are denial? The best defense you have for Trump is to call the people that oppose Trump names like Snowflake... all the while Trump continues to flip his position.

At this point I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think it is funny that so many of you Trump supporters are in denial and can't see what is right in front of your faces, but at the same time I want to cry thinking that we are going to have 4 years of utter crap.

He hasn't flipped on anything moron. You all got your asses handed to you. The American people have rejected the progressive Agenda big time. I realize that leftist kooks like you need to keep your beliefs validated, so you must then reject the legitimacy of Trump's Presidency, as well as try and convince us that we were all "tricked" into voting for him. Pretty rich considering you were all conned by the MSM Democrat propaganda that lied to you every night for the last year about polls and things Trump allegedly said and did. They certainly programmed you well.

Again, another Trumper response. I'm not a leftist. Just because I don't like Trump doesn't make me the evil leftist enemy. I hate to tell you... but what to makes me is someone with common sense and reasoning that can see right through Trumps lies. Funny little fact, I supported Trump when he first came out. But the more he spoke, and the more promises he made, and the more hateful he sounded... the less I liked him. I wasn't a blind homer. The more over confident and arrogant you Trumpers get, the more I can't wait to see Trump screw up and make you all look like complete fools.

OK, supposedly you're not a leftist loon, even though you sound like one. Yet you believe we should had elected Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt and unethical politician in America?
Yeah, well she fucked Ted Danson and you haven't.

Now there's something to be happy about. Or embarrassed if you happen to be Ted.

You know you want Sam's man meat. You're just jealous that Whoopi got her Sister Act on him and you didn't. Hater.

Considering Teds past beauties I question his taste in women.
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I will however give the last one a seven on the beer scale.

Look who Heidi Klum was married to. Would you hit that?

I dont know,was she married to a lesbian?

You really don't know who she was married to?

I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

Uh duh? Of course Hillary and those people say give him a chance... THEY ARE JUST ALIKE! Why do you think Trump has done a 180 and all of a sudden the "Cooked" Hillary is "Good people?" And he doesn't want to hurt them? Good grief you fucking Trump supporters got conned when he promised you he would put her in jail and drain the swamp. You want to complain about people who don't support Trump whining, well how about the fat you Trump supporters are denial? The best defense you have for Trump is to call the people that oppose Trump names like Snowflake... all the while Trump continues to flip his position.

At this point I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think it is funny that so many of you Trump supporters are in denial and can't see what is right in front of your faces, but at the same time I want to cry thinking that we are going to have 4 years of utter crap.

He hasn't flipped on anything moron. You all got your asses handed to you. The American people have rejected the progressive Agenda big time. I realize that leftist kooks like you need to keep your beliefs validated, so you must then reject the legitimacy of Trump's Presidency, as well as try and convince us that we were all "tricked" into voting for him. Pretty rich considering you were all conned by the MSM Democrat propaganda that lied to you every night for the last year about polls and things Trump allegedly said and did. They certainly programmed you well.

Again, another Trumper response. I'm not a leftist. Just because I don't like Trump doesn't make me the evil leftist enemy. I hate to tell you... but what to makes me is someone with common sense and reasoning that can see right through Trumps lies. Funny little fact, I supported Trump when he first came out. But the more he spoke, and the more promises he made, and the more hateful he sounded... the less I liked him. I wasn't a blind homer. The more over confident and arrogant you Trumpers get, the more I can't wait to see Trump screw up and make you all look like complete fools.

OK, supposedly you're not a leftist loon, even though you sound like one. Yet you believe we should had elected Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt and unethical politician in America?

Nope, I think we should have canceled the election and started all over because all 4 of the candidates didn't deserve to be President. Stein has no experience to be President, Johnson is too dumb to be President, Hillary should be in jail, and Trump lies out his ass and just happens to be a snake oil salesmen that got lucky having a rich father in real estate.

I know this is hard for many to believe... but there are more than two options for political affiliation in America. It's not either or. I guess I really am going to do an introduction thread or something... though I'm sure it'll just get ignored or trolled.
Now there's something to be happy about. Or embarrassed if you happen to be Ted.

You know you want Sam's man meat. You're just jealous that Whoopi got her Sister Act on him and you didn't. Hater.

Considering Teds past beauties I question his taste in women.
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I will however give the last one a seven on the beer scale.

Look who Heidi Klum was married to. Would you hit that?

I dont know,was she married to a lesbian?

You really don't know who she was married to?


I really dont follow that kind of shit.
But good God Seal is one ugly MFer!!!
Hey has the fatass hypocrite taken in any refugees yet? Oops
That is completely fascinating. You have a problem with Michael Moore being on the extra-chubby side, but not Drumpf or Christie, and then you talk about hypocrites.

You need your safe space, but you'd rather create it in a different way, by threatening them and accusing them of your own inconsistencies and defects.

Threats and lies are the only way people like you can attain their power. You have no shame.
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I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

Uh duh? Of course Hillary and those people say give him a chance... THEY ARE JUST ALIKE! Why do you think Trump has done a 180 and all of a sudden the "Cooked" Hillary is "Good people?" And he doesn't want to hurt them? Good grief you fucking Trump supporters got conned when he promised you he would put her in jail and drain the swamp. You want to complain about people who don't support Trump whining, well how about the fat you Trump supporters are denial? The best defense you have for Trump is to call the people that oppose Trump names like Snowflake... all the while Trump continues to flip his position.

At this point I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think it is funny that so many of you Trump supporters are in denial and can't see what is right in front of your faces, but at the same time I want to cry thinking that we are going to have 4 years of utter crap.

He hasn't flipped on anything moron. You all got your asses handed to you. The American people have rejected the progressive Agenda big time. I realize that leftist kooks like you need to keep your beliefs validated, so you must then reject the legitimacy of Trump's Presidency, as well as try and convince us that we were all "tricked" into voting for him. Pretty rich considering you were all conned by the MSM Democrat propaganda that lied to you every night for the last year about polls and things Trump allegedly said and did. They certainly programmed you well.

Again, another Trumper response. I'm not a leftist. Just because I don't like Trump doesn't make me the evil leftist enemy. I hate to tell you... but what to makes me is someone with common sense and reasoning that can see right through Trumps lies. Funny little fact, I supported Trump when he first came out. But the more he spoke, and the more promises he made, and the more hateful he sounded... the less I liked him. I wasn't a blind homer. The more over confident and arrogant you Trumpers get, the more I can't wait to see Trump screw up and make you all look like complete fools.

OK, supposedly you're not a leftist loon, even though you sound like one. Yet you believe we should had elected Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt and unethical politician in America?

Nope, I think we should have canceled the election and started all over because all 4 of the candidates didn't deserve to be President. Stein has no experience to be President, Johnson is too dumb to be President, Hillary should be in jail, and Trump lies out his ass and just happens to be a snake oil salesmen that got lucky having a rich father in real estate.

I know this is hard for many to believe... but there are more than two options for political affiliation in America. It's not either or. I guess I really am going to do an introduction thread or something... though I'm sure it'll just get ignored or trolled.

I've lost faith in the two party system and Trump is the only one who could be even slightly considered to be an outsider.
I say give him a whirl,he cant be any worse than the last two.
I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

Uh duh? Of course Hillary and those people say give him a chance... THEY ARE JUST ALIKE! Why do you think Trump has done a 180 and all of a sudden the "Cooked" Hillary is "Good people?" And he doesn't want to hurt them? Good grief you fucking Trump supporters got conned when he promised you he would put her in jail and drain the swamp. You want to complain about people who don't support Trump whining, well how about the fat you Trump supporters are denial? The best defense you have for Trump is to call the people that oppose Trump names like Snowflake... all the while Trump continues to flip his position.

At this point I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think it is funny that so many of you Trump supporters are in denial and can't see what is right in front of your faces, but at the same time I want to cry thinking that we are going to have 4 years of utter crap.

He hasn't flipped on anything moron. You all got your asses handed to you. The American people have rejected the progressive Agenda big time. I realize that leftist kooks like you need to keep your beliefs validated, so you must then reject the legitimacy of Trump's Presidency, as well as try and convince us that we were all "tricked" into voting for him. Pretty rich considering you were all conned by the MSM Democrat propaganda that lied to you every night for the last year about polls and things Trump allegedly said and did. They certainly programmed you well.

Again, another Trumper response. I'm not a leftist. Just because I don't like Trump doesn't make me the evil leftist enemy. I hate to tell you... but what to makes me is someone with common sense and reasoning that can see right through Trumps lies. Funny little fact, I supported Trump when he first came out. But the more he spoke, and the more promises he made, and the more hateful he sounded... the less I liked him. I wasn't a blind homer. The more over confident and arrogant you Trumpers get, the more I can't wait to see Trump screw up and make you all look like complete fools.

OK, supposedly you're not a leftist loon, even though you sound like one. Yet you believe we should had elected Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt and unethical politician in America?

Nope, I think we should have canceled the election and started all over because all 4 of the candidates didn't deserve to be President. Stein has no experience to be President, Johnson is too dumb to be President, Hillary should be in jail, and Trump lies out his ass and just happens to be a snake oil salesmen that got lucky having a rich father in real estate.

I know this is hard for many to believe... but there are more than two options for political affiliation in America. It's not either or. I guess I really am going to do an introduction thread or something... though I'm sure it'll just get ignored or trolled.

Yes, we should had "cancelled the elections." What an intelligent answer. You're clearly a loon. Trump was the only one willing to be unapologetic and attack the liberals for what they are, which is why he was the only one that could win. Any other GOPer would had played by the conventional rules and never would had attacked Hillary for the corrupt bitch she is, because they would had been afraid of being labeled sexist. Romney and McCain were moderate gas bags that were served up as sacrificial lambs by the GOP, they never had a chance of winning.

I don't know if Trump is going to get even half of his promises done, but at least he will try, and at least we don't have Dems running the country into the ground anymore. I think the microscope needs to be on the GOP congress to make sure they help Trump get shit done, they are all that stand in the way.
Uh duh? Of course Hillary and those people say give him a chance... THEY ARE JUST ALIKE! Why do you think Trump has done a 180 and all of a sudden the "Cooked" Hillary is "Good people?" And he doesn't want to hurt them? Good grief you fucking Trump supporters got conned when he promised you he would put her in jail and drain the swamp. You want to complain about people who don't support Trump whining, well how about the fat you Trump supporters are denial? The best defense you have for Trump is to call the people that oppose Trump names like Snowflake... all the while Trump continues to flip his position.

At this point I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think it is funny that so many of you Trump supporters are in denial and can't see what is right in front of your faces, but at the same time I want to cry thinking that we are going to have 4 years of utter crap.

He hasn't flipped on anything moron. You all got your asses handed to you. The American people have rejected the progressive Agenda big time. I realize that leftist kooks like you need to keep your beliefs validated, so you must then reject the legitimacy of Trump's Presidency, as well as try and convince us that we were all "tricked" into voting for him. Pretty rich considering you were all conned by the MSM Democrat propaganda that lied to you every night for the last year about polls and things Trump allegedly said and did. They certainly programmed you well.

Again, another Trumper response. I'm not a leftist. Just because I don't like Trump doesn't make me the evil leftist enemy. I hate to tell you... but what to makes me is someone with common sense and reasoning that can see right through Trumps lies. Funny little fact, I supported Trump when he first came out. But the more he spoke, and the more promises he made, and the more hateful he sounded... the less I liked him. I wasn't a blind homer. The more over confident and arrogant you Trumpers get, the more I can't wait to see Trump screw up and make you all look like complete fools.

OK, supposedly you're not a leftist loon, even though you sound like one. Yet you believe we should had elected Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt and unethical politician in America?

Nope, I think we should have canceled the election and started all over because all 4 of the candidates didn't deserve to be President. Stein has no experience to be President, Johnson is too dumb to be President, Hillary should be in jail, and Trump lies out his ass and just happens to be a snake oil salesmen that got lucky having a rich father in real estate.

I know this is hard for many to believe... but there are more than two options for political affiliation in America. It's not either or. I guess I really am going to do an introduction thread or something... though I'm sure it'll just get ignored or trolled.

Yes, we should had "cancelled the elections." What an intelligent answer. You're clearly a loon. Trump was the only one willing to be unapologetic and attack the liberals for what they are, which is why he was the only one that could win. Any other GOPer would had played by the conventional rules and never would had attacked Hillary for the corrupt bitch she is, because they would had been afraid of being labeled sexist. Romney and McCain were moderate gas bags that were served up as sacrificial lambs by the GOP, they never had a chance of winning.

I don't know if Trump is going to get even half of his promises done, but at least he will try, and at least we don't have Dems running the country into the ground anymore. I think the microscope needs to be on the GOP congress to make sure they help Trump get shit done, they are all that stand in the way.

I never said canceling the election was realistic... but none, including Trump are worthy of being President. You rode the Trump hate train all campaign long. He called people names, he told more lies than any candidate, and he made promises that even now Trump supporters knew were impossible to accomplish... yet you all voted for him and continue to support him with vigor even after he flips on you. It's like battered women's syndrome.
I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

Uh duh? Of course Hillary and those people say give him a chance... THEY ARE JUST ALIKE! Why do you think Trump has done a 180 and all of a sudden the "Cooked" Hillary is "Good people?" And he doesn't want to hurt them? Good grief you fucking Trump supporters got conned when he promised you he would put her in jail and drain the swamp. You want to complain about people who don't support Trump whining, well how about the fat you Trump supporters are denial? The best defense you have for Trump is to call the people that oppose Trump names like Snowflake... all the while Trump continues to flip his position.

At this point I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think it is funny that so many of you Trump supporters are in denial and can't see what is right in front of your faces, but at the same time I want to cry thinking that we are going to have 4 years of utter crap.

He hasn't flipped on anything moron. You all got your asses handed to you. The American people have rejected the progressive Agenda big time. I realize that leftist kooks like you need to keep your beliefs validated, so you must then reject the legitimacy of Trump's Presidency, as well as try and convince us that we were all "tricked" into voting for him. Pretty rich considering you were all conned by the MSM Democrat propaganda that lied to you every night for the last year about polls and things Trump allegedly said and did. They certainly programmed you well.

Again, another Trumper response. I'm not a leftist. Just because I don't like Trump doesn't make me the evil leftist enemy. I hate to tell you... but what to makes me is someone with common sense and reasoning that can see right through Trumps lies. Funny little fact, I supported Trump when he first came out. But the more he spoke, and the more promises he made, and the more hateful he sounded... the less I liked him. I wasn't a blind homer. The more over confident and arrogant you Trumpers get, the more I can't wait to see Trump screw up and make you all look like complete fools.

OK, supposedly you're not a leftist loon, even though you sound like one. Yet you believe we should had elected Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt and unethical politician in America?

Nope, I think we should have canceled the election and started all over because all 4 of the candidates didn't deserve to be President. Stein has no experience to be President, Johnson is too dumb to be President, Hillary should be in jail, and Trump lies out his ass and just happens to be a snake oil salesmen that got lucky having a rich father in real estate.

I know this is hard for many to believe... but there are more than two options for political affiliation in America. It's not either or. I guess I really am going to do an introduction thread or something... though I'm sure it'll just get ignored or trolled.
Do it. In the CDZ
I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

So nasically, you want that healing and coming together our new president is talking about then.
I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

So nasically, you want that healing and coming together our new president is talking about then.

It would be great, but we all know leftist kooks are incapable of doing that.
I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

So nasically, you want that healing and coming together our new president is talking about then.

It would be great, but we all know leftist kooks are incapable of doing that.

That's the difference between you and I, you think the problem is all the "other" side. Yes I know, "they" do the same. And here you shall stay stuck, just as the system is designed for you to do. So just continue to blame so you can hide from your own responsibility for your role in what got us here as a society.
I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

So nasically, you want that healing and coming together our new president is talking about then.

It would be great, but we all know leftist kooks are incapable of doing that.

That's the difference between you and I, you think the problem is all the "other" side. Yes I know, "they" do the same. And here you shall stay stuck, just as the system is designed for you to do. So just continue to blame so you can hide from your own responsibility for your role in what got us here as a society.

And what has been my role?
I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.

So nasically, you want that healing and coming together our new president is talking about then.

It would be great, but we all know leftist kooks are incapable of doing that.

That's the difference between you and I, you think the problem is all the "other" side. Yes I know, "they" do the same. And here you shall stay stuck, just as the system is designed for you to do. So just continue to blame so you can hide from your own responsibility for your role in what got us here as a society.

And what has been my role?

We have all played a roll in where american society is now.

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