Michael Moore Calls for Trump to be Impeached

Trump is going to make his new mistress, Pamela Bondi, the AG.

Trump having an affair in office with an Executive Branch employee would certainly be an entertaining development consistent with the shit-show our politics have become.

He's cheated all his life and infidelity is his trademark. He loves the publicity. Here's what he said about cheating on Ivana:

I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.
All things the democrats did when GWB was president.

I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.

Who said "Our goal is to make Obama a one-term president..." in 2010?
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.
All things the democrats did when GWB was president.


Are you that fucking stupid?

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia
"From October 1 through 16, 2013, the United States federal government entered a shutdown and curtailed most routine operations because neither legislation appropriating funds for fiscal year 2014 nor a continuing resolution for the interim authorization of appropriations for fiscal year 2014 was enacted in time. Regular government operations resumed October 17 after an interim appropriations bill was signed into law."""

And it was the Republicans who did it, idiot.
For Ted Cruz, the 2013 shutdown was a defining moment
Yes, the man who predicted Trump's victory, and whom many Trump supporters have wrongly insisted that he is a Trump supporter himself, is now calling for Trump's impeachment:

Trump isn't even POTUS yet and that moron wants him impeached?? Impeached for what?? Winning the election??

Wouldn't expect anything else from Moore the millionaire who tries to come off as just another dumb rube. LOL
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.
All things the democrats did when GWB was president.


Are you that fucking stupid?

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia
"From October 1 through 16, 2013, the United States federal government entered a shutdown and curtailed most routine operations because neither legislation appropriating funds for fiscal year 2014 nor a continuing resolution for the interim authorization of appropriations for fiscal year 2014 was enacted in time. Regular government operations resumed October 17 after an interim appropriations bill was signed into law."""

And it was the Republicans who did it, idiot.
For Ted Cruz, the 2013 shutdown was a defining moment
There were also shut downs under Ford,Carter,Bush and Clinton.

You got a point or what?
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.
All things the democrats did when GWB was president.

Maybe you should wake up before posting. The Republicans have obstructed the work of government with a capital "O" and nothing the Democrats have done can top it. Yet, anyway. My point being, I hope they DON'T.
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.
All things the democrats did when GWB was president.


Are you that fucking stupid?

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia
"From October 1 through 16, 2013, the United States federal government entered a shutdown and curtailed most routine operations because neither legislation appropriating funds for fiscal year 2014 nor a continuing resolution for the interim authorization of appropriations for fiscal year 2014 was enacted in time. Regular government operations resumed October 17 after an interim appropriations bill was signed into law."""

And it was the Republicans who did it, idiot.
For Ted Cruz, the 2013 shutdown was a defining moment
It was Dems who blocked it, get it straight.
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.
All things the democrats did when GWB was president.

Maybe you should wake up before posting. The Republicans have obstructed the work of government with a capital "O" and nothing the Democrats have done can top it. Yet, anyway. My point being, I hope they DON'T.
You need to wake up and stop getting things backwards.
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.
All things the democrats did when GWB was president.

Maybe you should wake up before posting. The Republicans have obstructed the work of government with a capital "O" and nothing the Democrats have done can top it. Yet, anyway. My point being, I hope they DON'T.
There was also a fed shut down under Reagan.
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.
All things the democrats did when GWB was president.


Are you that fucking stupid?

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia
"From October 1 through 16, 2013, the United States federal government entered a shutdown and curtailed most routine operations because neither legislation appropriating funds for fiscal year 2014 nor a continuing resolution for the interim authorization of appropriations for fiscal year 2014 was enacted in time. Regular government operations resumed October 17 after an interim appropriations bill was signed into law."""

And it was the Republicans who did it, idiot.
For Ted Cruz, the 2013 shutdown was a defining moment
It was Dems who blocked it, get it straight.

What? The last shut down of the Federal government was led by Mitch McConnell.
You want a reason to impeach Trump? Wait and see if he fulfills his promise to lessen or get rid of economic and trade sanctions on Russia. That would be just as bad as some of the stuff Hillary did, because Trump deals with a lot of Russian companies and he has a bunch fo Russian loans.
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
No, it is a libtard thing.
Who shut down the government a couple years ago?
Who made history this year by refusing to move on the appointment of a SC justice by the President?
Who told the public that if Trump hadn't been elected, they STILL wouldn't move on the appointment of a SC justice until Hillary was out?

It wasn't the Democrats.
All things the democrats did when GWB was president.

Maybe you should wake up before posting. The Republicans have obstructed the work of government with a capital "O" and nothing the Democrats have done can top it. Yet, anyway. My point being, I hope they DON'T.
There was also a fed shut down under Reagan.
During Gerald Ford's presidency, one funding gap occurred, lasting 10 days. Under the Carter administrations, funding gaps caused 5 partial shutdowns that affected only the departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare. These lasted from 8 to 18 days and the primary issue of dispute was federal funding for abortion. During the Reagan administration, there were funding gaps with technical shutdowns lasting less than 48 hours or over weekends while spending measures were negotiated rendering them to be of negligible effect. A funding gap during the George H. W. Bush administration also caused a weekend shutdown, resolved late the following Monday.[2]

During the Clinton administration, there were two full government shutdowns during 1995 and 1996 lasting 5 and 21 days respectively, both the longest and most severe to that date. These shutdowns led to massive furloughs and significant disruption. The primary issue was the United States budget deficit.

During Barack Obama's presidency, the United States federal government shutdown of 2013 ran from October 1 to 16, 2013. The primary issue of dispute between the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and the Democratic Senate was the Republicans' desire to delay or defund the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), signed into law in 2010.[3] A bill to end the shutdown and fund federal agencies through January 15, 2014, passed the Senate and the House and was signed into law on October 17, 2013.[4] Standard & Poor's, the financial ratings agency, stated on October 16 that the shutdown "to date has taken $24 billion out of the economy," and "shaved at least 0.6 percent off annualized fourth-quarter 2013 GDP growth."[5]
Government shutdown in the United States - Wikipedia

And guess who caused the other two full government shutdowns in '95 and '96?

The United States federal government shutdowns of 1995 and 1995–96 were the result of conflicts between Democratic President Bill Clinton and the Republican Congress over funding for Medicare, education, the environment, and public health in the 1996 federal budget. The government shut down after Clinton vetoed the spending bill the Republican Party-controlled Congress sent him. The federal government of the United States put government workers on furlough and suspended non-essential services from November 14 through November 19, 1995, and from December 16, 1995, to January 6, 1996, for a total of 27 days. The major players were President Clinton and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich.
United States federal government shutdowns of 1995–1996 - Wikipedia
You want a reason to impeach Trump? Wait and see if he fulfills his promise to lessen or get rid of economic and trade sanctions on Russia. That would be just as bad as some of the stuff Hillary did, because Trump deals with a lot of Russian companies and he has a bunch fo Russian loans.
I thought that was looked into and he DOESN'T have business ties to Russia?
You want a reason to impeach Trump? Wait and see if he fulfills his promise to lessen or get rid of economic and trade sanctions on Russia. That would be just as bad as some of the stuff Hillary did, because Trump deals with a lot of Russian companies and he has a bunch fo Russian loans.
I thought that was looked into and he DOESN'T have business ties to Russia?

I dunno this article from Politico just in October says he does.

Yes, there is evidence Trump does business with Russians
Watch Moore squirm when it's HIM getting ambushed on his stock holdings"

Paul Booker4 years ago
Moore has emphatically made the claim repeatedly over the years: “I don’t own a single share of stock!”
He’s right. He doesn’t own a single share. He owns tens of thousands of shares – including nearly 2,000 shares of Boeing, nearly 1,000 of Sonoco, more than 4,000 of Best Foods, more than 3,000 of Eli Lilly, more than 8,000 of Bank One and more than 2,000 of Halliburton, the company most vilified by Moore in “Fahrenheit 9/11,”

Oh thats good!!
Yes they have fear because the left are going to be held accounable for their actions.
They broke the imigration laws.
How about you look at how this administration handles the dreamers before you believe the lies of the left.
Look - Conservatives and moderates want the same things in most ideas of helping our poor and the dreamers, which was their parents fault not them.
Republicans wants to get the poor out of their poverty. The left need to give it a chance at least. President Johnsons war on poverty hasn't worked and we need a change.
The left thrives on fear tactics in order to get them to come on board that government dependency.
I love it. Progressives are only going to continue their epic meltdown. Notice how the so-called leaders like Hillary say "he deserves a chance", yet the minions just ratchet up the attacks.

The more you dumbfucks protest election results and attack Trump, the more you alienate the majority of America. You people STILL don't get it. You lost the election because the majority are tired of your bullshit Agenda and your intimidation tactics. Keep it up, dumbshits.
Let's all be honest with ourselves here. The left hates white people, that is pretty clear. They love the liberal white man though. He is serving a purpose until he doesn't. The whole race card thing is based upon gaining power. White conservatives don't care, we just go about our business working, paying bills, getting our kids ready for college, and trying to get ahead a little bit. The vast majority of whites truly don't care about your race(90%). Just leave us alone and give us a conservative govt. We oppose the democrats because they are "progressively" destroying the country with their ideology. We oppose that we do not oppose your skin tone. back in the day 1950-60ish there was a problem but we HAVE moved past that. I have treated everyone with respect regardless of who they are.

The left is the new KKK. Get used to it. The sad part is that the left is being used as a tool and they don't have a clue.

The right hates white people, that is pretty clear. They love the "conservative" white man though. He is serving a purpose until he doesn't. The whole race card thing is based upon gaining power.

Bacon's Rebellion. Been that way on "both" sides since then, and my guess is will be until american society goes down.
The right doesn't hate anyone but the right does hate a leftist ideology. The left is the party of hate.

the left is the party of hate and the party of violence

There ya go, there's the safe space chant.
I'm scared man, I'm scared I might have to defend myself and hurt someone I don't want that. But the left? They want to assault and hurt people

While I surely dont want it to come to a shooting war I at least know I'd win.

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