Michael Moore: 'Donald Trump Is Gonna Get Us Killed'

Who's Trump gonna bomb first you think he wil start off with a small country like Tahiti or will he go for a country with oil that Americans are too stupid to know how to pronounce like Kyrgyzstan?

Maybe he will surprise everyone and bomb Australia just to see what happens? Do you think after he nukes Australia he will go on Twitter to deny that he did it and then blame the new york times or CNN for lying about it?
All about as realistic as him ordering the bombing of the People's Republic of Kalifornia

"Who's Trump gonna bomb first"

he can start with the entire middle east!

Or California
or new york right? I know how much you republicans hate new york

The one saving grace of Trump getting elected is that he's a New Yorker with those "New York Values" that Ted Cruz whined about.
I heard he kept gallon sized jar of purell because he couldn't standing shaking hands with all the pig fuckers at his rallies

No doubt you heard this... them little voices again 'eh?
by doing what? electing a black guy?
No, by playing the race card every two seconds, by bitching about the wealthy every two seconds, likewise corporations, by calling white Republicans trailer trash, by calling black Republicans Uncle Tom's. You wanted division, you worked hard for it, And now you're scared shitless to be on the losing end of the stick! Go find a safe space buttercup.

PurpleOwl's just a pathetic racist who thinks blacks need the bar lowered. We are treating Obama like ... he is white ... That just can't be allowed, PussyOwl thinks a black can't handle that
stupid nazi
Racist motherfucker
against who? you specifically? you know nazis aren't a race right?

First of all, duh, I'm referring to your saying OMG, you just treated Obama like he's white! He's black, he can't handle that!

Your view blacks can't handle being treated as whites is just completely fucking racist, Archie Bunker.
Winning the popular vote is not getting shellacked. Trump got in on a technicality, just like Bush, and you guys gloat. You are really pathetic.

Yes, liberals do view the Constitution as a "technicality" don't you?

And wow, what a stupid fuck. The candidates did not run for the popular vote. So here are your premises.

1) Candidates and campaigns have nothing to do with who win, people vote for the same candidate regardless

2) Voters are not motivated by whether their candidate can win their State. Tens of millions of Republicans in big blue States would not have shown up even if their Presidential vote mattered

At the same time, damn Russia, they handed the election to Trump!

So Hillary, her campaign, Trump, his campaign, minority voters in States all have zero impact on the election, just Russia does. That is what you just argued.

Embrace the stupid that is you
trump nazis will burn the entire constitution.... except the part about guns and their right to use hate speech they like those 2 parts

The 1st and 2nd Amendment, who needs them, eh comrade?
Won't Trump have to change it so it says only whites get those rights?

Despite incessant liberal whining, we all have Constitutional rights.
Agreed. Unfortunately, what passes for "liberalism" these days has a two-fold agenda;
1) create a two-tier level of Constitutional rights (one for the Liberal elite and one for us proles. There won't be a bourgeoisie AKA middle class***)

2) Treat the Constitution as "living document" that is being constantly rewritten in their own image. No, they won't "repeal" the Second Amendment, but they'll put so many restrictions on it that the only people who have guns will be the US military, police and the bodyguards of the Liberal Elite. You know, kinda like the People's Republik of Kalifornia is doing.

***The Communist Manifesto - Bourgeoisie and Proletariat
Marx argued that the capitalist bourgeoisie mercilessly exploited the proletariat. He recognised that the work carried out by the proletariat created great wealth for the capitalist. The products created in the factory (the material outcome of the workers' labour) were sold for more than the value of the labour itself i.e. more than the workers' wages. For instance, the factory worker may get paid £2 to produce a yard of cloth. The capitalist then sells the cloth for £5. In this way, the capitalist, who controls the process of production, makes a profit. But the worker does not benefit from this added value, and fails to benefit from the fruits of his/her own labour.

Marx believed that capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction. He described how the wealth of the bourgeoisie depended on the work of the proletariat. Therefore, capitalism requires an underclass. But Marx predicted that the continued exploitation of this underclass would create great resentment. Eventually the proletariat would lead a revolution against the bourgeoisie. The final struggle would lead to the overthrow of capitalism and its supporters. Marx wrote that modern bourgeois society 'is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells.'

Following the proletariats' defeat of capitalism, a new classless society would emerge based on the idea: 'from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs'. In such a society, land, industry, labour and wealth would be shared between all people. All people would have the right to an education, and class structures would disappear. Harmony would reign, and the state would simply 'wither away'.
"Who's Trump gonna bomb first"

he can start with the entire middle east!

Or California
or new york right? I know how much you republicans hate new york

Read your post, you really want to go with eight year old like that? Isn't it embarassing?

My teacher sucks, she's gotta be 80! Maybe she's 140! I bet she's a thousand! Here are some jokes you'll like

I find it funny that republicans hate every major city in america and the vast majority of americans but still claim they love america....well what america are they talking about?

theyre definiton of what this mythical america actually is changes from republican to republican

Naw, we don't hate big cities. Just the far-left takers that infest them.
OMG Like anyone should give a shit what that fat fuck Moore thinks about anything??

He's nothing but a millionaire who made his millions off gullible fools who bought into his movies. Mans a fucking joke who laughs all the way to the bank.
OMG Like anyone should give a shit what that fat fuck Moore thinks about anything??

He's nothing but a millionaire who made his millions off gullible fools who bought into his movies. Mans a fucking joke who laughs all the way to the bank.
While I agree, he's a good weather vane for the Liberal Elite. Which ever way he is pointing, so too are all the Left Coast Liberals.
"Trump's tongue could get us involved in a full blown war if he keeps this up."

he's gonna say Angel Merkel is a 4, and then...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!
so you have right now folks on the left stating that our worst and dangerous enemy, Russia, hacked our election without any evidence to support that, and you're worried about trump? LOL, so insult the living shit out of your worst and most dangerous enemy and then state that the guy with a good relationship is the war mongerer. you have really stupid issues bubba. You like to go up to a bees nest and poke it for fun, right? It's what is going on with Russia right now.

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