Michael Moore on Piers Morgan


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
What an idiot!

Moore is one of those brain dead liberals that supports a true democracy rather than a constitutional republic.

He is miffed at Harry Reid for not pushing the assault weapons ban...thinks that a ban will take those guns away from criminals. He and Piers are quoting numbers of deaths by gun...Joko Ono tweeted that over a million people have been killed by guns in America since John Lennon was killed with a gun...Moore says that without a weapons ban law, there will be another Newtown...

These people talk like they believe that a weapons ban (of any particular weapon) will take those weapons out of the hands of criminals, thereby precluding any further deaths by that type of weapon.

This exemplifies my contention that liberals think and expect that all people within earshot should pay attention and do exactly as they think people should do. It's a control freak thing. They expect the criminals to give up their weapons. They expect the black market to disappear. They expect that public officials will be honest and not provide weapons to criminals (such as Eric Holder's deal with the drug cartels...the one that contributed to the MURDER of a border agent...) They expect things that will NEVER happen!

The only sure thing to come of a weapons ban is the diminishing safety of law abiding people. That is NOT what our legislators were elected to accomplish.

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