Michael Moore Smashes Trump Where it Hurts Him: On Twitter

Moore sure does have a diverse following...white, shady white, ashen, pale, and half an audience disguised as empty seats...he was giving those tickets away and still couldn't sell out, he should try opening his own theater and call it America, then to draw the liberal crowd in, advertise, "lets sell out America"
He gave some tickets to college students and Low cost tickets so anyone could afford to see the play.
This type of liberal good gestures is beyond you.
Tax returns don’t mean anything, they are controlled by the IRS - a totally corrupt organization.
Are you still butt hurt over the election results? Are you
You're such a moron. Why do you think he's petrified to release them.
First he'd be humiliated that he's nowhere near being a billionaire
2nd that he's in hock up to his ass to Russiawhich created HUGE conflicts of interest.
Being the low IQ dope you are you never figured out while he'd rather sell his grand children into white slavery than criticize or piss off Putin.
Congress voted onRussian sanctions and Putin's whore still won't implement them. Ever ask yourself why?
You probably didn't even know this.
It’s only his business, no one else’s.
Only a spineless control freak would care what anyone else makes or does not make… Are you?
One, the idiot is still making money on our dime which is against the Constitution.
Two... Hisrussian influence would be revealed in his tax returns.
No wonder you're sucking his ass.
Tomorrow starts the parade of indictments that will prove this is the most corrupt administration in history.
And only after 9 months.
Ha ha ha ha

If it's a bunch of democrats being rolled into paddy wagons, will you screech for me?
We'll find out in a few days what a fantasy world you live in. When all the indictments come from this administration will you shoot yourself inthe head?

Nope. I haven't destroyed myself with insane hatred like you and all your dopey buddies have.
Trump's sweating profusely over these indictments to people HE HIRED.
Meanwhile MM is preparing for hisnewTV show and next movie.
No one watches them, Except for the Hollywood elite and their supporters… LOL
Trump is no billionaire liar. Disagree? Show me his tax returns.
Tax returns don’t mean anything, they are controlled by the IRS - a totally corrupt organization.
Are you still butt hurt over the election results? Are you
You're such a moron. Why do you think he's petrified to release them.
First he'd be humiliated that he's nowhere near being a billionaire
2nd that he's in hock up to his ass to Russiawhich created HUGE conflicts of interest.
Being the low IQ dope you are you never figured out while he'd rather sell his grand children into white slavery than criticize or piss off Putin.
Congress voted onRussian sanctions and Putin's whore still won't implement them. Ever ask yourself why?
You probably didn't even know this.
It’s only his business, no one else’s.
Only a spineless control freak would care what anyone else makes or does not make… Are you?
One, the idiot is still making money on our dime which is against the Constitution.
Two... Hisrussian influence would be revealed in his tax returns.
No wonder you're sucking his ass.
Tomorrow starts the parade of indictments that will prove this is the most corrupt administration in history.
And only after 9 months.
Ha ha ha ha
His Financial matters are none of my business or yours... envy is a Cowardly weak emotion. Lol
Keep dreaming...
100% wrong. Candidates release their tax returns BECAUSE ITSAMERICA'S business.
The cowardwas afraid to release them.
That's ok. Mueller probably has them. Ha!
He doesn't even Trump's permission.
You're fucked. Not to mention the Mango Mussolini.
View attachment 157285
Trump is no billionaire liar. Disagree? Show me his tax returns.

My tax return doesn't show my net worth.
What line shows yours?
...and only a fool trusts the IRS
Thats your excuse for the Comrade not releasing his tax returns?
Everything The IRS DOES is corrupt, just another part of the deep state...
Trump has all of the deep staters/career politicians butt hurt... lol
So I guess you don't pay taxes.
I pay as little as possible because I know the corrupt place they go... In the pockets of deep state/career politicians.... lol
Moore sure does have a diverse following...white, shady white, ashen, pale, and half an audience disguised as empty seats...he was giving those tickets away and still couldn't sell out, he should try opening his own theater and call it America, then to draw the liberal crowd in, advertise, "lets sell out America"
He gave some tickets to college students and Low cost tickets so anyone could afford to see the play.
This type of liberal good gestures is beyond you.
Fake news
View attachment 157292
Tax returns don’t mean anything, they are controlled by the IRS - a totally corrupt organization.
Are you still butt hurt over the election results? Are you
You're such a moron. Why do you think he's petrified to release them.
First he'd be humiliated that he's nowhere near being a billionaire
2nd that he's in hock up to his ass to Russiawhich created HUGE conflicts of interest.
Being the low IQ dope you are you never figured out while he'd rather sell his grand children into white slavery than criticize or piss off Putin.
Congress voted onRussian sanctions and Putin's whore still won't implement them. Ever ask yourself why?
You probably didn't even know this.
It’s only his business, no one else’s.
Only a spineless control freak would care what anyone else makes or does not make… Are you?
One, the idiot is still making money on our dime which is against the Constitution.
Two... Hisrussian influence would be revealed in his tax returns.
No wonder you're sucking his ass.
Tomorrow starts the parade of indictments that will prove this is the most corrupt administration in history.
And only after 9 months.
Ha ha ha ha
His Financial matters are none of my business or yours... envy is a Cowardly weak emotion. Lol
Keep dreaming...
100% wrong. Candidates release their tax returns BECAUSE ITSAMERICA'S business.
The cowardwas afraid to release them.
That's ok. Mueller probably has them. Ha!
He doesn't even Trump's permission.
You're fucked. Not to mention the Mango Mussolini.
Where is the law that he has to turn them over? Go ahead prove it
View attachment 157285
My tax return doesn't show my net worth.
What line shows yours?
...and only a fool trusts the IRS
Thats your excuse for the Comrade not releasing his tax returns?
Everything The IRS DOES is corrupt, just another part of the deep state...
Trump has all of the deep staters/career politicians butt hurt... lol
So I guess you don't pay taxes.
I pay as little as possible because I know the corrupt place they go... In the pockets of deep state/career politicians.... lol
The DEEP STATE. Two buzzwords proving you're a sheep just waiting to get fucked inthe ass. Andtrump's doing just that to you and you love it.
He gave some tickets to college students and Low cost tickets so anyone could afford to see the play.
This type of liberal good gestures is beyond you.
I believe you are the one it is beyond, the point was that, as much of a good thing as you would like to believe it was, the empty seats prove the folks it was aimed at just didn't think that highly of the show or the gesture...MM cannot give his tickets away, no one is interested.
View attachment 157292
You're such a moron. Why do you think he's petrified to release them.
First he'd be humiliated that he's nowhere near being a billionaire
2nd that he's in hock up to his ass to Russiawhich created HUGE conflicts of interest.
Being the low IQ dope you are you never figured out while he'd rather sell his grand children into white slavery than criticize or piss off Putin.
Congress voted onRussian sanctions and Putin's whore still won't implement them. Ever ask yourself why?
You probably didn't even know this.
It’s only his business, no one else’s.
Only a spineless control freak would care what anyone else makes or does not make… Are you?
One, the idiot is still making money on our dime which is against the Constitution.
Two... Hisrussian influence would be revealed in his tax returns.
No wonder you're sucking his ass.
Tomorrow starts the parade of indictments that will prove this is the most corrupt administration in history.
And only after 9 months.
Ha ha ha ha
His Financial matters are none of my business or yours... envy is a Cowardly weak emotion. Lol
Keep dreaming...
100% wrong. Candidates release their tax returns BECAUSE ITSAMERICA'S business.
The cowardwas afraid to release them.
That's ok. Mueller probably has them. Ha!
He doesn't even Trump's permission.
You're fucked. Not to mention the Mango Mussolini.
Where is the law that he has to turn them over? Go ahead prove it
There is no law. It's a custom going back to Nixon. It's called transparency. And the only ones that don't release them it's because they have something to hide.
And you fell for it. hahaha
View attachment 157285
...and only a fool trusts the IRS
Thats your excuse for the Comrade not releasing his tax returns?
Everything The IRS DOES is corrupt, just another part of the deep state...
Trump has all of the deep staters/career politicians butt hurt... lol
So I guess you don't pay taxes.
I pay as little as possible because I know the corrupt place they go... In the pockets of deep state/career politicians.... lol
The DEEP STATE. Two buzzwords proving you're a sheep just waiting to get fucked inthe ass. Andtrump's doing just that to you and you love it.
Federal government and the country are not one in the same, the federal government has fucked the country over for the better part of a century... Fact
He gave some tickets to college students and Low cost tickets so anyone could afford to see the play.
This type of liberal good gestures is beyond you.
I believe you are the one it is beyond, the point was that, as much of a good thing as you would like to believe it was, the empty seats prove the folks it was aimed at just didn't think that highly of the show or the gesture...MM cannot give his tickets away, no one is interested.
What were you saying about those empty seats again?
View attachment 157292
It’s only his business, no one else’s.
Only a spineless control freak would care what anyone else makes or does not make… Are you?
One, the idiot is still making money on our dime which is against the Constitution.
Two... Hisrussian influence would be revealed in his tax returns.
No wonder you're sucking his ass.
Tomorrow starts the parade of indictments that will prove this is the most corrupt administration in history.
And only after 9 months.
Ha ha ha ha
His Financial matters are none of my business or yours... envy is a Cowardly weak emotion. Lol
Keep dreaming...
100% wrong. Candidates release their tax returns BECAUSE ITSAMERICA'S business.
The cowardwas afraid to release them.
That's ok. Mueller probably has them. Ha!
He doesn't even Trump's permission.
You're fucked. Not to mention the Mango Mussolini.
Where is the law that he has to turn them over? Go ahead prove it
There is no law. It's a custom going back to Nixon. It's called transparency. And the only ones that don't release them it's because they have something to hide.
And you fell for it. hahaha
Fuck the custom, where are Obamas Grades? Oh wait… I don’t give a shit. LOL
Anybody that fucks over the federal government is a hero to the country…

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