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Michelle Claims Fat Kids Are A National Security Threat


Michelle is losing her mind.

Now she's saying that because only 1 in 4 kids in the US can qualify for the military this has become a threat to National Security.

“Military leaders … tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight,” the first lady says in the prepared remarks, “childhood obesity isn’t just a public health threat, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a national security threat as well."
Now I've heard everything.

Call it one of those unintended consequences of the Nanny State.

Kids aren't allowed to run around and play like they did when I was growing up so now we've got kids that are getting by on Monster drinks just to keep from being bored to death.

After sitting around the house for hours on end in the summer kids get fat. Many parents won't allow them out on their own. School buses have to drop kids off mere feet from their doorstep. It's all just a side-effect of the Nanny State this country has immersed itself in.

I've felt for quite some time that all of this coddling that goes on is only going to make kids unable to cope with life but military life is out of the question folks. Our pampered kids won't be able to handle the culture-shock they will experience. It doesn't matter if they're out of shape or not.

:confused: Well, it is...and I hardly think the government deciding what to serve at a government institution is unusual in the least.

Wel...now it apparently is. :rolleyes:
Much ado about nothing.
A first lady is attempting to do what is right. She is right.

Michelle is losing her mind.

Now she's saying that because only 1 in 4 kids in the US can qualify for the military this has become a threat to National Security.

“Military leaders … tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight,” the first lady says in the prepared remarks, “childhood obesity isn’t just a public health threat, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a national security threat as well."

Now I've heard everything.

Call it one of those unintended consequences of the Nanny State.

Kids aren't allowed to run around and play like they did when I was growing up so now we've got kids that are getting by on Monster drinks just to keep from being bored to death.

After sitting around the house for hours on end in the summer kids get fat. Many parents won't allow them out on their own. School buses have to drop kids off mere feet from their doorstep. It's all just a side-effect of the Nanny State this country has immersed itself in.

I've felt for quite some time that all of this coddling that goes on is only going to make kids unable to cope with life but military life is out of the question folks. Our pampered kids won't be able to handle the culture-shock they will experience. It doesn't matter if they're out of shape or not.


This is amusing in one respect, Michelle My Belle is correct. We do have a nation of little fat asses being raised by overindulgent parents. What kills me is drving by an empty ball field or playground on a warm summer day. Heck when I was a kid we played outside ALL the time.
On the other hand Mrs Obama has gone up about 4 dress sizes since her Hubby took office. You could show movies on her ass for Christ's sake. So who the hell is she kidding?
Help me out here mud. Your quote said:

“Military leaders … tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight,” the first lady says in the prepared remarks, “childhood obesity isn’t just a public health threat, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a national security threat as well."

She is quoting what military leaders said. Now, you're holding Mrs. Obama accountable for making sure every child in America exercises and eats right, and not thier PARENTS, or themselves?

To me she's saying if things don't change, a lot of these unhealthy, overweight children wouldn't qualify for the military when they are old enough to join.

Teaching kids, and their parents, how to make healthy choices in eating and exercise seems like a great idea to me.

The selective reading skills of the fringe Right are amusing.

Pentagon reports U.S. troop obesity doubles since 2003


By Gregg Zoroya, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The number of troops diagnosed as overweight or obese has more than doubled since the start of the Iraq war, yet another example of stress and strains of continuing combat deployments, according to a recent Pentagon study.

The review, contained in the January edition of the Defense Department's Medical Surveillance Monthly Report, raises concerns about the overall readiness as demands on the military continue to increase, says Dr. Michael Kilpatrick, director of strategic communication for Pentagon health affairs.

"Stress and return from deployment were the most frequently cited reasons" for gaining weight, the study said. The largest increase in diagnoses of overweight and obese troops came in the last five years, the report said.

From 1998 to 2002, the number of servicemembers diagnosed as overweight remained steady at about one or two out of 100. But those numbers increased after 2003, according to the study, and today nearly one in 20 are diagnosed as clinically overweight.

More at the link.
Because, Echo, she used the innocuous term "military leaders tell me" What military leaders? Bring them forth, let them speak. The military is voluntary service.

How many would you like?
Retired military leaders urge Congress to pass child nutrition bill as matter of national security

September 23rd, 2010

More than 100 retired generals and admirals released an open letter to Congress, calling on the House and Senate leadership to move before Sept. 30 to pass a child nutrition bill to help reduce child obesity and expand the pool of young adults qualified for military service. To view the open letter, go to www.missionreadiness.org

The national security organization MISSION: READINESS released the open letter to Congress during a media conference call featuring Rear Admiral Jamie Barnett US Navy (Ret.), U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and American Heart Association Chair Debra W. Lockwood. Admiral Barnett represented MISSION: READINESS. The speakers discussed the importance of Congress passing strong legislation that will help to remove junk food from schools, improve nutritional standards and provide more children greater access to healthy foods. To view the open letter and listen to the media conference call, go to Mission: Readiness | Military Leaders for Kids
MISSION: READINESS released a report called ”Too Fat to Fight” in April of this year, showing that an estimated 9 millions young adults, 27 percent of all Americans age 17 to 24, are too overweight to join the military. The group says improving nutrition in the nation’s schools is a critical and necessary step to combating obesity among young adults.
This is not the first time the military has spoken out about the health of America’s children. In 1945, military leaders expressed concern about the poor health and nutrition experienced by many potential recruits, and Congress responded by creating the national school lunch program as a matter of national security. Today, retired military leaders are expressing similar concerns about obesity and urging Congress to pass a strong child nutrition bill before the programs expire and Congress adjourns for the November elections.
Two Former Chairmen of Joint Chiefs Hail Passage of Child Nutrition Legislation As Important Step to Strengthen National Security
Washington, D.C. (December 2, 2010)— General John M. Shalikashvili, US Army (Ret.) and General Henry "Hugh" Shelton, two former Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who are members of the national nonprofit MISSION: READINESS, praised final Congressional passage of child nutrition legislation today as an important step to strengthen national security.​
"Too Fat to Fight" (warning: PDF)


Open Letter to Congress

Child Nutrition Legislation is critical to our National Security
(Warning: PDF)

How many more do you need?
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Beyond stupid. Can't think of a better word right now to describe Socialists. Just more "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Haven't people had enough of this stuff yet? The Socialists/Progressives gotta go.
Beyond stupid. Can't think of a better word right now to describe Socialists. Just more "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Haven't people had enough of this stuff yet? The Socialists/Progressives gotta go.
You are correct: Generals and Admirals exist in a Socialist environment, but we are talking about national security, not the military culture.
Beyond stupid. Can't think of a better word right now to describe Socialists. Just more "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Haven't people had enough of this stuff yet? The Socialists/Progressives gotta go.

so just to get this straight....are you telling us that the kids of today ARE NOT fatter then what they were just 20 years ago?......are you also saying that Diabetes is not up...A LOT in the last 20 years for all ages?......its all just fear and bullshit?.....none of this is real?.....Diabetes is nothing to ignore Libo....once you get it....you got it.....you can control it,but thats about it....this stuff is real....and the funny thing about Diabetes....it doesn't give a shit what Political persuasion you are....
Beyond stupid. Can't think of a better word right now to describe Socialists. Just more "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Haven't people had enough of this stuff yet? The Socialists/Progressives gotta go.

so just to get this straight....are you telling us that the kids of today ARE NOT fatter then what they were just 20 years ago?......are you also saying that Diabetes is not up...A LOT in the last 20 years for all ages?......its all just fear and bullshit?.....none of this is real?.....Diabetes is nothing to ignore Libo....once you get it....you got it.....you can control it,but thats about it....this stuff is real....and the funny thing about Diabetes....it doesn't give a shit what Political persuasion you are....

It is political to some of these people. If this was Laura Bush doing this, they wouldn't make a peep about it, and we all know it.

I can't believe some people can't get off their blinders and see that trying to help our youth be more healthy and make better choices is a GOOD thing.
Beyond stupid. Can't think of a better word right now to describe Socialists. Just more "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Haven't people had enough of this stuff yet? The Socialists/Progressives gotta go.

so just to get this straight....are you telling us that the kids of today ARE NOT fatter then what they were just 20 years ago?......are you also saying that Diabetes is not up...A LOT in the last 20 years for all ages?......its all just fear and bullshit?.....none of this is real?.....Diabetes is nothing to ignore Libo....once you get it....you got it.....you can control it,but thats about it....this stuff is real....and the funny thing about Diabetes....it doesn't give a shit what Political persuasion you are....

It is political to some of these people. If this was Laura Bush doing this, they wouldn't make a peep about it, and we all know it.

I can't believe some people can't get off their blinders and see that trying to help our youth be more healthy and make better choices is a GOOD thing.

We don't need a Fat Police Gestapo. Obviously we want our kids to be healthy but we don't need the Government to pass more stupid Laws to achieve that. This is just more "Crisis" fear mongering so the Socialists/Progressives can scare people into supporting more Government absurdity. Everything's a "Crisis" these days for the Socialists/Progressives. That stuff is getting so old. Just stop it.
Beyond stupid. Can't think of a better word right now to describe Socialists. Just more "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Haven't people had enough of this stuff yet? The Socialists/Progressives gotta go.

You like you some waddler kids, don't you?
Fat Kids are a threat to our National Security? Yea that's not stupid Fear Mongering. Yup you Socialist loons are right. My God,grow up people.
Anyone want to take a bet to how many times Lib0cal repeats himself in this thread?

It's a pattern he has in every thread he posts in, instead of addressing the topic, he just repeats himself, over and over and over........................

Let the grown ups talk in a civil manner Libo, and go troll somewhere else please.

Who wants to keep count, I gotta go do laundry now.
Stupid "Crisis" Fear Mongering from Politicians will be the death of this Nation. When will people wake up and stop buying their Bullshit?
In the 60s Germany had a weight problem like we do.

Then they started Volksmarching.

It also helps that stores close in Germany by 7pm and 2pm on Saturday. Instead of running to a minitmart to grab a soda Germans walk in the evenings. Saturdays they go for a stroll. Sunday they do it again. Their food is much more nutritious then ours is. Their beer and liquor is more healthy. Their wine is good for you. We always put so much junk in our food and drinks. Germany doesn't. Do you think Michelle could focus on something like that or is she just gonna pay lip-service like usual?

Frankly, I'd be thankful if she'd shut her piehole. McDonalds is bad for you, we all know it.

But don't tell me I can't eat it; and when I want my nasty Royale w/cheese, I want a nasty Royale w/cheese!

Don't worry sweetie, nobody is going to prevent you from eating your nasty Royale w/cheese.

She has the right to express her educated opinion since she's the president's wife. But of course, not when that president is Obama, right?

Obesity is a true issue in the US. I haven't seen so many fatsos that I've seen in GA anywhere else in the world. I've seen maybe the total of two obese persons in the two years I've lived here in Sweden ... in GA it was a couple every single day.
Fat Police Gestapos: Just more Socialist madness. Tell em to go fuck themselves. And doesn't our Government have more pressing important issues to address? Be fat if you want to be. This is not a Government issue. SHEEZ!
so just to get this straight....are you telling us that the kids of today ARE NOT fatter then what they were just 20 years ago?......are you also saying that Diabetes is not up...A LOT in the last 20 years for all ages?......its all just fear and bullshit?.....none of this is real?.....Diabetes is nothing to ignore Libo....once you get it....you got it.....you can control it,but thats about it....this stuff is real....and the funny thing about Diabetes....it doesn't give a shit what Political persuasion you are....

It is political to some of these people. If this was Laura Bush doing this, they wouldn't make a peep about it, and we all know it.

I can't believe some people can't get off their blinders and see that trying to help our youth be more healthy and make better choices is a GOOD thing.

We don't need a Fat Police Gestapo. Obviously we want our kids to be healthy but we don't need the Government to pass more stupid Laws to achieve that. This is just more "Crisis" fear mongering so the Socialists/Progressives can scare people into supporting more Government absurdity. Everything's a "Crisis" these days for the Socialists/Progressives. That stuff is getting so old. Just stop it.


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