Michelle Obama-"all this just for a flag"

Yep there are idiotic partisan fools on both sides and this flag by a Demoncratic group in FL is beyond reasonable and they are idiots.
you put them with men and women... I wouldn't even call them a dog. I fought so curs like him could say that shit.

As did I, go ahead and fuck the flag.. By all means set it on fire and call me a baby killer. Predictions have found that a grenade will fit perfectly up that ass, and blow your bullshit clear out the top of your head.

REAL soldiers are fighting for our right to burn a flag if we choose to. REAL soldiers are fighting for our free speech. You threatening what they have died for with a grenade up the ass makes you a psychopath and undeserving of the respect I give REAL soldiers.

North Korea is that way. ------->

His post is precisely why I don't just call anyone who serves in the armed forces a "Hero." Clearly he doesn't get it; thinks he's in some elevated stature that allows him to berate the very people he was supposedly willing to die for.

I have family that fought in every American war from the Civil War through Vietnam, and none of them acted like this prick did.

Here's a clue for you Sgt. Shitbrick, my tax dollars paid for your service too. I am thankful that we have people willing to defend us, but you don't get to circumvent anyone's first amendment rights for it.

Way to not get it at all, Dummy.


From the "article":

a skeptical looking Mrs. Obama leans to her husband and appears to say, “all this just for a flag.”

Sorry, champ, but "appearing" to say something and actually being heard to say something are two entirely different things. Link to audio or it didn't happen.

Well dude there are much smarter people out there than you. They know how to tell what came out of those flapping lips of hers because they were trained to do so. Just because you disagree with it doesn't make it false. There are ones out there that have been doing this a long time. So its about time you opened your brain instead of just your mouth.
As did I, go ahead and fuck the flag.. By all means set it on fire and call me a baby killer. Predictions have found that a grenade will fit perfectly up that ass, and blow your bullshit clear out the top of your head.

REAL soldiers are fighting for our right to burn a flag if we choose to. REAL soldiers are fighting for our free speech. You threatening what they have died for with a grenade up the ass makes you a psychopath and undeserving of the respect I give REAL soldiers.

North Korea is that way. ------->

His post is precisely why I don't just call anyone who serves in the armed forces a "Hero." Clearly he doesn't get it; thinks he's in some elevated stature that allows him to berate the very people he was supposedly willing to die for.

I have family that fought in every American war from the Civil War through Vietnam, and none of them acted like this prick did.

Here's a clue for you Sgt. Shitbrick, my tax dollars paid for your service too. I am thankful that we have people willing to defend us, but you don't get to circumvent anyone's first amendment rights for it.

Way to not get it at all, Dummy.


Bravo, cheers and the like.

From the "article":

a skeptical looking Mrs. Obama leans to her husband and appears to say, “all this just for a flag.”

Sorry, champ, but "appearing" to say something and actually being heard to say something are two entirely different things. Link to audio or it didn't happen.

Well dude there are much smarter people out there than you. They know how to tell what came out of those flapping lips of hers because they were trained to do so. Just because you disagree with it doesn't make it false. There are ones out there that have been doing this a long time. So its about time you opened your brain instead of just your mouth.

You didn't read my link, did you?

You rw's just love to spread these lies but while its true that saying it over and over will work for other racists like you but not everyone is that dumb.

This is nothing more than gossip. Very typical of the right.
REAL soldiers are fighting for our right to burn a flag if we choose to. REAL soldiers are fighting for our free speech. You threatening what they have died for with a grenade up the ass makes you a psychopath and undeserving of the respect I give REAL soldiers.

North Korea is that way. ------->

His post is precisely why I don't just call anyone who serves in the armed forces a "Hero." Clearly he doesn't get it; thinks he's in some elevated stature that allows him to berate the very people he was supposedly willing to die for.

I have family that fought in every American war from the Civil War through Vietnam, and none of them acted like this prick did.

Here's a clue for you Sgt. Shitbrick, my tax dollars paid for your service too. I am thankful that we have people willing to defend us, but you don't get to circumvent anyone's first amendment rights for it.

Way to not get it at all, Dummy.


Bravo, cheers and the like.

You beat me to it.

Sad that we're still fighting this non-battle and that so many rw's STILL don't get it.
Nah, it's not different. She didn't say it, she can afford a $400 lunch, (who can't?) and if she did say, so what. It's just a fucking flag. I don't pledge to a flag, just like I didn't plegde to a Members Only jacket. Cloth is cloth.
"Who can't?" Taxpayers supporting all this high-and-mighty living that goes on in pampered Washington, DC, where money is ordered printed, that's who.

You liberals really think you're on a roll, don't you.

They are millionaires. It didn't even happen, but she can afford to pay for it herself. You being broke is your fault, not hers.
Your assessment is way off, sweetcakes.
See? It's different.

Thanks, Obamabot.

Nah, it's not different. She didn't say it, she can afford a $400 lunch, (who can't?) and if she did say, so what. It's just a fucking flag. I don't pledge to a flag, just like I didn't plegde to a Members Only jacket. Cloth is cloth.
"Who can't?" Taxpayers supporting all this high-and-mighty living that goes on in pampered Washington, DC, where money is ordered printed, that's who.

You liberals really think you're on a roll, don't you.
As a matter of course? they DO.

Politicians don't give a rat's ass once they get into the Swamp that used to be and now called DC...
I guess I will never understand the Democrat Party.
I was raised to be proud of my country.
I was raised to be proud of our flag and what it represents.

Now it's acceptable to be in love with a first Lady who until a short while ago was NOT proud of her country and mocks our flag....

I guess this is what makes a Democrat.

Fuck the flag. Communist and the USA are the only countries that Pledge Allegiance to a flag. The pledge was written by a Socialist.
May you live to regret saying those particular words.
I guess I will never understand the Democrat Party.
I was raised to be proud of my country.
I was raised to be proud of our flag and what it represents.

Now it's acceptable to be in love with a first Lady who until a short while ago was NOT proud of her country and mocks our flag....

I guess this is what makes a Democrat.

Fuck the flag. Communist and the USA are the only countries that Pledge Allegiance to a flag. The pledge was written by a Socialist.
May you live to regret saying those particular words.

May you stop being a pretentious twat who dares to tell anyone how to be patriotic.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Pub dupe/haters. Stupidest, hatingest voters in the modern world- change the channel, you're brainwashed.
We don't incite hatred or disrespect to the flag our dearest and best died for, Mr. francoHFW. Some of them died on the coast of Normandy one cool morning in May, 1944. In a month and a half, a million men landed there at the behest of General Eisenhower, a large number of whom were Americans.

Call us what you will, we're ever-present friends in the world in its hour of trouble, and we do what we're asked to do, furnish what is necessary, and bear the costs of a lot of stuff ourselves.

I support our flag, and I do not care to see anybody call it damned.
If you're looking to bolster your increasingly-laughable claim that you're a veteran, you're doing it wrong.

Better men and women than you died for that flag.

you put them with men and women... I wouldn't even call them a dog. I fought so curs like him could say that shit.

As did I, go ahead and fuck the flag.. By all means set it on fire and call me a baby killer. Predictions have found that a grenade will fit perfectly up that ass, and blow your bullshit clear out the top of your head.


From the "article":

a skeptical looking Mrs. Obama leans to her husband and appears to say, “all this just for a flag.”

Sorry, champ, but "appearing" to say something and actually being heard to say something are two entirely different things. Link to audio or it didn't happen.

Well dude there are much smarter people out there than you. They know how to tell what came out of those flapping lips of hers because they were trained to do so. Just because you disagree with it doesn't make it false. There are ones out there that have been doing this a long time. So its about time you opened your brain instead of just your mouth.

There are smarter people than me. That is a certainty. However, your dumb ass isn't one of them. Neither are the rest of the wingnut brigade who claim to know what she said. Seriously, watch the video with your head outside of Glenn Beck's ass. At one point in the video, her mouth is obscured by a post. Are you telling me that you and these so-called experts can read lips through solid objects. Sit down and STFU, dipshit.

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