Michelle Obama-"all this just for a flag"

I guess I will never understand the Democrat Party.
I was raised to be proud of my country.
I was raised to be proud of our flag and what it represents.

Now it's acceptable to be in love with a first Lady who until a short while ago was NOT proud of her country and mocks our flag....

I guess this is what makes a Democrat.

Fuck the flag. Communist and the USA are the only countries that Pledge Allegiance to a flag. The pledge was written by a Socialist.
May you live to regret saying those particular words.

No I won't.
May you live to regret saying those particular words.
I'd like to see him say it at the VA.

The beat-down would be epic.

Interestingly enough, they're right..........the Pledge of Allegiance WAS written by a socialist.

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy (1855–1931), who was a Baptist minister, a Christian socialist, and the cousin of socialist utopian novelist Edward Bellamy (1850–1898). The original "Pledge of Allegiance" was published in the September 8 issue of the popular children's magazine The Youth's Companion as part of the National Public-School Celebration of Columbus Day, a celebration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas. The event was conceived and promoted by James B. Upham, a marketer for the magazine, as a campaign to instill the idea of American nationalism by selling flags to public schools and magazines to students.[3][4][5][6]

Bellamy's original Pledge read as follows:[7]
I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The Pledge was supposed to be quick and to the point. Bellamy designed it to be recited in 15 seconds. As a socialist, he had initially also considered using the words equality and fraternity[6] but decided against it - knowing that the state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans.[8]

Francis Bellamy and Upham had lined up the National Education Association to support the "Youth's Companion" as a sponsor of the Columbus Day observance along with the use of the American flag. By June 29, 1892, Bellamy and Upham had arranged for Congress and President Benjamin Harrison to announce a proclamation making the public school flag ceremony the center of the Columbus Day celebrations (this was issued as Presidential Proclamation 335). Subsequently, the Pledge was first used in public schools on October 12, 1892, during Columbus Day observances organized to coincide with the opening of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois.[9]

Pledge of Allegiance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wonder if the tea baggers heads would explode if they knew that they were reciting words written by a socialist?
Nope. Because the socialist got something right for a change.
If you're looking to bolster your increasingly-laughable claim that you're a veteran, you're doing it wrong.

Better men and women than you died for that flag.

you put them with men and women... I wouldn't even call them a dog. I fought so curs like him could say that shit.
Just so's you know, Salty hates you because you're white.

He was a shitty NCO.

My evals and letters of recommendations say otherwise. But the pictures you posted show you were a fat tub of lard NCO. What an example for you junior troops.
Fuck the flag.
If you're looking to bolster your increasingly-laughable claim that you're a veteran, you're doing it wrong.

Better men and women than you died for that flag.

What does the flag have to do with me being retired military. I didn't join because of the flag. My ID, retirement pay and DD-214 bolster my claim.

You spent too much time in uniform dicking your white troops (and they knew you hated them. They're not stupid, like you are). You should have spent it learning about honor and tradition.
you put them with men and women... I wouldn't even call them a dog. I fought so curs like him could say that shit.
Just so's you know, Salty hates you because you're white.

He was a shitty NCO.

My evals and letters of recommendations say otherwise. But the pictures you posted show you were a fat tub of lard NCO. What an example for you junior troops.
Your white troops knew you hated them. And they returned the sentiment.

A good NCO views all his troops the same.

You were a shitty NCO. End of discussion.
you put them with men and women... I wouldn't even call them a dog. I fought so curs like him could say that shit.
Just so's you know, Salty hates you because you're white.

He was a shitty NCO.

My evals and letters of recommendations say otherwise. But the pictures you posted show you were a fat tub of lard NCO. What an example for you junior troops.
It's not what someone looks like, Mr. Jones. Character Content is something the rest of us learned from truly godly Americans like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He proffered goodness, kindness, and brotherhood, not damning white people, the flag, nor even winning every ball game. His vision was of us all holding hands and helping each other--voluntarily, and not by any other force than God's good spirit.
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If you're looking to bolster your increasingly-laughable claim that you're a veteran, you're doing it wrong.

Better men and women than you died for that flag.

What does the flag have to do with me being retired military. I didn't join because of the flag. My ID, retirement pay and DD-214 bolster my claim.

I didn't join because of the flag either. I was a 17 year old kid working in the stockyards of Montana and going to school, and when I was around 17 1/2, my Grandparents came in and told me that they were going to break my plate (kick me out) when I turned 18.

I thought to myself, where could I go that would be decent pay with good health care and start out at entry level, without worrying much about getting hired? The answer came to me in the form of the military.

I didn't join the Air Force, because there was a base in my hometown, and I didn't much care for them.

Didn't join the Army, because although camping as a hobby was good, as a lifestyle it kinda left a bit to be desired.

Didn't join the Marines because I didn't want to become a bullet sponge, and I knew that Marines were generally the first ones in a hot war zone.

However.............the Navy offered me the chance to travel (49 different states and 26 different countries), as well as allowed me to bring my house with me, so I didn't have to camp out or go without A/C when I was in desert areas.

Why did I join the military? Security for myself, and I also knew it would make my Grandparents proud of me. Never saw them beam with pride so much as the day I came home with an enlistment contract.

3 days after my 18th birthday? I was sitting in Orlando FL, wondering what kind of mess I'd just gotten into.

20 years later? I'm happy about my service and proud of my flag, but also, as a military man, I understand that we have a right to free speech. If you want to burn the flag, go ahead (it's free speech after all), but you better be prepared for my response.

I spent 20 years in the Navy and have no problem with someone burning the flag or saying fuck the flag. I'm a black liberal who spent 20 years in the military, the responses of people I offended with my views means nothing to me.
Just so's you know, Salty hates you because you're white.

He was a shitty NCO.

My evals and letters of recommendations say otherwise. But the pictures you posted show you were a fat tub of lard NCO. What an example for you junior troops.
It's not what someone looks like, Mr. Jones. Character Content is something the rest of us learned from truly godly Americans like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He proffered goodness, kindness, and brotherhood, not damning white people, the flag, nor even winning every ball game. His vision was of us all holding hands and helping each other--voluntarily, and not by any other force than God's good spirit.

How many years did you spend in the military? Fitness and your look in uniform determine how far you advance. I don't know about now, but when I was in you had to submit a photo of yourself in uniform as part of your package to go up for ranks above E-6.
If you're looking to bolster your increasingly-laughable claim that you're a veteran, you're doing it wrong.

Better men and women than you died for that flag.

What does the flag have to do with me being retired military. I didn't join because of the flag. My ID, retirement pay and DD-214 bolster my claim.

You spent too much time in uniform dicking your white troops (and they knew you hated them. They're not stupid, like you are). You should have spent it learning about honor and tradition.

Sell that bullshit somewhere else. The "tradition" of the Navy was to steer blacks to non-technical jobs. Blacks could only be stewards for the majority of Navy history. I honor myself by advancing the black sailors.
It's been established and somewhat encouraged by the left to burn the flag or what have you.
I just don't expect disrespect from a First Lady....
And it looks to me like she did just that.

Sorry but that's the way I feel.
And until some one provides an explanation from the First Lady
or the WH to counter what seems to be obvious I'm still gonna feel this way.
What does the flag have to do with me being retired military. I didn't join because of the flag. My ID, retirement pay and DD-214 bolster my claim.

You spent too much time in uniform dicking your white troops (and they knew you hated them. They're not stupid, like you are). You should have spent it learning about honor and tradition.

Sell that bullshit somewhere else. The "tradition" of the Navy was to steer blacks to non-technical jobs. Blacks could only be stewards for the majority of Navy history. I honor myself by advancing the black sailors.

Actually, it was the Fillipinos who were the stewards in the Navy.
You spent too much time in uniform dicking your white troops (and they knew you hated them. They're not stupid, like you are). You should have spent it learning about honor and tradition.

Sell that bullshit somewhere else. The "tradition" of the Navy was to steer blacks to non-technical jobs. Blacks could only be stewards for the majority of Navy history. I honor myself by advancing the black sailors.

Actually, it was the Fillipinos who were the stewards in the Navy.

Both for awhile. That changed before my time tho some of the senior Filipinos in were still MS's.
Sell that bullshit somewhere else. The "tradition" of the Navy was to steer blacks to non-technical jobs. Blacks could only be stewards for the majority of Navy history. I honor myself by advancing the black sailors.

Actually, it was the Fillipinos who were the stewards in the Navy.

Both for awhile. That changed before my time tho some of the senior Filipinos in were still MS's.

Wanna know the main reason that Fillipinos were made stewards in the first place?

MS is one of the few rates that doesn't require a security clearance, and as Phillippine nationals, they weren't allowed to hold one until later.

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