Michelle Obama: Blacks have been 'frustrated and invisible' for 'decades'

She whined at Tuskeegee University how she gets daily slights because she's black.
She gets daily slights cuz she's an unpleasant human being. It has nothing to do with being black.

She chooses to exploit that hat.
She demanded that she be treated like the queen and got it. She's not treated like a god. That's a slight.
Frustrated and invisible?? Tell the taxpayers who have been supporting all those single parent black women for decades. Seems black men ain't much for taking care of THEIR kids.

Tell all those folks who have been killed in drive by shootings from those invisible blacks.

Tell all those folks who've had their business's looted and destroyed by those same invisible blacks.

Blacks have turned themselves into what they are. There are plenty of successfull blacks out there who made it happen for themselves.

Michelle should take a look at herself and her asshole hubby. They made it and so can many other blacks if they only want to.

Problem is many of them would rather steal
and deal drugs. They make more money and they don't have to bust their asses working for a living.

Nope. The blacks can blame the way they live on themselves.
FLOTUS is full of hate, racist, and hates this country to the core. Why is anyone surprised. This is who she is.

I do believe Michelle O'bama is subject to even more deceitfully whimsical fabrication than her husband, if that's possible.
Here's an inspirational speech to graduates about overcoming one's challenges -- that becomes "full of hate". Last week it's a commending speech to a museum supporting its outreach -- that becomes "hate, division, racist", whatever.

And of course the obligatory rewrite in the headline, using quotes no one ever said. Gotta have that to keep up with the competition.

Y'all are such a puppet show. Without a Lush Rimjob telling you what to think I doubt you clowns could find your own nose with both hands and a road map.
FLOTUS is full of hate, racist, and hates this country to the core. Why is anyone surprised. This is who she is.

I do believe Michelle O'bama is subject to even more deceitfully whimsical fabrication than her husband, if that's possible.
Here's an inspirational speech to graduates about overcoming one's challenges -- that becomes "full of hate". Last week it's a commending speech to a museum supporting its outreach -- that becomes "hate, division, racist", whatever.

And of course the obligatory rewrite in the headline, using quotes no one ever said. Gotta have that to keep up with the competition.

Y'all are such a puppet show. Without a Lush Rimjob telling you what to think I doubt you clowns could find your own nose with both hands and a road map.

No no, you can hear the anger and hate in her voice and yes....she is full of hate for this country. There was nothing inspirational about her speech. It was more about her wild fantasies of going back to the 60's. She is one demented racist.
Only in America could people claim the govt still discriminates against black americans when they have a black president, black attorney general, are 20% of the federal workforce while being only 14% of the population.

40% of all fed entitlements go to blacks, 3 times the rate of whites and 5 times the rate of hispanics.....

Only in America could people claim the govt still discriminates against black americans when they have a black president, black attorney general, are 20% of the federal workforce while being only 14% of the population.

40% of all fed entitlements go to blacks, 3 times the rate of whites and 5 times the rate of hispanics.....


Great. Maybe if we wait long enough, somebody will actually come along and claim that.
Send me a PM when that happens. Or whatever the latest technology is by then.
FLOTUS is full of hate, racist, and hates this country to the core. Why is anyone surprised. This is who she is.

I do believe Michelle O'bama is subject to even more deceitfully whimsical fabrication than her husband, if that's possible.
Here's an inspirational speech to graduates about overcoming one's challenges -- that becomes "full of hate". Last week it's a commending speech to a museum supporting its outreach -- that becomes "hate, division, racist", whatever.

And of course the obligatory rewrite in the headline, using quotes no one ever said. Gotta have that to keep up with the competition.

Y'all are such a puppet show. Without a Lush Rimjob telling you what to think I doubt you clowns could find your own nose with both hands and a road map.
One of the ironies of all that is that Mrs. Obama did not want her husband to run for President. She did not want to be in the White House, and she did not want to be First Lady. She wanted none of it. She agreed to it out of love and support for her husband. Poor woman: I feel great compassion for her.
FLOTUS is full of hate, racist, and hates this country to the core. Why is anyone surprised. This is who she is.

I do believe Michelle O'bama is subject to even more deceitfully whimsical fabrication than her husband, if that's possible.
Here's an inspirational speech to graduates about overcoming one's challenges -- that becomes "full of hate". Last week it's a commending speech to a museum supporting its outreach -- that becomes "hate, division, racist", whatever.

And of course the obligatory rewrite in the headline, using quotes no one ever said. Gotta have that to keep up with the competition.

Y'all are such a puppet show. Without a Lush Rimjob telling you what to think I doubt you clowns could find your own nose with both hands and a road map.

No no, you can hear the anger and hate in her voice and yes....she is full of hate for this country. There was nothing inspirational about her speech. It was more about her wild fantasies of going back to the 60's. She is one demented racist.

You see and hear what you want to see and hear. You're projecting on to her your own bigotry and bias. Sad. Really sad. People like you make me feel ashamed of being an American. You are the one who is angry. You are the one who is so full of hate. YOU ARE THE DEMENTED RACIST. Unbelievable....just unbelievable that you turn all of what you are on to someone else and claim that is what they are. Sick, very, very sick.
She's right.

Unless you're a Black guy on the street, no one notices you. No one cares.

The big crime these days is Black While Walking.
Moved to Harlem or east St. Louis Luddy. Go ahead and see how long you live.
You are really ignorant about Harlem, it can be really lovely. Your problem is that you listen to bullshit instead of experiencing things for yourself. I take my kids to Harlem every time I am in New York City. Years ago, when I was a musician in New York we used to go to after hours clubs in Harlem to hear jazz, and we never had a problem and had a ball. I had a girlfriend who lived in Harlem. We used to get home about 5 AM and I would walk her dog before we went to bed. I never felt threatened. Your ignorance shows that you are not someone to listen to, you just post crap that you know nothing about.
She's right.

Unless you're a Black guy on the street, no one notices you. No one cares.

The big crime these days is Black While Walking.
Moved to Harlem or east St. Louis Luddy. Go ahead and see how long you live.
You are really ignorant about Harlem, it can be really lovely. Your problem is that you listen to bullshit instead of experiencing things for yourself. I take my kids to Harlem every time I am in New York City. Years ago, when I was a musician in New York we used to go to after hours clubs in Harlem to hear jazz, and we never had a problem and had a ball. I had a girlfriend who lived in Harlem. We used to get home about 5 AM and I would walk her dog before we went to bed. I never felt threatened. Your ignorance shows that you are not someone to listen to, you just post crap that you know nothing about.
For the very most part, all of these narrow minded, small minded, mean spirited racists and bigots are completely ignorant regarding the reality of the things they denigrate. They do not have first hand knowledge regarding most things they rant about.
She's right.

Unless you're a Black guy on the street, no one notices you. No one cares.

The big crime these days is Black While Walking.
Moved to Harlem or east St. Louis Luddy. Go ahead and see how long you live.
You are so full of shit. I've walked through Harlem both at day and night. Oooooh, eeeevil black peeeeepole! Fo guck yourself, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.

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Frustrated and invisible?? Tell the taxpayers who have been supporting all those single parent black women for decades. Seems black men ain't much for taking care of THEIR kids.

Tell all those folks who have been killed in drive by shootings from those invisible blacks.

Tell all those folks who've had their business's looted and destroyed by those same invisible blacks.

Blacks have turned themselves into what they are. There are plenty of successfull blacks out there who made it happen for themselves.

Michelle should take a look at herself and her asshole hubby. They made it and so can many other blacks if they only want to.

Problem is many of them would rather steal
and deal drugs. They make more money and they don't have to bust their asses working for a living.

Nope. The blacks can blame the way they live on themselves.
I would rather, "blame the Right" for having any problem human sexuality instead of the abomination of hypocrisy especially regarding ounces of prevention costing much less than pounds of cure, with the (other) People's tax monies.
FLOTUS is full of hate, racist, and hates this country to the core. Why is anyone surprised. This is who she is.

I do believe Michelle O'bama is subject to even more deceitfully whimsical fabrication than her husband, if that's possible.
Here's an inspirational speech to graduates about overcoming one's challenges -- that becomes "full of hate". Last week it's a commending speech to a museum supporting its outreach -- that becomes "hate, division, racist", whatever.

And of course the obligatory rewrite in the headline, using quotes no one ever said. Gotta have that to keep up with the competition.

Y'all are such a puppet show. Without a Lush Rimjob telling you what to think I doubt you clowns could find your own nose with both hands and a road map.

No no, you can hear the anger and hate in her voice and yes....she is full of hate for this country. There was nothing inspirational about her speech. It was more about her wild fantasies of going back to the 60's. She is one demented racist.

You see and hear what you want to see and hear. You're projecting on to her your own bigotry and bias. Sad. Really sad. People like you make me feel ashamed of being an American. You are the one who is angry. You are the one who is so full of hate. YOU ARE THE DEMENTED RACIST. Unbelievable....just unbelievable that you turn all of what you are on to someone else and claim that is what they are. Sick, very, very sick.

Nope, not at all but yes she is an abhorrent racist.
Does law enforcement profile blacks for no reason? Did they just decide one day hey we should profile blacks just for fun? Here's an idea, stop committing crimes if you don't want to be profiled.
The police in my area overwhelmingly profile young white males. They drive lowered to the ground ricer cars with loud mufflers, speed and drive like public roads are their personal race track. Hence if a cop sees one of these vehicles they are profiled. This has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with historically their track record of breaking traffic laws. If blacks would stop committing crimes and behaving like animals, if they became model citizens and behaved themselves well they wouldn't be profiled. Its their actions and historical pattern of behavior not their skin color that results in the profiling.
The police in my area overwhelmingly profile young white males. They drive lowered to the ground ricer cars with loud mufflers, speed and drive like public roads are their personal race track. Hence if a cop sees one of these vehicles they are profiled. This has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with historically their track record of breaking traffic laws. If blacks would stop committing crimes and behaving like animals, if they became model citizens and behaved themselves well they wouldn't be profiled. Its their actions and historical pattern of behavior not their skin color that results in the profiling.

Is it.

And yet you yourself just lumped them all together as "blacks".

And speaking of the blind leading the blind, heeeeere's Matthew to do the same thing...
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