Michelle Obama: Blacks have been 'frustrated and invisible' for 'decades'

What the fuck does "for decades" mean on your planet Sparky? "Happening now?"

If "happening now" is the point how come you've got images up there from 40, 60 years ago?

2 are today
one died a decade ago
the rest, well dumb ass, it shows what she said, and you think, are complete and utter lies.

if you don't get it now, you are to leftist to learn.

Does it now. Even though you're completely unable to quote something to back it up. Again. Same inability over and over, expecting different results.

Maybe you're "to [sic] to learn".
quote something?


leftist quack needs a link to facts since he can't see the facts for himself.

whatever you do, don't think for yourself or you will become conservative and have to do it all the time

I don't know from ducks but what I need is some way for you to substantiate your point. Which you can't find.

So your answer is "I don't know".

Well I don't either.

I explained it to you and said you were to leftist to learn and I was right.

you can't think for yourself, therefore you cannot learn.

85 posts of yammer yammer yammer--- and not a single quote.
You've already been dismissed for your failure to come up with anything. Are you the little kid whose team loses the game, refuses to acknowledge the game is over, and stands there with his ball playing with himself?

Kinda pathetic.
If I was black I might take that as slap across the face......she just threw everything any black has accomplished in the trash......a vile lie to fire up idiots

I am going to turn on the invisible NFL this fall.
I'm going to watch the invisible NBA and invisible White House.

She's such a race hustler just like her husband. But they sat in a church that preached, Black Liberation for 20 years. It's not a peaceful religion in they will use whatever means necessary to achieve it. and now we are LIVING with it for REAL
If I was black I might take that as slap across the face......she just threw everything any black has accomplished in the trash......a vile lie to fire up idiots

I am going to turn on the invisible NFL this fall.
I'm going to watch the invisible NBA and invisible White House.

She's such a race hustler just like her husband. But they sat in a church that preached, Black Liberation for 20 years.

As opposed to Black Enslavement?

Tough choice for some, I guess.
Who knew we were electing a President who was for ONE segment of our people in this country?

We tried to warn you all. They started it off with this Professor gates and the "beer summit"

they've been ramping it up ever since. Look what they did to an American citizen, Zimmerman with Trayvon Martin. They (Holder and his gang) lynched and crucified Zimmerman even after he was acquitted

that didn't work so well so they went after our citizen police instead until they got themselves full blown riots, looting's, and mayhem brought down on you THE PEOPLE who had nothing to do with any of it.

just awful what these two Obama's has done to race relations in the country. and to know it's all being done Intentionally
Your posts are just plain nutty. Seriously.
At least one of those is a foreigner (I have no idea who the last image is) but you see that second guy?

Jackie Robinson.

First black player in baseball? Nope. Nor does MLB put it that way. They're careful about that. They tell us he "broke the color line".

What was the color line? The "gentlemen's agreement" that kept black players out of the game for six decades before Robinson.

The first black player was actually Moses Walker in the 1880s. After that baseball closed ranks and kept black players......

-- all together now...


it's not happening now you lying fucking pile of shit hack fuck

that's the fucking point you fucking retard

mrs obama is nothing but a pile of shit racist, and she's supported by America hating filth like you

What the fuck does "for decades" mean on your planet Sparky? "Happening now?"

If "happening now" is the point how come you've got images up there from 40, 60 years ago?

2 are today
one died a decade ago
the rest, well dumb ass, it shows what she said, and you think, are complete and utter lies.

if you don't get it now, you are to leftist to learn.

Does it now. Even though you're completely unable to quote something to back it up. Again. Same inability over and over, expecting different results.

Maybe you're "to [sic] to learn".
quote something?


leftist quack needs a link to facts since he can't see the facts for himself.

whatever you do, don't think for yourself or you will become conservative and have to do it all the time

LMAO Thummy thinks that to 'think for yourself' means making it up as you go along. Yep, and he realizes conservatives 'have to do it all the time.' :rofl:
If I was black I might take that as slap across the face......she just threw everything any black has accomplished in the trash......a vile lie to fire up idiots

I am going to turn on the invisible NFL this fall.
I'm going to watch the invisible NBA and invisible White House.

She's such a race hustler just like her husband. But they sat in a church that preached, Black Liberation for 20 years.

As opposed to Black Enslavement?

Tough choice for some, I guess.
Yeah, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION works a hell of a lot better (for Blacks) than slavery ever did, right ? That's known as BLACK PRIVILEGE. It's also legitimately known as RACIAL DISCRIMINATION against Whites.
it's not happening now you lying fucking pile of shit hack fuck

that's the fucking point you fucking retard

mrs obama is nothing but a pile of shit racist, and she's supported by America hating filth like you

What the fuck does "for decades" mean on your planet Sparky? "Happening now?"

If "happening now" is the point how come you've got images up there from 40, 60 years ago?

2 are today
one died a decade ago
the rest, well dumb ass, it shows what she said, and you think, are complete and utter lies.

if you don't get it now, you are to leftist to learn.

Does it now. Even though you're completely unable to quote something to back it up. Again. Same inability over and over, expecting different results.

Maybe you're "to [sic] to learn".
quote something?


leftist quack needs a link to facts since he can't see the facts for himself.

whatever you do, don't think for yourself or you will become conservative and have to do it all the time

LMAO Thummy thinks that to 'think for yourself' means making it up as you go along. Yep, and he realizes conservatives 'have to do it all the time.' :rofl:
Looks like you don't have to do any thinking. You just posted 3 posts in a row, and said absolutely NOTHING.
If I was black I might take that as slap across the face......she just threw everything any black has accomplished in the trash......a vile lie to fire up idiots

I am going to turn on the invisible NFL this fall.
I'm going to watch the invisible NBA and invisible White House.

She's such a race hustler just like her husband. But they sat in a church that preached, Black Liberation for 20 years.

As opposed to Black Enslavement?

Tough choice for some, I guess.
Yeah, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION works a hell of a lot better (for Blacks) than slavery ever did, right ? That's known as BLACK PRIVILEGE. It's also legitimately known as RACIAL DISCRIMINATION against Whites.

What's your point?
I answered the poster crying the blues about black liberation. Seems to me the opposite of that is black enslavement.
Which would you recommend?

What the fuck does "for decades" mean on your planet Sparky? "Happening now?"

If "happening now" is the point how come you've got images up there from 40, 60 years ago?

2 are today
one died a decade ago
the rest, well dumb ass, it shows what she said, and you think, are complete and utter lies.

if you don't get it now, you are to leftist to learn.

Does it now. Even though you're completely unable to quote something to back it up. Again. Same inability over and over, expecting different results.

Maybe you're "to [sic] to learn".
quote something?


leftist quack needs a link to facts since he can't see the facts for himself.

whatever you do, don't think for yourself or you will become conservative and have to do it all the time

LMAO Thummy thinks that to 'think for yourself' means making it up as you go along. Yep, and he realizes conservatives 'have to do it all the time.' :rofl:
Looks like you don't have to do any thinking. You just posted 3 posts in a row, and said absolutely NOTHING.

Are you aware this note-to-self got posted on the internet?
What's your point?
I answered the poster crying the blues about black liberation. Seems to me the opposite of that is black enslavement.
Which would you recommend?

Are you aware this note-to-self got posted on the internet?

1. I would recommend the elimination of racial discrimination, ie. Black Privilege, AKA Affirmative Action. I would also recommend compensating the White victims of it, for 50 years of damages$$$$$$$ in lost and/or reduced income, AKA reparations.
EARTH TO POGO: those who unfairly receive preference over others don't need "liberation". Get it ?

2. It was a note to Esmeralda, but you can accept it as to you too, if you like. :biggrin:
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it's not happening now you lying fucking pile of shit hack fuck

that's the fucking point you fucking retard

mrs obama is nothing but a pile of shit racist, and she's supported by America hating filth like you

What the fuck does "for decades" mean on your planet Sparky? "Happening now?"

If "happening now" is the point how come you've got images up there from 40, 60 years ago?

2 are today
one died a decade ago
the rest, well dumb ass, it shows what she said, and you think, are complete and utter lies.

if you don't get it now, you are to leftist to learn.

Does it now. Even though you're completely unable to quote something to back it up. Again. Same inability over and over, expecting different results.

Maybe you're "to [sic] to learn".
quote something?


leftist quack needs a link to facts since he can't see the facts for himself.

whatever you do, don't think for yourself or you will become conservative and have to do it all the time

LMAO Thummy thinks that to 'think for yourself' means making it up as you go along. Yep, and he realizes conservatives 'have to do it all the time.' :rofl:
leftist can't think for themselves, that's why you posers need links.

you need someone to tell you your opinion.
What's your point?
I answered the poster crying the blues about black liberation. Seems to me the opposite of that is black enslavement.
Which would you recommend?

Are you aware this note-to-self got posted on the internet?

1. I would recommend the elimination of racial discrimination, ie. Black Privilege, AKA Affirmative Action. I would also recommend compensating the White victims of it, for 50 years of damages$$$$$$$ in lost and/or reduced income, AKA reparations.
EARTH TO POGO: those who unfairly receive preference over others don't need "liberation". Get it ?

No. It's completely a red herring. It's got nothing to do with the point at all. Which wasn't even yours in the first place, on either end. Get it?
Invisible? Seriously? What moron thinks blacks are invisible? They are only prominent in politics, tv, movies, writing, and sports.

Heck is there any area you don't find prominent blacks?

What kind of ignorant fool do we have in the white house?
Invisible? Seriously? What moron thinks blacks are invisible? They are only prominent in politics, tv, movies, writing, and sports.

Heck is there any area you don't find prominent blacks?

What kind of ignorant fool do we have in the white house?

You understand the difference between "past" and "present" --- do you not?
Incidentally ... Michelle O'bama is the POTUS' wife.
Invisible? Seriously? What moron thinks blacks are invisible? They are only prominent in politics, tv, movies, writing, and sports.

Heck is there any area you don't find prominent blacks?

What kind of ignorant fool do we have in the white house?

You understand the difference between "past" and "present" --- do you not?
Incidentally ... Michelle O'bama is the POTUS' wife.

And where does she live?

Ill let you think that through.

Are you seriously going to try to claim that blacks have been invisible at all in the past five decades?

Please enlighten me.
Invisible? Seriously? What moron thinks blacks are invisible? They are only prominent in politics, tv, movies, writing, and sports.

Heck is there any area you don't find prominent blacks?

What kind of ignorant fool do we have in the white house?

You understand the difference between "past" and "present" --- do you not?
Incidentally ... Michelle O'bama is the POTUS' wife.

And where does she live?

Ill let you think that through.

Are you seriously going to try to claim that blacks have been invisible at all in the past five decades?

Please enlighten me.

She didn't say anything like that.

As usual some wag writes a fabricated quote into a headline, everybody follows the wag instead of the original quote:

Obama noted that events like those in Baltimore and Ferguson have generated feelings of futility amongst black men and women who believe the institutions of civil society aren't designed to protect or represent them.

"They're rooted in decades of structural challenges that have made too many folks feel frustrated and invisible. And those feelings are playing out in communities like Baltimore and Ferguson and so many others across this country,"​

Now when one speaks of a legacy of an social foundation "rooted in decades", one is referring to the past. And in the quote she's in fact not even talking about people, but about socioeconomic "structure". Not people.

Never take a headline at face value, especially when it comes from a known biased source.
I believe the racists on this board and throughout the country would have found fault with and made a negative issue of her comments regardless of what they were. Those who have a virulent hatred of her and the president would find her, in this speech, to be everything they say she is, regardless of what she truly is or what she said. They will pervert what she actually said to serve their own purposes in misidentifying her as something she is not. They hate her, they hate the president, they even hate their children. They will create an issue out of a non-issue because of their partisanship and racism.

They will do the same thing to Hillary, Bill and Chelsea when Ms. Clinton becomes president, and harangue us with it for her 8 years in office. It begins with the campaign and will probably not end until long after her presidency. It's obvious what they are doing. It has nothing to do with reality, truth, or what is good for the country. It's all about partisanship, and in the case of the Obamas, also racism.

I would have thought that having a minority person as president would create an avenue to help with racial issues, to open a door for the minority person to bring other minority people into the mainstream of our country, to pay attention to their concerns, etc. Instead, it has opened an avenue for the virulent white racists, who are part of the majority race and not an oppressed minority, to whine and bitch and moan endlessly how they are the victims, and to make the racial divide in the country even worse than it was before.

And, then, of course, turn around and blame the increased racial divide on the president, democrats and liberals.
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Will someone remind her that the first family of the USA is BLACK? WTF is wrong with that woman?

Michelle Obama Blacks have been frustrated and invisible for decades WashingtonExaminer.com

First Lady Michelle Obama urged students at Tuskegee University, a historically black university in Alabama, to remain involved in civic life during a time of tension regarding race relations across the country.

At the school's commencement address, the First Lady listed scenarios in which African-Americans feel they encounter systemic discrimination, such as "nagging worries that you're going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason." She said those feelings are "real," but disengaging is not an option.

Oh Boo Hoo! Life is so tough for the millionaire First Lady.


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