Michelle Obama: Blacks have been 'frustrated and invisible' for 'decades'

This woman is absolutely consumed by skin color.

Yes, MLK would be sickened and ashamed of both the Obama's, Holder, Sharpton, etc

Like it really matters what MLK would think. He was a deeply flawed man that thrust himself into history at a very opportune moment. Personally he was a cuniving political a-hole just like Johnson. Morally MLK had no business preaching to anyone.
Will someone remind her that the first family of the USA is BLACK? WTF is wrong with that woman?

Michelle Obama Blacks have been frustrated and invisible for decades WashingtonExaminer.com

First Lady Michelle Obama urged students at Tuskegee University, a historically black university in Alabama, to remain involved in civic life during a time of tension regarding race relations across the country.

At the school's commencement address, the First Lady listed scenarios in which African-Americans feel they encounter systemic discrimination, such as "nagging worries that you're going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason." She said those feelings are "real," but disengaging is not an option.

Will someone remind Freewilly that "decades" is a comment about the past and not the present day so much. Let's assume that the Obamas know where they reside...just for the sake of Freewilly not appearing a willfully ignorant stooge.

At least with her "I was never proud" comment she qualified it to the point where Obama won the presidency. Here it is open ended. In other words, for decades and still today is more in line with what I read then the fodder you are throwing at the wall.
A good summery neither of the Obama's wants you to KNOW and what MANY of the people in this country has been saying for over 40 years of my life. But then they get beat down with, you don't care for the womeeen, children, and ads from the Democrat party with someone pushing Grandma over cliff in a wheel chair.

Destructive Behavior in Baltimore Based On Leftism, Not Race
Derryck Green
May 9, 2015
4:41 pm

An article in the Wall Street Journal comes very close to diagnosing the root of the problem we saw on display in Baltimore the past few weeks. William McGurn says the quality of life conditions and riots weren’t about race, but about the generational effects and consequences of 50 years of progressive policies.

McGurn says,

Baltimore is but the latest liberal-blue city where government has failed to do the one thing it ought—i.e., put the cops on the side of the vulnerable and law-abiding—while pursuing “solutions” that in practice enfeeble families and social institutions and local economies.

These supposed solutions do this by substituting federal transfers for fathers and families. They do it by favoring community organizing and government projects over private investment. And they do it by propping up failing public-school systems that operate as jobs programs for the teachers unions instead of centers of learning.

If our inner-city African-American communities suffer disproportionately from crippling social pathologies that make upward mobility difficult—and they do—it is in large part because they have disproportionately been on the receiving end of this five-decade-long progressive experiment in government beneficence.

How do we know? Because when we look at a slice of white America that was showered with the same Great Society good intentions—Appalachia—we find the same dysfunctions: greater dependency, more single-parent families and the absence of the good, private-sector jobs that only a growing economy can create.

There you have it. Geographical incubators of Leftism always and everywhere show the destructive effects of too much government intervention, regardless of race.

all of it here:
PROOF That Liberalism to Blame for Baltimore Riots Not Racism
Will someone remind her that the first family of the USA is BLACK? WTF is wrong with that woman?

Michelle Obama Blacks have been frustrated and invisible for decades WashingtonExaminer.com

First Lady Michelle Obama urged students at Tuskegee University, a historically black university in Alabama, to remain involved in civic life during a time of tension regarding race relations across the country.

At the school's commencement address, the First Lady listed scenarios in which African-Americans feel they encounter systemic discrimination, such as "nagging worries that you're going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason." She said those feelings are "real," but disengaging is not an option.

Will someone remind Freewilly that "decades" is a comment about the past and not the present day so much. Let's assume that the Obamas know where they reside...just for the sake of Freewilly not appearing a willfully ignorant stooge.

At least with her "I was never proud" comment she qualified it to the point where Obama won the presidency. Here it is open ended. In other words, for decades and still today is more in line with what I read then the fodder you are throwing at the wall.

I wasn't "throwing anything at a wall"...unless you want to count the wall of ignorance of the so called christians and fascist RWers. Mrs Obama has every right to say anything she wants. You are welcome to ignore her.
This woman is absolutely consumed by skin color.

Yes, MLK would be sickened and ashamed of both the Obama's, Holder, Sharpton, etc

Like it really matters what MLK would think. He was a deeply flawed man that thrust himself into history at a very opportune moment. Personally he was a cuniving political a-hole just like Johnson. Morally MLK had no business preaching to anyone.
Then no one should preach to anyone, since we're all flawed humans.

I'll still adhere to his "...not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" admonition, because I believe in it.

A good summery neither of the Obama's wants you to KNOW and what MANY of the people in this country has been saying for over 40 years of my life. But then they get beat down with, you don't care for the womeeen, children, and ads from the Democrat party with someone pushing Grandma over cliff in a wheel chair.

Destructive Behavior in Baltimore Based On Leftism, Not Race
View attachment 41025Derryck Green
May 9, 2015
4:41 pm

An article in the Wall Street Journal comes very close to diagnosing the root of the problem we saw on display in Baltimore the past few weeks. William McGurn says the quality of life conditions and riots weren’t about race, but about the generational effects and consequences of 50 years of progressive policies.

McGurn says,

Baltimore is but the latest liberal-blue city where government has failed to do the one thing it ought—i.e., put the cops on the side of the vulnerable and law-abiding—while pursuing “solutions” that in practice enfeeble families and social institutions and local economies.

These supposed solutions do this by substituting federal transfers for fathers and families. They do it by favoring community organizing and government projects over private investment. And they do it by propping up failing public-school systems that operate as jobs programs for the teachers unions instead of centers of learning.

If our inner-city African-American communities suffer disproportionately from crippling social pathologies that make upward mobility difficult—and they do—it is in large part because they have disproportionately been on the receiving end of this five-decade-long progressive experiment in government beneficence.

How do we know? Because when we look at a slice of white America that was showered with the same Great Society good intentions—Appalachia—we find the same dysfunctions: greater dependency, more single-parent families and the absence of the good, private-sector jobs that only a growing economy can create.

There you have it. Geographical incubators of Leftism always and everywhere show the destructive effects of too much government intervention, regardless of race.

all of it here:
PROOF That Liberalism to Blame for Baltimore Riots Not Racism

I don't follow what the dems do as far as their ads on TV. You are making some reference to the death panels/deciders or whatever the phrase was several years ago? It was probably on cable. I don't get the National Fox, NBC etc feeds. They do not interest me in the slightest so I refuse to pay for the right to see them. I get my information from far better minds than what is presented on television.
She's right.

Unless you're a Black guy on the street, no one notices you. No one cares.

The big crime these days is Black While Walking.
Moved to Harlem or east St. Louis Luddy. Go ahead and see how long you live.

My daughter ( just turned 19 ) has been living in Harlem for almost a year now. Not even a single near death experience. Don't live your life in fear, dummy.
This woman is absolutely consumed by skin color.

Yes, MLK would be sickened and ashamed of both the Obama's, Holder, Sharpton, etc

Like it really matters what MLK would think. He was a deeply flawed man that thrust himself into history at a very opportune moment. Personally he was a cuniving political a-hole just like Johnson. Morally MLK had no business preaching to anyone.
Then no one should preach to anyone, since we're all flawed humans.

I'll still adhere to his "...not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" admonition, because I believe in it.

That was one of the best things MLK came up with. It is paradoxical how flawed his character was and still uttered that phrase with a straight face. :lol:
This woman is absolutely consumed by skin color.

Yes, MLK would be sickened and ashamed of both the Obama's, Holder, Sharpton, etc

Like it really matters what MLK would think. He was a deeply flawed man that thrust himself into history at a very opportune moment. Personally he was a cuniving political a-hole just like Johnson. Morally MLK had no business preaching to anyone.
Then no one should preach to anyone, since we're all flawed humans.

I'll still adhere to his "...not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" admonition, because I believe in it.

That was one of the best things MLK came up with. It is paradoxical how flawed his character was and still uttered that phrase with a straight face. :lol:
Well, that can be said about pretty much any "leader".

This woman is absolutely consumed by skin color.

Yes, MLK would be sickened and ashamed of both the Obama's, Holder, Sharpton, etc

Like it really matters what MLK would think. He was a deeply flawed man that thrust himself into history at a very opportune moment. Personally he was a cuniving political a-hole just like Johnson. Morally MLK had no business preaching to anyone.
Then no one should preach to anyone, since we're all flawed humans.

I'll still adhere to his "...not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" admonition, because I believe in it.

That was one of the best things MLK came up with. It is paradoxical how flawed his character was and still uttered that phrase with a straight face. :lol:
Well, that can be said about pretty much any "leader".
Where did these little idiots get the idea that if Einstein was a bad father, the math is wrong?
Yes, MLK would be sickened and ashamed of both the Obama's, Holder, Sharpton, etc

Like it really matters what MLK would think. He was a deeply flawed man that thrust himself into history at a very opportune moment. Personally he was a cuniving political a-hole just like Johnson. Morally MLK had no business preaching to anyone.
Then no one should preach to anyone, since we're all flawed humans.

I'll still adhere to his "...not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" admonition, because I believe in it.

That was one of the best things MLK came up with. It is paradoxical how flawed his character was and still uttered that phrase with a straight face. :lol:
Well, that can be said about pretty much any "leader".
Where did these little idiots get the idea that if Einstein was a bad father, the math is wrong?
These are weird, binary times. If this, then that.

Like it really matters what MLK would think. He was a deeply flawed man that thrust himself into history at a very opportune moment. Personally he was a cuniving political a-hole just like Johnson. Morally MLK had no business preaching to anyone.
Then no one should preach to anyone, since we're all flawed humans.

I'll still adhere to his "...not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" admonition, because I believe in it.

That was one of the best things MLK came up with. It is paradoxical how flawed his character was and still uttered that phrase with a straight face. :lol:
Well, that can be said about pretty much any "leader".
Where did these little idiots get the idea that if Einstein was a bad father, the math is wrong?
These are weird, binary times. If this, then that.


That's rich coming from you.
We just all need to PRAY we get through the next year and half with these two spewing crap from their Ivory tower and on a National soapbox

They are disgusting, degrading and black people should be offended AT their insinuations.
If they want the business communities attention...Well, they better stop rioting, sacking, looting and destroying them.

Maybe get a education and be a decent human being for once.

"They" ?
blacks do that, huh?


Good point. Black Conservatives, Blacks who believe in personal accountability, and Blacks who don't blame whites and Republicans for the Blacks who burn down their communities are definitely not part of the "They" or "All".

famous black peole - Yahoo Image Search Results

typing here so everyone knows it's not a blank posting

At least one of those is a foreigner (I have no idea who the last image is) but you see that second guy?

Jackie Robinson.

First black player in baseball? Nope. Nor does MLB put it that way. They're careful about that. They tell us he "broke the color line".

What was the color line? The "gentlemen's agreement" that kept black players out of the game for six decades before Robinson.

The first black player was actually Moses Walker in the 1880s. After that baseball closed ranks and kept black players......

-- all together now...


it's not happening now you lying fucking pile of shit hack fuck

that's the fucking point you fucking retard

mrs obama is nothing but a pile of shit racist, and she's supported by America hating filth like you

What the fuck does "for decades" mean on your planet Sparky? "Happening now?"

If "happening now" is the point how come you've got images up there from 40, 60 years ago?


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