Michelle Obama makes kids eat "Healthy" as her own children eat Real food

you're making a fool of your self GT;
either ignorant of or willfully ignoring that it is an unfunded mandate
So many old assed wingnuts stuck in their small minded little ways always - always fail to understand nuance.

Michelle wants obesity to be curbed.

So freak if you see her eat a cheeseburger! (yea, makes sense I mean of course shes looking to mandate that 100% of people eat PERFECT food 100% of the time! (except she isn't)).

Pea brains. That's all, you're just pea brains.

I'd like to curb alcoholism, too, in this Country. Ironically, I have a few drinks now and then. DERP DERP HOW DOES DAT WORK YOU MORAAAAN!

LOL unreal

thousands die from alcohol abuse

according to your logic we need an national unfunded mandate to force you to make better choices

gosh us stupid

so apparently you cant tell the difference between public school

and private society

let one of your best buds explain this to you
no, ive seen your fat fucking beer gut when you posted your pic, scooter

I've never posted my actual photo on one of these message boards, stupid. Only an idiot - like yourself - would do such a rediculous thing. God, what a dope.
So many old assed wingnuts stuck in their small minded little ways always - always fail to understand nuance.

Michelle wants obesity to be curbed.

So freak if you see her eat a cheeseburger! (yea, makes sense I mean of course shes looking to mandate that 100% of people eat PERFECT food 100% of the time! (except she isn't)).

Pea brains. That's all, you're just pea brains.

I'd like to curb alcoholism, too, in this Country. Ironically, I have a few drinks now and then. DERP DERP HOW DOES DAT WORK YOU MORAAAAN!

LOL unreal

thousands die from alcohol abuse

according to your logic we need an national unfunded mandate to force you to make better choices

gosh us stupid

so apparently you cant tell the difference between public school

and private society

let one of your best buds explain this to you

good one stupid; but dont you leftardz say we subsidize ER visits?
alcohol consumption leads to health costs borne by the governemnt
who do you see the highest rates of obesity and heart disease in leftard?

take a wild guess
shes skinnier than you

and can likely do more pushups

cuz she's a hermaphrodite?

its best when you make posts like these, revealing your true colors and insecurities, and most of all, your biases which cloud your judgment.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy he's making fun of my Messiah's wife!!
there ought to be a law against that!

lol go cry moron!
no, ive seen your fat fucking beer gut when you posted your pic, scooter

I've never posted my actual photo on one of these message boards, stupid. Only an idiot - like yourself - would do such a rediculous thing. God, what a dope.

wowo youre catfishing usmb?



what an imbecile

is a picture required here?
cant we have anything for an avatar?
did he say or imply the picture in his icon is him?

you're an idiot; desperate for relevence
no, my daughter has a perfectly reasonable diet fully within my control

but thanks for sharing more of your oddball warped fantasy thinking

good one stupid

you have control but your left-wing beliefs think you need to force others to act as you do; whether they want to or not

becaue they cant help themselves; and they NEED people like you who "care"

ur a joke

No, I don't care how others feed themselves.

This is a thread regarding how TAXPAYERS feed them. Ding bat.

let's do the same to all TAXPAYER foods...

since you democraps have so much CONCERN that people eat well and don't become obese i suggest you also restrict food stamps to strictly healthy slimming foods....

but we won't ever see that will we.....? ...ur more worried about getting votes.....you know your EBT voters would rebel....

HYPOCRITS from flotus on down...:eusa_hand:
good one stupid

you have control but your left-wing beliefs think you need to force others to act as you do; whether they want to or not

becaue they cant help themselves; and they NEED people like you who "care"

ur a joke

No, I don't care how others feed themselves.

This is a thread regarding how TAXPAYERS feed them. Ding bat.

let's do the same to all TAXPAYER foods...

since you democraps have so much CONCERN that people eat well and don't become obese i suggest you also restrict food stamps to strictly healthy slimming foods....

but we won't ever see that will we.....? ...ur more worried about getting votes.....you know your EBT voters would rebel....

HYPOCRITS from flotus on down...:eusa_hand:


im 100% and alwayshave been for a mandate for healthier foods when bought with food stamps
i suggest you also restrict food stamps to strictly healthy slimming foods....

That would mean no more movie rentals, cigarettes, beer and KFC.

You OK with that GT-asswipe? CONTROL the use of Food Stamps and CAP the period in which one is eligible, i.e. 6 months to find a job?
Here's what's funny...these loons have justified ridiculous entitlement program increases...citing that the children of America are going to school HUNGRY, and the only food they eat they often receive at school.

So what do they do after they increase the number of people on welfare?

Why, reduce the calories that are offered at school, and make it as unappetizing as possible, of course, at a higher cost!


So if all our kids are hungry, how is it that they're obese?

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