Michelle Obama says America is entering a time of hopelessness

I wonder why when posters show how SHALLOW these lefty screwballs are, they just seem to let the thread fade away, lol. The left is soooooo phony, it isn't even funny.

No offense to Trump supporters, but I do not have a high confidence level he is going to succeed in total as an administration. (although he certainly is choosing exceptional people)

But I want to remind all of you that he.......and YOU as his staunch supporters.........have an opportunity to do what was out of the realm of possibility just 2 months ago, and that is dismantle the DEMOCRATIC....FAR LEFTIST......socialist, Marxist, phony baloney, goofballs for a very, very, long time!

If you hold Trumps feet to the fire if that is what it takes to succeed, and he and you make it happen, YOU will have actually saved the Republic from turning into something our forefathers never intended when they assembled the greatest country ever envisioned on the face of this planet.

I do not care WHO your opponent was; you managed to STOP the far leftist freight train, even as they laughed at everyone that it was "impossible to stop them!" Mcain could not do it! Romney could do not do it! It took someone who refused to play nice, just like every far leftist in politics, and on this board does.

And so, I was a Cruz supporter, but I will remind ALL of you, that to the victor goes the spoils, AND THE RESPONSIBILITY! Never, ever, never-ever allow the far leftists back in. These people are NOT Democrats, they have pulled a coup, and have taken over that party of JFK. If JFK was President today, he would prosecute most of them for TREASON!

JFK had the gonads to INSURE that black Americans got a fair deal. He also had the balls to go against the DEMOCRATS who would keep black America out of the schools, and everywhere else.

With winning comes GREAT RESPONSIBILITY Trumpsters! You MUST educate the people on WHO the real RACISTS were, and are! You MUST make sure that Trump revitalizes the inner city. You must insure that Trump gets a constitutionalist into the Supreme Court.

Do these things, and your movement will have songs written about it for years! You will be the generation, and movement, that saved America when all was lost. You pulled victory, from the jaws of defeat by beating Hilly and the far left wing. BUUUUUUTTTTTTTT, if you fail, it is on YOU! This wasn't----->you were going to elect Trump, and then go back to sleep. Oh no! The left is doing EVERYTHING they can to delegitimize you, and the political victory.

YOU are going to have to SLAP the left, and we will help and support you! Never fear, they are keyboard warriors, and weak snowflakes. All you need do is slap them once, and they will ALL run for their safe places, but slap them you must. If you stand up to them.........no, just run their snowflake asses over, they will collapse because they never, ever had to do anything in their lives but bitch! You MUST do this, AND stay politically engaged. If you do not, everything you worked for will be lost, and the snowflakes will be back telling all of us what to do again.

In closing, let me say this---------> do ya know how in the last 7 or 8 years, the mighty leftists when questioned by any of us IN person, would raise their voice and feign anger! Well, times have changed!!!!!!! You have Trump, and the next time they raise their voice to you, tell them to...."FU** off SNOWFLAKE, and let adults fix what you and your ilk have FU**** UP!" And if they try to reassert themselves? Laugh at them, lol. They control NOTHING, and as long as YOU stay engaged, they never will-)
Trump is the second coming of Camelot......
She was an INCREDIBLE first lady......what she did to help those schoolgirls who were kidnapped in Nigeria was just AMAZING!!!

What did she do for them? The girls that were not executed were dispersed across Nigeria to likely be used as Boko Haram sex slaves.

These hashtag awareness campaigns do jackshit.
Well I guess Michelle can go back to not feeling proud to be an American.
Perhaps she'll go back to re-writing her Princeton thesis…Christopher Hitchens wrote, ‘ "To describe [the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be 'read' at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language." … Almost assuredly, the gap between her writing and that of her highly talented colleagues marked her as an affirmative action admission, and the profs finessed her through."
daveinboca: Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

Seems the thesis needs a little work.....

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