Michigan about to be lost to republicans for a generation

apparently you ability to comprehend is sorely lacking. it is no coincidence that unionized states create higher overall wages than RTW states. Unions help drive wages up, no down.

and its not my interpretation of the laws, its the actual interpretation of the law. you have yet to post an intelligent comment yet. your posts are all RW talking points. do you have any actual thoughts of your own?

That is still page one of the talking points. Didn't understand page two huh? Yes, unions are so successful that their membership shrinks each year. Idiot.
if what your claiming is true, then why does the right feel the need to legislate them out? apparently they scared of something. would that something be workers rights and higher wages for the middle class?

can you finally add something intelligent to the conversation? or are you just gonna continue to be a giant douche?
The right is pro-freedom. The left is anti-freedom. You know how you can tell? You legislate against freedom all the time.
It's funny when people who are incapable of thinking for themselves believe they can dictate to me what my interests are.

You know what's in my best interests?

You leaving me the hell alone to make my own decisions. Because you're incompetent to live my life.

It really is scary to consider how much they want to rule our lives. What's wrong with just letting us rule ourselves? Why wouldnt they want the same?
That is still page one of the talking points. Didn't understand page two huh? Yes, unions are so successful that their membership shrinks each year. Idiot.
if what your claiming is true, then why does the right feel the need to legislate them out? apparently they scared of something. would that something be workers rights and higher wages for the middle class?

can you finally add something intelligent to the conversation? or are you just gonna continue to be a giant douche?
The right is pro-freedom. The left is anti-freedom. You know how you can tell? You legislate against freedom all the time.
its funny you say that, because the right consistently tries to take away freedoms. the right is trying to legislate the right for same sex couples to get married, they are trying to legislate away the right to not believe in religion by forcing prayer in school, legislate a woman's right to have an abortion, legislate that women who want to have an abortion go through personally violating procedures prior to doing so. you feel the need to legislate the rules between an employer and a union. you may say you believe in a small and unobtrusive government, but in practice you support big government intervention when it suits your personal beliefs and needs.
It's funny when people who are incapable of thinking for themselves believe they can dictate to me what my interests are.

You know what's in my best interests?

You leaving me the hell alone to make my own decisions. Because you're incompetent to live my life.

It really is scary to consider how much they want to rule our lives. What's wrong with just letting us rule ourselves? Why wouldnt they want the same?
I have some thoughts on that.

They hate freedom because there's the possibility that people will not choose to support the left's agenda. And if there's anything the left loves, it's power. So, people must be prevented from making the wrong choice by having the correct leftist-approved choice mandated by threat of government force. It's happened time and again throughout history, and there's nothing in the current crop of progs to suggest anything will be different.
we are not proposing that all shops become union shops. the employer has always had the opportunity on whether it has to accept becoming a union shop or not. is this lost on you? are you really that dumb that you dont understand this?

are the dems proposing legislation forcing employers to become unions?
however can the same can not be said about the right?

Just totally giving up on capital letters huh? Tell more lies, as if telling the truth was even a possibility with you.
point to a single piece of legislation proposed by the left that will force all employers to become union shops?

until you answer this simple question, your are officially both irrelevant and ignorant.
As the tittle says, this push by a minority to turn Michigan to a right to work state by holding closed doors meeting and other crazy stuff, the best part is its having a major effect, workers are now more united than ever, getting stronger. This will push Michigan into FIRM democrat control, the dems are now primed to take back pretty much every state branch of government. This is one of the best things that has happened in a long time. Oh and looks like Wisconsin is shifting too, hell Paul Ryan couldn't even win his home district in the 2012 election, gov. Walker is weaker than ever now, this is very awesome, it's destroying the republican party this this part of the country for a generation.

Where have you been asswipe, Dems controlled this state for a Generation up until the last election.
its funny you say that, because the right consistently tries to take away freedoms. the right is trying to legislate the right for same sex couples to get married, they are trying to legislate away the right to not believe in religion by forcing prayer in school, legislate a woman's right to have an abortion, legislate that women who want to have an abortion go through personally violating procedures prior to doing so. you feel the need to legislate the rules between an employer and a union. you may say you believe in a small and unobtrusive government, but in practice you support big government intervention when it suits your personal beliefs and needs.

You do realize that the so called gay marriage movement isnt about giving rights, don't you? It's about empowering the government to regulate homosexual relationships. No one can stop homosexuals from entering any sort of private agreement they want to and calling it wahtever they want. But the government can't have that. They have to be in control and regulate everything. I would have no problem if Government didn't regulate regulate marriage.

And no. Telling people they aren't forced in an organization doesn't regulate rules betweeen an employer and a union. Preventing unions from seizing "dues" from people who want nothing to do with them and spending them in ways they dont want, is not regulating the relationship between an employer and a union. It's empowering individuals to make their own choices.

Which is of course, why the left doesn't like that.
point to a single piece of legislation proposed by the left that will force all employers to become union shops?

until you answer this simple question, your are officially both irrelevant and ignorant.

I'm going to need to see your official licensing agreement first. In the meantime, show me a law that closes all union shops.
I have some thoughts on that.

They hate freedom because there's the possibility that people will not choose to support the left's agenda. And if there's anything the left loves, it's power. So, people must be prevented from making the wrong choice by having the correct leftist-approved choice mandated by threat of government force. It's happened time and again throughout history, and there's nothing in the current crop of progs to suggest anything will be different.

But if power is all they want, they could easily just decide to give the people what they want rather than force people to their will.
its funny you say that, because the right consistently tries to take away freedoms. the right is trying to legislate the right for same sex couples to get married, they are trying to legislate away the right to not believe in religion by forcing prayer in school, legislate a woman's right to have an abortion, legislate that women who want to have an abortion go through personally violating procedures prior to doing so. you feel the need to legislate the rules between an employer and a union. you may say you believe in a small and unobtrusive government, but in practice you support big government intervention when it suits your personal beliefs and needs.

You do realize that the so called gay marriage movement isnt about giving rights, don't you? It's about empowering the government to regulate homosexual relationships. No one can stop homosexuals from entering any sort of private agreement they want to and calling it wahtever they want. But the government can't have that. They have to be in control and regulate everything. I would have no problem if Government didn't regulate regulate marriage.

And no. Telling people they aren't forced in an organization doesn't regulate rules betweeen an employer and a union. Preventing unions from seizing "dues" from people who want nothing to do with them and spending them in ways they dont want, is not regulating the relationship between an employer and a union. It's empowering individuals to make their own choices.

Which is of course, why the left doesn't like that.
point to a piece of legislation directed as regulating homosexual activities produced by the left? the only legislation that is consistently touted is by the right trying to change constitutions (both state and the constitution) to define marriage as between 1 man and 1 woman. the left does not propose legislation seeking to limit the same rights on heterosexual couples, so whos the one trying to legislate away rights here?

again, point to a piece of legislation that states all employees must be part of a union? there is not a single one that exists. the employer has always had the opportunity to reject becoming a union shop, while at the same time workers are never forces to accept a union job. this is the essence of freedom of choice.

when you join a union you are accepting the fact the you will be dues to be a member, however again no one ever forces you to join a union, this is a personal choice you make.
point to a single piece of legislation proposed by the left that will force all employers to become union shops?

until you answer this simple question, your are officially both irrelevant and ignorant.

I'm going to need to see your official licensing agreement first. In the meantime, show me a law that closes all union shops.
I posted the exact wording of the Michigan legislation. if you are too dumb to understand it, then thats your personal problem.
when you join a union you are accepting the fact the you will be dues to be a member, however again no one ever forces you to join a union, this is a personal choice you make.

All this law does is reinforces the choice you just suggested.
Unions have NOT been legislated out. I can only conclude that you are a hack or limited in your ability to read and write. You THINK there are union jobs. lol
read the legislation. the purpose of passing "right to work" law is to limit the power of unions, ergo push unions out of business. do you really have that hard of time understanding the english language?

That's right put unions out of business before they drive more companies out of the state or into the ground. Get their boots off the neck of business.

How? Didn't Hostess just put themselves out of business because of management stupidity? Weren't they rewarded because they sucked all they could out of a company? Is this your version of capitalism?
when you join a union you are accepting the fact the you will be dues to be a member, however again no one ever forces you to join a union, this is a personal choice you make.

All this law does is reinforces the choice you just suggested.
again, why do you need to legislate this? why do you feel the need to pass laws targeted specifically at unions? do you see similar legislation from the left trying to do the exact opposite? you conservative claim to be about small government, then do the exact opposite. ignorant hypocrite.
apparently you ability to comprehend is sorely lacking. it is no coincidence that unionized states create higher overall wages than RTW states. Unions help drive wages up, no down.

and its not my interpretation of the laws, its the actual interpretation of the law. you have yet to post an intelligent comment yet. your posts are all RW talking points. do you have any actual thoughts of your own?

You aren't one to lecture anyone else.
Unionized labor brings higher wages. But only to those working. Unions also bring less job growth and higher unemployment. Great if you're inside the moat. Sucks for you to be outside.

Again, you charge more for something, you sell less of it. Basic Econ 101. Something you obviously failed.
right... and your proof is......

ill be waiting for it.....

What would you consider proof such that you would admit I am right?
unions do not extort money from their members. no one is forced to join a union as no one is forced to accept a union job. Unions are not simply going away, they are being legislated away. why does the right feel the need to interject itself in the employer employee relationship? apparently small government principles only apply when you agree with the reasons for it.

Why does the left feel the need to interject a union between employee and employer? Government isn't between the employer and employee, its allowing options for the employee with a union. What a whiner.
we are not proposing that all shops become union shops. the employer has always had the opportunity on whether it has to accept becoming a union shop or not. is this lost on you? are you really that dumb that you dont understand this?

are the dems proposing legislation forcing employers to become unions?
however can the same can not be said about the right?

In non-RTW states the choice rests with the employees, not the business. 51% of the employees can force a business to become a union shop.
when you join a union you are accepting the fact the you will be dues to be a member, however again no one ever forces you to join a union, this is a personal choice you make.

All this law does is reinforces the choice you just suggested.
again, why do you need to legislate this? why do you feel the need to pass laws targeted specifically at unions? do you see similar legislation from the left trying to do the exact opposite? you conservative claim to be about small government, then do the exact opposite. ignorant hypocrite.

You need to legislate this because currently Michigan is a closed shop. That means if the business is unionized you must join the union to work there. That's what it's all about, in case you missed it.
How awful that people be given the freedom to choose for themselves if union membership is right for them.

You mean take all the advantages of union membership without the work?

When the union fights for safer working conditions, the non-union employee benefits. Same with higher wages or protections from abusive managers.

How does a Plutocrat say, "Fuck you"? "Trust me!"

Safer working environments? :lol: Sorry... We have OSHA for that.
when you join a union you are accepting the fact the you will be dues to be a member, however again no one ever forces you to join a union, this is a personal choice you make.

All this law does is reinforces the choice you just suggested.
again, why do you need to legislate this? why do you feel the need to pass laws targeted specifically at unions? do you see similar legislation from the left trying to do the exact opposite? you conservative claim to be about small government, then do the exact opposite. ignorant hypocrite.

Because unions abused the system. Reap what you sowed.

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